| dev_compiler |
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| [](https://travis-ci.org/dart-lang/sdk) |
| [](https://coveralls.io/r/dart-lang/sdk) |
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| The Dart Dev Compiler (DDC) is an **experimental** development tool and transpiler. It is at a very early stage today. Its aims include the following: |
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| - A static checker based on stricter-than-standard-Dart type rules. |
| - A modular Dart-to-ES6 transpiler for Dart programs that statically check. |
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| DDC attempts to map to idiomatic EcmaScript 6 (ES6) as cleanly as possible. To do this while cohering to Dart semantics, DDC relies heavily on static type information, static checking, and runtime assertions. |
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| DDC is intended to support a very [large subset](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/pkg/dev_compiler/STRONG_MODE.md) of Dart. If a program does not statically check, DDC will not result in valid generated code. Our goal is that a program execution (of a valid program) that runs without triggering runtime assertions should run the same on other Dart platforms under checked mode or production mode. |
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| DDC does support untyped Dart code, but it will typically result in less readable and less efficient ES6 output. |
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| DDC has the following project goals: |
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| - Effective static checking and error detection. |
| - A debugging solution for all modern browsers. |
| - Readable output. |
| - Fast, modular compilation of Dart code. |
| - Easy use of generated code from JavaScript. |
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| DDC is still in a very early stage as highlighted by our choice of ES6. ES6 itself is in active development across all modern browsers, but at various stages of support: |
| [kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6](https://kangax.github.io/compat-table/es6/). |
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| We are targeting the subset of ES6 supported in Chrome. |
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| To try out DDC and/or give feedback, please read our [usage](https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/pkg/dev_compiler/USAGE.md) page. |