blob: 012a2ac85143ce20a3f078c93a086014a586299e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// This library is capable of producing linked summaries from unlinked
/// ones (or prelinked ones). It functions by building a miniature
/// element model to represent the contents of the summaries, and then
/// scanning the element model to gather linked information and adding
/// it to the summary data structures.
/// The reason we use a miniature element model to do the linking
/// (rather than resynthesizing the full element model from the
/// summaries) is that it is expected that we will only need to
/// traverse a small subset of the element properties in order to link.
/// Resynthesizing only those properties that we need should save
/// substantial CPU time.
/// The element model implements the same interfaces as the full
/// element model, so we can re-use code elsewhere in the analysis
/// engine to do the linking. However, only a small subset of the
/// methods and getters defined in the full element model are
/// implemented here. To avoid static warnings, each element model
/// class contains an implementation of `noSuchMethod`.
/// The miniature element model follows the following design
/// principles:
/// - With few exceptions, resynthesis is done incrementally on demand,
/// so that we don't pay the cost of resynthesizing elements (or
/// properties of elements) that aren't referenced from a part of the
/// element model that is relevant to linking.
/// - Computation of values in the miniature element model is similar
/// to the task model, but much lighter weight. Instead of declaring
/// tasks and their relationships using classes, each task is simply
/// a method (frequently a getter) that computes a value. Instead of
/// using a general purpose cache, values are cached by the methods
/// themselves in private fields (with `null` typically representing
/// "not yet cached").
/// - No attempt is made to detect cyclic dependencies due to bugs in
/// the analyzer. This saves time because dependency evaluation
/// doesn't have to be a separate step from evaluating a value; we
/// can simply call the getter.
/// - However, for cases where cyclic dependencies may occur in the
/// absence of analyzer bugs (e.g. because of errors in the code
/// being analyzed, or cycles between top level and static variables
/// undergoing type inference), we do precompute dependencies, and we
/// use Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm to detect
/// cycles.
/// - As much as possible, bookkeeping data is pointed to directly by
/// the element objects, rather than being stored in maps.
/// - Where possible, we favor method dispatch instead of "is" and "as"
/// checks. E.g. see [ReferenceableElementForLink.asConstructor].
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/declared_variables.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/session.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/standard_ast_factory.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager2.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_dart.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/expr_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/prelink.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/resynthesize.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/strong_mode.dart';
final _typesWithImplicitArguments = new Expando();
bool isIncrementOrDecrement(UnlinkedExprAssignOperator operator) {
switch (operator) {
case UnlinkedExprAssignOperator.prefixDecrement:
case UnlinkedExprAssignOperator.prefixIncrement:
case UnlinkedExprAssignOperator.postfixDecrement:
case UnlinkedExprAssignOperator.postfixIncrement:
return true;
return false;
/// Link together the build unit consisting of [libraryUris], using
/// [getDependency] to fetch the [LinkedLibrary] objects from other
/// build units, and [getUnit] to fetch the [UnlinkedUnit] objects from
/// both this build unit and other build units.
/// The [strong] flag controls whether type inference is performed in strong
/// mode or spec mode. Note that in spec mode, the only types that are inferred
/// are the types of initializing formals, which are inferred from the types of
/// the corresponding fields.
/// If [getAst] is provided, it is used to obtain ASTs of source files in this
/// build unit, and these ASTs are used for type inference.
/// A map is returned whose keys are the URIs of the libraries in this
/// build unit, and whose values are the corresponding
/// [LinkedLibraryBuilder]s.
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> link(
Set<String> libraryUris,
GetDependencyCallback getDependency,
GetUnitCallback getUnit,
DeclaredVariables declaredVariables,
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions,
[GetAstCallback getAst]) {
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries =
setupForLink(libraryUris, getUnit, declaredVariables);
_relink(linkedLibraries, getDependency, getUnit, getAst, analysisOptions);
return linkedLibraries;
/// Prepare to link together the build unit consisting of [libraryUris], using
/// [getUnit] to fetch the [UnlinkedUnit] objects from both this build unit and
/// other build units.
/// The libraries are prelinked, and a map is returned whose keys are the URIs
/// of the libraries in this build unit, and whose values are the corresponding
/// [LinkedLibraryBuilder]s.
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> setupForLink(Set<String> libraryUris,
GetUnitCallback getUnit, DeclaredVariables declaredVariables) {
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> linkedLibraries =
<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder>{};
for (String absoluteUri in libraryUris) {
linkedLibraries[absoluteUri] = prelink(
(String absoluteUri) => getUnit(absoluteUri)?.publicNamespace,
return linkedLibraries;
/// Collects all the type references appearing on the "right hand side" of a
/// typedef.
/// The "right hand side" of a typedef is the type appearing after the "=" in a
/// new style typedef declaration, or for an old style typedef declaration, the
/// type that *would* appear after the "=" if it were converted to a new style
/// typedef declaration. This means that type parameter declarations and their
/// bounds are not included.
List<EntityRef> _collectTypedefRhsTypes(UnlinkedTypedef unlinkedTypedef) {
var types = <EntityRef>[];
void visitParams(List<UnlinkedParam> params) {
for (var param in params) {
var type = param.type;
if (type != null) {
if (param.isFunctionTyped) {
var returnType = unlinkedTypedef.returnType;
if (returnType != null) {
return types;
/// Create an [EntityRefBuilder] representing the given [type], in a form
/// suitable for inclusion in [LinkedUnit.types]. [compilationUnit] is the
/// compilation unit in which the type will be used. If [slot] is provided, it
/// is stored in [EntityRefBuilder.slot].
EntityRefBuilder _createLinkedType(
DartType type,
CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit,
TypeParameterSerializationContext typeParameterContext,
{int slot}) {
EntityRefBuilder result = new EntityRefBuilder(slot: slot);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
ClassElementForLink element = type.element;
result.reference = compilationUnit.addReference(element);
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
} else if (type.isDynamic) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addRawReference('dynamic');
return result;
} else if (type is VoidTypeImpl) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addRawReference('void');
return result;
} else if (type is BottomTypeImpl) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addRawReference('*bottom*');
return result;
} else if (type is TypeParameterType) {
TypeParameterElementImpl element = type.element;
var deBruijnIndex = typeParameterContext?.computeDeBruijnIndex(element);
if (deBruijnIndex != null) {
result.paramReference = deBruijnIndex;
} else {
throw new StateError('The type parameter $type (in ${element?.location}) '
'is out of scope.');
return result;
} else if (type is FunctionType) {
Element element = type.element;
if (element is FunctionElementForLink_FunctionTypedParam) {
result.reference =
result.implicitFunctionTypeIndices = element.implicitFunctionTypeIndices;
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
if (element is TopLevelFunctionElementForLink) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addReference(element);
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
if (element is MethodElementForLink) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addReference(element);
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink) {
result.reference = compilationUnit.addReference(element);
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
if (element is FunctionElement) {
// We store all function elements by value. Synthetic elements, e.g.
// created for LUB, don't have actual elements; and local functions
// are not exposed from element model.
_storeFunctionElementByValue(result, element, compilationUnit);
// TODO(paulberry): do I need to store type arguments?
return result;
if (element is GenericFunctionTypeElementImpl) {
// Function types are their own type parameter context
typeParameterContext =
new InlineFunctionTypeParameterContext(element, typeParameterContext);
result.entityKind = EntityRefKind.genericFunctionType;
result.syntheticReturnType = _createLinkedType(
type.returnType, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
result.syntheticParams = type.parameters
.map((ParameterElement param) => _serializeSyntheticParam(
param, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext))
type.typeArguments, result, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return result;
// TODO(paulberry): implement other cases.
throw new UnimplementedError('${element.runtimeType}');
// TODO(paulberry): implement other cases.
throw new UnimplementedError('${type.runtimeType}');
DartType _dynamicIfBottom(DartType type) {
if (type == null || type.isBottom) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return type;
DartType _dynamicIfNull(DartType type) {
if (type == null || type.isBottom || type.isDartCoreNull) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return type;
/// Given [libraries] (a map from URI to [LinkedLibraryBuilder]
/// containing correct prelinked information), rebuild linked
/// information, using [getDependency] to fetch the [LinkedLibrary]
/// objects from other build units, and [getUnit] to fetch the
/// [UnlinkedUnit] objects from both this build unit and other build
/// units.
/// If a non-null [getAst] is provided, it is used to obtain ASTs of source
/// files in this build unit, and these ASTs are used for type inference.
/// The [strong] flag controls whether type inference is performed in strong
/// mode or spec mode. Note that in spec mode, the only types that are inferred
/// are the types of initializing formals, which are inferred from the types of
/// the corresponding fields.
void _relink(
Map<String, LinkedLibraryBuilder> libraries,
GetDependencyCallback getDependency,
GetUnitCallback getUnit,
GetAstCallback getAst,
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions) {
new Linker(libraries, getDependency, getUnit, getAst, analysisOptions).link();
/// Create an [UnlinkedParam] representing the given [parameter], which should
/// be a parameter of a synthetic function type (e.g. one produced during type
/// inference as a result of computing the least upper bound of two function
/// types).
