blob: e93013b74e5a2cfa69b04fed516a4231d29678aa [file] [log] [blame]
/// Utilities for handling parsed JSON.
/// It is recommended to import this library with a prefix.
/// Expects [map] to contain [key], a String key.
/// If [map] has key [key], return the value paired with [key]; otherwise throw
/// a FormatException.
dynamic expectKey(Map<Object?, Object?> map, String key) {
if (map.containsKey(key)) {
return map[key];
throw FormatException(
'Unexpected `pub outdated` JSON output: missing key ($key)', map);
/// Expects [object] to be of type [T].
/// If [object] is of type [T], return it; otherwise throw a FormatException
/// with [errorKey] in the message.
T expectType<T>(Object? object, String errorKey) {
if (object is T) {
return object;
throw FormatException(
'Unexpected `pub outdated` JSON output: expected a '
'$T at "$errorKey", but got a ${object.runtimeType}',