blob: cc9b197a4ff503eca386a42b954bbb4c442ed101 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 0.12.0-dev
- Breaking changes to `DartFileEditBuilder`: `convertFunctionFromSyncToAsync`
and `replaceTypeWithFuture`.
## 0.11.3
- Support version `6.x` of the `analyzer` package
## 0.11.2
- Support version `5.x` of the `analyzer` package
## 0.11.1
- Call `analyzeFiles` from `handleAffectedFiles` only for files that are
analyzed in this analysis context.
## 0.11.0
- Using `AnalysisContextCollection` and `AnalysisContext` for analysis.
## 0.10.0
- Support version `4.x` of the `analyzer` package
## 0.9.0
- Support version `3.x` of the `analyzer` package
## 0.8.0
- Require SDK `2.14` to use `Object.hash()`.
- Require `yaml 3.1.0` to use `recover`.
## 0.7.0
- Support version `2.x` of the `analyzer` package
## 0.6.0
- Bug fixes to the protocol.
## 0.5.0
- Changed the support version range of the analyzer to `^1.3.0`.
- Removed `Plugin.fileContentOverlay`, instead `Plugin.resourceProvider` is
now `OverlayResourceProvider`, and `analysis.updateContent` updates it.
- Removed deprecated `DartChangeBuilder` and `DartChangeBuilderImpl`.
- Removed deprecated `ChangeBuilder.addFileEdit()`.
- Stable null safety release.
- Updated dependencies to null safe releases.
## 0.4.0
- Deprecated the class `DartChangeBuilder` and enhanced `ChangeBuilder` to be
the replacement for it.
- Deprecated the method `ChangeBuilder.addFileEdit` and introduced
`ChangeBuilder.addDartFileEdit` and `ChangeBuilder.addGenericFileEdit` to be
the replacements for it.
- Changed the supported version range of the analyzer to `>=0.41.0 <0.42.0`.
## 0.3.0
- Removed deprecated `Plugin.getResolveResult`. Use `getResolvedUnitResult`.
## 0.2.5
- Change supported analyzer version to `^0.39.12`
## 0.2.4
- Exposed method `AnalyzerConverter.locationFromElement` (was previously
## 0.2.3
- Added class `Relevance`.
- Removed ``, replaced with ``. Technically this is a
breaking change but we believe that in practice it is benign, since
`` was only used for debugging.
- Added function `computeDartNavigation`.
- Note: never published (had problematic imports of package:analysis_server).
## 0.2.2
- Change supported analyzer version to `^0.39.0`
## 0.2.1
- Bump maximum supported version of the analyzer to `<0.39.0`.
- Bug fixes: #37916, #38326.
## 0.2.0
- Change `DartEditBuilder.writeOverride()` to accept `ExecutableElement`
instead of `FunctionType`.
## 0.1.0
- Support the latest `pkg:analyzer`.
- remove the declared type of generated setters
## 0.0.1-alpha.8
- Support the latest `pkg:analyzer`.
## 0.0.1-alpha.7
- Remove CompletionSuggestion.elementUri, replaced with AvailableSuggestionSet.
- Remove 'importUri' from CompletionSuggestion.
- Include type parameters into suggested code completions.
## 0.0.1-alpha.4
- Upgrade the Dart SDK version constraint
## 0.0.1
- Initial version