blob: 27b078f082162e236828ec0d633db903605c064c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO:
// - starting dominator treemap from a group of nodes instead of only a
// single node
"use strict";
function Graph() {
// Create all slots up front to prevent V8 map transitions.
// We extensively use parallel arrays instead of objects like
// function Vertex {
// this.size = 0;
// this.successors = new Array();
// this.predecessors = new Array();
// this.semi = 0;
// this.dom = 0;
// this.label = 0;
// this.parent = 0;
// this.ancestor = 0;
// }
// This avoids GC work in V8, and it allows us to release the memory for
// intermediate values that are only needed while computing the dominators.
// Inputs.
this.N_ = 0; // Number of nodes.
this.E_ = 0; // Number of edges.
this.strings_ = null;
this.name_ = null;
this.class_ = null;
this.shallowSize_ = null;
this.firstSuccessor_ = null;
this.successors_ = null;
this.successorName_ = null;
// Outputs.
this.shallowSizeSum_ = 0;
this.firstPredecessor_ = null;
this.predecessors_ = null;
this.predecessorName_ = null;
this.retainedSize_ = null;
this.dom_ = null;
this.domHead_ = null;
this.domNext_ = null;
this.mergedDomHead_ = null;
this.mergedDomNext_ = null;
// Intermediates.
this.Nconnected_ = 0; // Number of nodes reachable from root.
this.vertex_ = null;
this.semi_ = null;
this.parent_ = null;
this.ancestor_ = null;
this.label_ = null;
this.bucket_ = null;
// Recycled memory.
this.mark_ = null;
this.stack_ = null;
// Load a graph in V8 heap profile format from parsed JSON `data`.
Graph.prototype.loadV8Profile = function(data) {
console.log("Building successors...");
const N = data.snapshot.node_count;
const E = data.snapshot.edge_count;
const firstSuccessor = new Uint32Array(N + 2);
const successors = new Uint32Array(E);
const successorName = new Uint32Array(E);
const name = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const clazz = new Array(N + 1);
const shallowSize = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
let shallowSizeSum = 0;
const node_stride = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.length;
const node_type_offset = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.indexOf("type");
const node_name_offset = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.indexOf("name");
const node_id_offset = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.indexOf("id");
const node_size_offset = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.indexOf("self_size");
const node_edge_count_offset = data.snapshot.meta.node_fields.indexOf("edge_count");
const edge_stride = data.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.length;
const edge_type_offset = data.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.indexOf("type");
const edge_name_or_index_offset = data.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.indexOf("name_or_index");
const edge_target_offset = data.snapshot.meta.edge_fields.indexOf("to_node");
const edge_type_property = data.snapshot.meta.edge_types[0].indexOf("property");
let nextSuccessorIndex = 0;
let edge_cursor = 0;
let i = 1;
for (let node_cursor = 0;
node_cursor < data.nodes.length;
node_cursor += node_stride) {
let type = data.nodes[node_cursor + node_type_offset];
let node_name = data.nodes[node_cursor + node_name_offset];
let id = data.nodes[node_cursor + node_id_offset];
let self_size = data.nodes[node_cursor + node_size_offset];
let edge_count = data.nodes[node_cursor + node_edge_count_offset];
name[i] = node_name;
clazz[i] = data.snapshot.meta.node_types[0][type];
shallowSize[i] = self_size;
shallowSizeSum += self_size;
firstSuccessor[i] = nextSuccessorIndex;
for (let j = 0; j < edge_count; j++) {
let edge_type = data.edges[edge_cursor + edge_type_offset];
let edge_name_or_index = data.edges[edge_cursor + edge_name_or_index_offset];
let edge_to_node = (data.edges[edge_cursor + edge_target_offset] / node_stride) + 1;
edge_cursor += edge_stride;
if (edge_to_node < 1 || edge_to_node > N) {
throw "Invalid edge target";
successors[nextSuccessorIndex] = edge_to_node;
if (edge_type == edge_type_property) {
successorName[nextSuccessorIndex] = edge_name_or_index;
firstSuccessor[N + 1] = nextSuccessorIndex;
if (i != (N + 1)) {
throw "Incorrect node_count!";
if (nextSuccessorIndex != E) {
throw "Incorrect edge_count!";
this.N_ = N;
this.E_ = E;
this.strings_ = data.strings;
this.firstSuccessor_ = firstSuccessor;
this.successorName_ = successorName;
this.successors_ = successors;
this.name_ = name;
this.class_ = clazz;
this.shallowSize_ = shallowSize;
this.shallowSizeSum_ = shallowSizeSum;
// Load a graph in Dart heap snapshot format from ArrayBuffer `data`.