UnlinkedParamBuilder _serializeSyntheticParam(
ParameterElement parameter,
CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit,
TypeParameterSerializationContext typeParameterContext) {
UnlinkedParamBuilder b = new UnlinkedParamBuilder(); =;
if (parameter.isNotOptional) {
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.required;
} else if (parameter.isOptionalPositional) {
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.positional;
} else if (parameter.isNamed) {
b.kind = UnlinkedParamKind.named;
DartType type = parameter.type;
if (!parameter.hasImplicitType) {
if (type is FunctionType && type.element.isSynthetic) {
b.isFunctionTyped = true;
b.type = _createLinkedType(
type.returnType, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
b.parameters = type.parameters
.map((parameter) => _serializeSyntheticParam(
parameter, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext))
} else {
b.type = _createLinkedType(type, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
return b;
/// Create an [UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder] representing the given [typeParameter],
/// which should be a type parameter of a synthetic function type (e.g. one
/// produced during type inference as a result of computing the least upper
/// bound of two function types).
UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder _serializeSyntheticTypeParameter(
TypeParameterElement typeParameter,
CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit,
TypeParameterSerializationContext typeParameterContext) {
TypeParameterElementImpl impl = typeParameter as TypeParameterElementImpl;
EntityRefBuilder boundBuilder = typeParameter.bound != null
? _createLinkedType(
typeParameter.bound, compilationUnit, typeParameterContext)
: null;
CodeRangeBuilder codeRangeBuilder =
new CodeRangeBuilder(offset: impl.codeOffset, length: impl.codeLength);
return new UnlinkedTypeParamBuilder(
nameOffset: typeParameter.nameOffset,
bound: boundBuilder,
codeRange: codeRangeBuilder);
/// Store the given function [element] into the [entity] by value.
void _storeFunctionElementByValue(
EntityRefBuilder entity,
FunctionElement element,
CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
// Element is a local function, or a synthetic function element that was
// generated on the fly to represent a type that has no associated source
// code location. Store it as value.
if (element is FunctionElementImpl) {
entity.syntheticReturnType =
_createLinkedType(element.returnType, compilationUnit, element);
entity.entityKind = EntityRefKind.syntheticFunction;
entity.syntheticParams = element.parameters
.map((ParameterElement param) =>
_serializeSyntheticParam(param, compilationUnit, element))
entity.typeParameters = element.typeParameters
.map((TypeParameterElement e) =>
_serializeSyntheticTypeParameter(e, compilationUnit, element))
/// Store the given [typeArguments] in [encodedType], using [compilationUnit]
/// and [typeParameterContext] to serialize them.
void _storeTypeArguments(
List<DartType> typeArguments,
EntityRefBuilder encodedType,
CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit,
TypeParameterSerializationContext typeParameterContext) {
int count = typeArguments.length;
List<EntityRefBuilder> encodedTypeArguments =
new List<EntityRefBuilder>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
encodedTypeArguments[i] = _createLinkedType(
typeArguments[i], compilationUnit, typeParameterContext);
encodedType.typeArguments = encodedTypeArguments;
/// Type of the callback used by [link] to request [CompilationUnit] objects.
typedef CompilationUnit GetAstCallback(String absoluteUri);
/// Type of the callback used by [link] and [relink] to request
/// [LinkedLibrary] objects from other build units.
typedef LinkedLibrary GetDependencyCallback(String absoluteUri);
/// Type of the callback used by [link] and [relink] to request
/// [UnlinkedUnit] objects.
typedef UnlinkedUnit GetUnitCallback(String absoluteUri);
class AnalysisSessionForLink implements AnalysisSession {
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Element representing a class or enum resynthesized from a summary
/// during linking.
abstract class ClassElementForLink
with ReferenceableElementForLink
implements AbstractClassElementImpl {
Map<String, ReferenceableElementForLink> _containedNames;
final CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement;
/// TODO(brianwilkerson) This appears to be unused and might be removable.
bool hasBeenInferred;
DartType _typeWithDefaultBounds;
ClassElementForLink(CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement)
: enclosingElement = enclosingElement,
hasBeenInferred = !enclosingElement.isInBuildUnit;
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> get accessors;
ClassElementForLink get asClass => this;
ConstructorElementForLink get asConstructor => unnamedConstructor;
DartType get asStaticType =>
List<ConstructorElementForLink> get constructors;
CompilationUnitElementForLink get enclosingUnit => enclosingElement;
List<FieldElementForLink> get fields;
/// Indicates whether this is the core class `Object`.
bool get isObject;
LibraryElementForLink get library => enclosingElement.library;
Source get librarySource => library.source;
get linkedNode => null;
List<MethodElementForLink> get methods;
String get name;
DartType get typeWithDefaultBounds => _typeWithDefaultBounds ??=
ConstructorElementForLink get unnamedConstructor;
ReferenceableElementForLink getContainedName(String name) {
if (_containedNames == null) {
_containedNames = <String, ReferenceableElementForLink>{};
// TODO(paulberry): what's the correct way to handle name conflicts?
for (ConstructorElementForLink constructor in constructors) {
_containedNames[] = constructor;
for (PropertyAccessorElementForLink accessor in accessors) {
_containedNames[] = accessor;
for (MethodElementForLink method in methods) {
_containedNames[] = method;
return _containedNames.putIfAbsent(
name, () => UndefinedElementForLink.instance);
FieldElement getField(String name) {
for (FieldElement fieldElement in fields) {
if (name == {
return fieldElement;
return null;
PropertyAccessorElement getGetter(String getterName) {
for (PropertyAccessorElement accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isGetter && == getterName) {
return accessor;
return null;
MethodElement getMethod(String methodName) {
for (MethodElement method in methods) {
if ( == methodName) {
return method;
return null;
/// Perform type inference and cycle detection on this class and
/// store the resulting information in [compilationUnit].
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit);
MethodElement lookUpMethod(String methodName, LibraryElement library) {
return AbstractClassElementImpl.lookUpMethodInClass(
this, methodName, library);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Element representing a class resynthesized from a summary during
/// linking.
class ClassElementForLink_Class extends ClassElementForLink
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin, SimplyBoundableForLinkMixin
implements ClassElementImpl {
/// The unlinked representation of the class in the summary.
final UnlinkedClass _unlinkedClass;
final bool isMixin;
/// If non-null, the AST for the class or mixin declaration; this is used to
/// obtain initializer expressions for type inference.
final ClassOrMixinDeclaration _astForInference;
List<ConstructorElementForLink> _constructors;
ConstructorElementForLink _unnamedConstructor;
bool _unnamedConstructorComputed = false;
List<FieldElementForLink_ClassField> _fields;
InterfaceType _supertype;
InterfaceType _type;
List<MethodElementForLink> _methods;
List<InterfaceType> _mixins;
List<InterfaceType> _interfaces;
List<InterfaceType> _superclassConstraints;
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> _accessors;
ClassElementForLink_Class(CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement,
this._unlinkedClass, this.isMixin, this._astForInference)
: super(enclosingElement) {
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
_accessors = <PropertyAccessorElementForLink>[];
Map<String, SyntheticVariableElementForLink> syntheticVariables =
<String, SyntheticVariableElementForLink>{};
for (UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable
in _unlinkedClass.executables) {
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter ||
unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
String name =;
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
SyntheticVariableElementForLink syntheticVariable = syntheticVariables
.putIfAbsent(name, () => new SyntheticVariableElementForLink());
PropertyAccessorElementForLink_Executable accessor =
new PropertyAccessorElementForLink_Executable(enclosingElement,
this, unlinkedExecutable, syntheticVariable);
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
syntheticVariable._getter = accessor;
} else {
syntheticVariable._setter = accessor;
for (FieldElementForLink_ClassField field in fields) {
if (!field.isConst && !field.isFinal) {
return _accessors;
List<ConstructorElementForLink> get constructors {
if (_constructors == null) {
_constructors = <ConstructorElementForLink>[];
for (UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable
in _unlinkedClass.executables) {
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor) {
.add(new ConstructorElementForLink(this, unlinkedExecutable));
if (_constructors.isEmpty) {
_unnamedConstructorComputed = true;
_unnamedConstructor = new ConstructorElementForLink_Synthetic(this);
return _constructors;
ContextForLink get context => enclosingUnit.context;
String get displayName =>;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext => null;
List<FieldElementForLink_ClassField> get fields {
if (_fields == null) {
_fields = <FieldElementForLink_ClassField>[];
List<Expression> initializerExpressionsForInference;
if (_astForInference != null) {
initializerExpressionsForInference = [];
for (var member in _astForInference.members) {
if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
for (var variable in member.fields.variables) {
assert(initializerExpressionsForInference.length ==
for (int i = 0; i < _unlinkedClass.fields.length; i++) {
var field = _unlinkedClass.fields[i];
_fields.add(new FieldElementForLink_ClassField(
initializerExpressionsForInference == null
? null
: initializerExpressionsForInference[i]));
return _fields;
String get identifier => name;
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces => _interfaces ??=;
bool get isAbstract => _unlinkedClass.isAbstract;
bool get isEnum => false;
bool get isMixinApplication => _unlinkedClass.isMixinApplication;
bool get isObject => _unlinkedClass.hasNoSupertype;
LibraryElementForLink get library => enclosingElement.library;
List<MethodElementForLink> get methods {
if (_methods == null) {
_methods = <MethodElementForLink>[];
for (UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable
in _unlinkedClass.executables) {
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind ==
UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod) {
_methods.add(new MethodElementForLink(this, unlinkedExecutable));
return _methods;
List<InterfaceType> get mixins {
if (_mixins == null) {
// Note: in the event of a loop in the class hierarchy, the calls to
// collectAllSupertypes below will wind up reentrantly calling
// this.mixins. So to prevent infinite recursion we need to set _mixins
// to non-null now. It's ok that we populate it gradually; in the event
// of a reentrant call, the user's code is known to have errors, so it's
// ok if the reentrant call doesn't return the complete set of mixins; we
// just need to ensure that analysis terminates.
