blob: b4bce92e7bffe474110ff4e2db4c6c2322f55744 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' hide File;
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:cli_util/cli_logging.dart';
/// A facility for drawing a progress bar in the terminal.
/// The bar is instantiated with the total number of "ticks" to be completed,
/// and progress is made by calling [tick]. The bar is drawn across one entire
/// line, like so:
/// [---------- ]
/// The hyphens represent completed progress, and the whitespace represents
/// remaining progress.
/// If there is no terminal, the progress bar will not be drawn.
class ProgressBar {
/// Whether the progress bar should be drawn.
late bool _shouldDrawProgress;
/// The width of the terminal, in terms of characters.
late int _width;
final Logger _logger;
/// The inner width of the terminal, in terms of characters.
/// This represents the number of characters available for drawing progress.
late int _innerWidth;
final int _totalTickCount;
int _tickCount = 0;
ProgressBar(this._logger, this._totalTickCount) {
if (!stdout.hasTerminal) {
_shouldDrawProgress = false;
} else {
_shouldDrawProgress = true;
_width = stdout.terminalColumns;
_innerWidth = stdout.terminalColumns - 2;
_logger.write('[${' ' * _innerWidth}]');
/// Clear the progress bar from the terminal, allowing other logging to be
/// printed.
void clear() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
_logger.write('\r${' ' * _width}\r');
/// Draw the progress bar as complete, and print two newlines.
void complete() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
_logger.write('\r[${'-' * _innerWidth}]\n\n');
/// Progress the bar by one tick.
void tick() {
if (!_shouldDrawProgress) {
var fractionComplete =
max(0, _tickCount * _innerWidth ~/ _totalTickCount - 1);
var remaining = _innerWidth - fractionComplete - 1;
var spinner = AnsiProgress.kAnimationItems[_tickCount % 4];
_logger.write('\r[${'-' * fractionComplete}$spinner${' ' * remaining}]');