blob: 205df958bdf740c259e4deb58625e398c45ce8a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/extensions.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/scanner/scanner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/utilities/extensions/string.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/src/utilities/string_utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/range_factory.dart';
final class CorrectionUtils {
static const String _oneIndent = ' ';
static const String _twoIndents = _oneIndent + _oneIndent;
final CompilationUnit _unit;
final String _buffer;
String? _endOfLine;
CorrectionUtils(ParsedUnitResult result)
: _unit = result.unit,
_buffer = result.content;
/// The EOL sequence to use for this [CompilationUnit].
String get endOfLine {
var endOfLine = _endOfLine;
if (endOfLine != null) {
return endOfLine;
if (_buffer.contains('\r\n')) {
return _endOfLine = '\r\n';
if (_buffer.contains('\n')) {
return _endOfLine = '\n';
return Platform.lineTerminator;
String get oneIndent => _oneIndent;
String get twoIndents => _twoIndents;
/// Returns the [AstNode] that encloses the given [offset].
AstNode? findNode(int offset) => NodeLocator(offset).searchWithin(_unit);
/// Skips whitespace characters and single EOL on the right from [index].
/// If [index] the end of a statement or method, then in most cases this
/// returns the start of the next line.
int getLineContentEnd(int index) {
var length = _buffer.length;
// Skip whitespace characters.
while (index < length) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index);
if (!c.isWhitespace || c.isEOL) {
// Skip a single '\r' character.
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x0D) {
// Skip a single '\n' character.
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0x0A) {
// Done.
return index;
/// Skips spaces and tabs on the left from [index].
/// If [index] is the start or a statement, then in most cases this returns
/// the offset of the line in which [index] is found.
int getLineContentStart(int index) {
while (index > 0) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (!c.isSpace) {
return index;
/// Returns the index of the start of the line following the line which
/// contains the given [index].
int getLineNext(int index) {
var length = _buffer.length;
// skip to the end of the line
while (index < length) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index);
if (c == 0xD || c == 0xA) {
// Skip a single '\r'.
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0xD) {
// Skip a single '\n'.
if (index < length && _buffer.codeUnitAt(index) == 0xA) {
// Done.
return index;
/// Returns the whitespace prefix of the line which contains given [index].
String getLinePrefix(int index) {
var lineStart = getLineThis(index);
var length = _buffer.length;
var lineNonWhitespace = lineStart;
while (lineNonWhitespace < length) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(lineNonWhitespace);
if (c == 0xD || c == 0xA) {
if (!c.isWhitespace) {
return getText(lineStart, lineNonWhitespace - lineStart);
/// Returns a [SourceRange] that covers [sourceRange] and extends (if
/// possible) to cover whole lines.
SourceRange getLinesRange(SourceRange sourceRange,
{bool skipLeadingEmptyLines = false}) {
// Calculate the start:
var startOffset = sourceRange.offset;
var startLineOffset = getLineContentStart(startOffset);
if (skipLeadingEmptyLines) {
startLineOffset = _skipEmptyLinesLeft(startLineOffset);
// Calculate the end:
var endOffset = sourceRange.end;
var afterEndLineOffset = endOffset;
var lineInfo = _unit.lineInfo;
var lineStart = lineInfo
.getOffsetOfLine(lineInfo.getLocation(startLineOffset).lineNumber - 1);
if (lineStart == startLineOffset) {
// Only consume line endings after the end of the range if there is
// nothing else on the line containing the beginning of the range.
// Otherwise this will end up incorrectly merging two line.
afterEndLineOffset = getLineContentEnd(endOffset);
return range.startOffsetEndOffset(startLineOffset, afterEndLineOffset);
/// Returns a [SourceRange] that covers all the given [Statement]s.
SourceRange getLinesRangeStatements(List<Statement> statements) {
return getLinesRange(range.nodes(statements));
/// Returns the start index of the line which contains the given [index].
int getLineThis(int index) {
while (index > 0) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (c == 0xD || c == 0xA) {
return index;
/// Returns the whitespace prefix of the line which contains given [node].
String getNodePrefix(AstNode node) {
var offset = node.offset;
// function literal is special, it uses offset of enclosing line
if (node is FunctionExpression) {
return getLinePrefix(offset);
// use just prefix directly before node
return getPrefix(offset);
/// Returns the text of the given [AstNode] in the unit, including preceding
/// comments.