_mixins = <InterfaceType>[];
List<InterfaceType> supertypesForMixinInference; // populated lazily
for (var entity in _unlinkedClass.mixins) {
var mixin = _computeInterfaceType(entity);
var mixinElement = mixin.element;
var slot = entity.refinedSlot;
if (slot != 0 && mixinElement.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement =
if (enclosingElement is CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit) {
var mixinSupertypeConstraints = context.typeSystem
if (mixinSupertypeConstraints.isNotEmpty) {
if (supertypesForMixinInference == null) {
supertypesForMixinInference = <InterfaceType>[];
supertypesForMixinInference, supertype, type);
for (var previousMixin in _mixins) {
supertypesForMixinInference, previousMixin, type);
var matchingInterfaceTypes = _findInterfaceTypesForConstraints(
mixinSupertypeConstraints, supertypesForMixinInference);
// Note: if matchingInterfaceType is null, that's an error. Also,
// if there are multiple matching interface types that use
// different type parameters, that's also an error. But we can't
// report errors from the linker, so we just use the
// first matching interface type (if there is one). The error
// detection logic is implemented in the ErrorVerifier.
if (matchingInterfaceTypes != null) {
// Try to pattern match matchingInterfaceTypes against
// mixinSupertypeConstraints to find the correct set of type
// parameters to apply to the mixin.
var inferredMixin = context.typeSystem
mixinSupertypeConstraints, matchingInterfaceTypes);
if (inferredMixin != null) {
mixin = inferredMixin;
enclosingElement._storeLinkedType(slot, mixin, this);
} else {
var refinedMixin = enclosingElement.getLinkedType(this, slot);
if (refinedMixin is InterfaceType) {
mixin = refinedMixin;
if (supertypesForMixinInference != null) {
supertypesForMixinInference, mixin, type);
return _mixins;
String get name =>;
AnalysisSession get session => enclosingUnit.session;
List<InterfaceType> get superclassConstraints {
if (_superclassConstraints == null) {
if (isMixin) {
_superclassConstraints = _unlinkedClass.superclassConstraints
if (_superclassConstraints.isEmpty) {
_superclassConstraints = [
} else {
_superclassConstraints = const <InterfaceType>[];
return _superclassConstraints;
InterfaceType get supertype {
if (isObject) {
return null;
return _supertype ??= _computeInterfaceType(_unlinkedClass.supertype);
InterfaceType get type =>
_type ??= buildType((int i) => typeParameterTypes[i], null);
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get unlinkedTypeParams =>
ConstructorElementForLink get unnamedConstructor {
if (!_unnamedConstructorComputed) {
for (ConstructorElementForLink constructor in constructors) {
if ( {
_unnamedConstructor = constructor;
_unnamedConstructorComputed = true;
return _unnamedConstructor;
int get version => 0;
int get _notSimplyBoundedSlot => _unlinkedClass.notSimplyBoundedSlot;
List<EntityRef> get _rhsTypesForSimplyBoundable => const [];
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get _typeParametersForSimplyBoundable {
return _unlinkedClass.typeParameters;
DartType buildType(
DartType getTypeArgument(int i), List<int> implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
int numTypeParameters = _unlinkedClass.typeParameters.length;
if (numTypeParameters != 0) {
List<DartType> typeArguments =
new List<DartType>.generate(numTypeParameters, getTypeArgument);
if (typeArguments.contains(null)) {
return context.typeSystem.instantiateToBounds(this.type);
} else {
return new InterfaceTypeImpl.elementWithNameAndArgs(
this, name, () => typeArguments);
} else {
return _type ??= new InterfaceTypeImpl(this);
ConstructorElement getNamedConstructor(String name) =>
ClassElementImpl.getNamedConstructorFromList(name, constructors);
PropertyAccessorElement getSetter(String setterName) =>
AbstractClassElementImpl.getSetterFromAccessors(setterName, accessors);
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
// Force mixins to be inferred by calling this.mixins. We don't need the
// return value from the getter; we just need it to execute and record the
// mixin inference results as a side effect.
for (ConstructorElementForLink constructorElement in constructors) {;
for (MethodElementForLink methodElement in methods) {;
for (PropertyAccessorElementForLink propertyAccessorElement in accessors) {;
for (FieldElementForLink_ClassField fieldElement in fields) {;
String toString() => '$enclosingElement.$name';
/// Convert [typeRef] into an [InterfaceType].
InterfaceType _computeInterfaceType(EntityRef typeRef) {
if (typeRef != null) {
DartType type = enclosingElement.resolveTypeRef(this, typeRef);
if (type is InterfaceType && !type.element.isEnum) {
return type;
// In the event that the `typeRef` isn't an interface type (which may
// happen in the event of erroneous code) just fall through and pretend
// the supertype is `Object`.
return enclosingElement.enclosingElement._linker.typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType _findInterfaceTypeForElement(
ClassElement element, List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes) {
for (var interfaceType in interfaceTypes) {
if (interfaceType.element == element) return interfaceType;
return null;
List<InterfaceType> _findInterfaceTypesForConstraints(
List<InterfaceType> constraints, List<InterfaceType> interfaceTypes) {
var result = <InterfaceType>[];
for (var constraint in constraints) {
var interfaceType =
_findInterfaceTypeForElement(constraint.element, interfaceTypes);
if (interfaceType == null) {
// No matching interface type found, so inference fails.
return null;
return result;
/// Element representing an enum resynthesized from a summary during
/// linking.
class ClassElementForLink_Enum extends ClassElementForLink
implements EnumElementImpl {
/// The unlinked representation of the enum in the summary.
final UnlinkedEnum _unlinkedEnum;
InterfaceType _type;
List<FieldElementForLink> _fields;
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> _accessors;
DartType _valuesType;
CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement, this._unlinkedEnum)
: super(enclosingElement);
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
_accessors = <PropertyAccessorElementForLink>[];
for (FieldElementForLink field in fields) {
return _accessors;
List<ConstructorElementForLink> get constructors => const [];
String get displayName =>;
List<FieldElementForLink> get fields {
if (_fields == null) {
_fields = <FieldElementForLink>[];
_fields.add(new FieldElementForLink_EnumField_values(this));
for (UnlinkedEnumValue value in _unlinkedEnum.values) {
_fields.add(new FieldElementForLink_EnumField_value(this, value));
_fields.add(new FieldElementForLink_EnumField_index(this));
return _fields;
List<InterfaceType> get interfaces => const [];
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isEnum => true;
bool get isMixin => false;
bool get isObject => false;
List<MethodElementForLink> get methods => const [];
List<InterfaceType> get mixins => const [];
String get name =>;
List<InterfaceType> get superclassConstraints => const [];
InterfaceType get supertype => library._linker.typeProvider.objectType;
InterfaceType get type => _type ??= new InterfaceTypeImpl(this);
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters => const [];
ConstructorElementForLink get unnamedConstructor => null;
/// Get the type of the enum's static member `values`.
DartType get valuesType =>
_valuesType ??= library._linker.typeProvider.listType.instantiate([type]);
DartType buildType(DartType getTypeArgument(int i),
List<int> implicitFunctionTypeIndices) =>
ConstructorElement getNamedConstructor(String name) => null;
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {}
String toString() => '$enclosingElement.$name';
/// Element representing a compilation unit resynthesized from a
/// summary during linking.
abstract class CompilationUnitElementForLink
implements CompilationUnitElementImpl, ResynthesizerContext {
final _UnitResynthesizer _unitResynthesizer;
/// The unlinked representation of the compilation unit in the
/// summary.
final UnlinkedUnit _unlinkedUnit;
/// For each entry in [UnlinkedUnit.references], the element referred
/// to by the reference, or `null` if it hasn't been located yet.
final List<_ReferenceInfo> _references;
/// The absolute URI of this compilation unit.
final String _absoluteUri;
List<ClassElementForLink_Class> _mixins;
List<ClassElementForLink_Class> _types;
Map<String, ReferenceableElementForLink> _containedNames;
List<TopLevelVariableElementForLink> _topLevelVariables;
List<ClassElementForLink_Enum> _enums;
List<TopLevelFunctionElementForLink> _functions;
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> _accessors;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink> _functionTypeAliases;
/// Index of this unit in the list of units in the enclosing library.
final int unitNum;
final Source source;
/// If non-null, the AST for the compilation unit; this is used to obtain
/// initializer expressions for type inference.
