blob: f77ef0023b3dbcd42c0133b11f8dae0fc267c497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:observatory/cli.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
class TestCommand extends Command {
TestCommand(this.out, name, children) : super(name, children);
StringBuffer? out;
Future run(List<String> args) {
out!.write('executing ${name}(${args})\n');
return new Future.value(null);
class TestCompleteCommand extends Command {
TestCompleteCommand(this.out, name, children) : super(name, children);
StringBuffer? out;
Future<List<String>> complete(List<String> args) {
var possibles = ['one ', 'two ', 'three '];
return new Future.value(
possibles.where((possible) => possible.startsWith(args[0])).toList());
Future run(List<String> args) {
out!.write('executing ${name}(${args})\n');
return new Future.value(null);
void testCommandComplete() {
RootCommand cmd = new RootCommand([
new TestCommand(null, 'alpha', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(null, 'game', <Command>[
new TestCommand(null, 'checkers', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(null, 'chess', <Command>[])
new TestCommand(null, 'gamera', <Command>[
new TestCommand(null, 'london', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(null, 'tokyo', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(null, 'topeka', <Command>[])
new TestCompleteCommand(
null, 'count', <Command>[new TestCommand(null, 'chocula', <Command>[])])
// Show all commands.
cmd.completeCommand('').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['alpha ', 'game ', 'gamera ', 'count ']));
// Substring completion.
cmd.completeCommand('al').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['alpha ']));
// Full string completion.
cmd.completeCommand('alpha').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['alpha ']));
// Extra space, no subcommands.
cmd.completeCommand('alpha ').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['alpha ']));
// Ambiguous completion.
cmd.completeCommand('g').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['game ', 'gamera ']));
// Ambiguous completion, exact match not preferred.
cmd.completeCommand('game').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['game ', 'gamera ']));
// Show all subcommands.
cmd.completeCommand('gamera ').then((result) {
result, equals(['gamera london ', 'gamera tokyo ', 'gamera topeka ']));
// Subcommand completion.
cmd.completeCommand('gamera l').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['gamera london ']));
// Extra space, with subcommand.
cmd.completeCommand('gamera london ').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['gamera london ']));
// Ambiguous subcommand completion.
cmd.completeCommand('gamera t').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['gamera tokyo ', 'gamera topeka ']));
// Ambiguous subcommand completion with substring prefix.
// Note that the prefix is left alone.
cmd.completeCommand('gamer t').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['gamer tokyo ', 'gamer topeka ']));
// Ambiguous but exact prefix is preferred.
cmd.completeCommand('game chec').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['game checkers ']));
// Ambiguous non-exact prefix means no matches.
cmd.completeCommand('gam chec').then((result) {
expect(result, equals([]));
// Locals + subcommands, show all.
cmd.completeCommand('count ').then((result) {
equals(['count chocula ', 'count one ', 'count two ', 'count three ']));
// Locals + subcommands, single local match.
cmd.completeCommand('count th').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['count three ']));
// Locals + subcommands, ambiguous local match.
cmd.completeCommand('count t').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['count two ', 'count three ']));
// Locals + subcommands, single command match.
cmd.completeCommand('co choc').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['co chocula ']));
// We gobble spare spaces in the prefix but not elsewhere.
cmd.completeCommand(' game chec').then((result) {
expect(result, equals(['game checkers ']));
testCommandRunSimple() async {
// Run a simple command.
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
RootCommand cmd =
new RootCommand([new TestCommand(out, 'alpha', <Command>[])]);
// Full name dispatch works. Argument passing works.
await cmd.runCommand('alpha dog');
expect(out.toString(), contains('executing alpha([dog])\n'));
// Substring dispatch works.
await cmd.runCommand('al cat mouse');
expect(out.toString(), contains('executing alpha([cat , mouse])\n'));
testCommandRunSubcommand() async {
// Run a simple command.
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
RootCommand cmd = new RootCommand([
new TestCommand(out, 'alpha', [
new TestCommand(out, 'beta', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(out, 'gamma', <Command>[])
await cmd.runCommand('a b');
expect(out.toString(), equals('executing beta([])\n'));
await cmd.runCommand('alpha g ');
expect(out.toString(), equals('executing gamma([])\n'));
testCommandRunNotFound() async {
// Run a simple command.
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
RootCommand cmd =
new RootCommand([new TestCommand(out, 'alpha', <Command>[])]);
dynamic e;
try {
await cmd.runCommand('goose');
} catch (ex) {
e = ex;
expect(e.toString(), equals("No such command: 'goose'"));
testCommandRunAmbiguous() async {
// Run a simple command.
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
RootCommand cmd = new RootCommand([
new TestCommand(out, 'alpha', <Command>[]),
new TestCommand(out, 'ankle', <Command>[])
dynamic e;
try {
await cmd.runCommand('a 55');
} catch (ex) {
e = ex;
expect(e.toString(), equals("Command 'a 55' is ambiguous: [alpha, ankle]"));
await cmd.runCommand('ankl 55');
expect(out.toString(), equals('executing ankle([55])\n'));
testCommandRunAlias() async {
// Run a simple command.
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
var aliasCmd = new TestCommand(out, 'alpha', <Command>[]);
aliasCmd.alias = 'a';
RootCommand cmd =
new RootCommand([aliasCmd, new TestCommand(out, 'ankle', <Command>[])]);
await cmd.runCommand('a 55');
expect(out.toString(), equals('executing alpha([55])\n'));
main() {
test('command completion test suite', testCommandComplete);
test('run a simple command', testCommandRunSimple);
test('run a subcommand', testCommandRunSubcommand);
test('run a command which is not found', testCommandRunNotFound);
test('run a command which is ambiguous', testCommandRunAmbiguous);
test('run a command using an alias', testCommandRunAlias);