blob: b3f0dfa3c4d9d16473900a91603ecf86aa878810 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file implements a miniature string-based internal representation ("IR")
// of Dart code suitable for use in unit testing.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'mini_ast.dart';
/// Stack-based builder class allowing construction of a miniature string-based
/// internal representation ("IR") of Dart code suitable for use in unit
/// testing.
class MiniIrBuilder {
/// Set this to `true` to enable print-based tracing of stack operations.
static const bool _debug = false;
/// If [_debug] is enabled, number of outstanding calls to [guard]. This
/// controls indentation of debug output.
int _guardDepth = 0;
/// Number of labels allocated so far.
int _labelCounter = 0;
/// Size threshold for [_stack]. [_pop] and [_popList] will cause a test
/// failure if an attempt is made to reduce the stack size to less than this
/// amount. See [guard].
int _popLimit = 0;
/// Stack of partially built IR nodes.
final _stack = <String>[];
/// Number of temporaries allocated so far.
int _tmpCounter = 0;
/// Creates a fresh [MiniIrLabel] representing a label that can be used as a
/// break target.
/// See [labeled].
MiniIrLabel allocateLabel() => MiniIrLabel._();
/// Pops the top node from the stack (which should represent an expression)
/// and creates a fresh [MiniIrTmp] representing a temporary variable whose
/// initializer is that expression.
/// See [let].
MiniIrTmp allocateTmp() {
return MiniIrTmp._('t${_tmpCounter++}', _pop());
/// Pops the top [numArgs] nodes from the stack and pushes a node that
/// combines them using [name]. For example, if the stack contains `1, 2, 3`,
/// calling `apply('f', 2)` results in a stack of `1, f(2, 3)`.
void apply(String name, int numArgs) =>
_push('$name(${_popList(numArgs).join(', ')})');
/// Pushes a node on the stack representing a single atomic expression (for
/// example a literal value or a variable reference).
void atom(String name) => _push(name);
/// Verifies that the top node on the stack matches [expectedIr] exactly.
void check(String expectedIr) {
expect(_stack.last.toString(), expectedIr);
/// Pushes a node representing a `for-in` loop onto the stack, using a loop
/// variable, iterable expression, and loop body obtained from the stack.
/// If [tmp] is non-null, it is used as the loop variable instead of obtaining
/// it from the stack.
void forIn(MiniIrTmp? tmp, {required bool isAsynchronous}) {
var name = isAsynchronous ? 'forIn_async' : 'forIn';
var body = _pop();
var iterable = _pop();
var variable = tmp == null ? _pop() : tmp._name;
_push('$name($variable, $iterable, $body)');
/// Executes [callback], checking that it leaves all nodes presently on the
/// stack untouched, and results in exactly one node being added to the stack.
T guard<T>(Node node, T Function() callback) {
if (_debug) {
print(' ' * _guardDepth++ + '$node');
int previousStackDepth = _stack.length;
int previousPopLimit = _popLimit;
_popLimit = previousStackDepth;
var result = callback();
var stackDelta = _stack.length - previousStackDepth;
if (stackDelta != 1) {
fail('Stack delta of $stackDelta while visiting '
'${node.runtimeType} $node\n'
'Stack: $this');
if (_debug) {
print(' ' * --_guardDepth + '=> ${_stack.last}');
_popLimit = previousPopLimit;
return result;
/// Pushes a node representing an "if not null" check onto the stack, using
/// [tmp] and an expression obtained from the stack. The intended semantics
/// are `tmp == null ? null : <expression>`.
/// This is intended to be used as a building block for null shorting
/// operations.
void ifNotNull(MiniIrTmp tmp) {
_push('if(==(${tmp._name}, null), null, ${_pop()})');
/// Pushes a node representing an "if null" check onto the stack, using [tmp]
/// and two expressions obtained from the stack. The intended semantics
/// are `tmp == null ? <expression 1> : <expression 2>`.
