| <!-- |
| Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| --> |
| |
| This file describes the binary format of Dart Kernel. |
| |
| Notation |
| -------- |
| Bitmasks are described with the syntax: |
| ```scala |
| Byte flags (flag1, flag2, ..., flagN) |
| ``` |
| where 'flag<N>' is the N-th least significant bit, |
| (so flag1 is the least significant bit). |
| |
| Bytes with tagging bits are described with the syntax: |
| ```scala |
| Byte byte (10xxxxxx) |
| ``` |
| where the x'es represent the bit positions to be extracted from the |
| byte and the 0'es and 1'es the bits used for tagging. The leftmost bit |
| is the most significant. |
| |
| Binary format |
| ------------- |
| ```scala |
| type Byte = a byte |
| |
| abstract type UInt {} |
| |
| type UInt7 extends UInt { |
| Byte byte1(0xxxxxxx); |
| } |
| |
| type UInt14 extends UInt { |
| Byte byte1(10xxxxxx); // most significant byte, discard the high bit |
| Byte byte2(xxxxxxxx); // least significant byte |
| } |
| |
| type UInt30 extends UInt { |
| Byte byte1(11xxxxxx); // most significant byte, discard the two high bits. |
| Byte byte2(xxxxxxxx); |
| Byte byte3(xxxxxxxx); |
| Byte byte4(xxxxxxxx); // least significant byte |
| } |
| |
| type UInt32 = big endian 32-bit unsigned integer |
| |
| type Double = Double-precision floating-point number. |
| |
| type List<T> { |
| UInt length; |
| T[length] items; |
| } |
| |
| type RList<T> { |
| T[length] elements; |
| UInt32 length; |
| } |
| |
| // Untagged pairs. |
| type Pair<T0, T1> { |
| T0 first; |
| T1 second; |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| A string table consists of an array of end offsets and a payload array of |
| strings encoded as WTF-8. The array of end offsets maps a string index to the |
| offset of the _next_ string in the table or the offset of the end of the array |
| for the last string. These offsets are relative to the string payload array. |
| Thus, string number 0 consists of the WTF-8 encoded string stretching from |
| offset 0 (inclusive) to endOffset[0] (exclusive); and string number N for N > 0 |
| consists of the WTF-8 encoded string stretching from offset endOffset[N-1] |
| (inclusive) to endOffset[N] (exclusive). |
| |
| ``` scala |
| type StringTable { |
| List<UInt> endOffsets; |
| Byte[endOffsets.last] utf8Bytes; |
| } |
| |
| type StringReference { |
| UInt index; // Index into the Component's strings. |
| } |
| |
| type ConstantReference { |
| UInt index; // Index into [constantsMapping] and [constants]. |
| } |
| |
| type SourceInfo { |
| List<Byte> uriUtf8Bytes; |
| List<Byte> sourceUtf8Bytes; |
| |
| // Line starts are delta-encoded (they are encoded as line lengths). The list |
| // [0, 10, 25, 32, 42] is encoded as [0, 10, 15, 7, 10]. |
| List<UInt> lineStarts; |
| |
| List<Byte> importUriUtf8Bytes; |
| |
| // List of constructors evaluated *by* this library. Note that these can be |
| // in other libraries. |
| List<ConstructorReference> constructorCoverage; |
| } |
| |
| type String { |
| List<Byte> utf8Bytes; |
| } |
| |
| type UriSource { |
| UInt32 length; |
| SourceInfo[length] source; |
| // The ith entry is byte-offset to the ith Source. |
| UInt32[length] sourceIndex; |
| } |
| |
| type UriReference { |
| UInt index; // Index into the UriSource uris. |
| } |
| |
| type FileOffset { |
| // Encoded as offset + 1 to accommodate -1 indicating no offset. |
| UInt fileOffset; |
| } |
| |
| type Option<T> { |
| Byte tag; |
| } |
| type Nothing extends Option<T> { |
| Byte tag = 0; |
| } |
| type Something<T> extends Option<T> { |
| Byte tag = 1; |
| T value; |
| } |
| |
| type CanonicalNameReference { |
| UInt biasedIndex; // 0 if null, otherwise N+1 where N is index of parent |
| } |
| |
| type CanonicalName { |
| CanonicalNameReference parent; |
| StringReference name; |
| } |
| |
| type ComponentFile { |
| UInt32 magic = 0x90ABCDEF; |
| UInt32 formatVersion = 65; |
| Byte[10] shortSdkHash; |
| List<String> problemsAsJson; // Described in problems.md. |
| Library[] libraries; |
| UriSource sourceMap; |
| List<Constant> constants; |
| RList<UInt32> constantsMapping; // Byte offset into the Component's constants. |
| List<CanonicalName> canonicalNames; |
| MetadataPayload[] metadataPayloads; |
| RList<MetadataMapping> metadataMappings; |
| StringTable strings; |
| ComponentIndex componentIndex; |
| } |
| |
| // Backend specific metadata section. |
| type MetadataPayload { |
| Byte[] opaquePayload; |
| } |
| |
| type MetadataMapping { |
| UInt32 tag; // StringReference of a fixed size. |
| // Node offsets are absolute, while metadata offsets are relative to metadataPayloads. |
| RList<Pair<UInt32, UInt32>> nodeOffsetToMetadataOffset; |
| } |
| |
| // Component index with all fixed-size-32-bit integers. |
| // This gives "semi-random-access" to certain parts of the binary. |
| // By reading the last 4 bytes one knows the number of libaries, |
| // which allows to skip to any other field in this component index, |
| // which again allows to skip to what it points to. |
| type ComponentIndex { |
| Byte[] 8bitAlignment; // 0-bytes to make the entire component (!) 8-byte aligned. |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForSourceTable; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForConstantTable; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForConstantTableIndex; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForCanonicalNames; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForMetadataPayloads; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForMetadataMappings; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForStringTable; |
