blob: bef9247d2b1feabda9ea8bbba82827f4d957b26e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Command-line tool presenting combined information from dump-info and
/// runtime coverage data.
/// This tool requires two input files an `` and a
/// `.coverage.json` file. To produce these files you need to follow these
/// steps:
/// * Compile an app with dart2js using --dump-info and save the
/// file:
/// dart2js --dump-info main.dart
/// * Build the same app with dart2js using --experimental-track-allocations:
/// dart2js --experimental-track-allocations main.dart
/// This can be combined with the --dump-info step above.
/// * Load your app, exercise your code, then extract the runtime code
/// coverage JSON blob by querying
/// `$__dart_deferred_initializers__.allocations` in the page.
/// * Finally, run this tool.
library compiler.tool.runtime_coverage_analysis;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/info.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/io.dart';
import 'package:dart2js_info/src/util.dart';
import 'usage_exception.dart';
class RuntimeCoverageAnalysisCommand extends Command<void>
with PrintUsageException {
final String name = "runtime_coverage";
final String description = "Analyze runtime coverage data";
RuntimeCoverageAnalysisCommand() {
defaultsTo: false, help: "Show coverage details at the package level.");
void run() async {
final argRes = argResults!;
final args =;
if (args.length < 2) {
usageException('Missing arguments, expected: coverage.json');
final showPackages = argRes['show-packages'];
if (showPackages) {
await _reportWithPackages(args[0], args[1]);
} else {
await _report(args[0], args[1]);
Future<void> _report(
String infoFile,
String coverageFile,
) async {
var info = await infoFromFile(infoFile);
var coverageRaw = jsonDecode(File(coverageFile).readAsStringSync());
// The value associated with each coverage item isn't used for now.
var coverage = coverageRaw.keys.toSet();
int totalProgramSize = info.program!.size;
int totalLibSize = info.libraries.fold(0, (n, lib) => n + lib.size);
int totalCode = 0;
int usedCode = 0;
var unused = PriorityQueue<Info>((a, b) => b.size.compareTo(a.size));
void tallyCode(Info i) {
totalCode += i.size;
var name = qualifiedName(i);
var used = coverage.contains(name);
if (used) {
usedCode += i.size;
} else {
_section('Runtime Coverage Summary');
_showHeader('', 'bytes', '%');
_show('Program size', totalProgramSize, totalProgramSize);
_show('Libraries (excluding statics)', totalLibSize, totalProgramSize);
_show('Code (classes + closures)', totalCode, totalProgramSize);
_show('Used', usedCode, totalProgramSize);
_showHeader('', 'count', '%');
var total = info.classes.length + info.closures.length;
_show('Classes + closures', total, total);
_show('Used', total - unused.length, total);
var unusedTotal = totalCode - usedCode;
_section('Runtime Coverage Breakdown', size: unusedTotal);
for (int i = 0; i < unused.length; i++) {
var item = unused.removeFirst();
var percent = (item.size * 100 / unusedTotal).toStringAsFixed(2);
print('${qualifiedName(item)}: ${item.size} bytes, $percent%');
Future<void> _reportWithPackages(
String infoFile,
String coverageFile,
) async {
var info = await infoFromFile(infoFile);
var coverageRaw = jsonDecode(File(coverageFile).readAsStringSync());
// The value associated with each coverage item isn't used for now.
