blob: c94b5ea298014d91a8f067316fd1978bd942e605 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/src/nullability_node.dart';
/// Container for information gathered during nullability migration about a
/// conditional check that might need to be discarded.
/// This information will be associated with an Expression in the input program
/// whose boolean value influences control flow (e.g. the condition of an `if`
/// statement).
/// TODO(paulberry): simplify this once PotentialModification is no longer
/// needed.
class ConditionalDiscard {
/// Nullability node that will be `nullable` if the code path that results
/// from the condition evaluating to `true` will be reachable after
/// nullability migration, and therefore should be kept.
/// `null` if the code path should be kept regardless of the outcome of
/// migration.
final NullabilityNode? trueGuard;
/// Nullability node that will be `nullable` if the code path that results
/// from the condition evaluating to `false` will be reachable after
/// nullability migration, and therefore should be kept.
/// `null` if the code path should be kept regardless of the outcome of
/// migration.
final NullabilityNode? falseGuard;
/// Indicates whether the condition is pure (free from side effects).
/// For example, a condition like `x == null` is pure (assuming `x` is a local
/// variable or static variable), because evaluating it has no user-visible
/// effect other than returning a boolean value.
/// If [pureCondition] is `false`, and either [trueGuard] or [falseGuard] is
/// `false`, that it is safe to delete the condition expression as well as the
/// dead code branch (e.g. it means that `if (x == null) f(); else g();` could
/// be changed to simply `g();`).
final bool pureCondition;
ConditionalDiscard(this.trueGuard, this.falseGuard, this.pureCondition);
/// Indicates whether the code path that results from the condition evaluating
/// to `false` is reachable after migration.
bool get keepFalse => falseGuard == null || falseGuard!.isNullable;
/// Indicates whether the code path that results from the condition evaluating
/// to `true` is reachable after migration.
bool get keepTrue => trueGuard == null || trueGuard!.isNullable;
FixReasonInfo? get reason => !keepTrue ? trueGuard : falseGuard;