final CompilationUnit _astForInference;
CompilationUnitElementForLink(UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit, this.unitNum,
int numReferences, this._absoluteUri, this._astForInference)
: _references = new List<_ReferenceInfo>(numReferences),
_unlinkedUnit = unlinkedUnit,
source = new InSummarySource(Uri.parse(_absoluteUri), null),
_unitResynthesizer = new _UnitResynthesizer() {
_unitResynthesizer._unit = this;
List<PropertyAccessorElementForLink> get accessors {
if (_accessors == null) {
_accessors = <PropertyAccessorElementForLink>[];
Map<String, SyntheticVariableElementForLink> syntheticVariables =
<String, SyntheticVariableElementForLink>{};
for (UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable in _unlinkedUnit.executables) {
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter ||
unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
String name =;
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length - 1);
SyntheticVariableElementForLink syntheticVariable = syntheticVariables
.putIfAbsent(name, () => new SyntheticVariableElementForLink());
PropertyAccessorElementForLink_Executable accessor =
new PropertyAccessorElementForLink_Executable(
this, null, unlinkedExecutable, syntheticVariable);
if (unlinkedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter) {
syntheticVariable._getter = accessor;
} else {
syntheticVariable._setter = accessor;
for (TopLevelVariableElementForLink variable in topLevelVariables) {
if (!variable.isConst && !variable.isFinal) {
return _accessors;
ContextForLink get context => library.context;
LibraryElementForLink get enclosingElement;
List<ClassElementForLink_Enum> get enums {
if (_enums == null) {
_enums = <ClassElementForLink_Enum>[];
for (UnlinkedEnum unlinkedEnum in _unlinkedUnit.enums) {
_enums.add(new ClassElementForLink_Enum(this, unlinkedEnum));
return _enums;
List<TopLevelFunctionElementForLink> get functions {
if (_functions == null) {
_functions = <TopLevelFunctionElementForLink>[];
for (UnlinkedExecutable executable in _unlinkedUnit.executables) {
if (executable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod) {
_functions.add(new TopLevelFunctionElementForLink(this, executable));
return _functions;
List<FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink> get functionTypeAliases =>
_functionTypeAliases ??= t) {
if ( == TypedefStyle.functionType) {
return new FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink(this, t);
} else if ( == TypedefStyle.genericFunctionType) {
return new GenericTypeAliasElementForLink(this, t);
} else {
throw new StateError('Unhandled style of typedef: ${}');
String get identifier => _absoluteUri;
/// Indicates whether this compilation element is part of the build unit
/// currently being linked.
bool get isInBuildUnit;
/// Determine whether type inference is complete in this compilation unit.
bool get isTypeInferenceComplete {
LibraryCycleForLink libraryCycleForLink = library.libraryCycleForLink;
if (libraryCycleForLink == null) {
return true;
} else {
return libraryCycleForLink._node.isEvaluated;
LibraryElementForLink get library => enclosingElement;
List<ClassElementForLink_Class> get mixins {
if (_mixins == null) {
List<MixinDeclaration> declarationsForInference;
if (_astForInference != null) {
declarationsForInference = [];
for (var declaration in _astForInference.declarations) {
if (declaration is MixinDeclaration) {
assert(declarationsForInference.length == _unlinkedUnit.mixins.length);
_mixins = <ClassElementForLink_Class>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _unlinkedUnit.mixins.length; i++) {
var unlinkedClass = _unlinkedUnit.mixins[i];
_mixins.add(new ClassElementForLink_Class(
declarationsForInference == null
? null
: declarationsForInference[i]));
return _mixins;
ResynthesizerContext get resynthesizerContext => this;
AnalysisSession get session => library.session;
List<TopLevelVariableElementForLink> get topLevelVariables {
if (_topLevelVariables == null) {
List<Expression> initializerExpressionsForInference;
if (_astForInference != null) {
initializerExpressionsForInference = [];
for (var declaration in _astForInference.declarations) {
if (declaration is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
for (var variable in declaration.variables.variables) {
assert(initializerExpressionsForInference.length ==
_topLevelVariables = <TopLevelVariableElementForLink>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _unlinkedUnit.variables.length; i++) {
var unlinkedVariable = _unlinkedUnit.variables[i];
_topLevelVariables.add(new TopLevelVariableElementForLink(
initializerExpressionsForInference == null
? null
: initializerExpressionsForInference[i]));
return _topLevelVariables;
List<ClassElementForLink_Class> get types {
if (_types == null) {
List<ClassDeclaration> declarationsForInference;
if (_astForInference != null) {
declarationsForInference = [];
for (var declaration in _astForInference.declarations) {
if (declaration is ClassDeclaration) {
} else if (declaration is ClassTypeAlias) {
assert(declarationsForInference.length == _unlinkedUnit.classes.length);
_types = <ClassElementForLink_Class>[];
for (int i = 0; i < _unlinkedUnit.classes.length; i++) {
var unlinkedClass = _unlinkedUnit.classes[i];
_types.add(new ClassElementForLink_Class(
declarationsForInference == null
? null
: declarationsForInference[i]));
return _types;
/// The linked representation of the compilation unit in the summary.
LinkedUnit get _linkedUnit;
/// Search the unit for a top level element with the given [name].
/// If no name is found, return the singleton instance of
/// [UndefinedElementForLink].
ReferenceableElementForLink getContainedName(name) {
if (_containedNames == null) {
_containedNames = <String, ReferenceableElementForLink>{};
// TODO(paulberry): what's the correct way to handle name conflicts?
for (ClassElementForLink_Class type in types) {
_containedNames[] = type;
for (ClassElementForLink_Class mixin in mixins) {
_containedNames[] = mixin;
for (ClassElementForLink_Enum enm in enums) {
_containedNames[] = enm;
for (TopLevelFunctionElementForLink function in functions) {
_containedNames[] = function;
for (PropertyAccessorElementForLink accessor in accessors) {
_containedNames[] = accessor;
for (FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink functionTypeAlias
in functionTypeAliases) {
_containedNames[] = functionTypeAlias;
// TODO(paulberry): fill in other top level entities (typedefs
// and executables).
return _containedNames.putIfAbsent(
name, () => UndefinedElementForLink.instance);
/// Compute the type referred to by the given linked type [slot] (interpreted
/// in [context]). If there is no inferred type in the
/// given slot, `dynamic` is returned.
DartType getLinkedType(ElementImpl context, int slot);
ClassElement getType(String className) =>
CompilationUnitElementImpl.getTypeFromTypes(className, types);
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Return the class element for the constructor referred to by the given
/// [index] in [UnlinkedUnit.references]. If the reference is unresolved,
/// return [UndefinedElementForLink.instance].
ReferenceableElementForLink resolveConstructorClassRef(int index) {
LinkedReference linkedReference = _linkedUnit.references[index];
if (linkedReference.kind == ReferenceKind.classOrEnum) {
return resolveRef(index);
if (index < _unlinkedUnit.references.length) {
UnlinkedReference unlinkedReference = _unlinkedUnit.references[index];
return resolveRef(unlinkedReference.prefixReference);
return UndefinedElementForLink.instance;
/// Return the element referred to by the given [index] in
/// [UnlinkedUnit.references]. If the reference is unresolved,
/// return [UndefinedElementForLink.instance].
ReferenceableElementForLink resolveRef(int index) =>
_ReferenceInfo resolveRefToInfo(int index) {
if (_references[index] == null) {
UnlinkedReference unlinkedReference =
index < _unlinkedUnit.references.length
? _unlinkedUnit.references[index]
: null;
LinkedReference linkedReference = _linkedUnit.references[index];
String name = unlinkedReference == null
int containingReference = unlinkedReference == null
? linkedReference.containingReference
: unlinkedReference.prefixReference;
_ReferenceInfo enclosingInfo = containingReference != 0
? resolveRefToInfo(containingReference)
: null;
ReferenceableElementForLink element;
if (containingReference != 0 &&
_linkedUnit.references[containingReference].kind !=
ReferenceKind.prefix) {
element = enclosingInfo.element.getContainedName(name);
} else if (linkedReference.dependency == 0) {
if (linkedReference.kind == ReferenceKind.unresolved) {
element = UndefinedElementForLink.instance;
} else if (name == 'void') {
element = enclosingElement._linker.voidElement;
} else if (name == '*bottom*') {
element = enclosingElement._linker.bottomElement;
} else if (name == 'dynamic') {
element = enclosingElement._linker.dynamicElement;
} else {
element = enclosingElement.getContainedName(name);
} else {
LibraryElementForLink dependency =
element = dependency.getContainedName(name);
_references[index] = new _ReferenceInfo(
enclosingInfo, element, name, linkedReference.numTypeParameters != 0);
return _references[index];
DartType resolveTypeRef(ElementImpl context, EntityRef entity,
{bool defaultVoid: false,
bool instantiateToBoundsAllowed: true,
bool declaredType: false}) {
if (entity == null) {
if (defaultVoid) {
return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
if (entity.paramReference != 0) {
return context.typeParameterContext
} else if (entity.entityKind == EntityRefKind.genericFunctionType) {
return new GenericFunctionTypeElementForLink(
} else if (entity.syntheticReturnType != null) {
FunctionElementImpl element =
new FunctionElementForLink_Synthetic(this, context, entity);
return element.type;
} else if (entity.implicitFunctionTypeIndices.isNotEmpty) {
DartType type = resolveRef(entity.reference).asStaticType;
for (int index in entity.implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
type = (type as FunctionType).parameters[index].type;
return type;
} else {
ReferenceableElementForLink element = resolveRef(entity.reference);
bool implicitTypeArgumentsInUse = false;
DartType getTypeArgument(int i) {
if (i < entity.typeArguments.length) {
return resolveTypeRef(context, entity.typeArguments[i]);
} else {
implicitTypeArgumentsInUse = true;
if (!instantiateToBoundsAllowed) {
// Do not allow buildType to instantiate the bounds; force dynamic.
