blob: 7725a340e57f63de6a7fac0f8444cf769541d8c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/testing/id_testing.dart';
/// Utility class for annotated testing representing a set of features.
class Features {
Map<String, Object> _features = {};
Set<String> _unsorted = new Set<String>();
/// Mark the feature [key] as existing. If [value] is provided, the feature
/// [key] is set to have this value.
void add(String key, {var value: ''}) {
_features[key] = value.toString();
/// Add [value] as an element of the list values of feature [key].
void addElement(String key, [var value]) {
List<String> list = _features.putIfAbsent(key, () => <String>[]);
if (value != null) {
/// Marks list values of [key] as unsorted. This prevents the [getText]
/// representation from automatically sorting the values.
void markAsUnsorted(String key) {
/// Returns `true` if feature [key] exists.
bool containsKey(String key) {
return _features.containsKey(key);
/// Set the feature [key] to exist with the [value].
void operator []=(String key, String value) {
_features[key] = value;
/// Returns the value set for feature [key].
Object operator [](String key) => _features[key];
/// Removes the value set for feature [key]. Returns the existing value.
Object remove(String key) => _features.remove(key);
/// Returns `true` if this feature set is empty.
bool get isEmpty => _features.isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if this feature set is non-empty.
bool get isNotEmpty => _features.isNotEmpty;
/// Call [f] for each feature in this feature set with its corresponding
/// value.
void forEach(void Function(String, Object) f) {
/// Returns a string containing all features in a comma-separated list sorted
/// by feature names.
String getText([String indent]) {
if (indent == null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
bool needsComma = false;
for (String name in _features.keys.toList()..sort()) {
dynamic value = _features[name];
if (value != null) {
if (needsComma) {
if (value is List<String>) {
if (_unsorted.contains(name)) {
value = '[${value.join(',')}]';
} else {
value = '[${(value..sort()).join(',')}]';
if (value != '') {
needsComma = true;
return sb.toString();
} else {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Map<String, dynamic> values = {};
for (String name in _features.keys.toList()..sort()) {
dynamic value = _features[name];
if (value != null) {
values[name] = value;
String comma = '';
if (values.length > 1) {
comma = '\n$indent ';
values.forEach((String name, dynamic value) {
if (value is List<String>) {
if (value.length > 1) {
if (_unsorted.contains(name)) {
value = '[\n$indent ${value.join(',\n$indent ')}]';
} else {
value = '[\n$indent ${(value..sort()).join(',\n$indent ')}]';
} else {
if (_unsorted.contains(name)) {
value = '[${value.join(',')}]';
} else {
value = '[${(value..sort()).join(',')}]';
if (value != '') {
comma = ',\n$indent ';
if (values.length > 1) {
return sb.toString();
String toString() => 'Features(${getText()})';
/// Creates a [Features] object by parse the [text] encoding.
/// Single features will be parsed as strings and list features (features
/// encoded in `[...]` will be parsed as lists of strings.
static Features fromText(String text) {
Features features = new Features();
if (text == null) return features;
int index = 0;
while (index < text.length) {
int eqPos = text.indexOf('=', index);
int commaPos = text.indexOf(',', index);
String name;
bool hasValue = false;
if (eqPos != -1 && commaPos != -1) {
if (eqPos < commaPos) {
name = text.substring(index, eqPos);
hasValue = true;
index = eqPos + 1;
} else {
name = text.substring(index, commaPos);
index = commaPos + 1;
} else if (eqPos != -1) {
name = text.substring(index, eqPos);
hasValue = true;
index = eqPos + 1;
} else if (commaPos != -1) {
name = text.substring(index, commaPos);
index = commaPos + 1;
} else {
name = text.substring(index);
index = text.length;
if (hasValue) {
const Map<String, String> delimiters = const {
'[': ']',
'{': '}',
'(': ')',
'<': '>'
List<String> endDelimiters = <String>[];
bool isList = index < text.length && text.startsWith('[', index);
if (isList) {
int valueStart = index;
while (index < text.length) {
String char = text.substring(index, index + 1);
if (endDelimiters.isNotEmpty && endDelimiters.last == char) {
} else {
String endDelimiter = delimiters[char];
if (endDelimiter != null) {
} else if (char == ',') {
if (endDelimiters.isEmpty) {
} else if (endDelimiters.length == 1 && isList) {
String value = text.substring(valueStart, index);
features.addElement(name, value);
valueStart = index;
} else {
} else {
if (isList) {
String value = text.substring(valueStart, index - 1);
if (value.isNotEmpty) {
features.addElement(name, value);
} else {
String value = text.substring(valueStart, index);
features.add(name, value: value);
} else {
return features;
class FeaturesDataInterpreter implements DataInterpreter<Features> {
final String wildcard;
const FeaturesDataInterpreter({this.wildcard: null});
String isAsExpected(Features actualFeatures, String expectedData) {
if (wildcard != null && expectedData == wildcard) {
return null;
} else if (expectedData == '') {
return actualFeatures.isNotEmpty ? "Expected empty data." : null;
} else {
List<String> errorsFound = [];
Features expectedFeatures = Features.fromText(expectedData);
Set<String> validatedFeatures = new Set<String>();
expectedFeatures.forEach((String key, Object expectedValue) {
bool expectMatch = true;
if (key.startsWith('!')) {
key = key.substring(1);
expectMatch = false;
Object actualValue = actualFeatures[key];
if (!expectMatch) {
if (actualFeatures.containsKey(key)) {
errorsFound.add('Unexpected data found for $key=$actualValue');
} else if (!actualFeatures.containsKey(key)) {
errorsFound.add('No data found for $key');
} else if (expectedValue == '') {
if (actualValue != '') {
errorsFound.add('Non-empty data found for $key');
} else if (wildcard != null && expectedValue == wildcard) {
} else if (expectedValue is List) {
if (actualValue is List) {
List actualList = actualValue.toList();
for (Object expectedObject in expectedValue) {
String expectedText = '$expectedObject';
bool matchFound = false;
if (wildcard != null && expectedText.endsWith(wildcard)) {
// Wildcard matcher.
String prefix =
expectedText.substring(0, expectedText.indexOf(wildcard));
List matches = [];
for (Object actualObject in actualList) {
if ('$actualObject'.startsWith(prefix)) {
matchFound = true;
for (Object match in matches) {
} else {
for (Object actualObject in actualList) {
if (expectedText == '$actualObject') {
matchFound = true;
if (!matchFound) {
errorsFound.add("No match found for $key=[$expectedText]");
if (actualList.isNotEmpty) {
.add("Extra data found $key=[${actualList.join(',')}]");
} else {
errorsFound.add("List data expected for $key: "
"expected '$expectedValue', found '${actualValue}'");
} else if (expectedValue != actualValue) {
errorsFound.add("Mismatch for $key: expected '$expectedValue', "
"found '${actualValue}'");
actualFeatures.forEach((String key, Object value) {
if (!validatedFeatures.contains(key)) {
if (value == '') {
errorsFound.add("Extra data found '$key'");
} else {
errorsFound.add("Extra data found $key=$value");
return errorsFound.isNotEmpty ? errorsFound.join('\n ') : null;
String getText(Features actualData, [String indentation]) {
return actualData.getText(indentation);
bool isEmpty(Features actualData) {
return actualData == null || actualData.isEmpty;