| UInt32 binaryOffsetForStartOfComponentIndex; |
| UInt32 mainMethodReference; // This is a ProcedureReference with a fixed-size integer. |
| UInt32 compilationMode; // enum NonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode { Disabled = 0, Weak = 1, Strong = 2, Agnostic = 3 } with a fixed-size integer. |
| UInt32[libraryCount + 1] libraryOffsets; |
| UInt32 libraryCount; |
| UInt32 componentFileSizeInBytes; |
| } |
| |
| type LibraryReference { |
| // Must be populated by a library (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type ClassReference { |
| // Must be populated by a class (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type MemberReference { |
| // Must be populated by a member (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type FieldReference { |
| // Must be populated by a field (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstructorReference { |
| // Must be populated by a constructor (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type ProcedureReference { |
| // Must be populated by a procedure (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type TypedefReference { |
| // Must be populated by a typedef (possibly later in the file). |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| } |
| |
| type Name { |
| StringReference name; |
| if name begins with '_' { |
| LibraryReference library; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| type Library { |
| Byte flags (isSynthetic, isNonNullableByDefault, nnbdModeBit1, nnbdModeBit2); |
| UInt languageVersionMajor; |
| UInt languageVersionMinor; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| StringReference name; |
| // An absolute path URI to the .dart file from which the library was created. |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| List<String> problemsAsJson; // Described in problems.md. |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| List<LibraryDependency> libraryDependencies; |
| List<CanonicalNameReference> additionalExports; |
| List<LibraryPart> libraryParts; |
| List<Typedef> typedefs; |
| List<Class> classes; |
| List<Extension> extensions; |
| List<Field> fields; |
| List<Procedure> procedures; |
| |
| List<UInt> sourceReferences; // list of sources used by library, indexes into UriSource on Component. |
| |
| // Library index. Offsets are used to get start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) byte positions for |
| // a specific class or procedure. Note the "+1" to account for needing the end of the last entry. |
| UInt32 sourceReferencesOffset; |
| UInt32[classes.length + 1] classOffsets; |
| UInt32 classCount = classes.length; |
| UInt32[procedures.length + 1] procedureOffsets; |
| UInt32 procedureCount = procedures.length; |
| } |
| |
| type LibraryDependency { |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Byte flags (isExport, isDeferred); |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| LibraryReference targetLibrary; |
| StringReference name; |
| List<Combinator> combinators; |
| } |
| |
| type LibraryPart { |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| StringReference partUri; |
| } |
| |
| type Typedef { |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| StringReference name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| DartType type; |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParametersOfFunctionType; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> positionalParameters; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> namedParameters; |
| } |
| |
| type Combinator { |
| Byte flags (isShow); |
| List<StringReference> names; |
| } |
| |
| type LibraryDependencyReference { |
| // Index into libraryDependencies in the enclosing Library. |
| UInt index; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Node { |
| Byte tag; |
| } |
| |
| type Class extends Node { |
| Byte tag = 2; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| // An absolute path URI to the .dart file from which the class was created. |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset startFileOffset; // Offset of the start of the class including any annotations. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; // Offset of the name of the class. |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| Byte flags (isAbstract, isEnum, isAnonymousMixin, isEliminatedMixin, |
| isMixinDeclaration, hasConstConstructor); |
| StringReference name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| Option<DartType> superClass; |
| // For transformed mixin application classes (isEliminatedMixin), |
| // original mixedInType is pulled into the end of implementedClasses. |
| Option<DartType> mixedInType; |
| List<DartType> implementedClasses; |
| List<Field> fields; |
| List<Constructor> constructors; |
| List<Procedure> procedures; |
| List<RedirectingFactoryConstructor> redirectingFactoryConstructors; |
| |
| // Class index. Offsets are used to get start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) byte positions for |
| // a specific procedure. Note the "+1" to account for needing the end of the last entry. |
| UInt32[procedures.length + 1] procedureOffsets; |
| UInt32 procedureCount = procedures.length; |
| } |
| |
| type Extension extends Node { |
