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| The small-step operational semantics of Dart Kernel is given by an abstract machine in the style of the CEK machine. The machine is defined by a single step transition function where each step of the machine starts in a configuration and deterministically gives a next configuration. There are several different configurations defined below. |
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| _x_ ranges over variables, ρ ranges over environments, _K_ ranges over expression continuations, _A_ ranges over application continuations, _E_ ranges over expressions, _S_ ranges over statements, _V_ ranges over values. |
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| Environments are finite functions from variables to values. _ρ_[_x_ → _V_] denotes the environment that maps _x_ to _V_ and _y_ to _ρ_(_y_) for all _y_ ≠ _x_. |
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| #### Expression configuration |
| |
| An expression configuration indicates the evaluation of an expression with respect to an environment and an expression continuation. |
| |
| Expression configuration | Next configuration |
| -- | -- |
| <_x_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_K_, _ρ_(_x_), _ρ_><sub>_cont_</sub> |
| <_x = E_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E_, _ρ_, **VarSetK**(_x_, _K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_!E_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E_, _ρ_, **NotK**(_K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_E<sub>1</sub> **and** E<sub>2</sub>_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E<sub>1</sub>_, _ρ_, **AndK**(_E<sub>2</sub>_, _K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_E<sub>1</sub> **or** E<sub>2</sub>_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E<sub>1</sub>_, _ρ_, **OrK**(_E<sub>2</sub>_, _K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_E<sub>1</sub>? E<sub>2</sub> : E<sub>3</sub>_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E<sub>1</sub>_, _ρ_, **ConditionalK**(_E<sub>2</sub>_, _E<sub>3</sub>_, _K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_StringConcat(exprList)_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_exprList_, _ρ_, **StringConcatenationA**(_K_)><sub>_exprList_</sub> |
| <_print(E)_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E_, _ρ_, **PrintK**</sub>(_K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
| <_f(exprList)_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_exprList_, _ρ_, **StaticInvocationA**(_S : f.body_, _K_)><sub>_exprList_</sub> |
| <_BasicLiteral_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_K_, _BasicLiteral_, _ρ_><sub>_cont_</sub> |
| <_**Let** x = E<sub>1</sub> **in** E<sub>2</sub>_, _ρ_, _K_><sub>_expr_</sub> | <_E<sub>1</sub>_, _ρ_, **LetK**(_x_, E<sub>2</sub>, _ρ_, _K_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
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| #### Expression continuation configuration |
| |
| An expression continuation configuration indicates the application of an expression continuation __K__ to a value and an environment. The environment is threaded to the continuation because expressions can mutate the environment. |
| |
| Expression continuation configuration | Next configuration |
| -- | -- |
| <**VarSetK**(_x_, _K_), _V_, _ρ_><sub>_cont_</sub> | <_K_, _V_, _ρ_[_x_ → _V_]><sub>cont</sub> |
| <**PrintK**(_K_), _V_, _ρ_><sub>_cont_</sub> | <_K_, _∅_, _ρ_><sub>cont</sub> |
| <**ExpressionListK**(_exprList_, _A_), _V_, _ρ_><sub>_cont_</sub> | <_exprList_, _ρ_, **ValueApplicationA**(_V_, _A_)><sub>_exprList_</sub> |
| <**ExpressionK**(_C_), _V_, _ρ_ ><sub>_cont_</sub> | _C_ |
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| #### Expression list configuration |
| |
| An expression list configuration indicates the evaluation of a list of expressions with respect to an environment and an application continuation. |
| |
| Expression list configuration | Next configuration |
| --|-- |
| <_∅_, _ρ_, _A_><sub>_exprList_</sub> | <_A_, _∅_><sub>_acont_</sub> |
| <_E :: tail_, _ρ_, _A_><sub>_exprList_</sub> | <_E_, _ρ_, **ExpressionListK**(_tail_, _A_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |
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| #### Application continuation configuration |
| |
| An application continuation configuration indicates the application of __A__ to a list of values. |
| |
| Application continuation configuration | Next configuration |
| --|-- |
| <**StaticInvocationA**(_S_, _K_), _valList_><sub>_acont_</sub> | <_S_, _ρ_[_formalList_ → _valList_], _∅_, **ExitC**(_K_), _K_><sub>_exec_</sub> |
| <**ValueApplicationA**(V, _A_), _valList_><sub>_acont_</sub> | <_A_, _V :: valList_><sub>_acont_</sub> |
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| #### Statement configuration |
| |
| A statement configuration indicates the execution of a statement with respect to an environment. |
| |
| _S_ ranges over statements, _L_ ranges over labels, _C_ ranges over statement configurations. |
| |
| Statement configuration | Next configuration |
| --|-- |
| <**Expression**(_E_), _ρ_, _L_, _C_, _K_><sub>_exec_</sub> | <_E_, _ρ_, **ExpressionK**(_C_)><sub>_expr_</sub> |