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return null;
var type = element.buildType(
getTypeArgument, entity.implicitFunctionTypeIndices);
if (implicitTypeArgumentsInUse) {
_typesWithImplicitArguments[type] = true;
return type;
String toString() => enclosingElement.toString();
/// Element representing a compilation unit which is part of the build
/// unit being linked.
class CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit extends CompilationUnitElementForLink {
final LinkedUnitBuilder _linkedUnit;
final LibraryElementInBuildUnit enclosingElement;
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit,
int unitNum,
String absoluteUri,
CompilationUnit astForInference)
: super(unlinkedUnit, unitNum, unlinkedUnit.references.length,
absoluteUri, astForInference);
bool get isInBuildUnit => true;
LibraryElementInBuildUnit get library => enclosingElement;
/// If this compilation unit already has a reference in its references table
/// matching [dependency], [name], [numTypeParameters], [unitNum],
/// [containingReference], and [kind], return its index. Otherwise add a new
/// reference to the table and return its index.
int addRawReference(String name,
{int dependency: 0,
int numTypeParameters: 0,
int unitNum: 0,
int containingReference: 0,
ReferenceKind kind: ReferenceKind.classOrEnum}) {
List<LinkedReferenceBuilder> linkedReferences = _linkedUnit.references;
List<UnlinkedReference> unlinkedReferences = _unlinkedUnit.references;
for (int i = 0; i < linkedReferences.length; i++) {
LinkedReferenceBuilder linkedReference = linkedReferences[i];
int candidateContainingReference = i < unlinkedReferences.length
? unlinkedReferences[i].prefixReference
: linkedReference.containingReference;
if (candidateContainingReference != 0 &&
linkedReferences[candidateContainingReference].kind ==
ReferenceKind.prefix) {
// We don't need to match containing references when they are prefixes,
// since the relevant information is in linkedReference.dependency.
candidateContainingReference = 0;
if (linkedReference.dependency == dependency &&
(i < unlinkedReferences.length
? unlinkedReferences[i].name
: ==
name &&
linkedReference.numTypeParameters == numTypeParameters &&
linkedReference.unit == unitNum &&
candidateContainingReference == containingReference &&
linkedReference.kind == kind) {
return i;
int result = linkedReferences.length;
linkedReferences.add(new LinkedReferenceBuilder(
dependency: dependency,
name: name,
numTypeParameters: numTypeParameters,
unit: unitNum,
containingReference: containingReference,
kind: kind));
return result;
/// If this compilation unit already has a reference in its references table
/// to [element], return its index. Otherwise add a new reference to the
/// table and return its index.
int addReference(Element element) {
if (element is ClassElementForLink) {
return addRawReference(,
dependency: library.addDependency(element.library),
numTypeParameters: element.typeParameters.length,
unitNum: element.enclosingElement.unitNum);
} else if (element is FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink) {
return addRawReference(,
dependency: library.addDependency(element.library),
numTypeParameters: element.typeParameters.length,
unitNum: element.enclosingElement.unitNum,
kind: ReferenceKind.typedef);
} else if (element is ExecutableElementForLink_NonLocal) {
ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingClass = element.enclosingClass;
ReferenceKind kind;
switch (element.serializedExecutable.kind) {
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod:
kind = enclosingClass != null
? ReferenceKind.method
: ReferenceKind.topLevelFunction;
case UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter:
kind = ReferenceKind.propertyAccessor;
// TODO(paulberry): implement other cases as necessary
throw new UnimplementedError('${element.serializedExecutable.kind}');
if (enclosingClass == null) {
return addRawReference(,
numTypeParameters: element.typeParameters.length,
library.addDependency(element.library as LibraryElementForLink),
unitNum: element.compilationUnit.unitNum,
kind: kind);
} else {
return addRawReference(,
numTypeParameters: element.typeParameters.length,
containingReference: addReference(enclosingClass),
kind: kind);
} else if (element is FunctionElementForLink_Initializer) {
return addRawReference('',
containingReference: addReference(element.enclosingElement),
kind: ReferenceKind.function);
} else if (element is TopLevelVariableElementForLink) {
return addRawReference(,
dependency: library.addDependency(element.library),
unitNum: element.compilationUnit.unitNum,
kind: ReferenceKind.topLevelPropertyAccessor);
} else if (element is FieldElementForLink_ClassField) {
ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingClass = element.enclosingElement;
// Note: even if the class has type parameters, we don't need to set
// numTypeParameters because numTypeParameters does not count type
// parameters of parent elements (see
// [LinkedReference.numTypeParameters]).
return addRawReference(,
containingReference: addReference(enclosingClass),
kind: ReferenceKind.propertyAccessor);
// TODO(paulberry): implement other cases
throw new UnimplementedError('${element.runtimeType}');
DartType getLinkedType(ElementImpl context, int slot) {
// This method should only be called on compilation units that come from
// dependencies, never on compilation units that are part of the current
// build unit.
throw new StateError(
'Linker tried to access linked type from current build unit');
/// Perform type inference and const cycle detection on this
/// compilation unit.
void link() {
new InstanceMemberInferrer(
for (TopLevelVariableElementForLink variable in topLevelVariables) {;
for (ClassElementForLink classElement in types) {;
for (ClassElementForLink classElement in mixins) {;
for (var functionTypeAlias in functionTypeAliases) {;
/// Throw away any information stored in the summary by a previous call to
/// [link].
void unlink() {
_linkedUnit.references.length = _unlinkedUnit.references.length;
/// Store the fact that the given [slot] represents a constant constructor
/// that is part of a cycle.
void _storeConstCycle(int slot) {
/// Store the fact that the given [slot] represents a parameter that inherits
/// `@covariant` behavior.
void _storeInheritsCovariant(int slot) {
/// Store the given [linkedType] in the given [slot] of the this compilation
/// unit's linked type list.
void _storeLinkedType(int slot, DartType linkedType,
TypeParameterSerializationContext typeParameterContext) {
if (slot != 0) {
if (linkedType != null && !linkedType.isDynamic) {
linkedType, this, typeParameterContext,
slot: slot));
/// Store the given error [error] in the given [slot].
void _storeLinkedTypeError(int slot, TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder error) {
if (slot != 0) {
if (error != null) {
error.slot = slot;
/// Element representing a compilation unit which is depended upon
/// (either directly or indirectly) by the build unit being linked.
/// TODO(paulberry): ensure that inferred types in dependencies are properly
/// resynthesized.
class CompilationUnitElementInDependency extends CompilationUnitElementForLink {
final LinkedUnit _linkedUnit;
/// Set of slot ids corresponding to parameters that inherit `covariant`.
Set<int> parametersInheritingCovariant;
List<EntityRef> _linkedTypeRefs;
final LibraryElementInDependency enclosingElement;
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit,
LinkedUnit linkedUnit,
int unitNum,
String absoluteUri)
: _linkedUnit = linkedUnit,
super(unlinkedUnit, unitNum, linkedUnit.references.length, absoluteUri,
null) {
parametersInheritingCovariant =
// Make one pass through the linked types to determine the lengths for
// _linkedTypeRefs and _linkedTypes. TODO(paulberry): add an int to the
// summary to make this unnecessary.
int maxLinkedTypeSlot = 0;
for (EntityRef ref in _linkedUnit.types) {
if (ref.slot > maxLinkedTypeSlot) {
maxLinkedTypeSlot = ref.slot;
// Initialize _linkedTypeRefs.
_linkedTypeRefs = new List<EntityRef>(maxLinkedTypeSlot + 1);
for (EntityRef ref in _linkedUnit.types) {
_linkedTypeRefs[ref.slot] = ref;
bool get isInBuildUnit => false;
DartType getLinkedType(ElementImpl context, int slot) {
if (slot < _linkedTypeRefs.length) {
return resolveTypeRef(context, _linkedTypeRefs[slot]);
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Instance of [ConstNode] representing a constant constructor.
class ConstConstructorNode extends ConstNode {
/// The [ConstructorElement] to which this node refers.
final ConstructorElementForLink constructorElement;
/// Once this node has been evaluated, indicates whether the
/// constructor is free of constant evaluation cycles.
bool isCycleFree = false;
List<ConstNode> computeDependencies() {
List<ConstNode> dependencies = <ConstNode>[];
void safeAddDependency(ConstNode target) {
if (target != null) {
UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable =
ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingClass =
ConstructorElementForLink redirectedConstructor =
if (redirectedConstructor != null) {
if (redirectedConstructor._constNode != null) {
} else if (unlinkedExecutable.isFactory) {
// Factory constructor, but getConstRedirectedConstructor returned
// null. This can happen if we're visiting one of the special external
// const factory constructors in the SDK, or if the code contains
// errors (such as delegating to a non-const constructor, or delegating
// to a constructor that can't be resolved). In any of these cases,
// we'll evaluate calls to this constructor without having to refer to
// any other constants. So we don't need to report any dependencies.
} else {
ClassElementForLink superClass = enclosingClass.supertype?.element;
bool defaultSuperInvocationNeeded = true;
for (UnlinkedConstructorInitializer constructorInitializer
in constructorElement.serializedExecutable.constantInitializers) {
if (constructorInitializer.kind ==
UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.superInvocation) {
defaultSuperInvocationNeeded = false;
if (superClass != null && !superClass.isObject) {
ConstructorElementForLink constructor = superClass
} else if (constructorInitializer.kind ==
UnlinkedConstructorInitializerKind.thisInvocation) {
defaultSuperInvocationNeeded = false;
ConstructorElementForLink constructor = constructorElement
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit =
dependencies, constructorInitializer.expression, compilationUnit);
for (UnlinkedExpr unlinkedConst in constructorInitializer.arguments) {
collectDependencies(dependencies, unlinkedConst, compilationUnit);
if (defaultSuperInvocationNeeded) {
// No explicit superconstructor invocation found, so we need to
// manually insert a reference to the implicit superconstructor.
if (superClass != null && !superClass.isObject) {
ConstructorElementForLink unnamedConstructor =
for (FieldElementForLink field in enclosingClass.fields) {
// Note: non-static const isn't allowed but we handle it anyway so
// that we won't be confused by incorrect code.
if ((field.isFinal || field.isConst) && !field.isStatic) {
for (ParameterElementForLink parameterElement
in constructorElement.parameters) {
return dependencies;
/// If [constructorElement] redirects to another constructor via a factory
/// redirect, return the constructor it redirects to.
