| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| cc/Fail0: Fail # These tests are expected to crash on all platforms. |
| cc/Fail1: Fail # These tests are expected to crash on all platforms. |
| cc/Fail2: Fail # These tests are expected to crash on all platforms. |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingConstructorCall_AbstractToConcrete: Fail, Crash # Issue 32981. Fails on non-Windows, crashes on Windows (because of test.py special handline). |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingConstructorCall_ConcreteToAbstract: Fail, Crash # Issue 32981. Fails on non-Windows, crashes on Windows (because of test.py special handline). |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingStaticCall_DefinedToNSM: Fail # Issue 32981 |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingStaticCall_NSMToDefined: Fail, Crash # Issue 32981. Fails on non-Windows, crashes on Windows (because of test.py special handline) |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingUnqualifiedCall_InstanceToStatic: Fail # Issue 32981 |
| cc/IsolateReload_PendingUnqualifiedCall_StaticToInstance: Fail # Issue 32981 |
| cc/TTS_STC_ManyAsserts: Pass, Slow # Generates 10k classes that are put into an STC via assert checks. |
| dart/analyze_snapshot_binary_test: Pass, Slow # Runs various subprocesses for testing AOT. |
| dart/async_igoto_threshold_flag_test: Pass, Slow |
| dart/boxmint_test: Pass, Slow # Uses slow path |
| dart/byte_array_optimized_test: Pass, Slow |
| dart/byte_array_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --opt-counter-threshold=10 |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/none: SkipByDesign |
| dart/disassemble_aot_test: Pass, Slow # Spawns several subprocesses |
| dart/emit_aot_size_info_flag_test: Pass, Slow # Spawns several subprocesses |
| dart/gc/*: Pass, Slow # Tests that involve expensive heap verification steps |
| dart/hash_map_probes_limit_test: Pass, Slow # Test includes large program compilation. |
| dart/isolates/*: Pass, Slow # Tests use many isolates and take a longer time. |
| dart/isolates/concurrency_stress_sanity_test: Pass, Slow # Spawns subprocesses |
| dart/isolates/fast_object_copy_test: Pass, Slow # Slow due to doing a lot of transitive object copies. |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: Pass, Slow # Spawns several subprocesses |
| dart/print_object_layout_test: Pass, Slow # Spawns several subprocesses |
| dart/regress32619_test: Pass, Slow |
| dart/slow_path_shared_stub_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --shared-slow-path-triggers-gc flag. |
| dart/snapshot_version_test: Skip # This test is a Dart1 test (script snapshot) |
| dart/spawn_uri_aot_test: Pass, Slow # Runs various subprocesses for testing AOT. |
| dart/stack_overflow_shared_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --shared-slow-path-triggers-gc flag. |
| |
| [ $arch == ia32 ] |
| dart/cachable_idempotent_test: Skip # CachableIdempotent calls are not supported in ia32 because it has no object pool. |
| dart/disassemble_aot_test: SkipByDesign # IA32 does not support AOT. |
| dart/regress32597_2_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --optimization-counter-threshold=10 without a kernel service snapshot. |
| dart/regress38467_test: Pass, Slow # Uses --optimization-counter-threshold=10 without a kernel service snapshot. |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == obfuscated ] |
| dart/heapsnapshot_cli_test: SkipByDesign # Relies on symbol names |
| dart/isolate_exit_unsendable_test: SkipByDesign # Relies on symbol names |
| dart/sendandexit_test: SkipByDesign # Relies on symbol names |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == optimization_counter_threshold ] |
| cc/*: Skip # Many tests want see unoptimized code running |
| dart/appjit*: SkipByDesign # Test needs to a particular opt-counter value |
| dart/finalizer/finalizer_isolate_groups_run_gc_test: SkipByDesign # GC happens at unpredictable times. |
| dart/kernel_determinism_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: SkipSlow # gen_kernel is too slow with optimization_counter_threshold |
| |
| [ $compiler == app_jitk ] |
| dart/snapshot_version_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk ] |
| cc/IsolateReload_LibraryLookup: Fail, Crash # Issue 32190 |
| |
| [ $compiler != dartk ] |
| cc/IsolateReload_KernelIncrementalCompile: SkipByDesign |
