blob: ce8b297fa1a13e470b44b81ad2bfb980164a1786 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as protocol;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/available_declarations.dart';
/// Compute which suggestion sets should be included into completion inside
/// the given [resolvedUnit] of a file. Depending on the file path, it might
/// include different sets, e.g. inside the `lib/` directory of a `Pub` package
/// only regular dependencies can be referenced, but `test/` can reference
/// both regular and "dev" dependencies.
List<protocol.IncludedSuggestionSet> computeIncludedSetList(
DeclarationsTracker tracker,
ResolvedUnitResult resolvedUnit,
) {
var analysisContext = resolvedUnit.session.analysisContext;
var context = tracker.getContext(analysisContext);
if (context == null) return const [];
var librariesObject = context.getLibraries(resolvedUnit.path);
var includedSetList = <protocol.IncludedSuggestionSet>[];
var importedUriSet = resolvedUnit.libraryElement.importedLibraries
.map((importedLibrary) => importedLibrary.source.uri)
void includeLibrary(
Library library,
int importedRelevance,
int deprecatedRelevance,
int otherwiseRelevance,
) {
int relevance;
if (importedUriSet.contains(library.uri)) {
relevance = importedRelevance;
} else if (library.isDeprecated) {
relevance = deprecatedRelevance;
} else {
relevance = otherwiseRelevance;
displayUri: _getRelativeFileUri(resolvedUnit, library.uri),
for (var library in librariesObject.context) {
includeLibrary(library, 8, 2, 5);
for (var library in librariesObject.dependencies) {
includeLibrary(library, 7, 1, 4);
for (var library in librariesObject.sdk) {
includeLibrary(library, 6, 0, 3);
return includedSetList;
/// Convert the [LibraryChange] into the corresponding protocol notification.
protocol.Notification createCompletionAvailableSuggestionsNotification(
List<Library> changed,
List<int> removed,
) {
return protocol.CompletionAvailableSuggestionsParams(
changedLibraries: {
return _protocolAvailableSuggestionSet(library);
removedLibraries: removed,
/// Computes the best URI to import [what] into the [unit] library.
String _getRelativeFileUri(ResolvedUnitResult unit, Uri what) {
if (what.scheme == 'file') {
var pathContext = unit.session.resourceProvider.pathContext;
var libraryPath = unit.libraryElement.source.fullName;
var libraryFolder = pathContext.dirname(libraryPath);
var whatPath = pathContext.fromUri(what);
var relativePath = pathContext.relative(whatPath, from: libraryFolder);
return pathContext.split(relativePath).join('/');
return null;
protocol.AvailableSuggestion _protocolAvailableSuggestion(
Declaration declaration) {
var label =;
if (declaration.kind == DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR) {
label =;
if ( {
label += '.${}';
if (declaration.kind == DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
label = '${}.${}';
List<String> relevanceTags;
if (declaration.relevanceTags == null) {
relevanceTags = null;
} else {
relevanceTags = List<String>.from(declaration.relevanceTags);
return protocol.AvailableSuggestion(
defaultArgumentListString: declaration.defaultArgumentListString,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: declaration.defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
docComplete: declaration.docComplete,
docSummary: declaration.docSummary,
parameterNames: declaration.parameterNames,
parameterTypes: declaration.parameterTypes,
requiredParameterCount: declaration.requiredParameterCount,
relevanceTags: relevanceTags,
protocol.AvailableSuggestionSet _protocolAvailableSuggestionSet(
Library library) {
var items = <protocol.AvailableSuggestion>[];
void addItem(Declaration declaration) {
var suggestion = _protocolAvailableSuggestion(declaration);
for (var declaration in library.declarations) {
return protocol.AvailableSuggestionSet(, library.uriStr, items);
protocol.Element _protocolElement(Declaration declaration) {
return protocol.Element(
location: protocol.Location(
0, // length
parameters: declaration.parameters,
returnType: declaration.returnType,
typeParameters: declaration.typeParameters,
int _protocolElementFlags(Declaration declaration) {
return protocol.Element.makeFlags(
isAbstract: declaration.isAbstract,
isConst: declaration.isConst,
isFinal: declaration.isFinal,
isDeprecated: declaration.isDeprecated,
// TODO(dantup): We need to expose this because the Declarations code currently
// returns declarations with DeclarationKinds but the DartCompletionManager
// gives us a list of "included ElementKinds". Maybe it would be better to expose
// includedDeclarationKinds and then just map that list to ElementKinds once in
// domain_completion for the original protocol?
protocol.ElementKind protocolElementKind(DeclarationKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case DeclarationKind.CLASS:
return protocol.ElementKind.CLASS;
case DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return protocol.ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS;
case DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
return protocol.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;
case DeclarationKind.ENUM:
return protocol.ElementKind.ENUM;
case DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return protocol.ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT;
case DeclarationKind.FUNCTION:
return protocol.ElementKind.FUNCTION;
case DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return protocol.ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS;
case DeclarationKind.GETTER:
return protocol.ElementKind.GETTER;
case DeclarationKind.MIXIN:
return protocol.ElementKind.MIXIN;
case DeclarationKind.SETTER:
return protocol.ElementKind.SETTER;
case DeclarationKind.VARIABLE:
return protocol.ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE;
return protocol.ElementKind.UNKNOWN;
class CompletionLibrariesWorker implements SchedulerWorker {
final DeclarationsTracker tracker;
AnalysisDriverPriority get workPriority {
if (tracker.hasWork) {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.priority;
} else {
return AnalysisDriverPriority.nothing;
Future<void> performWork() async {
class DeclarationsTrackerData {
final DeclarationsTracker _tracker;
/// The set of libraries reported by [_tracker] so far.
/// We create [_tracker] at the server start, but the completion domain
/// should send available declarations only when the corresponding
/// subscription is done. OTOH, we don't want the changes stream grow
/// infinitely as the same libraries are changed multiple times. So, we drain
/// the changes stream in this map, and send it at subscription.
final Map<int, Library> _idToLibrary = {};
/// When the completion domain subscribes for changes, we start redirecting
/// changes to this listener.
void Function(LibraryChange) _listener = null;
DeclarationsTrackerData(this._tracker) {
_tracker.changes.listen((change) {
if (_listener != null) {
} else {
for (var library in change.changed) {
_idToLibrary[] = library;
for (var id in change.removed) {
/// Start listening for available libraries, and return the libraries that
/// were accumulated so far.
List<Library> startListening(void Function(LibraryChange) listener) {
if (_listener != null) {
throw StateError('Already listening.');
_listener = listener;
var accumulatedLibraries = _idToLibrary.values.toList();
return accumulatedLibraries;
void stopListening() {
if (_listener == null) {
throw StateError('Not listening.');
_listener = null;