ConstructorElementForLink _getFactoryRedirectedConstructor() {
EntityRef redirectedConstructor =
if (redirectedConstructor != null) {
return constructorElement.compilationUnit
} else {
return null;
/// Specialization of [DependencyWalker] for detecting constant
/// evaluation cycles.
class ConstDependencyWalker extends DependencyWalker<ConstNode> {
void evaluate(ConstNode v) {
if (v is ConstConstructorNode) {
v.isCycleFree = true;
v.isEvaluated = true;
void evaluateScc(List<ConstNode> scc) {
for (ConstNode v in scc) {
if (v is ConstConstructorNode) {
v.isCycleFree = false;
v.isEvaluated = true;
/// Specialization of [Node] used to construct the constant evaluation
/// dependency graph.
abstract class ConstNode extends Node<ConstNode> {
bool isEvaluated = false;
/// Collect the dependencies in [unlinkedConst] (which should be
/// interpreted relative to [compilationUnit]) and store them in
/// [dependencies].
void collectDependencies(
List<ConstNode> dependencies,
UnlinkedExpr unlinkedConst,
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit) {
if (unlinkedConst == null) {
int refPtr = 0;
int intPtr = 0;
for (UnlinkedExprOperation operation in unlinkedConst.operations) {
switch (operation) {
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushInt:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushLongInt:
int numInts = unlinkedConst.ints[intPtr++];
intPtr += numInts;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.concatenate:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushReference:
EntityRef ref = unlinkedConst.references[refPtr++];
ConstVariableNode variable =
if (variable != null) {
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedList:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedMap:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedSet:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeUntypedSetOrMap:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.forParts:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.variableDeclaration:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.forInitializerDeclarationsUntyped:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.assignToRef:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.forEachPartsWithTypedDeclaration:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeMethodRef:
EntityRef ref = unlinkedConst.references[refPtr++];
ConstVariableNode variable =
if (variable != null) {
intPtr += 2;
int numTypeArguments = unlinkedConst.ints[intPtr++];
refPtr += numTypeArguments;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeMethod:
intPtr += 2;
int numTypeArguments = unlinkedConst.ints[intPtr++];
refPtr += numTypeArguments;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedList:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedSet:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.forInitializerDeclarationsTyped:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedMap:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.makeTypedMap2:
refPtr += 2;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.invokeConstructor:
EntityRef ref = unlinkedConst.references[refPtr++];
ConstructorElementForLink element =
if (element?._constNode != null) {
intPtr += 2;
case UnlinkedExprOperation.typeCast:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.typeCheck:
case UnlinkedExprOperation.pushLocalFunctionReference:
intPtr += 2;
assert(refPtr == unlinkedConst.references.length);
assert(intPtr == unlinkedConst.ints.length);
/// Instance of [ConstNode] representing a parameter with a default
/// value.
class ConstParameterNode extends ConstNode {
/// The [ParameterElement] to which this node refers.
final ParameterElementForLink parameterElement;
List<ConstNode> computeDependencies() {
List<ConstNode> dependencies = <ConstNode>[];
return dependencies;
/// Element representing a constructor resynthesized from a summary
/// during linking.
class ConstructorElementForLink extends ExecutableElementForLink_NonLocal
with ReferenceableElementForLink
implements ConstructorElementImpl {
/// If this is a `const` constructor and the enclosing library is
/// part of the build unit being linked, the constructor's node in
/// the constant evaluation dependency graph. Otherwise `null`.
ConstConstructorNode _constNode;
ConstructorElementForLink(ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingClass,
UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable)
: super(enclosingClass.enclosingElement, enclosingClass,
unlinkedExecutable) {
if (enclosingClass.enclosingElement.isInBuildUnit &&
serializedExecutable != null &&
serializedExecutable.constCycleSlot != 0) {
_constNode = new ConstConstructorNode(this);
ConstructorElementForLink get asConstructor => this;
ClassElementImpl get enclosingElement => super.enclosingClass;
String get identifier => name;
bool get isConst => serializedExecutable.isConst;
bool get isCycleFree {
if (!_constNode.isEvaluated) {
new ConstDependencyWalker().walk(_constNode);
return _constNode.isCycleFree;
DartType get returnType => enclosingElement.type;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters => const [];
/// Perform const cycle detection on this constructor.
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
if (_constNode != null && !isCycleFree) {
// TODO(paulberry): call super.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// A synthetic constructor.
class ConstructorElementForLink_Synthetic extends ConstructorElementForLink {
ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingElement)
: super(enclosingElement, null);
String get name => '';
List<ParameterElement> get parameters => const <ParameterElement>[];
/// Instance of [ConstNode] representing a constant field or constant
/// top level variable.
class ConstVariableNode extends ConstNode {
/// The [FieldElement] or [TopLevelVariableElement] to which this
/// node refers.
final VariableElementForLink variableElement;
List<ConstNode> computeDependencies() {
List<ConstNode> dependencies = <ConstNode>[];
return dependencies;
/// Stub implementation of [AnalysisContext] which provides just those methods
/// needed during linking.
class ContextForLink implements AnalysisContext {
final Linker _linker;
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions => _linker.analysisOptions;
TypeProvider get typeProvider => _linker.typeProvider;
TypeSystem get typeSystem => _linker.typeSystem;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
* An instance of [DependencyWalker] contains the core algorithms for
* walking a dependency graph and evaluating nodes in a safe order.
abstract class DependencyWalker<NodeType extends Node<NodeType>> {
* Called by [walk] to evaluate a single non-cyclical node, after
* all that node's dependencies have been evaluated.
void evaluate(NodeType v);
* Called by [walk] to evaluate a strongly connected component
* containing one or more nodes. All dependencies of the strongly
* connected component have been evaluated.
void evaluateScc(List<NodeType> scc);
* Walk the dependency graph starting at [startingPoint], finding
* strongly connected components and evaluating them in a safe order
* by calling [evaluate] and [evaluateScc].
* This is an implementation of Tarjan's strongly connected
* components algorithm
* (
void walk(NodeType startingPoint) {
// TODO(paulberry): consider rewriting in a non-recursive way so
// that long dependency chains don't cause stack overflow.
// TODO(paulberry): in the event that an exception occurs during
// the walk, restore the state of the [Node] data structures so
// that further evaluation will be safe.
// The index which will be assigned to the next node that is
// freshly visited.
int index = 1;
// Stack of nodes which have been seen so far and whose strongly
// connected component is still being determined. Nodes are only
// popped off the stack when they are evaluated, so sometimes the
// stack contains nodes that were visited after the current node.
List<NodeType> stack = <NodeType>[];
void strongConnect(NodeType node) {
bool hasTrivialCycle = false;
// Assign the current node an index and add it to the stack. We
// haven't seen any of its dependencies yet, so set its lowLink
// to its index, indicating that so far it is the only node in
// its strongly connected component.
node._index = node._lowLink = index++;
// Consider the node's dependencies one at a time.
for (NodeType dependency in Node.getDependencies(node)) {
// If the dependency has already been evaluated, it can't be
// part of this node's strongly connected component, so we can
// skip it.
if (dependency.isEvaluated) {
if (identical(node, dependency)) {
// If a node includes itself as a dependency, there is no need to
// explore the dependency further.
hasTrivialCycle = true;
} else if (dependency._index == 0) {
// The dependency hasn't been seen yet, so recurse on it.
// If the dependency's lowLink refers to a node that was
// visited before the current node, that means that the
// current node, the dependency, and the node referred to by
// the dependency's lowLink are all part of the same
// strongly connected component, so we need to update the
// current node's lowLink accordingly.
if (dependency._lowLink < node._lowLink) {
node._lowLink = dependency._lowLink;
} else {
// The dependency has already been seen, so it is part of
// the current node's strongly connected component. If it
// was visited earlier than the current node's lowLink, then
// it is a new addition to the current node's strongly
// connected component, so we need to update the current
// node's lowLink accordingly.
if (dependency._index < node._lowLink) {
node._lowLink = dependency._index;
// If the current node's lowLink is the same as its index, then
// we have finished visiting a strongly connected component, so
// pop the stack and evaluate it before moving on.
if (node._lowLink == node._index) {
// The strongly connected component has only one node. If there is a
// cycle, it's a trivial one.
if (identical(stack.last, node)) {
if (hasTrivialCycle) {
} else {
} else {
// There are multiple nodes in the strongly connected
// component.
List<NodeType> scc = <NodeType>[];
while (true) {
NodeType otherNode = stack.removeLast();
if (identical(otherNode, node)) {
// Kick off the algorithm starting with the starting point.
