blob: 9dce84ae5c330d9c2d6951f9a04f6210c25689dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_maps/source_maps.dart';
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
/// This is a fork of package:source_map_stack_trace, a tool for
/// dart2js-compiled code, reworked for DDC.
/// Convert [stackTrace], a stack trace generated by DDC-compiled
/// JavaScript, to a native-looking stack trace using [sourceMap].
/// [roots] are the paths (usually `http:` URI strings) that DDC applications
/// are served from. This is used to identify sdk and package URIs.
StackTrace mapStackTrace(Mapping sourceMap, StackTrace stackTrace,
{List<String> roots}) {
if (stackTrace is Chain) {
return Chain( {
return Trace.from(mapStackTrace(sourceMap, trace, roots: roots));
var trace = Trace.from(stackTrace);
return Trace( {
// If there's no line information, there's no way to translate this frame.
// We could return it as-is, but these lines are usually not useful anyways.
if (frame.line == null) return null;
// If there's no column, try using the first column of the line.
var column = frame.column == null ? 0 : frame.column;
// Subtract 1 because stack traces use 1-indexed lines and columns and
// source maps uses 0-indexed.
var span = sourceMap.spanFor(frame.line - 1, column - 1,
uri: frame.uri?.toString());
// If we can't find a source span, ignore the frame. It's probably something
// internal that the user doesn't care about.
if (span == null) return null;
var sourceUrl = span.sourceUrl.toString();
for (var root in roots) {
if (root != null && p.url.isWithin(root, sourceUrl)) {
var relative = p.url.relative(sourceUrl, from: root);
if (relative.contains('dart:')) {
sourceUrl = relative.substring(relative.indexOf('dart:'));
var packageRoot = '$root/packages';
if (p.url.isWithin(packageRoot, sourceUrl)) {
sourceUrl = "package:" + p.url.relative(sourceUrl, from: packageRoot);
if (!sourceUrl.startsWith('dart:') &&
!sourceUrl.startsWith('package:') &&
sourceUrl.contains('dart_sdk.js')) {
// This compresses the long dart_sdk URLs if SDK source maps are missing.
// It's no longer linkable, but neither are the properly mapped ones
// above.
sourceUrl = 'dart:sdk_internal';
return Frame(Uri.parse(sourceUrl), span.start.line + 1,
span.start.column + 1, _prettifyMember(frame.member));
}).where((frame) => frame != null));
/// Reformats a JS member name to make it look more Dart-like.
String _prettifyMember(String member) {
var last = member.lastIndexOf('.');
if (last < 0) return member;
var suffix = member.substring(last + 1);
return suffix == 'fn' ? member : suffix;