blob: cf23ea881267577554512a07ba97ea0ca7578404 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Declares the type system used by global type flow analysis.
library vm.transformations.type_flow.types;
import 'dart:core' hide Type;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
abstract class GenericInterfacesInfo {
// Return a type arguments vector which contains the immediate type parameters
// to 'klass' as well as the type arguments to all generic supertypes of
// 'klass', instantiated in terms of the type parameters on 'klass'.
// The offset into this vector from which a specific generic supertype's type
// arguments can be found is given by 'genericInterfaceOffsetFor'.
List<DartType> flattenedTypeArgumentsFor(Class klass);
// Return the offset into the flattened type arguments vector from which a
// specific generic supertype's type arguments can be found. The flattened
// type arguments vector is given by 'flattenedTypeArgumentsFor'.
int genericInterfaceOffsetFor(Class klass, Class iface);
// Similar to 'flattenedTypeArgumentsFor', but works for non-generic classes
// which may have recursive substitutions, e.g. 'class num implements
// Comparable<num>'.
// Since there are no free type variables in the result, 'RuntimeType' is
// returned instead of 'DartType'.
List<Type> flattenedTypeArgumentsForNonGeneric(Class klass);
/// Abstract interface to type hierarchy information used by types.
abstract class TypeHierarchy implements GenericInterfacesInfo {
/// Test if [subType] is a subtype of [superType].
bool isSubtype(DartType subType, DartType superType);
/// Return a more specific type for the type cone with [base] root.
/// May return EmptyType, AnyType, ConcreteType or a SetType.
Type specializeTypeCone(DartType base);
Class get futureOrClass;
Class get futureClass;
/// Basic normalization of Dart types.
/// Currently used to approximate generic and function types.
DartType _normalizeDartType(DartType type) {
if (type is InterfaceType) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): take generic type arguments into account
return type.classNode.rawType;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): support function types
return const DynamicType();
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
// TODO(alexmarkov): instantiate type parameters if possible
final bound = type.bound;
// Protect against infinite recursion in case of cyclic type parameters
// like 'T extends T'. As of today, front-end doesn't report errors in such
// cases yet.
if (bound is TypeParameterType) {
return const DynamicType();
return _normalizeDartType(bound);
return type;
/// Base class for type expressions.
/// Type expression is either a [Type] or a statement in a summary.
abstract class TypeExpr {
const TypeExpr();
/// Returns computed type of this type expression.
/// [types] is the list of types computed for the statements in the summary.
Type getComputedType(List<Type> types);
/// Base class for types inferred by the type flow analysis.
/// [Type] describes a specific set of values (Dart instances) and does not
/// directly correspond to a Dart type.
/// TODO(alexmarkov): consider detaching Type hierarchy from TypeExpr/Statement.
abstract class Type extends TypeExpr {
const Type();
/// Create an empty type.
factory Type.empty() => const EmptyType();
/// Create a non-nullable type representing a subtype cone. It contains
/// instances of all Dart types which extend, mix-in or implement [dartType].
factory Type.cone(DartType dartType) {
dartType = _normalizeDartType(dartType);
if ((dartType == const DynamicType()) || (dartType == const VoidType())) {
return const AnyType();
} else if (dartType == const BottomType()) {
return new Type.empty();
} else {
return new ConeType(dartType);
/// Create a nullable type - union of [t] and the `null` object.
factory Type.nullable(Type t) => new NullableType(t);
/// Create a type representing arbitrary nullable object (`dynamic`).
factory Type.nullableAny() => new NullableType(const AnyType());
/// Create a Type which corresponds to a set of instances constrained by
/// Dart type annotation [dartType].
factory Type.fromStatic(DartType dartType) {
dartType = _normalizeDartType(dartType);
if ((dartType == const DynamicType()) || (dartType == const VoidType())) {
return new Type.nullableAny();
} else if (dartType == const BottomType()) {
return new Type.nullable(new Type.empty());
return new Type.nullable(new ConeType(dartType));
Class getConcreteClass(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => null;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) => false;
// Returns 'true' if this type will definitely pass a runtime type-check
// against 'runtimeType'. Returns 'false' if the test might fail (e.g. due to
// an approximation).
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(
TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType runtimeType);
Type getComputedType(List<Type> types) => this;
/// Order of precedence for evaluation of union/intersection.
int get order;
/// Returns true iff this type is fully specialized.
bool get isSpecialized => true;
/// Returns specialization of this type using the given [TypeHierarchy].
