blob: c8fde6c3bbc2f9bcf55dfe75f6e72e5f0ba37beb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "dart:_internal" show patch;
Pointer<T> allocate<T extends NativeType>({int count: 1}) native "Ffi_allocate";
T fromAddress<T extends Pointer>(int ptr) native "Ffi_fromAddress";
int sizeOf<T extends NativeType>() native "Ffi_sizeOf";
Pointer<NativeFunction<T>> fromFunction<T extends Function>(
@DartRepresentationOf("T") Function f) native "Ffi_fromFunction";
class Pointer<T extends NativeType> {
void store(Object value) native "Ffi_store";
R load<R>() native "Ffi_load";
int get address native "Ffi_address";
// Note this could also be implmented without an extra native as offsetBy
// (elementSize()*index). This would be 2 native calls rather than one. What
// would be better?
Pointer<T> elementAt(int index) native "Ffi_elementAt";
// Note this could also be implmented without an extra native as
// fromAddress(address). This would be 2 native calls rather than one.
// What would be better?
Pointer<T> offsetBy(int offsetInBytes) native "Ffi_offsetBy";
// Note this could also be implemented without an extra native as
// fromAddress(address). This would be 2 native calls rather than one.
// What would be better?
U cast<U extends Pointer>() native "Ffi_cast";
R asFunction<R extends Function>() native "Ffi_asFunction";
void free() native "Ffi_free";