| Byte tag = 115; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| StringReference name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Byte flags (isExtensionTypeDeclaration); |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| DartType onType; |
| List<ExtensionMemberDescriptor> members; |
| } |
| |
| enum ExtensionMemberKind { Field = 0, Method = 1, Getter = 2, Setter = 3, Operator = 4, TearOff = 5, } |
| |
| type ExtensionMemberDescriptor { |
| Name name; |
| ExtensionMemberKind kind; |
| Byte flags (isStatic); |
| MemberReference member; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Member extends Node {} |
| |
| type Field extends Member { |
| Byte tag = 4; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalNameGetter; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalNameSetter; |
| // An absolute path URI to the .dart file from which the field was created. |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| UInt flags (isFinal, isConst, isStatic, isCovariant, |
| isGenericCovariantImpl, isLate, isExtensionMember, |
| isNonNullableByDefault, isInternalImplementation); |
| Name name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| DartType type; |
| Option<Expression> initializer; |
| } |
| |
| type Constructor extends Member { |
| Byte tag = 5; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset startFileOffset; // Offset of the start of the constructor including any annotations. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; // Offset of the constructor name. |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| Byte flags (isConst, isExternal, isSynthetic, isNonNullableByDefault); |
| Name name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| FunctionNode function; |
| List<Initializer> initializers; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum ProcedureKind { |
| Method, |
| Getter, |
| Setter, |
| Operator, |
| Factory, |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| /* |
| enum ProcedureStubKind { |
| Regular, |
| AbstractForwardingStub, |
| ConcreteForwardingStub, |
| NoSuchMethodForwarder, |
| MemberSignature, |
| AbstractMixinStub, |
| ConcreteMixinStub, |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| type Procedure extends Member { |
| Byte tag = 6; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| // An absolute path URI to the .dart file from which the class was created. |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset startFileOffset; // Offset of the start of the procedure including any annotations. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; // Offset of the procedure name. |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| Byte kind; // Index into the ProcedureKind enum above. |
| Byte stubKind; // Index into the ProcedureStubKind enum above. |
| UInt flags (isStatic, isAbstract, isExternal, isConst, |
| isRedirectingFactoryConstructor, isExtensionMember, |
| isNonNullableByDefault); |
| Name name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| MemberReference stubTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| FunctionNode function; |
| } |
| |
| type RedirectingFactoryConstructor extends Member { |
| Byte tag = 108; |
| CanonicalNameReference canonicalName; |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| Byte flags; |
| Name name; |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| MemberReference targetReference; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| UInt parameterCount; // positionalParameters.length + namedParameters.length. |
| UInt requiredParameterCount; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> positionalParameters; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> namedParameters; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Initializer extends Node {} |
| |
| type InvalidInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 7; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| } |
| |
| type FieldInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 8; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| FieldReference field; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type SuperInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 9; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| ConstructorReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| type RedirectingInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 10; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| ConstructorReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| type LocalInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 11; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| } |
| |
| type AssertInitializer extends Initializer { |
| Byte tag = 12; |
| Byte isSynthetic; |
| AssertStatement statement; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum AsyncMarker { |
| Sync, |
| SyncStar, |
| Async, |
| AsyncStar, |
| SyncYielding |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| type FunctionNode { |
| Byte tag = 3; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| Byte asyncMarker; // Index into AsyncMarker above. |
| Byte dartAsyncMarker; // Index into AsyncMarker above. |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| UInt parameterCount; // positionalParameters.length + namedParameters.length. |
| UInt requiredParameterCount; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> positionalParameters; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> namedParameters; |
| DartType returnType; |
| Option<DartType> futureValueType; |