var coverage = coverageRaw.keys.toSet();
int totalProgramSize = info.program!.size;
int totalLibSize = info.libraries.fold(0, (n, lib) => n + lib.size);
int totalCode = 0;
int usedCode = 0;
final packageData = <String?, PackageInfo>{};
final unused = PriorityQueue<Info>((a, b) => b.size.compareTo(a.size));
void tallyCode(BasicInfo i) {
totalCode += i.size;
var name = qualifiedName(i);
var used = coverage.contains(name);
var groupName = libraryGroupName(i);
(packageData[groupName] ??= PackageInfo()).add(i, used: used);
if (used) {
usedCode += i.size;
} else {
_section('Runtime Coverage Summary');
_showHeader('', 'bytes', '%');
_show('Program size', totalProgramSize, totalProgramSize);
_show('Libraries (excluding statics)', totalLibSize, totalProgramSize);
_show('Code (classes + closures)', totalCode, totalProgramSize);
_show('Used', usedCode, totalProgramSize);
_showHeader('', 'count', '%');
var total = info.classes.length + info.closures.length;
_show('Classes + closures', total, total);
_show('Used', total - unused.length, total);
var unusedTotal = totalCode - usedCode;
_section('Runtime Coverage Breakdown (packages)', size: unusedTotal);
for (var entry in packageData.entries.sortedBy((e) => -e.value.unusedSize)) {
var packageLabel = entry.key;
var packageInfo = entry.value;
print(' $packageLabel (${packageInfo.unusedSize} bytes unused)');
var packageRatioString = (packageInfo.usedRatio * 100).toStringAsFixed(2);
' proportion of package used:',
'${packageInfo.usedSize}/${packageInfo.totalSize} '
var codeRatioString =
(packageInfo.unusedSize / totalCode * 100).toStringAsFixed(2);
_leftPadded(' proportion of unused code to all code:',
'${packageInfo.unusedSize}/$totalCode ($codeRatioString%)');
var unusedCodeRatioString =
(packageInfo.unusedSize / unusedTotal * 100).toStringAsFixed(2);
_leftPadded(' proportion of unused code to all unused code:',
'${packageInfo.unusedSize}/$unusedTotal ($unusedCodeRatioString%)');
var mainUnitPackageRatioString =
(packageInfo.mainUnitSize / packageInfo.totalSize * 100)
' proportion of main unit code to package code:',
'${packageInfo.mainUnitSize}/${packageInfo.totalSize} '
var unusedMainUnitRatioString =
(packageInfo.unusedMainUnitSize / packageInfo.mainUnitSize * 100)
' proportion of main unit code that is unused:',
'${packageInfo.unusedMainUnitSize}/${packageInfo.mainUnitSize} '
print(' package breakdown:');
for (var item in packageInfo.elements.toList()) {
var percent =
(item.size * 100 / packageInfo.totalSize).toStringAsFixed(2);
var name = qualifiedName(item);
var used = coverage.contains(name);
var usedTick = used ? '+' : '-';
var mainUnitTick = item.outputUnit!.name == 'main' ? 'M' : 'D';
_leftPadded(' [$usedTick$mainUnitTick] ${qualifiedName(item)}:',
'${item.size} bytes ($percent% of package)');
void _section(String title, {int? size}) {
if (size == null) {
} else {
print('$title ($size bytes)');
print('=' * 72);
_showHeader(String msg, String header1, String header2) {
print(' ${pad(msg, 30, right: true)} ${pad(header1, 8)} ${pad(header2, 6)}');
_show(String msg, int size, int total) {
var percent = (size * 100 / total).toStringAsFixed(2);
print(' ${pad(msg, 30, right: true)} ${pad(size, 8)} ${pad(percent, 6)}%');
_leftPadded(String msg1, String msg2) {
print(' ${pad(msg1, 50, right: true)} $msg2');
class PackageInfo {
final elements = PriorityQueue<BasicInfo>((a, b) => b.size.compareTo(a.size));
num mainUnitSize = 0;
num totalSize = 0;
num unusedMainUnitSize = 0;
num unusedSize = 0;
num usedRatio = 0;
num usedSize = 0;
void add(BasicInfo i, {bool used = true}) {
totalSize += i.size;
if (used) {
usedSize += i.size;
} else {
unusedSize += i.size;
if (i.outputUnit!.name == 'main') {
mainUnitSize += i.size;
if (!used) {
unusedMainUnitSize += i.size;
usedRatio = usedSize / totalSize;