| cc/IsolateReload_KernelIncrementalCompileAppAndLib: SkipByDesign |
| cc/IsolateReload_KernelIncrementalCompileExpression: SkipByDesign |
| cc/IsolateReload_KernelIncrementalCompileGenerics: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Mixin_PrivateSuperResolution: Skip |
| cc/Mixin_PrivateSuperResolutionCrossLibraryShouldFail: Skip |
| dart/appjit*: SkipByDesign # Test needs to run from source |
| dart/b162922506_test: SkipByDesign # Only run in JIT |
| dart/entrypoints/jit/*: SkipByDesign # These tests should only run on JIT. |
| dart/kernel_determinism_test: SkipByDesign # Test needs to run from source |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: SkipByDesign # Test needs to run from source |
| dart/snapshot_depfile_test: SkipByDesign # Test needs to run from source |
| dart/spawn_uri_from_kernel_blob_test: SkipByDesign # Only run in JIT. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartkp ] |
| dart/await_type_check_with_dynamic_loading_test: SkipByDesign # Uses dart:mirrors. |
| dart/finalizer/finalizer_isolate_groups_run_gc_test: SkipByDesign # Isolate.spawnUri is not supported in AOT. |
| dart/redirection_type_shuffling_test: SkipByDesign # Uses dart:mirrors. |
| dart/v8_snapshot_profile_writer_test: Pass, Slow # Can be slow due to re-invoking the precompiler. |
| |
| [ $compiler != dartkp ] |
| dart/base_il_serialization: SkipByDesign # Serialization currently supported only when compiling with --aot. |
| dart/disassemble_aot_test: SkipByDesign # runs gen snapshot. |
| dart/entrypoints/aot/*: SkipByDesign # These tests should only run on AOT. |
| |
| [ $compiler == fasta ] |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/badencodeddate: CompileTimeError |
| |
| [ $mode == debug ] |
| cc/CorelibIsolateStartup: SkipByDesign # This is a benchmark that is not informative in debug mode. |
| cc/SixtyThousandDartClasses: SkipSlow # Finalization of 64K classes is too slow in debug mode. |
| cc/VerifyExplicit_Crash: Crash # Negative tests of VerifiedMemory should crash iff in DEBUG mode. TODO(koda): Improve support for negative tests. |
| cc/VerifyImplicit_Crash: Crash # Negative tests of VerifiedMemory should crash iff in DEBUG mode. TODO(koda): Improve support for negative tests. |
| dart/appjit_cha_deopt_test: Pass, Slow # Quite slow in debug mode, uses --optimization-counter-threshold=100 |
| dart/b162922506_test: SkipSlow # Generates very large input file |
| dart/hash_map_probes_limit_test: SkipSlow # Test includes large program compilation. |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: SkipSlow # gen_kernel is too slow in debug mode |
| dart/regress47472_test: Pass, Slow # Slow due to throwing 1 million exceptions. |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: Pass, Slow # VM Shutdown test, It can take some time for all the isolates to shutdown in a Debug build. |
| |
| [ $mode == product ] |
| cc/CoreSnapshotSize: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors |
| cc/CreateMirrorSystem: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors |
| cc/StandaloneSnapshotSize: SkipByDesign # Imports dart:mirrors |
| dart/gen_snapshot_include_resolved_urls_test: SkipByDesign # Script URLs not included in product gen_snapshot |
| |
| [ $nnbd == legacy ] |
| dart/*: SkipByDesign # Migrated tests are not supposed to run on non-NNBD bots. |
| |
| [ $sanitizer == asan ] |
| dart/transferable_throws_oom_test: SkipByDesign # This test tries to allocate too much memory on purpose. Still dartbug.com/37188 |
| |
| [ $sanitizer != none ] |
| dart/exported_symbols_test: SkipByDesign # Sanitizers add extra symbols. |
| |
| [ $sanitizer == tsan ] |
| dart/analyze_snapshot_binary_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/appjit_cha_deopt_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/flutter_regress_93676_test: Pass, Slow |
| dart/gc/chunked_binary_trees*: Skip # Uses too much memory with TSAN overhead and kills bot |
| dart/gc/fragmentation*: Skip # Uses too much memory with TSAN overhead and kills bot |
| dart/gc/out_of_memory*: Skip # Uses too much memory with TSAN overhead and kills bot |
| dart/gc/scavenger_abort_test: Skip # Uses too much memory with TSAN overhead and kills bot |
| dart/hash_map_probes_limit_test: SkipSlow # Test includes large program compilation. |
| dart/regress_40753_test: Skip # This test crashes on the bot, but not locally, and infrastructure repeatedly fails to locate its coredump. |