Type specialize(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => this;
/// Calculate union of this and [other] types.
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy);
/// Calculate intersection of this and [other] types.
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy);
/// Order of precedence between types for evaluation of union/intersection.
enum TypeOrder {
/// Type representing the empty set of instances.
class EmptyType extends Type {
const EmptyType();
int get hashCode => 997;
bool operator ==(other) => (other is EmptyType);
String toString() => "_T {}";
int get order => TypeOrder.Empty.index;
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => other;
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => this;
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType other) {
return true;
/// Nullable type represents a union of a (non-nullable) type and the `null`
/// object. Other kinds of types do not contain `null` object (even AnyType).
class NullableType extends Type {
final Type baseType;
NullableType(this.baseType) {
assertx(baseType != null);
assertx(baseType is! NullableType);
int get hashCode => (baseType.hashCode + 31) & kHashMask;
bool operator ==(other) =>
(other is NullableType) && (this.baseType == other.baseType);
String toString() => "${baseType}?";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) =>
baseType.isSubtypeOf(typeHierarchy, dartType);
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType other) =>
baseType.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, other);
int get order => TypeOrder.Nullable.index;
bool get isSpecialized => baseType.isSpecialized;
Type specialize(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => baseType.isSpecialized
? this
: new NullableType(baseType.specialize(typeHierarchy));
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.union(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is NullableType) {
return new NullableType(baseType.union(other.baseType, typeHierarchy));
} else {
return new NullableType(baseType.union(other, typeHierarchy));
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is NullableType) {
return new NullableType(
baseType.intersection(other.baseType, typeHierarchy));
} else {
return baseType.intersection(other, typeHierarchy);
/// Type representing any instance except `null`.
/// Semantically equivalent to ConeType of Object, but more efficient.
/// Can also represent a set of types, the set of all types.
class AnyType extends Type {
const AnyType();
int get hashCode => 991;
bool operator ==(other) => (other is AnyType);
String toString() => "_T ANY";
int get order => TypeOrder.Any.index;
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.union(this, typeHierarchy);
return this;
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
return other;
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType other) {
return typeHierarchy.isSubtype(const DynamicType(), other._type);
/// SetType is a union of concrete types T1, T2, ..., Tn, where n >= 2.
/// It represents the set of instances which types are in the {T1, T2, ..., Tn}.
class SetType extends Type {
/// List of concrete types, sorted by classId.
final List<ConcreteType> types;
int _hashCode;
/// Creates a new SetType using list of concrete types sorted by classId.
SetType(this.types) {
assertx(types.length >= 2);
int get hashCode => _hashCode ??= _computeHashCode();
int _computeHashCode() {
int hash = 1237;
for (var t in types) {
hash = (((hash * 31) & kHashMask) + t.hashCode) & kHashMask;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if ((other is SetType) && (types.length == other.types.length)) {
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] != other.types[i]) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
String toString() => "_T ${types}";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) =>
types.every((ConcreteType t) => t.isSubtypeOf(typeHierarchy, dartType));
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType other) =>
types.every((t) => t.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, other));
int get order => TypeOrder.Set.index;
static List<ConcreteType> _unionLists(
List<ConcreteType> types1, List<ConcreteType> types2) {
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
List<ConcreteType> types = <ConcreteType>[];
while ((i1 < types1.length) && (i2 < types2.length)) {
final t1 = types1[i1];
final t2 = types2[i2];
final relation = t1.classId.compareTo(t2.classId);
if (relation < 0) {
} else if (relation > 0) {
} else {
if (t1 == t2) {
} else {
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Merge the type arguments vectors.
