tree: 5fc3bc05077fc1c6ffb98f37ebf1349398beaebb [path history] [tgz]
  1. conflict_file_folder_error/
  2. conflict_file_package_error/
  3. conflict_folder_package_error/
  4. cycle_error/
  5. dag/
  6. dag_with_packages/
  7. default_package_dependency_error/
  8. invalid_module_name_error/
  9. invalid_packages_error/
  10. missing_dependency_module_error/
  11. missing_module_error/
  12. missing_yaml_error/
  13. no_dependencies/
  14. no_main_error/
  15. tree/
  16. valid_packages/
  17. loader_test.dart

The loader_test folder contains a folder per test.

Each test is focusing on part of the features of how tests folders are recognized and turned into a modular test specification by our libraries. Note that all .dart source files in these tests are empty because we ignore their contents.

Each folder contains a file named expectation.txt which shows a plain text summary of what we expect to extract or report from the test:

  • for invalid inputs it shows the error mesage produced by the modular_test loader logic

  • for valid inputs it shows the test layout, highlighting what each module contents and dependencies are.

In the future, modular tests will be written in the style of the non-error test cases.