| # Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| html/cross_frame_test: Skip # Issue 32039, test reloads itself (not by design - investigate) |
| |
| [ $arch == simarm64 ] |
| convert/utf85_test: Skip # Pass, Slow Issue 20111. |
| |
| [ $arch == simarmv5te ] |
| mirrors/mirrors_reader_test: Pass, Slow |
| |
| [ $mode == product ] |
| developer/timeline_test: Skip # Not supported |
| isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Requires checked mode |
| |
| [ $runtime == chrome ] |
| html/element_animate_test/timing_dict: RuntimeError # Issue 26730 |
| |
| [ $runtime == dart_precompiled ] |
| isolate/count_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/cross_isolate_message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/error_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/error_exit_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/exit_at_spawnuri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/illegal_msg_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/illegal_msg_mirror_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/isolate_complex_messages_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate1_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/issue_6610_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/mandel_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/message2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/mint_maker_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/nested_spawn2_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/nested_spawn_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/raw_port_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/request_reply_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_function_custom_class_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_exported_main_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_missing_from_isolate_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_missing_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_multi_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/spawn_uri_vm_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/stacktrace_message_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/static_function_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| isolate/unresolved_ports_test: Skip # Isolate.spawnUri |
| |
| [ $runtime == ff ] |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_decode_test: Pass, Slow # Issue 12029 |
| mirrors/mirrors_reader_test: Timeout, Slow, RuntimeError # Issue 16589 |
| |
| [ $runtime == ie11 ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test/supported: Fail |
| html/audiocontext_test/supported: Fail |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/arc: Pass, Fail # Pixel unexpected value. Please triage this failure. |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # IE does not support drawImage w/ video element |
| html/crypto_test/supported: Fail |
| html/css_test/supportsPointConversions: Fail |
| html/custom/document_register_type_extensions_test/single-parameter: Fail # Issue 13193. |
| html/element_animate_test: Fail # Element.animate not supported on these browsers. |
| html/element_test/click: Fail # IE does not support firing this event. |
| html/event_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437. Only three failures, but hard to break them out. |
| html/fileapi_supported_test: Fail |
| html/gamepad_test: Fail # IE does not support Navigator.getGamepads() |
| html/history_hash_change_test: Fail |
| html/indexeddb_5_test: Fail # Issue 12893 |
| html/input_element_date_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_month_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_time_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_week_test: Fail |
| html/js_transferrables_test: RuntimeError # Issue 14246 |
| html/js_util_test/callConstructor: RuntimeError # Issue 26978 |
| html/localstorage_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 22166 |
| html/media_stream_test: Pass, Fail |
| html/mediasource_test: Pass, Fail # Windows 8: Supported: yes, functional: no |
| html/notification_test: Fail # Notification not supported on IE |
| html/postmessage_structured_test: Fail # Does not support the MessageEvent constructor. |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 |
| html/rtc_test: Fail |
| html/serialized_script_value_test: Fail |
| html/shadow_dom_test: Fail |
| html/speechrecognition_test: Fail |
| html/storage_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 22166 |
| html/svgelement_test: Fail |
| html/text_event_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437 |
| html/touchevent_test: Fail # IE does not support TouchEvents |
| html/transferables_test: Pass, Fail # Issues 20659. |
| html/transition_event_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 |
| html/webgl_1_test: Fail |
| html/websocket_test: Fail # Issue 7875. Closed with "working as intended". |