/// Base class for executable elements resynthesized from a summary during
/// linking.
abstract class ExecutableElementForLink
with TypeParameterizedElementMixin, ParameterParentElementForLink
implements ExecutableElementImpl {
/// The unlinked representation of the method in the summary.
final UnlinkedExecutable serializedExecutable;
DartType _declaredReturnType;
DartType _inferredReturnType;
FunctionTypeImpl _type;
String _name;
String _displayName;
final CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit;
ExecutableElementForLink(this.compilationUnit, this.serializedExecutable);
ContextForLink get context => compilationUnit.context;
/// If the executable element had an explicitly declared return type, return
/// it. Otherwise return `null`.
DartType get declaredReturnType {
if (serializedExecutable.returnType == null) {
return null;
} else {
return _declaredReturnType ??=
compilationUnit.resolveTypeRef(this, serializedExecutable.returnType);
String get displayName {
if (_displayName == null) {
_displayName =;
if (serializedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter) {
_displayName = _displayName.substring(0, _displayName.length - 1);
return _displayName;
CompilationUnitElementImpl get enclosingUnit => compilationUnit;
/// Return a list containing all of the functions defined within this
/// executable element.
List<FunctionElement> get functions {
return [];
bool get hasImplicitReturnType => serializedExecutable.returnType == null;
List<int> get implicitFunctionTypeIndices => const <int>[];
/// Return the inferred return type of the executable element. Should only be
/// called if no return type was explicitly declared.
DartType get inferredReturnType {
// We should only try to infer a return type when none is explicitly
// declared.
assert(serializedExecutable.returnType == null);
if (Linker._initializerTypeInferenceCycle != null &&
Linker._initializerTypeInferenceCycle ==
compilationUnit.library.libraryCycleForLink) {
// We are currently computing the type of an initializer expression in the
// current library cycle, so type inference results should be ignored.
return _computeDefaultReturnType();
if (_inferredReturnType == null) {
if (serializedExecutable.kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor) {
// TODO(paulberry): implement.
throw new UnimplementedError();
} else if (compilationUnit.isInBuildUnit) {
_inferredReturnType = _computeDefaultReturnType();
} else {
_inferredReturnType = compilationUnit.getLinkedType(
this, serializedExecutable.inferredReturnTypeSlot);
return _inferredReturnType;
bool get isAbstract => serializedExecutable.isAbstract;
bool get isGenerator => serializedExecutable.isGenerator;
bool get isStatic => serializedExecutable.isStatic;
bool get isSynthetic => false;
LibraryElement get library => enclosingElement.library;
get linkedNode => null;
String get name {
if (_name == null) {
_name =;
if (_name == '-' && serializedExecutable.parameters.isEmpty) {
_name = 'unary-';
return _name;
DartType get returnType => declaredReturnType ?? inferredReturnType;
void set returnType(DartType inferredType) {
_inferredReturnType = inferredType;
AnalysisSession get session => compilationUnit.session;
FunctionTypeImpl get type => _type ??= new FunctionTypeImpl(this);
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get typeParameterContext => this;
List<UnlinkedParam> get unlinkedParameters => serializedExecutable.parameters;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get unlinkedTypeParams =>
bool isAccessibleIn(LibraryElement library) =>
!Identifier.isPrivateName(name) || identical(this.library, library);
/// Compute the default return type for this type of executable element (if no
/// return type is declared and strong mode type inference cannot infer a
/// better return type).
DartType _computeDefaultReturnType() {
var kind = serializedExecutable.kind;
var isMethod = kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod;
var isSetter = kind == UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter;
if ((isSetter || isMethod && == '[]=')) {
// In strong mode, setters and `[]=` operators without an explicit
// return type are considered to return `void`.
return VoidTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Base class for executable elements that are resynthesized from a summary
/// during linking and are not local functions.
abstract class ExecutableElementForLink_NonLocal
extends ExecutableElementForLink {
/// Return the class in which this executable appears, maybe `null` for a
/// top-level function.
final ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingClass;
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit,
UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable)
: super(compilationUnit, unlinkedExecutable);
Element get enclosingElement => enclosingClass ?? compilationUnit;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext =>
/// Store the results of type inference for this method in [compilationUnit].
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
if (serializedExecutable.returnType == null) {
for (ParameterElementForLink parameterElement in parameters) {;
class ExprTypeComputer {
final ExprBuilder _builder;
final AstRewriteVisitor _astRewriteVisitor;
final ResolverVisitor _resolverVisitor;
final TypeResolverVisitor _typeResolverVisitor;
final VariableResolverVisitor _variableResolverVisitor;
final PartialResolverVisitor _partialResolverVisitor;
final Linker _linker;
FunctionElementForLink_Local _functionElement;
factory ExprTypeComputer(FunctionElementForLink_Local functionElement) {
ClassElement enclosingClass =
functionElement.getAncestor((e) => e is ClassElement);
CompilationUnitElementForLink unit = functionElement.compilationUnit;
LibraryElementForLink library = unit.enclosingElement;
Linker linker = library._linker;
TypeProvider typeProvider = linker.typeProvider;
var unlinkedExecutable = functionElement.serializedExecutable;
UnlinkedExpr unlinkedConst = unlinkedExecutable.bodyExpr;
var errorListener = AnalysisErrorListener.NULL_LISTENER;
var source = unit.source;
var astRewriteVisitor = new AstRewriteVisitor(
linker.typeSystem, library, source, typeProvider, errorListener);
EnclosedScope nameScope = new LibraryScope(library);
if (enclosingClass != null) {
nameScope = new ClassScope(
new TypeParameterScope(nameScope, enclosingClass), enclosingClass);
var inheritance = new InheritanceManager2(linker.typeSystem);
var resolverVisitor = new ResolverVisitor(
inheritance, library, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope,
propagateTypes: false,
reportConstEvaluationErrors: false);
var typeResolverVisitor = new TypeResolverVisitor(
library, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
var variableResolverVisitor = new VariableResolverVisitor(
library, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope, localVariableInfo: LocalVariableInfo());
var partialResolverVisitor = new PartialResolverVisitor(
inheritance, library, source, typeProvider, errorListener,
nameScope: nameScope);
return new ExprTypeComputer._(
UnitResynthesizer unitResynthesizer,
AnalysisErrorListener _errorListener,
UnlinkedExpr unlinkedConst,
List<UnlinkedExecutable> localFunctions)
: _builder = new ExprBuilder(
unitResynthesizer, _functionElement, unlinkedConst,
requireValidConst: false,
localFunctions: localFunctions,
becomeSetOrMap: false);
TopLevelInferenceErrorKind get errorKind {
// TODO(paulberry): should we return TopLevelInferenceErrorKind.assignment
// sometimes?
return null;
DartType compute() {
Expression expression;
if (_linker.getAst != null) {
var expressionForInference = _functionElement._expressionForInference;
if (expressionForInference != null) {
expression = AstCloner().cloneNode(expressionForInference);
expression.accept(LocalElementBuilder(ElementHolder(), null));
} else if (_builder.hasNonEmptyExpr) {
expression =;
if (expression == null) {
// No function body was stored for this function, so we can't infer its
// return type. Assume `dynamic`.
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
var container =
astFactory.expressionFunctionBody(null, null, expression, null);
expression = container.expression;
if (_linker.getAst != null) {
if (_linker.getAst != null) {
return expression.staticType;
/// Element representing a field resynthesized from a summary during
/// linking.
abstract class FieldElementForLink implements FieldElement {
PropertyAccessorElementForLink get getter;
PropertyAccessorElementForLink get setter;
/// Specialization of [FieldElementForLink] for class fields.
class FieldElementForLink_ClassField extends VariableElementForLink
implements FieldElementForLink {
final ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingElement;
/// If this is an instance field, the type that was computed by
/// [InstanceMemberInferrer] (if any). Otherwise `null`.
DartType _inferredInstanceType;
TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder _inferenceError;
FieldElementForLink_ClassField(ClassElementForLink_Class enclosingElement,
UnlinkedVariable unlinkedVariable, Expression initializerForInference)
: enclosingElement = enclosingElement,
super(unlinkedVariable, enclosingElement.enclosingElement,
bool get isStatic => unlinkedVariable.isStatic;
DartType get type {
if (declaredType != null) {
return declaredType;
if (Linker._isPerformingVariableTypeInference && !isStatic) {
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
return inferredType;
void set type(DartType inferredType) {
assert(_inferredInstanceType == null);
_inferredInstanceType = inferredType;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get _typeParameterContext => enclosingElement;
/// Store the results of type inference for this field in
/// [compilationUnit].