| dart/trigger_gc_in_native_test: Skip # This test crashes on the bot, but not locally, and infrastructure repeatedly fails to locate its coredump. |
| dart/unobfuscated_static_symbols_test: Pass, Slow # Test includes creating several snapshots in both ELF and assembly modes. |
| dart/use_strip_flag_test: Pass, Slow # This test can take a longer time to complete. |
| dart/v8_snapshot_profile_writer_test: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $system == android ] |
| dart/isolates/dart_api_create_lightweight_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # On android this test does not work due to not being able to identify library uri. |
| dart/sdk_hash_test: SkipByDesign # The test doesn't know location of cross-platform gen_snapshot |
| |
| [ $system == fuchsia ] |
| cc/CorelibIsolateStartup: Skip # OOM crash can bring down the OS. |
| cc/Read: Fail # TODO(zra): Investigate, ../../dart/runtime/bin/file_test.cc: 34: error: expected: !file->WriteByte(1) |
| dart/data_uri_spawn_test: Skip # TODO(zra): package:unittest is not in the image. |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: Skip # OOM crash can bring down the OS. |
| |
| [ $system == macos ] |
| dart/transferable_throws_oom_test: SkipByDesign # Allocating too much memory to cause OOM doesn't work on mac |
| |
| [ $system == windows ] |
| cc/CorelibCompilerStats: Skip |
| dart/disassemble_determinism_test: Slow, Pass # Times out on slower bots. |
| |
| [ $qemu ] |
| cc/ManyClasses: Slow, Pass # Generates 100k classes, slow on emulated architectures. |
| cc/StressMallocDirectly: Skip # Queries RSS |
| cc/StressMallocThroughZones: Skip # Queries RSS |
| cc/SweepDontNeed: Skip # Queries RSS |
| cc/TTS_STC_ManyAsserts: Skip # OOM crash can occur when growing the STC. |
| cc/TypeArguments_Cache_ManyInstantiations: Skip # Generates 100k classes, extremely slow on emulated architectures. |
| |
| # On the simulator stack traces produced by the Profiler do not match |
| # up with the real Dart stack trace and hence we don't get correct |
| # symbol names. |
| [ $simulator ] |
| cc/DartAPI_NativeFieldAccess: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| cc/DartAPI_NativeFieldAccess_Throws: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| cc/Dart_SetFfiNativeResolver: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| cc/Dart_SetFfiNativeResolver_DoesNotResolve: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| cc/Dart_SetFfiNativeResolver_MissingResolver: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| cc/LargeMap: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_AllocationSampleTest: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_ArrayAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_BasicSourcePosition: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_BasicSourcePositionOptimized: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_BinaryOperatorSourcePosition: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_BinaryOperatorSourcePositionOptimized: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_ChainedSamples: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_ClosureAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_CodeTicks: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_ContextAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_FunctionInline: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_FunctionTicks: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_GetSourceReport: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_InliningIntervalBoundary: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_IntrinsicAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_SampleBufferIterateTest: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_SampleBufferWrapTest: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_SourcePosition: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_SourcePositionOptimized: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_StringAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_StringInterpolation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_ToggleRecordAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_TrivialRecordAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Profiler_TypedArrayAllocation: SkipByDesign |
| cc/Service_Profile: SkipByDesign |
