blob: f1469a1845f9aac5934c0cf1fb2dc99113b81aa7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async' show Future;
import 'dart:io' show Directory, File;
import 'package:expect/expect.dart' show Expect;
import 'package:front_end/src/compute_platform_binaries_location.dart'
show computePlatformBinariesLocation;
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart' show BinaryBuilder;
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart' show Component;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
import 'incremental_load_from_dill_test.dart'
show checkIsEqual, getOptions, initializedCompile, normalCompile;
Directory outDir;
main() async {
outDir =
try {
await testDart2jsCompile();
} finally {
outDir.deleteSync(recursive: true);
Future<void> testDart2jsCompile() async {
final Uri dart2jsUrl = Uri.base.resolve("pkg/compiler/bin/dart2js.dart");
final Uri invalidateUri = Uri.parse("package:compiler/src/filenames.dart");
Uri normalDill = outDir.uri.resolve("dart2js.full.dill");
Uri fullDillFromInitialized =
Uri nonexisting = outDir.uri.resolve("dart2js.nonexisting.dill");
// Compile dart2js without initializing from dill.
// Note: Use none-target to avoid mismatches in "interface target" caused by
// type inference occurring before or after mixin transformation.
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
await normalCompile(dart2jsUrl, normalDill,
options: getOptions() = new NoneTarget(new TargetFlags()));
print("Normal compile took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms");
// Check that we don't include the source from files from the sdk.
final Uri sdkRoot = computePlatformBinariesLocation(forceBuildDir: true);
Uri platformUri = sdkRoot.resolve("vm_platform_strong.dill");
Component cSdk = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(new File.fromUri(platformUri).readAsBytesSync(),
disableLazyReading: false)
Component c = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(new File.fromUri(normalDill).readAsBytesSync(),
disableLazyReading: false)
for (Uri uri in c.uriToSource.keys) {
if (cSdk.uriToSource.containsKey(uri)) {
if ((c.uriToSource[uri].source?.length ?? 0) != 0) {
throw "Compile contained sources for the sdk $uri";
if ((c.uriToSource[uri].lineStarts?.length ?? 0) != 0) {
throw "Compile contained line starts for the sdk $uri";
// Compile dart2js, initializing from the just-compiled dill,
// a nonexisting file.
for (List<Object> initializationData in [
[normalDill, true],
[nonexisting, false],
]) {
Uri initializeWith = initializationData[0];
bool initializeExpect = initializationData[1];
bool initializeResult = await initializedCompile(
dart2jsUrl, fullDillFromInitialized, initializeWith, [invalidateUri],
options: getOptions() = new NoneTarget(new TargetFlags()));
Expect.equals(initializeResult, initializeExpect);
print("Initialized compile(s) from ${initializeWith.pathSegments.last} "
"took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms");
// Compare the two files.
List<int> normalDillData = new File.fromUri(normalDill).readAsBytesSync();
List<int> initializedDillData =
new File.fromUri(fullDillFromInitialized).readAsBytesSync();
checkIsEqual(normalDillData, initializedDillData);
// Also try without invalidating anything.
initializeResult = await initializedCompile(
dart2jsUrl, fullDillFromInitialized, initializeWith, [],
options: getOptions() = new NoneTarget(new TargetFlags()));
Expect.equals(initializeExpect, initializeResult);
print("Initialized compile(s) from ${initializeWith.pathSegments.last} "
"took ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms");
// Compare the two files.
initializedDillData =
new File.fromUri(fullDillFromInitialized).readAsBytesSync();
checkIsEqual(normalDillData, initializedDillData);