// (e.g., Map<?, int> vs Map<String, int> can become Map<?, int>)
if (i1 < types1.length) {
types.addAll(types1.getRange(i1, types1.length));
} else if (i2 < types2.length) {
types.addAll(types2.getRange(i2, types2.length));
return types;
static List<ConcreteType> _intersectLists(
List<ConcreteType> types1, List<ConcreteType> types2) {
int i1 = 0;
int i2 = 0;
List<ConcreteType> types = <ConcreteType>[];
while ((i1 < types1.length) && (i2 < types2.length)) {
final t1 = types1[i1];
final t2 = types2[i2];
final relation = t1.classId.compareTo(t2.classId);
if (relation < 0) {
} else if (relation > 0) {
} else {
if (t1.typeArgs == null && t2.typeArgs == null) {
} else {
final intersect = t1.intersection(t2, null);
if (intersect is! EmptyType) {
return types;
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.union(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is SetType) {
return new SetType(_unionLists(types, other.types));
} else if (other is ConcreteType) {
return types.contains(other)
? this
: new SetType(_unionLists(types, <ConcreteType>[other]));
} else if (other is ConeType) {
return typeHierarchy
.union(this, typeHierarchy);
} else {
throw 'Unexpected type $other';
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is SetType) {
List<ConcreteType> list = _intersectLists(types, other.types);
final size = list.length;
if (size == 0) {
return const EmptyType();
} else if (size == 1) {
return list.single;
} else {
return new SetType(list);
} else if (other is ConcreteType) {
for (var type in types) {
if (type == other) return other;
if (type.classId == other.classId) {
return type.intersection(other, typeHierarchy);
return EmptyType();
} else if (other is ConeType) {
return typeHierarchy
.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
} else {
throw 'Unexpected type $other';
/// Type representing a subtype cone. It contains instances of all
/// Dart types which extend, mix-in or implement [dartType].
/// TODO(alexmarkov): Introduce cones of types which extend but not implement.
class ConeType extends Type {
final DartType dartType;
ConeType(this.dartType) {
assertx(dartType != null);
Class getConcreteClass(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => typeHierarchy
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) =>
typeHierarchy.isSubtype(this.dartType, dartType);
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType other) {
if (!typeHierarchy.isSubtype(dartType, other._type)) return false;
if (dartType is InterfaceType) {
return (dartType as InterfaceType).classNode.typeParameters.isEmpty;
return true;
int get hashCode => (dartType.hashCode + 37) & kHashMask;
bool operator ==(other) =>
(other is ConeType) && (this.dartType == other.dartType);
String toString() => "_T (${dartType})+";
int get order => TypeOrder.Cone.index;
bool get isSpecialized => false;
Type specialize(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) =>
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.union(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is ConeType) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(other.dartType, this.dartType)) {
return this;
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(this.dartType, other.dartType)) {
return other;
} else if (other is ConcreteType) {
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(other.classNode.rawType, this.dartType)) {
return this;
return typeHierarchy
.union(other, typeHierarchy);
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is ConeType) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(other.dartType, this.dartType)) {
return other;
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(this.dartType, other.dartType)) {
return this;
} else if (other is ConcreteType) {
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(other.classNode.rawType, this.dartType)) {
return other;
} else {
return const EmptyType();
return typeHierarchy
.intersection(other, typeHierarchy);
/// Abstract unique identifier of a Dart class.
/// Identifiers are comparable and used to provide ordering on classes.
abstract class ClassId<E extends ClassId<E>> implements Comparable<E> {
const ClassId();
/// Simple implementation of [ClassId] based on int.
class IntClassId extends ClassId<IntClassId> {
final int id;
const IntClassId(;
int compareTo(IntClassId other) => id.compareTo(;
/// Type representing a set of instances of a specific Dart class (no subtypes
/// or `null` object).
class ConcreteType extends Type implements Comparable<ConcreteType> {
final ClassId classId;
final Class classNode;
int _hashCode;
// May be null if there are no type arguments constraints. The type arguments
// should represent type sets, i.e. `AnyType` or `RuntimeType`. The type
// arguments vector is factored against the generic interfaces implemented by
// the class (see [TypeHierarchy.flattenedTypeArgumentsFor]).
// The 'typeArgs' vector is null for non-generic classes, even if they
// implement a generic interface.
// 'numImmediateTypeArgs' is the length of the prefix of 'typeArgs' which
// holds the type arguments to the class itself.
final int numImmediateTypeArgs;
final List<Type> typeArgs;
ConcreteType(this.classId, this.classNode, [List<Type> typeArgs_])
: typeArgs = typeArgs_,
numImmediateTypeArgs =
typeArgs_ != null ? classNode.typeParameters.length : 0 {
// TODO(alexmarkov): support closures
assertx(typeArgs == null || classNode.typeParameters.isNotEmpty);
assertx(typeArgs == null || typeArgs.any((t) => t is RuntimeType));
ConcreteType get raw => new ConcreteType(classId, classNode, null);
Class getConcreteClass(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) => classNode;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) =>
typeHierarchy.isSubtype(classNode.rawType, dartType);
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(
TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType runtimeType) {
if (!typeHierarchy.isSubtype(this.classNode.rawType, runtimeType._type)) {
return false;
InterfaceType runtimeDartType;
if (runtimeType._type is InterfaceType) {
runtimeDartType = runtimeType._type;
if (runtimeDartType.typeArguments.isEmpty) return true;
if (runtimeDartType.classNode == typeHierarchy.futureOrClass) {
if (typeHierarchy.isSubtype(
classNode.rawType, typeHierarchy.futureClass.rawType) ||
classNode == typeHierarchy.futureOrClass) {
final RuntimeType lhs =
typeArgs == null ? RuntimeType(DynamicType(), null) : typeArgs[0];
return lhs.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(
typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[0]);
} else {
return isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[0]);
} else {
// The TypeHierarchy result may be inaccurate only if there are type
// arguments which it doesn't examine.
