blob: d94ba75ef5ef40e1a2a97b69fa36c4e2f321d679 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Tests the tool `pkg/front_end/tool/fasta`.
import "dart:io";
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import "package:front_end/src/fasta/fasta_codes.dart"
show messageFastaUsageShort;
const String toolPath = "pkg/front_end/tool/fasta";
const List<String> subtools = const <String>[
/// An unsafe tool is a tool that shouldn't be run during this test. Please
/// document below why the tool shouldn't be run, and how it is tested.
const List<String> unsafeTools = const <String>[
// This modifies the source code in the repository, and that could cause
// other tests to fail. This tool is tested as we invoke it everytime we edit
// messages.yaml.
// This is a daemon process that never terminates. It's not currently tested
// directly.
// This would eventually run this test again, recursively, and never
// finish. As this tool is part of the workflow for testing Fasta, we assume
// is exercised sufficiently.
main() {
if (!Platform.isMacOS && !Platform.isLinux) {
// The tool is a shell script and only works on Mac and Linux.
Set<String> testedSubtools = new Set<String>.from(subtools)
.difference(new Set<String>.from(unsafeTools));
String usage = messageFastaUsageShort.message;
Map expectations = {
"abcompile": {
"exitCode": 1,
"stdout": """[]
Expected -DbRoot=/absolute/path/to/other/sdk/repo
"stderr": "",
"compile": {
"exitCode": 1,
"stdout": """
Error: No input file provided to the compiler.
Usage: compile [options] dartfile
Compiles a Dart program to the Dill/Kernel IR format.
Error: No Dart file specified.
"stderr": "",
"compile-platform": {
"exitCode": 1,
"stdout": """
Error: No input file provided to the compiler.
Usage: compile_platform [options] dart-library-uri libraries.json vm_outline_strong.dill platform.dill outline.dill
Compiles Dart SDK platform to the Dill/Kernel IR format.
Error: Expected five arguments.
"stderr": "",
"log": {
"exitCode": 0,
"stdout": "",
"stderr": "",
"outline": {
"exitCode": 1,
"stdout": """
Error: No input file provided to the compiler.
Usage: outline [options] dartfile
Creates an outline of a Dart program in the Dill/Kernel IR format.
Error: No Dart file specified.
"stderr": "",
"parser": {
"exitCode": 0,
"stdout": "",
"stderr": "",
"scanner": {
"exitCode": 0,
"stderr": "",
"dump-partial": {
"exitCode": 1,
"stdout": "usage: pkg/front_end/tool/fasta dump_partial"
" partial.dill [extra1.dill] ... [extraN.dill]\n",
"stderr": "",
"dump-ir": {
"exitCode": 2,
"stdout": "",
"stderr": "Usage: dump-ir dillfile [output]\n",
for (String subtool in testedSubtools) {
print("Testing $subtool");
ProcessResult result = Process.runSync(
"/bin/bash", <String>[toolPath, subtool],
environment: <String, String>{"DART_VM": Platform.resolvedExecutable});
Map expectation = expectations.remove(subtool);
String combinedOutput = """
Expect.equals(expectation["exitCode"], result.exitCode, combinedOutput);
switch (subtool) {
case "scanner":
Expect.isTrue(result.stdout.startsWith("Reading files took: "));
Expect.stringEquals(expectation["stderr"], result.stderr);
Expect.stringEquals(expectation["stdout"], result.stdout);
Expect.stringEquals(expectation["stderr"], result.stderr);