blob: 918c627dcc36914fedd1401fae6d943300d158cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// New Compiler API. This API is under construction, use only internally or
/// in unittests.
library compiler_new;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/dart2js.dart' as fe;
import 'compiler.dart' show Diagnostic;
import 'src/apiimpl.dart';
import 'src/options.dart' show CompilerOptions;
export 'compiler.dart' show Diagnostic;
// Unless explicitly allowed, passing `null` for any argument to the
// methods of library will result in an Error being thrown.
/// Input kinds used by [CompilerInput.readFromUri].
enum InputKind {
/// Data is read as UTF8 either as a [String] or a zero-terminated
/// `List<int>`.
/// Data is read as bytes in a `List<int>`.
/// Interface for data read through [CompilerInput.readFromUri].
abstract class Input<T> {
/// The URI from which data was read.
Uri get uri;
/// The format of the read [data].
InputKind get inputKind;
/// The raw data read from [uri].
T get data;
/// Interface for providing the compiler with input. That is, Dart source files,
/// package config files, etc.
abstract class CompilerInput {
/// Returns a future that completes to the source corresponding to [uri].
/// If an exception occurs, the future completes with this exception.
/// If [inputKind] is `InputKind.UTF8` the source can be represented either as
/// a zero-terminated `List<int>` of UTF-8 bytes or as a [String]. If
/// [inputKind] is `InputKind.binary` the source is a read a `List<int>`.
/// The following text is non-normative:
/// It is recommended to return a UTF-8 encoded list of bytes because the
/// scanner is more efficient in this case. In either case, the data structure
/// is expected to hold a zero element at the last position. If this is not
/// the case, the entire data structure is copied before scanning.
Future<Input> readFromUri(Uri uri, {InputKind inputKind: InputKind.UTF8});
/// Output types used in `CompilerOutput.createOutputSink`.
enum OutputType {
/// The main JavaScript output.
/// A deferred JavaScript output part.
/// A source map for a JavaScript output.
/// Dump info output.
/// Deferred map output.
/// Implementation specific output used for debugging the compiler.
/// Sink interface used for generating output from the compiler.
abstract class OutputSink {
/// Adds [text] to the sink.
void add(String text);
/// Closes the sink.
void close();
/// Sink interface used for generating binary data from the compiler.
abstract class BinaryOutputSink {
/// Writes indices [start] to [end] of [buffer] to the sink.
void write(List<int> buffer, [int start = 0, int end]);
/// Closes the sink.
void close();
/// Interface for producing output from the compiler. That is, JavaScript target
/// files, source map files, dump info files, etc.
abstract class CompilerOutput {
/// Returns an [OutputSink] that will serve as compiler output for the given
/// component.
/// Components are identified by [name], [extension], and [type]. By
/// convention, the empty string `""` will represent the main output of the
/// provided [type]. [name] and [extension] are otherwise suggestive.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace [name] and [extension] with something like
// [id] and [uri].
OutputSink createOutputSink(String name, String extension, OutputType type);
/// Returns an [BinaryOutputSink] that will serve as compiler output for the
/// given URI.
BinaryOutputSink createBinarySink(Uri uri);
/// Interface for receiving diagnostic message from the compiler. That is,
/// errors, warnings, hints, etc.
abstract class CompilerDiagnostics {
/// Invoked by the compiler to report diagnostics. If [uri] is `null`, so are
/// [begin] and [end]. No other arguments may be `null`. If [uri] is not
/// `null`, neither are [begin] and [end]. [uri] indicates the compilation
/// unit from where the diagnostic originates. [begin] and [end] are
/// zero-based character offsets from the beginning of the compilation unit.
/// [message] is the diagnostic message, and [kind] indicates indicates what
/// kind of diagnostic it is.
/// Experimental: [code] gives access to an id for the messages. Currently it
/// is the [Message] used to create the diagnostic, if available, from which
/// the [MessageKind] is accessible.
void report(
var code, Uri uri, int begin, int end, String text, Diagnostic kind);
/// Information resulting from the compilation.
class CompilationResult {
/// `true` if the compilation succeeded, that is, compilation didn't fail due
/// to compile-time errors and/or internal errors.
final bool isSuccess;
/// The compiler object used for the compilation.
/// Note: The type of [compiler] is implementation dependent and may vary.
/// Use only for debugging and testing.
final compiler;
/// Shared state between compilations.
/// This is used to speed up batch mode.
final fe.InitializedCompilerState kernelInitializedCompilerState;
{this.isSuccess: true, this.kernelInitializedCompilerState: null});
/// Returns a future that completes to a [CompilationResult] when the Dart
/// sources in [options] have been compiled.
/// The generated compiler output is obtained by providing a [compilerOutput].
/// If the compilation fails, the future's `CompilationResult.isSuccess` is
/// `false` and [] on [compilerDiagnostics]
/// is invoked at least once with `kind == Diagnostic.ERROR` or
/// `kind == Diagnostic.CRASH`.
Future<CompilationResult> compile(
CompilerOptions compilerOptions,
CompilerInput compilerInput,
CompilerDiagnostics compilerDiagnostics,
CompilerOutput compilerOutput) {
if (compilerOptions == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("compilerOptions must be non-null");
if (compilerInput == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("compilerInput must be non-null");
if (compilerDiagnostics == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("compilerDiagnostics must be non-null");
if (compilerOutput == null) {
throw new ArgumentError("compilerOutput must be non-null");
CompilerImpl compiler = new CompilerImpl(
compilerInput, compilerOutput, compilerDiagnostics, compilerOptions);
return success) {
return new CompilationResult(compiler,
isSuccess: success,