| Option<Statement> body; |
| } |
| |
| type VariableReference { |
| // Reference to the Nth variable in scope, with 0 being the |
| // first variable declared in the outermost scope, and larger |
| // numbers being the variables declared later in a given scope, |
| // or in a more deeply nested scope. |
| // |
| // Function parameters are indexed from left to right and make |
| // up the outermost scope (enclosing the function body). |
| // Variables ARE NOT in scope inside their own initializer. |
| // Variables ARE NOT in scope before their declaration, in contrast |
| // to how the Dart Specification defines scoping. |
| // Variables ARE in scope across function boundaries. |
| // |
| // When declared, a variable remains in scope until the end of the |
| // immediately enclosing Block, Let, FunctionNode, ForStatement, |
| // ForInStatement, or Catch. |
| // |
| // A special exception is made for constructor parameters, which are |
| // also in scope in the initializer list, even though the tree nesting |
| // is inconsistent with the scoping. |
| UInt stackIndex; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Expression extends Node {} |
| |
| type InvalidExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 19; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| StringReference message; |
| } |
| |
| type VariableGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 20; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // Byte offset in the binary for the variable declaration (without tag). |
| UInt variableDeclarationPosition; |
| VariableReference variable; |
| Option<DartType> promotedType; |
| } |
| |
| type SpecializedVariableGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 128 + N; // Where 0 <= N < 8. |
| // Equivalent to a VariableGet with index N. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // Byte offset in the binary for the variable declaration (without tag). |
| UInt variableDeclarationPosition; |
| } |
| |
| type VariableSet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 21; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // Byte offset in the binary for the variable declaration (without tag). |
| UInt variableDeclarationPosition; |
| VariableReference variable; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type SpecializedVariableSet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 136 + N; // Where 0 <= N < 8. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // Byte offset in the binary for the variable declaration (without tag). |
| UInt variableDeclarationPosition; |
| Expression value; |
| // Equivalent to VariableSet with index N. |
| } |
| |
| type PropertyGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 22; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type PropertySet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 23; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Expression value; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type SuperPropertyGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 24; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Name name; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type SuperPropertySet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 25; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Name name; |
| Expression value; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum InstanceAccessKind { |
| Instance, |
| Object, |
| Inapplicable, |
| Nullable, |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| type InstanceGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 118; |
| Byte kind; // Index into InstanceAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| DartType resultType; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceSet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 119; |
| Byte kind; // Index into InstanceAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Expression value; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceTearOff extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 121; |
| Byte kind; // Index into InstanceAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| DartType resultType; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum DynamicAccessKind { |
| Dynamic, |
| Never, |
| Invalid, |
| Unresolved, |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| type DynamicGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 122; |
| Byte kind; // Index into DynamicAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| } |
| |
| type DynamicSet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 123; |
| Byte kind; // Index into DynamicAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type StaticGet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 26; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| MemberReference target; |
| } |
| |
| type StaticTearOff extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 17; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| MemberReference target; |
| } |
| |
| type StaticSet extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 27; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| MemberReference target; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type Arguments { |
| // Note: there is no tag on Arguments. |
| UInt numArguments; // equals positional.length + named.length |
| List<DartType> types; |
| List<Expression> positional; |
| List<NamedExpression> named; |
| } |
| |
| type NamedExpression { |