| dart/gc/splay_c_finalizer_test: SkipByDesign # No FFI on simulators |
| dart/isolates/dart_api_create_lightweight_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| dart/isolates/regress_54528_test: SkipByDesign # Invokes gen_kernel/gen_snapshot |
| dart/isolates/shared_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| dart/isolates/thread_pool_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 Test uses dart:ffi which is not supported on simulators. |
| dart/reachability_test: SkipByDesign # Test takes too long on the simulator |
| dart/regress_41971_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 dart:ffi is not supported on simulator |
| dart/regress_b_216834909_test: SkipByDesign # No FFI on simulators |
| dart/sdk_hash_test: SkipSlow # gen_kernel is slow to run on simarm |
| dart/sendport_api_test: SkipByDesign # No FFI on simulators |
| dart/unboxed_param_args_descriptor_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 FFI helper not supported on simulator |
| dart/unboxed_param_tear_off_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 FFI helper not supported on simulator |
| dart/unboxed_param_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/37299 FFI helper not supported on simulator |
| dart/use_code_comments_flag: Pass, Slow # Slow on simulator https://dartbug.com/55658 |
| |
| [ $arch == ia32 && $mode == debug ] |
| dart/*: Pass, Slow # The CFE is not run from AppJit snapshot, JIT warmup in debug mode very slow |
| |
| [ $arch == ia32 && $mode == debug && $system == windows ] |
| dart/transferable_test: Skip # This is performance test and somehow debug win ia32 bot's performance is unpredictable |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == obfuscated && $compiler == dartkp ] |
| dart/extension_names_test: SkipByDesign # No demangling (obfuscated). |
| dart/extension_unnamed_names_test: SkipByDesign # No demangling (obfuscated). |
| dart/isolates/dart_api_create_lightweight_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/44215: This test relies on non-obfuscated library uris. |
| dart/optimized_stacktrace_line_and_column_test: SkipByDesign # Looks for filenames in stacktrace output |
| dart/optimized_stacktrace_line_test: SkipByDesign # Looks for filenames in stacktrace output |
| dart/regress_37382_test: SkipByDesign # Matches the type arguments names |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $mode == product && $runtime == vm ] |
| cc/CorelibIsolateStartup: Timeout, Pass |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $mode == release && $runtime == vm ] |
| cc/CorelibIsolateStartup: Timeout, Pass |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $runtime == vm ] |
| cc/DartAPI_LoadLibrary: Fail, Crash # Issue 33048. |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_BreakpointStubPatching: Fail |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_GetClosureInfo: Fail |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_InterruptIsolate: SkipSlow |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_IsolateID: Fail |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_ScriptGetTokenInfo_Basic: Fail |
| cc/DebuggerAPI_ScriptGetTokenInfo_MultiLineInterpolation: Fail |
| cc/Debugger_PrintBreakpointsToJSONArray: Fail |
| cc/Debugger_Rewind_Optimized: SkipSlow |
| cc/Debugger_SetBreakpointInPartOfLibrary: Crash |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $runtime == vm && $system == macos ] |
| cc/IsolateReload_LibraryLookup: Fail, Crash |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $system == linux ] |
| cc/IsolateReload_LibraryLookup: Fail, Crash |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $system == windows ] |
| cc/IsolateReload_LibraryLookup: Fail, Crash |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $hot_reload && !$simulator ] |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/base64: Crash |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/nocharset: Crash |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/nomime: Crash |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/percentencoded: Crash |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/utf16: Crash |
| dart/data_uri_import_test/wrongmime: Crash |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $simulator ] |
| dart/appjit*: SkipSlow # DFE too slow |
| dart/b162922506_test: SkipSlow # Generates large input file |
| dart/data_uri_spawn_test: Skip # Please triage. |
