| // Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import 'dart:async'; |
| import 'dart:io'; |
| |
| import 'package:dev_compiler/src/kernel/command.dart'; |
| import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/ddc.dart' as fe; |
| import 'package:sourcemap_testing/src/stepping_helper.dart'; |
| import 'package:testing/testing.dart'; |
| |
| import 'common.dart'; |
| import 'ddc_common.dart'; |
| |
| Future<ChainContext> createContext( |
| Chain suite, Map<String, String> environment) async { |
| return SourceMapContext(environment); |
| } |
| |
| class SourceMapContext extends ChainContextWithCleanupHelper |
| implements WithCompilerState { |
| final Map<String, String> environment; |
| @override |
| fe.InitializedCompilerState compilerState; |
| |
| SourceMapContext(this.environment); |
| |
| List<Step> _steps; |
| |
| @override |
| List<Step> get steps { |
| return _steps ??= <Step>[ |
| const Setup(), |
| Compile(DevCompilerRunner(this, debugging: debugging())), |
| const StepWithD8(), |
| CheckSteps(debugging()), |
| ]; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| bool debugging() => environment.containsKey("debug"); |
| } |
| |
| class DevCompilerRunner implements CompilerRunner { |
| final WithCompilerState context; |
| final bool debugging; |
| |
| const DevCompilerRunner(this.context, {this.debugging = false}); |
| |
| @override |
| Future<Null> run(Uri inputFile, Uri outputFile, Uri outWrapperFile) async { |
| Uri outDir = outputFile.resolve("."); |
| String outputFilename = outputFile.pathSegments.last; |
| |
| File sdkJsFile = findInOutDir("gen/utils/dartdevc/js/es6/dart_sdk.js"); |
| var jsSdkPath = sdkJsFile.uri; |
| |
| File ddcSdkSummary = findInOutDir("gen/utils/dartdevc/kernel/ddc_sdk.dill"); |
| |
| List<String> args = <String>[ |
| "--packages=${sdkRoot.uri.resolve(".packages").toFilePath()}", |
| "--modules=es6", |
| "--dart-sdk-summary=${ddcSdkSummary.path}", |
| "-o", |
| outputFile.toFilePath(), |
| inputFile.toFilePath() |
| ]; |
| |
| bool succeeded = false; |
| try { |
| var result = await compile(args, compilerState: context.compilerState); |
| context.compilerState = |
| result.compilerState as fe.InitializedCompilerState; |
| succeeded = result.success; |
| } catch (e, s) { |
| print('Unhandled exception:'); |
| print(e); |
| print(s); |
| } |
| |
| if (!succeeded) { |
| var ddc = getDdcDir().uri.resolve("bin/dartdevc.dart"); |
| |
| throw "Error from ddc when executing with something like " |
| "$dartExecutable ${ddc.toFilePath()} --kernel " |
| "${args.reduce((value, element) => '$value "$element"')}"; |
| } |
| |
| var jsContent = File.fromUri(outputFile).readAsStringSync(); |
| File.fromUri(outputFile).writeAsStringSync(jsContent.replaceFirst( |
| "from 'dart_sdk.js'", "from '${uriPathForwardSlashed(jsSdkPath)}'")); |
| |
| if (debugging) { |
| createHtmlWrapper( |
| sdkJsFile, outputFile, jsContent, outputFilename, outDir); |
| } |
| |
| var inputPath = inputFile.path; |
| inputPath = inputPath.substring(0, inputPath.lastIndexOf(".")); |
| var inputFileNameNoExt = pathToJSIdentifier(inputPath); |
| File.fromUri(outWrapperFile).writeAsStringSync( |
| getWrapperContent(jsSdkPath, inputFileNameNoExt, outputFilename)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void main(List<String> arguments) => |
| runMe(arguments, createContext, "testing.json"); |