| // Note: there is no tag on NamedExpression. |
| StringReference name; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type MethodInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 28; |
| Byte flags (isInvariant, isBoundsSafe); |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 120; |
| Byte kind; // Index into InstanceAccessKind above. |
| Byte flags (isInvariant, isBoundsSafe); |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| DartType functionType; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceGetterInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 89; |
| Byte kind; // Index into InstanceAccessKind above. |
| Byte flags (isInvariant, isBoundsSafe); |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| DartType functionType; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type DynamicInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 124; |
| Byte kind; // Index into DynamicAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Name name; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum FunctionAccessKind { |
| Function, |
| FunctionType, |
| Inapplicable, |
| Nullable, |
| } |
| */ |
| |
| type FunctionInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 125; |
| Byte kind; // Index into FunctionAccessKind above. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| DartType functionType; // Use `const DynamicType()` as `null`. |
| } |
| |
| type FunctionTearOff extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 126; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression receiver; |
| } |
| |
| type LocalFunctionInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 127; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // Byte offset in the binary for the variable declaration (without tag). |
| UInt variableDeclarationPosition; |
| VariableReference variable; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| DartType functionType; |
| } |
| |
| type EqualsNull extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 15; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression expression; |
| } |
| |
| type EqualsCall extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 16; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression left; |
| Expression right; |
| DartType functionType; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type SuperMethodInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 29; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Name name; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| MemberReference interfaceTarget; // May be NullReference. |
| MemberReference interfaceTargetOrigin; // May be NullReference. |
| } |
| |
| type StaticInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 30; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| MemberReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| // Constant call to an external constant factory. |
| type ConstStaticInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 18; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| MemberReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstructorInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 31; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| ConstructorReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstConstructorInvocation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 32; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| ConstructorReference target; |
| Arguments arguments; |
| } |
| |
| type Not extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 33; |
| Expression operand; |
| } |
| |
| type NullCheck extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 117; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression operand; |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| enum LogicalOperator { &&, || } |
| */ |
| |
| type LogicalExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 34; |
| Expression left; |
| Byte operator; // Index into LogicalOperator enum above |
| Expression right; |
| } |
| |
| type ConditionalExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 35; |
| Expression condition; |
| Expression then; |
| Expression otherwise; |
| Option<DartType> staticType; |
| } |
| |
| type StringConcatenation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 36; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| List<Expression> expressions; |
| } |
| |
| type ListConcatenation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 111; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> lists; |
| } |
| |
| type SetConcatenation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 112; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> sets; |
| } |
| |
| type MapConcatenation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 113; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType keyType; |
| DartType valueType; |
| List<Expression> maps; |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceCreation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 114; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| CanonicalNameReference class; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| List<Pair<FieldReference, Expression>> fieldValues; |
| List<AssertStatement> asserts; |
| List<Expression> unusedArguments; |
| } |
| |
| type FileUriExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 116; |
| UriReference fileUri; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression expression; |