| html/websql_test: Fail |
| html/wheelevent_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23437 |
| html/worker_test/functional: Pass, Fail # Issues 20659. |
| html/xhr_test/json: Fail # IE10 returns string, not JSON object |
| |
| [ $runtime == safari ] |
| html/audiobuffersourcenode_test/functional: RuntimeError |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Fail # Safari does not support drawImage w/ video element |
| html/element_animate_test: Fail # Element.animate not supported on these browsers. |
| html/element_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 21434 |
| html/fileapi_supported_test: Fail |
| html/gamepad_test: Fail # Safari does not support Navigator.getGamepads() |
| html/indexeddb_1_test/functional: Skip # Times out. Issue 21433 |
| html/indexeddb_2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433 |
| html/indexeddb_3_test: Skip # Times out 1 out of 10. |
| html/indexeddb_4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433 |
| html/indexeddb_5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 21433 |
| html/input_element_date_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_datetime_test: Fail |
| html/input_element_month_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_time_test: RuntimeError |
| html/input_element_week_test: RuntimeError |
| html/media_stream_test: Pass, Fail |
| html/mediasource_test: Pass, Fail # MediaSource only available on Safari 8 desktop, we can't express that. |
| html/rtc_test: Fail |
| html/shadow_dom_test: Fail |
| html/speechrecognition_test: Fail |
| html/webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219 |
| html/worker_api_test: Skip # Issue 13221 |
| typed_data/float32x4_test: Fail, Pass # Safari has an optimization bug (nightlies are already fine). |
| typed_data/int32x4_test: Fail, Pass # Safari has an optimization bug (nightlies are already fine). |
| |
| [ $system == windows ] |
| html/xhr_test/xhr: Skip # Times out. Issue 21527 |
| |
| [ $browser ] |
| async/periodic_timer2_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Flaky. Issue 32094 |
| async/periodic_timer3_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Flaky. Issue 32094 |
| async/periodic_timer4_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Flaky. Issue 32094 |
| |
| [ $csp ] |
| isolate/browser/package_resolve_browser_hook_test: SkipByDesign # Test written in a way that violates CSP. |
| isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Skip # Issue 16898. Deferred loading does not work from an isolate in CSP-mode |
| |
| [ $hot_reload ] |
| async/stream_periodic4_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 30904 |
| mirrors/dynamic_load_test: RuntimeError # Issue 26869 - Reload fails to preserve library identity |
| |
| [ $jscl ] |
| isolate/spawn_uri_multi_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 13544 |
| |
| [ !$strong ] |
| async/future_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Dart 2 syntax. |
| async/stream_first_where_test/badType: MissingCompileTimeError |
| async/stream_from_iterable_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Dart 2 syntax. |
| async/stream_last_where_test/badType: MissingCompileTimeError |
| mirrors/redirecting_factory_different_type_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError |
| |
| [ $builder_tag == mac10_7 && $runtime == safari ] |
| typed_data/setRange_2_test: Fail # Safari doesn't fully implement spec for TypedArray.set |
| typed_data/setRange_3_test: Fail # Safari doesn't fully implement spec for TypedArray.set |
| typed_data/setRange_4_test: Fail # Safari doesn't fully implement spec for TypedArray.set |
| |
| [ $compiler != dart2analyzer && $compiler != fasta && !$strong ] |
| async/future_or_type_test: Fail # Strong mode implements FutureOr, non-strong treats it as dynamic. |
| |
| [ $compiler != dartdevc && $checked && !$strong ] |
| async/future_or_only_in_async_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError |
| |
| [ $compiler == dartk && $system == macos && $hot_reload && ($arch == simdbc || $arch == simdbc64) ] |
| isolate/unresolved_ports_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 35410 |
| |
| [ $compiler == none && $mode == product ] |
| mirrors/library_enumeration_deferred_loading_test: RuntimeError, OK # Deferred loaded eagerly |
| mirrors/library_import_deferred_loading_test: RuntimeError, OK # Deferred loaded eagerly |
| mirrors/load_library_test: RuntimeError, OK # Deferred loaded eagerly |
| |
| [ $compiler == none && !$checked ] |
| mirrors/redirecting_factory_different_type_test/none: RuntimeError |
| mirrors/reflected_type_generics_test/02: Fail, OK # Type check for a bounded type argument. |
| |
| [ $compiler == none && !$fasta ] |
| mirrors/abstract_class_test: RuntimeError |
| |
| [ $runtime == chrome && $system == linux ] |
| mirrors/native_class_test: Pass, Slow |
| |
| [ $runtime == chrome && $system == macos ] |