| dart/enable_mirrors_test: SkipByDesign # Separate kernel compilation doesn't respect VM options. |
| dart/isolates/fast_object_copy2_test*: Skip # Uses ffi which is not available on simulated architectures |
| dart/isolates/fast_object_copy_test*: SkipSlow |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: SkipSlow # gen_kernel is too slow on simulated architectures |
| dart/snapshot_version_test: RuntimeError # Please triage. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && ($hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback) ] |
| dart/awaiter_stacks/sync_async_start_pkg_test_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/data_uri_spawn_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/heap_snapshot_referrers_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/heap_snapshot_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/heapsnapshot_cli_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/isolates/reload_many_isolates_live_and_die_test: SkipSlow # The test itself does reloading of subprocesses. |
| dart/kernel_determinism_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/regress_48196_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/regress_52703_test: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartkp && $system == windows ] |
| dart/isolates/dart_api_create_lightweight_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # https://dartbug.com/40579 Dart C API symbols not available. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartkp && $simulator ] |
| dart/awaiter_stacks/stream_methods_test/1: Pass, Slow |
| dart/isolates/fast_object_copy2_test*: Skip # Uses ffi which is not available on simulated architectures |
| dart/isolates/fast_object_copy_test*: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartkp && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ] |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartkp && ($sanitizer == tsan || $simulator) ] |
| dart/regress_45898_test: Pass, Slow |
| |
| [ $mode == debug && $system == windows ] |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: Skip # Flaky crashes unable to start thread; likely low memory on the bot. |
| |
| [ $mode == product && $runtime == vm ] |
| cc/DartAPI_IsolateSetCheckedMode: Fail, OK # Checked mode disabled in product mode. |
| |
| [ $runtime == dart_precompiled && $minified ] |
| dart/inline_stack_frame_test: Skip |
| dart/optimized_stacktrace_line_test: Skip |
| |
| [ $runtime != dart_precompiled && $runtime != vm ] |
| dart/*: SkipByDesign # VM specific tests |
| dart/catch_entry_state: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $arch == arm || $arch == arm64 || $builder_tag == crossword || $builder_tag == crossword_ast || $compiler != dartkp || $system == linux && $simulator ] |
| dart/v8_snapshot_profile_writer_test: SkipByDesign # Only relevant for AOT. Doesn't work in cross-compilation (has to run on the host). On Linux/simarm64 and Linux/simarm this test requires buildtools/clang which is not always available on testing shards. |
| |
| [ $arch != x64 || $system != linux || $hot_reload || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp ] |
| dart/entrypoints_verification_test: SkipByDesign # Enough to test on x64 Linux. |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == crossword || $builder_tag == crossword_ast ] |
| dart/emit_aot_size_info_flag_test: SkipByDesign # The test itself cannot determine the location of gen_snapshot (only tools/test.py knows where it is). |
| dart/gen_snapshot_include_resolved_urls_test: SkipByDesign # The test doesn't know location of cross-platform gen_snapshot. |
| dart/sdk_hash_test: SkipByDesign # The test doesn't know location of cross-platform gen_snapshot |
| dart/split_aot_kernel_generation2_test: SkipByDesign # The test doesn't know location of cross-platform gen_snapshot |
| dart/split_aot_kernel_generation_test: SkipByDesign # The test doesn't know location of cross-platform gen_snapshot |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == crossword || $builder_tag == crossword_ast || $compiler != dartkp || $system != linux && $system != macos && $system != windows ] |
| dart/run_appended_aot_snapshot_test: SkipByDesign # Tests the precompiled runtime. |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == dwarf || $builder_tag == obfuscated ] |
