blob: 1ec34245b3813e9d6d6533cabfac6c7ea9acfa53 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
// Problems in library:
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extensions/conflict_with_object.dart:6:11: Error: This extension member conflicts with Object member 'noSuchMethod'.
// int get noSuchMethod => 42;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extensions/conflict_with_object.dart:8:7: Error: This extension member conflicts with Object member 'runtimeType'.
// int runtimeType() => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extensions/conflict_with_object.dart:9:12: Error: This extension member conflicts with Object member '=='.
// operator ==(other) => false;
// ^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extensions/conflict_with_object.dart:10:17: Error: This extension member conflicts with Object member 'toString'.
// static String toString() => 'Foo';
// ^^^^^^^^
// pkg/front_end/testcases/extensions/conflict_with_object.dart:7:12: Error: This extension member conflicts with Object member 'hashCode'.
// void set hashCode(int value) {}
// ^^^^^^^^
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
extension Extension on core::String {
get noSuchMethod = self::Extension|get#noSuchMethod;
method runtimeType = self::Extension|runtimeType;
tearoff runtimeType = self::Extension|get#runtimeType;
operator == = self::Extension|==;
static method toString = self::Extension|toString;
set hashCode = self::Extension|set#hashCode;
static method Extension|get#noSuchMethod(lowered final core::String #this) → core::int
static method Extension|set#hashCode(lowered final core::String #this, core::int value) → void
static method Extension|runtimeType(lowered final core::String #this) → core::int
static method Extension|get#runtimeType(lowered final core::String #this) → () → core::int
return () core::int => self::Extension|runtimeType(#this);
static method Extension|==(lowered final core::String #this, dynamic other) → dynamic
static method Extension|toString() core::String
static method main() dynamic
static method errors() dynamic
static method expect(dynamic expected, dynamic actual) dynamic