| async/catch_errors11_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22696 |
| async/slow_consumer_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 22696 |
| async/timer_isActive_test: Fail, Pass, Timeout # Issue 22696 |
| convert/streamed_conversion_utf8_encode_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element: Skip # Times out. Please triage this failure. |
| html/canvasrenderingcontext2d_test/drawImage_video_element_dataUrl: Skip # Times out. Please triage this failure. |
| html/custom_element_method_clash_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789 |
| html/custom_element_name_clash_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789 |
| html/custom_elements_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26789 |
| html/request_animation_frame_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 |
| html/transition_event_test: Skip # Times out. Issue 22167 |
| |
| [ !$checked && !$strong ] |
| async/future_or_only_in_async_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError |
| async/multiple_timer_test: Pass, Fail # Timing related |
| isolate/issue_24243_parent_isolate_test: SkipByDesign # Requires type checks. |
| |
| [ !$fasta && !$strong ] |
| isolate/isolate_import_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError |
| mirrors/top_level_accessors_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError |
| typed_data/float32x4_static_test: MissingCompileTimeError |
| typed_data/int32x4_static_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError |
| typed_data/int32x4_static_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError |
| |
| [ !$preview_dart_2 && ($runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm) ] |
| *: SkipByDesign # Deprecating all Dart1 modes of execution |
| |
| [ ($compiler != precompiler || $runtime != dart_precompiled) && ($runtime != vm || $compiler != dartk && $compiler != none) ] |
| isolate/vm_rehash_test: SkipByDesign |
| |
| [ $arch == simarm || $arch == simarmv5te || $arch == simarmv6 ] |
| convert/utf85_test: Skip # Pass, Slow Issue 12644. |
| |
| [ $arch != x64 || $compiler == dartkb || $runtime != vm ] |
| isolate/int32_length_overflow_test: SkipSlow |
| |
| [ $compiler == app_jit || $mode == product || $runtime != vm ] |
| isolate/checked_test: Skip # Unsupported. |
| |
| [ $compiler != none || $runtime != vm ] |
| isolate/package_config_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.packageConfig |
| isolate/package_resolve_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.resolvePackageUri |
| isolate/package_root_test: SkipByDesign # Uses Isolate.packageRoot |
| isolate/scenarios/*: SkipByDesign # Use automatic package resolution, spawnFunction and .dart URIs. |
| isolate/spawn_uri_fail_test: SkipByDesign # Uses dart:io. |
| |
| [ $runtime == chrome || $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ] |
| html/webgl_1_test: Pass, Fail # Issue 8219 |
| |
| [ $runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff ] |
| async/slow_consumer2_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| async/stream_timeout_test: SkipSlow # Times out. Issue 22050 |
| |
| [ $runtime == dart_precompiled || $runtime == vm ] |
| isolate/browser/*: SkipByDesign # Browser specific tests |
| isolate/isolate_stress_test: Skip # Issue 12588: Uses dart:html. This should be able to pass when we have wrapper-less tests. |
| isolate/stacktrace_message_test: RuntimeError # Fails to send stacktrace object. |
| |
| [ $hot_reload || $hot_reload_rollback ] |
| async/stream_transformer_test: Pass, Fail # Closure identity |
| convert/chunked_conversion_utf88_test: SkipSlow |
| convert/utf85_test: SkipSlow |
| isolate/deferred_in_isolate2_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries |
| isolate/deferred_in_isolate_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries |
| isolate/function_send_test: Pass, Fail # Closure identity |
| isolate/issue_21398_parent_isolate2_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries |
| isolate/message3_test/fun: Pass, Fail # Closure identity |
| isolate/spawn_uri_nested_vm_test: Pass, Crash # Issue 28192 |
| mirrors/closurization_equivalence_test: SkipByDesign # Method equality |
| mirrors/deferred_constraints_constants_test: Crash # Requires deferred libraries |
| mirrors/deferred_mirrors_metadata_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/deferred_mirrors_metatarget_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/deferred_mirrors_update_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/library_enumeration_deferred_loading_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/library_import_deferred_loading_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/library_imports_deferred_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/load_library_test: Crash # Deferred loading |
| mirrors/typedef_deferred_library_test: Crash # Deferred loading |