| dart/error_messages_in_null_checks_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/extension_names_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/extension_unnamed_names_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/inline_stack_frame_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/invisible_function_pragma_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/optimized_stacktrace_line_and_column_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/optimized_stacktrace_line_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| dart/stacktrace_mixin_application_test: SkipByDesign # Relies symbol names in stack traces |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2analyzer || $compiler == dart2js ] |
| dart/data_uri*test: Skip # Data uri's not supported by dart2js or the analyzer. |
| |
| [ $mode == debug || $runtime != dart_precompiled || $system == android ] |
| dart/emit_aot_size_info_flag_test: SkipByDesign # This test is for VM AOT only and is quite slow (so we don't run it in debug mode). |
| dart/split_aot_kernel_generation2_test: SkipByDesign # This test is for VM AOT only and is quite slow (so we don't run it in debug mode). |
| dart/split_aot_kernel_generation_test: SkipByDesign # This test is for VM AOT only and is quite slow (so we don't run it in debug mode). |
| |
| # It makes no sense to run any test that uses spawnURI under the simulator |
| # as that would involve running CFE (the front end) in simulator mode |
| # to compile the URI file specified in spawnURI code. |
| # These Isolate tests that use spawnURI are hence skipped on purpose. |
| [ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm && $simulator ] |
| dart/data_uri_spawn_test: SkipByDesign # Isolate.spawnUri |
| dart/finalizer/finalizer_isolate_groups_run_gc_test: SkipByDesign # uses spawnUri. |
| dart/isolates/send_object_to_spawn_uri_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # uses spawnUri |
| dart/issue32950_test: SkipByDesign # uses spawnUri. |
| |
| [ $runtime != dart_precompiled || $sanitizer != msan && $sanitizer != tsan ] |
| dart/sanitizer_compatibility_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $system != macos || $simulator ] |
| dart/thread_priority_macos_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $system != windows || $simulator ] |
| dart/thread_priority_windows_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ] |
| dart/appjit*: SkipByDesign # Cannot reload with URI pointing to app snapshot. |
| dart/disassemble_determinism_test: SkipSlow # Runs expensive fibonacci(32) computation in 2 subprocesses |
| dart/isolates/shared_primitives_test: SkipSlow # The test spawns children processes, which is too slow on reload bots |
| dart/isolates/shared_test: SkipSlow # The test spawns children processes, which is too slow on reload bots |
| dart/issue_31959_31960_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/minimal_kernel_test: SkipSlow # gen_kernel is too slow in hot reload testing mode |
| dart/print_flow_graph_determinism_test: SkipSlow |
| dart/slow_path_shared_stub_test: SkipSlow # Too slow with --shared-slow-path-triggers-gc flag and not relevant outside precompiled. |
| dart/spawn_infinite_loop_test: Skip # We can shutdown an isolate before it reloads. |
| dart/spawn_shutdown_test: Skip # We can shutdown an isolate before it reloads. |
| dart/stack_overflow_shared_test: SkipSlow # Too slow with --shared-slow-path-triggers-gc flag and not relevant outside precompiled. |
| |
| [ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp ] |
| dart/entrypoints/*: SkipByDesign # These tests are for compiler optimizations and very sensitive to when functions are optimized, so they are disabled on hotreload and optcounter bots. |
| |
| [ $simulator || $system != android && $system != linux ] |
| dart/thread_priority_linux_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| # The analyze_snapshot tool tests are only supported on 64 bit AOT builds running under |
| # release or product runtimes for linux and android platforms |
| [ $arch != arm64 && $arch != arm64c && $arch != simarm64 && $arch != simarm64c && $arch != x64 && $arch != x64c || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != dartkp || $mode != product && $mode != release || $runtime != dart_precompiled && $runtime != vm || $system != android && $system != linux ] |
| dart/analyze_snapshot_binary_test: SkipByDesign # Only run on 64bit AOT on standard architectures |