blob: f54f8a4d334b3d3f0838fc6edf4ff7bcffa4eaf3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the file.
library fasta.graph;
abstract class Graph<T> {
Iterable<T> get vertices;
Iterable<T> neighborsOf(T vertex);
/// Computes the strongly connected components of [graph].
/// This implementation is based on [Dijkstra's path-based strong component
/// algorithm]
/// (
List<List<T>> computeStrongComponents<T>(Graph<T> graph) {
List<List<T>> result = <List<T>>[];
int count = 0;
Map<T, int> preorderNumbers = <T, int>{};
List<T> unassigned = <T>[];
List<T> candidates = <T>[];
Set<T> assigned = new Set<T>();
void recursivelySearch(T vertex) {
// Step 1: Set the preorder number of [vertex] to [count], and increment
// [count].
preorderNumbers[vertex] = count++;
// Step 2: Push [vertex] onto [unassigned] and also onto [candidates].
// Step 3: For each edge from [vertex] to a neighboring vertex [neighbor]:
for (T neighbor in graph.neighborsOf(vertex)) {
int neighborPreorderNumber = preorderNumbers[neighbor];
if (neighborPreorderNumber == null) {
// If the preorder number of [neighbor] has not yet been assigned,
// recursively search [neighbor];
} else if (!assigned.contains(neighbor)) {
// Otherwise, if [neighbor] has not yet been assigned to a strongly
// connected component:
// * Repeatedly pop vertices from [candidates] until the top element of
// [candidates] has a preorder number less than or equal to the
// preorder number of [neighbor].
while (preorderNumbers[candidates.last] > neighborPreorderNumber) {
// Step 4: If [vertex] is the top element of [candidates]:
if (candidates.last == vertex) {
// Pop vertices from [unassigned] until [vertex] has been popped, and
// assign the popped vertices to a new component.
List<T> component = <T>[];
while (true) {
T top = unassigned.removeLast();
if (top == vertex) break;
// Pop [vertex] from [candidates].
for (T vertex in graph.vertices) {
if (preorderNumbers[vertex] == null) {
return result;