String getNodeText(
AstNode node, {
bool withLeadingComments = false,
}) {
var firstToken = withLeadingComments
? node.beginToken.precedingComments ?? node.beginToken
: node.beginToken;
var offset = firstToken.offset;
var end = node.endToken.end;
var length = end - offset;
return getText(offset, length);
/// Returns the whitespace prefix to the left of the given [endIndex].
String getPrefix(int endIndex) {
var startIndex = getLineContentStart(endIndex);
return _buffer.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
/// Returns the text of the given range in the unit.
String getRangeText(SourceRange range) => getText(range.offset, range.length);
/// Returns the text of the given range in the unit.
String getText(int offset, int length) =>
_buffer.substring(offset, offset + length);
/// Indents the given [source] left or right.
String indentSourceLeftRight(String source, {bool indentLeft = true}) {
var sb = StringBuffer();
var indent = oneIndent;
var eol = endOfLine;
var lines = source.split(eol);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
// last line, stop if empty
if (i == lines.length - 1 && isEmpty(line)) {
// update line
if (indentLeft) {
line = removeStart(line, indent)!;
} else {
line = '$indent$line';
// append line
return sb.toString();
/// Returns the source of the inverted condition for the given logical
/// expression.
String invertCondition(Expression expression) =>
/// Returns the source with indentation changed from [oldIndent] to
/// [newIndent], keeping indentation of lines relative to each other.
/// Indentation on the first line will only be updated if [includeLeading] is
/// `true`.
/// If [ensureTrailingNewline] is `true`, a newline will be added to
/// the end of the returned code if it does not already have one.
/// Usually [includeLeading] and [ensureTrailingNewline] are set together,
/// when indenting a set of statements to go inside a block (as opposed to
/// just wrapping a nested expression that might span multiple lines).
String replaceSourceIndent(String source, String oldIndent, String newIndent,
{bool includeLeading = false, bool ensureTrailingNewline = false}) {
// Prepare token ranges.
var lineRanges = <SourceRange>[];
var tokens = TokenUtils.getTokens(source, _unit.featureSet);
for (var token in tokens) {
if (token.type == TokenType.STRING) {
// Re-indent lines.
var sb = StringBuffer();
var eol = endOfLine;
var lines = source.split(eol);
var lineOffset = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
// Exit early if this is the last line and it's already empty, to avoid
// inserting any whitespace or appending an additional newline if
// `ensureTrailingNewline`.
if (i == lines.length - 1 && isEmpty(line)) {
// Don't replace whitespace on first line unless `includeLeading`.
var doReplaceWhitespace = i != 0 || includeLeading;
// Don't add eol to last line unless `ensureTrailingNewline`.
var doAppendEol = i != lines.length - 1 || ensureTrailingNewline;
// Check if "offset" is in one of the ranges.
var inString = false;
for (var lineRange in lineRanges) {
if (lineOffset > lineRange.offset && lineOffset < lineRange.end) {
inString = true;
if (lineOffset > lineRange.end) {
lineOffset += line.length + eol.length;
// Update line indent.
if (!inString && doReplaceWhitespace) {
line = '$newIndent${removeStart(line, oldIndent)}';
// Append line.
if (doAppendEol) {
return sb.toString();
/// Returns the source of the given [SourceRange] with indentation changed
/// from [oldIndent] to [newIndent], keeping indentation of lines relative
/// to each other.
/// Indentation on the first line will only be updated if [includeLeading] is
/// `true`.
/// If [ensureTrailingNewline] is `true`, a newline will be added to
/// the end of the returned code if it does not already have one.
/// Usually [includeLeading] and [ensureTrailingNewline] are set together,
/// when indenting a set of statements to go inside a block (as opposed to
/// just wrapping a nested expression that might span multiple lines).
String replaceSourceRangeIndent(
SourceRange range, String oldIndent, String newIndent,
{bool includeLeading = false, bool ensureTrailingNewline = false}) {
var oldSource = getRangeText(range);
return replaceSourceIndent(oldSource, oldIndent, newIndent,
includeLeading: includeLeading,
ensureTrailingNewline: ensureTrailingNewline);
/// Returns the [_InvertedCondition] for the given logical expression.