return true;
List<Type> usableTypeArgs = typeArgs;
if (usableTypeArgs == null) {
if (classNode.typeParameters.isEmpty) {
usableTypeArgs =
} else {
return false;
final interfaceOffset = typeHierarchy.genericInterfaceOffsetFor(
classNode, runtimeDartType.classNode);
assertx(usableTypeArgs.length - interfaceOffset >=
for (int i = 0; i < runtimeType.numImmediateTypeArgs; ++i) {
if (usableTypeArgs[i + interfaceOffset] == const AnyType()) return false;
assertx(usableTypeArgs[i + interfaceOffset] is RuntimeType);
if (!usableTypeArgs[i + interfaceOffset]
.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[i])) {
return false;
return true;
int get hashCode => _hashCode ??= _computeHashCode();
int _computeHashCode() {
int hash = classId.hashCode ^ 0x1234 & kHashMask;
// We only need to hash the first type arguments vector, since the type
// arguments of the implemented interfaces are implied by it.
for (int i = 0; i < numImmediateTypeArgs; ++i) {
hash = (((hash * 31) & kHashMask) + typeArgs[i].hashCode) & kHashMask;
return hash;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is ConcreteType) {
if (this.classId != other.classId ||
this.numImmediateTypeArgs != other.numImmediateTypeArgs) {
return false;
if (this.typeArgs != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < numImmediateTypeArgs; ++i) {
if (this.typeArgs[i] != other.typeArgs[i]) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Note that this may return 0 for concrete types which are not equal if the
// difference is only in type arguments.
int compareTo(ConcreteType other) => classId.compareTo(other.classId);
String toString() => typeArgs == null
? "_T (${classNode})"
: "_T (${classNode}<${typeArgs.take(numImmediateTypeArgs).join(', ')}>)";
int get order => TypeOrder.Concrete.index;
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.union(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is ConcreteType) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
} else if (this.classId != other.classId) {
final types = (this.classId.compareTo(other.classId) < 0)
? <ConcreteType>[this, other]
: <ConcreteType>[other, this];
return new SetType(types);
} else {
assertx(typeArgs != null || other.typeArgs != null);
return raw;
} else {
throw 'Unexpected type $other';
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other.order < this.order) {
return other.intersection(this, typeHierarchy);
if (other is ConcreteType) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
if (this.classId != other.classId) {
return EmptyType();
assertx(typeArgs != null || other.typeArgs != null);
if (typeArgs == null) {
return other;
} else if (other.typeArgs == null) {
return this;
final mergedTypeArgs = new List<Type>(typeArgs.length);
bool hasRuntimeType = false;
for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; ++i) {
final merged =
typeArgs[i].intersection(other.typeArgs[i], typeHierarchy);
if (merged is EmptyType) {
return EmptyType();
} else if (merged is RuntimeType) {
hasRuntimeType = true;
mergedTypeArgs[i] = merged;
if (!hasRuntimeType) return raw;
return new ConcreteType(classId, classNode, mergedTypeArgs);
} else {
throw 'Unexpected type $other';
// Unlike the other 'Type's, this represents a single type, not a set of
// values. It is used as the right-hand-side of type-tests.
// The type arguments are represented in a form that is factored against the
// generic interfaces implemented by the type to enable efficient type-test
// against its interfaces. See 'TypeHierarchy.flattenedTypeArgumentsFor' for
// more details.
// This factored representation can have cycles for some types:
// class num implements Comparable<num> {}
// class A<T> extends Comparable<A<T>> {}
// To avoid these cycles, we approximate generic super-bounded types (the second
// case), so the representation for 'A<String>' would be simply 'AnyType'.
