blob: ecc9347b7e44f465bc8d290d7698f627f6f2f732 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// A mixin declaration introduces a type.
// A mixin with multiple super-types and implemented types.
class A {}
class B {}
class I {}
class J {}
mixin M on A, B implements I, J {}
class C implements A, B {}
class D = C with M;
// Same, with generics.
class GA<T> {}
class GB<T> {}
class GI<T> {}
class GJ<T> {}
mixin GM<T> on GA<T>, GB<List<T>> implements GI<Iterable<T>>, GJ<Set<T>> {}
class GC<T> implements GA<T>, GB<List<T>> {}
class GD<T> = GC<T> with GM<T>;
bool expectSubtype<Sub, Super>() {
if (<Sub>[] is! List<Super>) {"$Sub is not a subtype of $Super");
bool expectNotSubtype<Sub, Super>() {
if (<Sub>[] is List<Super>) {"$Sub is a subtype of $Super");
main() {
expectSubtype<M, A>();
expectSubtype<M, B>();
expectSubtype<M, I>();
expectSubtype<M, J>();
expectSubtype<D, M>();
expectSubtype<D, C>();
expectNotSubtype<M, C>();
expectNotSubtype<C, M>();
expectSubtype<GM<int>, GA<int>>();
expectSubtype<GM<int>, GB<int>>();
expectSubtype<GM<int>, GI<int>>();
expectSubtype<GM<int>, GJ<int>>();
expectSubtype<GD<int>, GM<int>>();
expectSubtype<GD<int>, GC<int>>();
expectNotSubtype<GM<int>, GC<int>>();
expectNotSubtype<GC<int>, GM<int>>();