| } |
| |
| type IsExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 37; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Byte flags (isForNonNullableByDefault); |
| Expression operand; |
| DartType type; |
| } |
| |
| type AsExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 38; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Byte flags (isTypeError,isCovarianceCheck,isForDynamic,isForNonNullableByDefault); |
| Expression operand; |
| DartType type; |
| } |
| |
| type StringLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 39; |
| StringReference value; |
| } |
| |
| type IntegerLiteral extends Expression {} |
| |
| type SpecializedIntLiteral extends IntegerLiteral { |
| Byte tag = 144 + N; // Where 0 <= N < 8. |
| // Integer literal with value (N - 3), that is, an integer in range -3..4. |
| } |
| |
| type PositiveIntLiteral extends IntegerLiteral { |
| Byte tag = 55; |
| UInt value; |
| } |
| |
| type NegativeIntLiteral extends IntegerLiteral { |
| Byte tag = 56; |
| UInt absoluteValue; |
| } |
| |
| type BigIntLiteral extends IntegerLiteral { |
| Byte tag = 57; |
| StringReference valueString; |
| } |
| |
| type DoubleLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 40; |
| Double value; |
| } |
| |
| type TrueLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 41; |
| } |
| |
| type FalseLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 42; |
| } |
| |
| type NullLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 43; |
| } |
| |
| type SymbolLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 44; |
| StringReference value; // Everything strictly after the '#'. |
| } |
| |
| type TypeLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 45; |
| DartType type; |
| } |
| |
| type ThisExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 46; |
| } |
| |
| type Rethrow extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 47; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| } |
| |
| type Throw extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 48; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type ListLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 49; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> values; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstListLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 58; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> values; |
| } |
| |
| type SetLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 109; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> values; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstSetLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 110; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType typeArgument; |
| List<Expression> values; |
| } |
| |
| type MapLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 50; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType keyType; |
| DartType valueType; |
| List<MapEntry> entries; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstMapLiteral extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 59; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType keyType; |
| DartType valueType; |
| List<MapEntry> entries; |
| } |
| |
| type MapEntry { |
| // Note: there is no tag on MapEntry |
| Expression key; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type AwaitExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 51; |
| Expression operand; |
| } |
| |
| type FunctionExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 52; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FunctionNode function; |
| } |
| |
| type Let extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 53; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| Expression body; |
| } |
| |
| type BlockExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 82; |
| List<Statement> body; |
| Expression value; |
| } |
| |
| type Instantiation extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 54; |
| Expression expression; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| } |
| |
| type LoadLibrary extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 14; |
| LibraryDependencyReference deferredImport; |
| } |
| |
| type CheckLibraryIsLoaded extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 13; |
| LibraryDependencyReference deferredImport; |
| } |
| |
| type ConstantExpression extends Expression { |
| Byte tag = 106; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType type; |
| ConstantReference constantReference; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Constant extends Node { |
| Byte tag; |
| } |
| |
| type NullConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 0; |
| } |
| |
| type BoolConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 1; |
| Byte value; |
| } |
| |
| type IntConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 2; |
| IntegerLiteral value; |
| } |
| |
| type DoubleConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 3; |
| Double value; |
| } |
| |
| type StringConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 4; |
| StringReference value; |
| } |
| |
| type SymbolConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 5; |
| LibraryReference library; // May be NullReference. |
| StringReference name; |
| } |
| |
| type MapConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 6; |
| DartType keyType; |
| DartType valueType; |
| List<Pair<ConstantReference, ConstantReference>> keyValueList; |