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
if (hasImplicitType) {
isStatic ? inferredType : _inferredInstanceType,
unlinkedVariable.inferredTypeSlot, _inferenceError);
if (initializer != null) {
unlinkedVariable.inferredTypeSlot, initializer._inferenceError);;
void setInferenceError(TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder error) {
assert(_inferenceError == null);
_inferenceError = error;
String toString() => '$enclosingElement.$name';
/// Specialization of [FieldElementForLink] for enum fields.
class FieldElementForLink_EnumField extends FieldElementForLink
implements FieldElement {
PropertyAccessorElementForLink_EnumField _getter;
final ClassElementForLink_Enum enclosingElement;
PropertyAccessorElementForLink_EnumField get getter =>
_getter ??= new PropertyAccessorElementForLink_EnumField(this);
bool get isSynthetic => false;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
String toString() => '$enclosingElement.$name';
/// Specialization of [FieldElementForLink] for the 'index' enum field.
class FieldElementForLink_EnumField_index
extends FieldElementForLink_EnumField {
FieldElementForLink_EnumField_index(ClassElementForLink_Enum enclosingElement)
: super(enclosingElement);
bool get isStatic => false;
String get name => 'index';
DartType get type =>
/// Specialization of [FieldElementForLink] for enum fields.
class FieldElementForLink_EnumField_value
extends FieldElementForLink_EnumField {
/// The unlinked representation of the field in the summary.
final UnlinkedEnumValue unlinkedEnumValue;
ClassElementForLink_Enum enclosingElement, this.unlinkedEnumValue)
: super(enclosingElement);
bool get isStatic => true;
String get name =>;
DartType get type => enclosingElement.type;
/// Specialization of [FieldElementForLink] for the 'values' enum field.
class FieldElementForLink_EnumField_values
extends FieldElementForLink_EnumField {
ClassElementForLink_Enum enclosingElement)
: super(enclosingElement);
bool get isStatic => true;
String get name => 'values';
DartType get type => enclosingElement.valuesType;
class FieldFormalParameterElementForLink extends ParameterElementForLink
implements FieldFormalParameterElement {
FieldElement _field;
DartType _type;
ParameterParentElementForLink enclosingElement,
UnlinkedParam unlinkedParam,
TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext,
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit,
int parameterIndex)
: super(enclosingElement, unlinkedParam, typeParameterContext,
compilationUnit, parameterIndex);
FieldElement get field {
if (_field == null) {
Element enclosingConstructor = enclosingElement;
if (enclosingConstructor is ConstructorElement) {
Element enclosingClass = enclosingConstructor.enclosingElement;
if (enclosingClass is ClassElement) {
FieldElement field = enclosingClass.getField(;
if (field != null && !field.isSynthetic) {
_field = field;
return _field;
bool get isInitializingFormal => true;
DartType get type {
return _type ??= field?.type ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
/// Element representing a function-typed parameter resynthesied from a summary
/// during linking.
class FunctionElementForLink_FunctionTypedParam
with ParameterParentElementForLink
implements FunctionElement {
final ParameterElementForLink enclosingElement;
final TypeParameterizedElementMixin typeParameterContext;
final List<UnlinkedParam> unlinkedParameters;
DartType _returnType;
List<int> _implicitFunctionTypeIndices;
this.typeParameterContext, this.unlinkedParameters);
List<int> get implicitFunctionTypeIndices {
if (_implicitFunctionTypeIndices == null) {
_implicitFunctionTypeIndices = enclosingElement
return _implicitFunctionTypeIndices;
bool get isSynthetic => true;
DartType get returnType {
if (_returnType == null) {
if (enclosingElement.unlinkedParam.type == null) {
_returnType = DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
} else {
_returnType = enclosingElement.compilationUnit.resolveTypeRef(
enclosingElement, enclosingElement.unlinkedParam.type);
return _returnType;
List<TypeParameterElement> get typeParameters => const [];
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Element representing the initializer expression of a variable.
class FunctionElementForLink_Initializer
with ReferenceableElementForLink, TypeParameterizedElementMixin
implements FunctionElementForLink_Local {
/// The variable for which this element is the initializer.
final VariableElementForLink _variable;
final Expression _expressionForInference;
/// The type inference node for this function, or `null` if it hasn't been
/// computed yet.
TypeInferenceNode _typeInferenceNode;
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> _functions;
DartType _inferredReturnType;
TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder _inferenceError;
this._variable, this._expressionForInference);
TypeInferenceNode get asTypeInferenceNode =>
_typeInferenceNode ??= new TypeInferenceNode(this);
CompilationUnitElementForLink get compilationUnit =>
VariableElementForLink get enclosingElement => _variable;
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext =>
_variable.enclosingElement is ClassElementForLink
? _variable.enclosingElement
: null;
CompilationUnitElementForLink get enclosingUnit => _variable.compilationUnit;
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> get functions =>
_functions ??= _computeFunctions();
String get identifier => '';
bool get isAsynchronous => serializedExecutable.isAsynchronous;
get linkedNode => null;
DartType get returnType {
// If this is a variable whose type needs inferring, infer it.
if (_variable.hasImplicitType) {
return _variable.inferredType;
} else {
// There's no reason linking should need to access the type of
// this FunctionElement, since the variable doesn't need its
// type inferred.
// But for robustness, return the dynamic type.
return DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
void set returnType(DartType newType) {
// InstanceMemberInferrer stores the new type both here and on the variable
// element. We don't need to record both values, so we ignore it here.
UnlinkedExecutable get serializedExecutable =>
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get typeParameterContext => this;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get unlinkedTypeParams => const [];
bool get _hasTypeBeenInferred => _inferredReturnType != null;
E getAncestor<E extends Element>(Predicate<Element> predicate) {
return ElementImpl.getAncestorStatic(enclosingElement, predicate);
FunctionElementForLink_Local getLocalFunction(int index) {
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> functions = this.functions;
return index < functions.length ? functions[index] : null;
/// Store the results of type inference for this initializer in
/// [compilationUnit].
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
for (FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic function in functions) {;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
String toString() => _variable.toString();
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> _computeFunctions() {
var localFunctionsFromSummary =
var count = localFunctionsFromSummary.length;
var result = List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic>(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[i] = FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic(
i == 0 ? _expressionForInference : null);
return result;
void _setInferenceError(TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder error) {
_inferenceError = error;
void _setInferredType(DartType type) {
_inferredReturnType = type;
_variable._inferredType = _dynamicIfNull(type);
/// Element representing a local function (possibly a closure).
abstract class FunctionElementForLink_Local
ReferenceableElementForLink {
/// If this function element represents the initializer of a field or a
/// top-level variable, returns the AST for the initializer expression; this
/// is used for inferring the expression type.
Expression get _expressionForInference;
/// Indicates whether type inference has completed for this function.
bool get _hasTypeBeenInferred;
/// Stores the given [error] as the type inference error for this function.
/// Should only be called if [_hasTypeBeenInferred] is `false`.
void _setInferenceError(TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder error);
/// Stores the given [type] as the inferred return type for this function.
/// Should only be called if [_hasTypeBeenInferred] is `false`.
void _setInferredType(DartType type);
/// Element representing a local function (possibly a closure) inside another
/// executable.
class FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic extends ExecutableElementForLink
with ReferenceableElementForLink
implements FunctionElementForLink_Local {
final ExecutableElementForLink enclosingElement;
final Expression _expressionForInference;
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> _functions;
/// The type inference node for this function, or `null` if it hasn't been
/// computed yet.
TypeInferenceNode _typeInferenceNode;
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit,
UnlinkedExecutable unlinkedExecutable,
: super(compilationUnit, unlinkedExecutable);
TypeInferenceNode get asTypeInferenceNode =>
_typeInferenceNode ??= new TypeInferenceNode(this);
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext =>
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> get functions =>
_functions ??= serializedExecutable.localFunctions
.map((UnlinkedExecutable ex) =>
new FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic(
compilationUnit, this, ex, null))
String get identifier {
String identifier =;
Element enclosing = this.enclosingElement;
if (enclosing is ExecutableElementForLink) {
int id =
ElementImpl.findElementIndexUsingIdentical(enclosing.functions, this);
identifier += "@$id";
return identifier;
bool get isAsynchronous => serializedExecutable.isAsynchronous;
bool get _hasTypeBeenInferred => _inferredReturnType != null;
DartType buildType(
DartType getTypeArgument(int i), List<int> implicitFunctionTypeIndices) {
return type;
E getAncestor<E extends Element>(Predicate<Element> predicate) {
return ElementImpl.getAncestorStatic(enclosingElement, predicate);
FunctionElementForLink_Local getLocalFunction(int index) {
List<FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic> functions = this.functions;
return index < functions.length ? functions[index] : null;
/// Store the results of type inference for this function in
/// [compilationUnit].
void link(CompilationUnitElementInBuildUnit compilationUnit) {
if (serializedExecutable.returnType == null) {
for (FunctionElementForLink_Local_NonSynthetic function in functions) {;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
String toString() => enclosingElement.toString();
void _setInferenceError(TopLevelInferenceErrorBuilder error) {}
void _setInferredType(DartType type) {
// TODO(paulberry): store the inferred return type in the summary.
_inferredReturnType = _dynamicIfBottom(type);
/// Synthetic function element which is created for local functions.
class FunctionElementForLink_Synthetic extends ExecutableElementForLink
with ReferenceableElementForLink
implements FunctionElementForLink_Local {
final Element enclosingElement;
final EntityRef _entityRef;
CompilationUnitElementForLink compilationUnit,
: super(compilationUnit, null);
TypeParameterizedElementMixin get enclosingTypeParameterContext {
if (enclosingElement is TypeParameterizedElementMixin) {
return enclosingElement;
return null;
DartType get returnType {
return _declaredReturnType ??= enclosingUnit.resynthesizerContext
.resolveTypeRef(this, _entityRef.syntheticReturnType);
List<UnlinkedParam> get unlinkedParameters => _entityRef.syntheticParams;
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> get unlinkedTypeParams => _entityRef.typeParameters;
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
/// Element representing a typedef resynthesized from a summary during linking.
class FunctionTypeAliasElementForLink
implements FunctionTypeAliasElement, ElementImpl {
final CompilationUnitElementForLink enclosingElement;
/// The unlinked representation of the typedef in the summary.
final UnlinkedTypedef _unlinkedTypedef;
FunctionTypeImpl _type;
DartType _returnType;
GenericFunctionTypeElementForLink _function;
this.enclosingElement, this._unlinkedTypedef) {