blob: 1547f450062797f81c7cdeeb85e862ef36487a69 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Compiler setup for the Windows SDK. Applied to all targets.
config("sdk") {
# The include path is the stuff returned by the script.
#include_dirs = msvc_config[0] TODO(brettw) make this work.
defines = [
# This is required for ATL to use XP-safe versions of its functions.
# Sets the default Windows build version. This is separated because some
# targets need to manually override it for their compiles.
config("winver") {
defines = [
# Linker flags for Windows SDK setup, this is applied only to EXEs and DLLs.
config("sdk_link") {
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
ldflags = [
"/SAFESEH", # Not compatible with x64 so use only for x86.
lib_dirs = [
if (!is_asan) {
ldflags += [ "/largeaddressaware" ]
} else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:X64" ]
lib_dirs = [
} else if (current_cpu == "arm") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:ARM" ]
lib_dirs = [
} else if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
ldflags = [ "/MACHINE:ARM64" ]
lib_dirs = [
} else {
assert(false, "Unknown current_cpu: $current_cpu")
# This default linker setup is provided separately from the SDK setup so
# targets who want different library configurations can remove this and specify
# their own.
config("common_linker_setup") {
ldflags = [
"/ignore:4197", # Disable multiple Dart_True export warning.
# Embed default manifest, which sets the requested UAC level to asInvoker,
# to prevent "installer detection" from automatically deciding to request
# elevated privileges (
# Suggested by Microsoft Devrel to avoid
# LINK : fatal error LNK1248: image size (80000000)
# exceeds maximum allowable size (80000000)
# which started happening more regularly after VS2013 Update 4.
# Subsystem -------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is appended to the subsystem to specify a minimum version.
if (current_cpu == "x86" || current_cpu == "x64" || current_cpu == "arm" ||
current_cpu == "arm64") {
subsystem_version_suffix = ",10.0"
} else {
assert(false, "Unknown current_cpu: $current_cpu")
config("console") {
ldflags = [ "/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE$subsystem_version_suffix" ]
config("windowed") {
ldflags = [ "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS$subsystem_version_suffix" ]
# Incremental linking ---------------------------------------------------------
incremental_linking_on_switch = [ "/INCREMENTAL" ]
incremental_linking_off_switch = [ "/INCREMENTAL:NO" ]
if (is_debug) {
default_incremental_linking_switch = incremental_linking_on_switch
} else {
default_incremental_linking_switch = incremental_linking_off_switch
# Applies incremental linking or not depending on the current configuration.
config("default_incremental_linking") {
ldflags = default_incremental_linking_switch
# Explicitly on or off incremental linking
config("incremental_linking") {
ldflags = incremental_linking_on_switch
config("no_incremental_linking") {
ldflags = incremental_linking_off_switch
# Some large modules can't handle incremental linking in some situations. This
# config should be applied to large modules to turn off incremental linking
# when it won't work.
config("default_large_module_incremental_linking") {
if (current_cpu == "x86" || !is_component_build) {
# When symbols are on, things get so large that the tools fail due to the
# size of the .ilk files.
ldflags = incremental_linking_off_switch
} else {
# Otherwise just do the default incremental linking for this build type.
ldflags = default_incremental_linking_switch
# Character set ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Not including this config means "ansi" (8-bit system codepage).
config("unicode") {
defines = [
# Lean and mean ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Some third party code might not compile with WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN so we have
# to have a separate config for it. Remove this config from your target to
# get the "bloaty and accommodating" version of windows.h.
config("lean_and_mean") {
defines = [ "WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN" ]
# Nominmax --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Some third party code defines NOMINMAX before including windows.h, which
# then causes warnings when it's been previously defined on the command line.
# For such targets, this config can be removed.
config("nominmax") {
defines = [ "NOMINMAX" ]
# Relative paths --------------------------------------------------------------
config("relative_paths") {
# Make builds independent of absolute file path. The file names
# embedded in debugging information will be expressed as relative to
# the build directory, e.g. "../.." for an "out/subdir" under //.
# This is consistent with the file names in __FILE__ expansions
# (e.g. in assertion messages), which the compiler doesn't provide a
# way to remap. That way source file names in logging and
# symbolization can all be treated the same way. This won't go well
# if root_build_dir is not a subdirectory //, but there isn't a better
# option to keep all source file name references uniformly relative to
# a single root.
if (use_rbe) {
absolute_path = "/b/f/w/"
} else {
absolute_path = rebase_path("//")
relative_path = ""
cflags = [
# This makes sure that debug information uses relative paths.
# Remove absolute paths from the debug information.
# This makes sure that include directories in the toolchain are
# represented as relative to the build directory (because that's how
# we invoke the compiler), rather than absolute. This can affect
# __FILE__ expansions (e.g. assertions in system headers). We
# normally run a compiler that's someplace within the source tree
# (//buildtools/...), so its absolute installation path will have a
# prefix matching absolute_path and hence be mapped to relative_path
# in the debugging information, so this should actually be
# superfluous for purposes of the debugging information.
if (is_clang) {
build_timestamp =
exec_script("//tools/", [], "trim string")
config("deterministic_builds") {
if (is_clang) {
# /Brepro lets the compiler not write the mtime field in the .obj output.
# link.exe /incremental relies on this field to work correctly, but lld
# never looks at this timestamp, so it's safe to pass this flag with
# lld and get more deterministic compiler output in return.
# In LTO builds, the compiler doesn't write .obj files containing mtimes,
# so /Brepro is ignored there.
cflags = [ "/Brepro" ]
# lld defaults to writing the current time in the pe/coff header.
# For build reproducibility, pass an explicit timestamp. See
# build/ for how the timestamp is chosen.
# (link.exe also writes the current time, but it doesn't have a flag to
# override that behavior.)
ldflags = [ "/TIMESTAMP:" + build_timestamp ]
# Use a fake fixed base directory for paths in the pdb to make the pdb
# output fully deterministic and independent of the build directory.
ldflags += [ "/PDBSourcePath:o:\fake\prefix" ]