_InvertedCondition _invertCondition0(Expression expression) {
if (expression is BooleanLiteral) {
if (expression.value) {
return _InvertedCondition._simple('false');
} else {
return _InvertedCondition._simple('true');
} else if (expression is BinaryExpression) {
var operator = expression.operator.type;
var le = expression.leftOperand;
var re = expression.rightOperand;
var ls = _InvertedCondition._simple(getNodeText(le));
var rs = _InvertedCondition._simple(getNodeText(re));
if (operator == TokenType.LT) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' >= ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.GT) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' <= ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.LT_EQ) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' > ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.GT_EQ) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' < ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.EQ_EQ) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' != ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.BANG_EQ) {
return _InvertedCondition._binary2(ls, ' == ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND) {
ls = _invertCondition0(le);
rs = _invertCondition0(re);
return _InvertedCondition._binary(
TokenType.BAR_BAR.precedence, ls, ' || ', rs);
if (operator == TokenType.BAR_BAR) {
ls = _invertCondition0(le);
rs = _invertCondition0(re);
return _InvertedCondition._binary(
TokenType.AMPERSAND_AMPERSAND.precedence, ls, ' && ', rs);
} else if (expression is IsExpression) {
var expressionSource = getNodeText(expression.expression);
var typeSource = getNodeText(expression.type);
if (expression.notOperator == null) {
return _InvertedCondition._simple('$expressionSource is! $typeSource');
} else {
return _InvertedCondition._simple('$expressionSource is $typeSource');
} else if (expression is PrefixExpression) {
var operator = expression.operator.type;
if (operator == TokenType.BANG) {
var operand = expression.operand.unParenthesized;
return _InvertedCondition._simple(getNodeText(operand));
} else if (expression is ParenthesizedExpression) {
return _invertCondition0(expression.unParenthesized);
var type = expression.typeOrThrow;
if (type.isDartCoreBool) {
return _InvertedCondition._simple('!${getNodeText(expression)}');
return _InvertedCondition._simple(getNodeText(expression));
/// Skips whitespace and EOLs to the left of [index].
/// If [index] is the start of a method declaration, then in most cases, this
/// returns the end of the previous non-whitespace line.
int _skipEmptyLinesLeft(int index) {
var lastLine = index;
while (index > 0) {
var c = _buffer.codeUnitAt(index - 1);
if (!c.isWhitespace) {
return lastLine;
if (c.isEOL) {
lastLine = index;
return 0;
/// Utilities to work with [Token]s.
class TokenUtils {
/// Returns the tokens of the given Dart source, [s].
/// The returned list may be empty if there are no tokens, or some exception
/// is caught.
static List<Token> getTokens(String s, FeatureSet featureSet) {
try {
var tokens = <Token>[];
var scanner = Scanner(
featureSetForOverriding: featureSet,
featureSet: featureSet,
var token = scanner.tokenize();
while (!token.isEof) {
token =!;
return tokens;
} catch (e) {
return [];
/// A container with a source and its precedence.
class _InvertedCondition {
final int _precedence;
final String _source;
_InvertedCondition(this._precedence, this._source);
static _InvertedCondition _binary(int precedence, _InvertedCondition left,
String operation, _InvertedCondition right) {
var src = _parenthesizeIfRequired(left, precedence) +
operation +
_parenthesizeIfRequired(right, precedence);
return _InvertedCondition(precedence, src);
static _InvertedCondition _binary2(
_InvertedCondition left, String operation, _InvertedCondition right) {
// TODO(scheglov): consider merging with "_binary()" after testing
return _InvertedCondition(
1 << 20, '${left._source}$operation${right._source}');
/// Adds enclosing parenthesis if the precedence of the [_InvertedCondition]
/// if less than the precedence of the expression we are going it to use in.
static String _parenthesizeIfRequired(
_InvertedCondition expr, int newOperatorPrecedence) {
if (expr._precedence < newOperatorPrecedence) {
return '(${expr._source})';
return expr._source;
static _InvertedCondition _simple(String source) =>
_InvertedCondition(2147483647, source);
class _SourceMock implements Source {
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);