/// This is intended to be used as a building block for null `??` and `??=`
/// operations.
void ifNull(MiniIrTmp tmp) {
var ifNull = _pop();
var ifNotNull = _pop();
_push('if(==(${tmp._name}, null), $ifNull, $ifNotNull)');
/// Pushes a node representing a call to `operator[]` onto the stack, using
/// a receiver and an index obtained from the stack.
void indexGet() => apply('[]', 2);
/// Pushes a node representing a call to `operator[]=` onto the stack, using
/// a receiver, index, and value obtained from the stack.
/// If [receiverTmp] and/or [indexTmp] is non-null, they are used instead of
/// obtaining values from the stack.
void indexSet(MiniIrTmp? receiverTmp, MiniIrTmp? indexTmp) {
var value = _pop();
var index = indexTmp == null ? _pop() : indexTmp._name;
var receiver = receiverTmp == null ? _pop() : receiverTmp._name;
_push('[]=($receiver, $index, $value)');
/// Pushes a node representing a labeled statement onto the stack, using an
/// inner statement obtained from the stack.
/// To build up a statement of the form `labeled(L0, stmt)` (where `stmt`
/// might refer to `L0`), do the following operations:
/// - Call [allocateLabel] to prepare the label.
/// - build `stmt` on the stack, using [referToLabel] to refer to label as
/// needed.
/// - Call [labeled] to build the final `labeled` statement.
void labeled(MiniIrLabel label) {
var name = label._name;
if (name != null) {
_push('labeled($name, ${_pop()})');
/// Pushes a node representing a `let` expression onto the stack, using a
/// value obtained from the stack.
/// To build up an expression of the form `let(#0, value, expr)` (meaning
/// "let temporary variable #0 take on value while evaluating expr"), do the
/// following operations:
/// - Build `value` on the stack.
/// - Call [allocateTmp] to pop `value` off the stack and obtain a
/// [MiniIrTmp] object. This will assign the temporary variable a name that
/// doesn't conflict with any other outstanding temporary variables.
/// - Build `expr` on the stack, using [readTmp] to refer to the temporary
/// variable as needed.
/// - Call [let] to build the final `let` expression.
void let(MiniIrTmp tmp) {
_push('let(${tmp._name}, ${tmp._value}, ${_pop()})');
/// Pushes a node representing a property get onto the stack, using a receiver
/// obtained from the stack.
void propertyGet(String propertyName) => apply('get_$propertyName', 1);
/// Pushes a node representing a property set onto the stack, using a receiver
/// and value obtained from the stack.
/// If [receiverTmp] is non-null, it is used as the receiver rather than
/// obtaining it from the stack.
void propertySet(MiniIrTmp? receiverTmp, String propertyName) {
var value = _pop();
var receiver = receiverTmp == null ? _pop() : receiverTmp._name;
_push('set_$propertyName($receiver, $value)');
/// Pushes a node representing a read of [tmp] onto the stack.
void readTmp(MiniIrTmp tmp) => _push(tmp._name);
/// Pushes a node representing a reference to [label] onto the stack.
void referToLabel(MiniIrLabel label) {
_push(label._name ??= 'L${_labelCounter++}');
String toString() => _stack.join(', ');
/// Pushes a node representing a read of a local variable onto the stack.
void variableGet(Var v) => atom(;
/// Pushes a node representing a set of a local variable onto the stack, using
/// a value obtained from the stack.
void variableSet(Var v) => apply('${}=', 1);
/// Pops a single node off the stack.
String _pop() {
expect(_stack.length, greaterThan(_popLimit));
return _stack.removeLast();
/// Pops a list of nodes off the stack.
List<String> _popList(int count) {
var newLength = _stack.length - count;
expect(newLength, greaterThanOrEqualTo(_popLimit));
var result = _stack.sublist(newLength);
_stack.length = newLength;
return result;
/// Pushes a node onto the stack.
void _push(String node) => _stack.add(node);
/// Representation of a branch target label used by [MiniIrBuilder] when
/// building up `labeled` statements.
class MiniIrLabel {
/// The name of the label, or `null` if no name has been assigned yet.
String? _name;
/// Representation of a temporary variable used by [MiniIrBuilder] when building
/// up `let` expressions.
class MiniIrTmp {
/// The name of the temporary variable.
final String _name;
/// The initial value of the temporary variable.
final String _value;
MiniIrTmp._(this._name, this._value);