| } |
| |
| type ListConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 7; |
| DartType type; |
| List<ConstantReference> values; |
| } |
| |
| type SetConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 13; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| DartType type; |
| List<ConstantReference> values; |
| } |
| |
| type InstanceConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 8; |
| CanonicalNameReference class; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| List<Pair<FieldReference, ConstantReference>> values; |
| } |
| |
| type PartialInstantiationConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 9; |
| ConstantReference tearOffConstant; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| } |
| |
| type TearOffConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 10; |
| CanonicalNameReference staticProcedureReference; |
| } |
| |
| type TypeLiteralConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 11; |
| DartType type; |
| } |
| |
| type UnevaluatedConstant extends Constant { |
| Byte tag = 12; |
| Expression expression; |
| } |
| |
| abstract type Statement extends Node {} |
| |
| type ExpressionStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 61; |
| Expression expression; |
| } |
| |
| type Block extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 62; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset fileEndOffset; |
| List<Statement> statements; |
| } |
| |
| type AssertBlock extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 81; |
| List<Statement> statements; |
| } |
| |
| type EmptyStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 63; |
| } |
| |
| type AssertStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 64; |
| Expression condition; |
| FileOffset conditionStartOffset; |
| FileOffset conditionEndOffset; |
| Option<Expression> message; |
| } |
| |
| type LabeledStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 65; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type BreakStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 66; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| |
| // Reference to the Nth LabeledStatement in scope, with 0 being the |
| // outermost enclosing labeled statement within the same FunctionNode. |
| // |
| // Labels are not in scope across function boundaries. |
| UInt labelIndex; |
| } |
| |
| type WhileStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 67; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression condition; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type DoStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 68; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Statement body; |
| Expression condition; |
| } |
| |
| type ForStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 69; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| List<VariableDeclarationPlain> variables; |
| Option<Expression> condition; |
| List<Expression> updates; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type ForInStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 70; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset bodyOffset; |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| Expression iterable; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type AsyncForInStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 80; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| FileOffset bodyOffset; |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| Expression iterable; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type SwitchStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 71; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression expression; |
| List<SwitchCase> cases; |
| } |
| |
| type SwitchCase { |
| // Note: there is no tag on SwitchCase |
| List<Pair<FileOffset, Expression>> expressions; |
| Byte isDefault; // 1 if default, 0 is not default. |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type ContinueSwitchStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 72; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| |
| // Reference to the Nth SwitchCase in scope. |
| // |
| // A SwitchCase is in scope everywhere within its enclosing switch, |
| // except the scope is delimited by FunctionNodes. |
| // |
| // Switches are ordered from outermost to innermost, and the SwitchCases |
| // within a switch are consecutively indexed from first to last, so index |
| // 0 is the first SwitchCase of the outermost enclosing switch in the |
| // same FunctionNode. |
| UInt caseIndex; |
| } |
| |
| type IfStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 73; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Expression condition; |
| Statement then; |
| Statement otherwise; // Empty statement if there was no else part. |
| } |
| |
| type ReturnStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 74; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Option<Expression> expression; |
| } |
| |
| type TryCatch extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 75; |
| Statement body; |
| // "any catch needs a stacktrace" means it has a stacktrace variable. |
| Byte flags (anyCatchNeedsStackTrace, isSynthesized); |
| List<Catch> catches; |
| } |
| |
| type Catch { |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| DartType guard; |
| Option<VariableDeclarationPlain> exception; |
| Option<VariableDeclarationPlain> stackTrace; |
| Statement body; |
| } |