// However, approximating non-generic types like 'int' and 'num' (the first
// case) would be too coarse, so we leave an null 'typeArgs' field for these
// types. As a result, when doing an 'isSubtypeOfRuntimeType' against
// their interfaces (e.g. 'int' vs 'Comparable<int>') we approximate the result
// as 'false'.
// So, the invariant about 'typeArgs' is that they will be 'null' iff the class
// is non-generic, and non-null (with at least one vector) otherwise.
class RuntimeType extends Type {
final DartType _type; // Doesn't contain type args.
final int numImmediateTypeArgs;
final List<RuntimeType> typeArgs;
RuntimeType(DartType type, this.typeArgs)
: _type = type,
numImmediateTypeArgs =
type is InterfaceType ? type.classNode.typeParameters.length : 0 {
if (_type is InterfaceType && numImmediateTypeArgs > 0) {
assertx(typeArgs != null);
assertx(typeArgs.length >= numImmediateTypeArgs);
assertx((_type as InterfaceType)
.every((t) => t == const DynamicType()));
} else {
assertx(typeArgs == null);
int get order => TypeOrder.RuntimeType.index;
DartType get representedTypeRaw => _type;
DartType get representedType {
if (_type is InterfaceType && typeArgs != null) {
final klass = (_type as InterfaceType).classNode;
final typeArguments = typeArgs
.map((pt) => pt.representedType)
return new InterfaceType(klass, typeArguments);
} else {
return _type;
int get hashCode {
int hash = _type.hashCode ^ 0x1234 & kHashMask;
// Only hash by the type arguments of the class. The type arguments of
// supertypes are are implied by them.
for (int i = 0; i < numImmediateTypeArgs; ++i) {
hash = (((hash * 31) & kHashMask) + typeArgs[i].hashCode) & kHashMask;
return hash;
operator ==(other) {
if (other is RuntimeType) {
if (other._type != _type) return false;
assertx(numImmediateTypeArgs == other.numImmediateTypeArgs);
return typeArgs == null || listEquals(typeArgs, other.typeArgs);
return false;
String toString() {
final head = _type is InterfaceType
? "${(_type as InterfaceType).classNode}"
: "$_type";
if (numImmediateTypeArgs == 0) return head;
final typeArgsStrs =
typeArgs.take(numImmediateTypeArgs).map((t) => "$t").join(", ");
return "_TS {$head<$typeArgsStrs>}";
bool get isSpecialized =>
throw "ERROR: RuntimeType does not support isSpecialized.";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, DartType dartType) =>
throw "ERROR: RuntimeType does not support isSubtypeOf.";
Type union(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) =>
throw "ERROR: RuntimeType does not support union.";
// This only works between "type-set" representations ('AnyType' and
// 'RuntimeType') and is used when merging type arguments.
Type intersection(Type other, TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) {
if (other is AnyType) {
return this;
} else if (other is RuntimeType) {
return this == other ? this : const EmptyType();
throw "ERROR: RuntimeType cannot intersect with ${other.runtimeType}";
Type specialize(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) =>
throw "ERROR: RuntimeType does not support specialize.";
Class getConcreteClass(TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy) =>
throw "ERROR: ConcreteClass does not support getConcreteClass.";
bool isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(
TypeHierarchy typeHierarchy, RuntimeType runtimeType) {
if (!typeHierarchy.isSubtype(this._type, runtimeType._type)) return false;
// The typeHierarchy result maybe be inaccurate only if there are type
// arguments which need to be examined.
if (_type is! InterfaceType || runtimeType.numImmediateTypeArgs == 0) {
return true;
final thisClass = (_type as InterfaceType).classNode;
final otherClass = (runtimeType._type as InterfaceType).classNode;
if (otherClass == typeHierarchy.futureOrClass) {
if (thisClass == typeHierarchy.futureClass ||
thisClass == typeHierarchy.futureOrClass) {
return typeArgs[0]
.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[0]);
} else {
return isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[0]);
List<Type> usableTypeArgs = typeArgs;
if (usableTypeArgs == null) {
usableTypeArgs =
final interfaceOffset =
typeHierarchy.genericInterfaceOffsetFor(thisClass, otherClass);
assertx(usableTypeArgs.length - interfaceOffset >=
for (int i = 0; i < runtimeType.numImmediateTypeArgs; ++i) {
if (!usableTypeArgs[interfaceOffset + i]
.isSubtypeOfRuntimeType(typeHierarchy, runtimeType.typeArgs[i])) {
return false;
return true;