| |
| type TryFinally extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 76; |
| Statement body; |
| Statement finalizer; |
| } |
| |
| type YieldStatement extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 77; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| Byte flags (isYieldStar); |
| Expression expression; |
| } |
| |
| type VariableDeclaration extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 78; |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| } |
| |
| type VariableDeclarationPlain { |
| // The offset for the variable declaration, i.e. the offset of the start of |
| // the declaration. |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| |
| // The offset for the equal sign in the declaration (if it contains one). |
| // If it does not contain one this should be -1. |
| FileOffset fileEqualsOffset; |
| |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| |
| Byte flags (isFinal, isConst, isFieldFormal, isCovariant, |
| isGenericCovariantImpl, isLate, isRequired, isLowered); |
| // For named parameters, this is the parameter name. |
| // For other variables, the name is cosmetic, may be empty, |
| // and is not necessarily unique. |
| StringReference name; |
| DartType type; |
| |
| // For statements and for-loops, this is the initial value. |
| // For optional parameters, this is the default value (if given). |
| // In all other contexts, it must be Nothing. |
| Option<Expression> initializer; |
| } |
| |
| type FunctionDeclaration extends Statement { |
| Byte tag = 79; |
| FileOffset fileOffset; |
| // The variable binding the function. The variable is in scope |
| // within the function for use as a self-reference. |
| // Some of the fields in the variable are redundant, but its presence here |
| // simplifies the rule for variable indexing. |
| VariableDeclarationPlain variable; |
| FunctionNode function; |
| } |
| |
| enum Nullability { nullable = 0, nonNullable = 1, neither = 2, legacy = 3, } |
| |
| enum Variance { unrelated = 0, covariant = 1, contravariant = 2, invariant = 3, legacyCovariant = 4, } |
| |
| abstract type DartType extends Node {} |
| |
| type NeverType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 98; |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| } |
| |
| type InvalidType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 90; |
| } |
| |
| type DynamicType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 91; |
| } |
| |
| type VoidType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 92; |
| } |
| |
| type InterfaceType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 93; |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| ClassReference class; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| } |
| |
| type SimpleInterfaceType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 96; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| ClassReference class; |
| // Equivalent to InterfaceType with empty list of type arguments. |
| } |
| |
| type FunctionType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 94; |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; |
| UInt requiredParameterCount; |
| // positionalParameters.length + namedParameters.length |
| UInt totalParameterCount; |
| List<DartType> positionalParameters; |
| List<NamedDartType> namedParameters; |
| Option<TypedefType> typedef; |
| DartType returnType; |
| } |
| |
| type SimpleFunctionType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 97; // Note: tag is out of order. |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| List<DartType> positionalParameters; |
| DartType returnType; |
| // Equivalent to a FunctionType with no type parameters or named parameters, |
| // and where all positional parameters are required. |
| } |
| |
| type NamedDartType { |
| StringReference name; |
| DartType type; |
| Byte flags (isRequired); |
| } |
| |
| type TypeParameterType extends DartType { |
| Byte tag = 95; |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| |
| // Reference to the Nth type parameter in scope (with some caveats about |
| // type parameter bounds). |
| // |
| // As with the other indexing schemes, outermost nodes have lower |
| // indices, and a type parameter list is consecutively indexed from |
| // left to right. |
| // |
| // In the case of type parameter bounds, this indexing diverges slightly |
| // from the definition of scoping, since type parameter N+1 is not "in scope" |
| // in the bound of type parameter N, but it takes up an index as if it was in |
| // scope there. |
| // |
| // The type parameter can be bound by a Class, FunctionNode, or FunctionType. |
| // |
| // Note that constructors currently do not declare type parameters. Uses of |
| // the class type parameters in a constructor refer to those declared on the |
| // class. |
| UInt index; |
| Option<DartType> bound; |
| } |
| |
| type TypedefType { |
| Byte tag = 87; |
| Byte nullability; // Index into the Nullability enum above. |
| TypedefReference typedefReference; |
| List<DartType> typeArguments; |
| } |
| |
| type TypeParameter { |
| // Note: there is no tag on TypeParameter |
| Byte flags (isGenericCovariantImpl); |
| List<Expression> annotations; |
| Byte variance; // Index into the Variance enum above |
| StringReference name; // Cosmetic, may be empty, not unique. |
| DartType bound; // 'dynamic' if no explicit bound was given. |
| DartType defaultType; // type used when the parameter is not passed |
| } |
| |
| ``` |