Graph.prototype.loadDartHeapSnapshot = function(data) {
console.log("Building successors...");
let stream = new Stream(data);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (stream.byte() != 'dartheap'.charCodeAt(i)) {
throw "Wrong format identifier."
stream.uleb128(); // Flags.
stream.utf8(); // Name.
stream.uleb128(); // Shallow size (used).
stream.uleb128(); // Capacity.
stream.uleb128(); // External size.
const strings = new Array();
const classCount = stream.uleb128();
const classNames = new Uint32Array(classCount + 1);
classNames[0] = strings.length;
const classEdges = new Array(classCount + 1);
for (let cid = 1; cid <= classCount; cid++) {
stream.uleb128(); // Flags.
classNames[cid] = strings.length;
strings.push(stream.utf8()); // Class name.
stream.utf8(); // Library name.
stream.utf8(); // Library name.
stream.utf8(); // Reserved.
const fieldCount = stream.uleb128();
const edgeNames = new Array(fieldCount + 1);
classEdges[cid] = edgeNames;
for (let j = 0; j < fieldCount; j++) {
stream.uleb128(); // Flags.
const fieldIndex = stream.uleb128();
const fieldName = stream.utf8();
stream.utf8(); // Reserved.
edgeNames[fieldIndex] = strings.length;
const E = stream.uleb128(); // Reference count.
const N = stream.uleb128(); // Object count.
const firstSuccessor = new Uint32Array(N + 2);
const successors = new Uint32Array(E);
const successorName = new Uint32Array(E);
const name = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const clazz = new Array(N + 1);
const shallowSize = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
name[0] = strings.length;
clazz[0] = "<omitted-object>";
const unknownEdge = strings.length;
let shallowSizeSum = 0;
let nextSuccessorIndex = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
const cid = stream.uleb128();
clazz[i] = strings[classNames[cid]];
const objShallowSize = stream.uleb128();
shallowSize[i] = objShallowSize;
shallowSizeSum += objShallowSize;
const tag = stream.uleb128();
switch (tag) {
case 0: // NoData
name[i] = classNames[cid];
case 1: // NullData
name[i] = strings.length;
case 2: // BoolData
name[i] = strings.length;
strings.push(stream.uleb128() == 0 ? "false" : "true");
case 3: // IntegerData
name[i] = stream.sleb128();
case 4: // DoubleData
name[i] = stream.float64();
case 5: // Latin1StringData
stream.uleb128(); // Full length.
name[i] = strings.length;
case 6: // Utf16StringData
stream.uleb128(); // Full length.
name[i] = strings.length;
case 7: // LengthData
name[i] = strings.length;
strings.push(strings[classNames[cid]] + "(" + stream.uleb128() + ")");
case 8: // NameData
name[i] = strings.length;
throw "Unknown tag " + tag;
firstSuccessor[i] = nextSuccessorIndex;
const edge_count = stream.uleb128();
for (let j = 0; j < edge_count; j++) {
successors[nextSuccessorIndex] = stream.uleb128();
successorName[nextSuccessorIndex] = unknownEdge;
const edgeNames = classEdges[cid];
if (edgeNames !== undefined) {
const edgeName = classEdges[cid][j];
if (edgeName !== undefined) {
successorName[nextSuccessorIndex] = edgeName;
firstSuccessor[N + 1] = nextSuccessorIndex;
if (nextSuccessorIndex != E) {
throw "Incorrect edge_count!";
const externalPropertyCount = stream.uleb128();
for (let i = 0; i < externalPropertyCount; i++) {
let object = stream.uleb128();
let externalSize = stream.uleb128();
stream.utf8(); // Name.
shallowSize[object] += externalSize;
shallowSizeSum += externalSize;
this.N_ = N;
this.E_ = E;
this.strings_ = strings;
this.firstSuccessor_ = firstSuccessor;
this.successorName_ = successorName;
this.successors_ = successors;
this.name_ = name;
this.class_ = clazz;
this.shallowSize_ = shallowSize;
this.shallowSizeSum_ = shallowSizeSum;
// Compute the graph's dominator tree and the retained size of each vertex.
// If `rewriteForOwners` is true, for each vertex that has an "owner" edge,
// replace all edges to the vertex with an edge from the owner to the vertex.
// This can be the graph more hierachical and reveal more structure in the
// dominator tree.
Graph.prototype.compute = function(rewriteForOwners) {
if (rewriteForOwners) {
this.mark_ = new Uint8Array(this.N_ + 1);
this.stack_ = new Uint32Array(this.E_);
Graph.prototype.computePredecessors = function() {
console.log("Building predecessors...");
const N = this.N_;
const E = this.E_;
const firstSuccessor = this.firstSuccessor_;
const successors = this.successors_;
const successorName = this.successorName_;
const firstPredecessor = new Uint32Array(N + 2);
const predecessors = new Uint32Array(E);
const predecessorName = new Uint32Array(E);
const predecessorCount = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
let firstSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i];
let lastSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = successors[successorIndex];
if (successor == 0) continue; // Omitted object.
let nextPredecessorIndex = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
firstPredecessor[i] = nextPredecessorIndex;
nextPredecessorIndex += predecessorCount[i];
firstPredecessor[N + 1] = nextPredecessorIndex;
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
let firstSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i];
let lastSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = successors[successorIndex];
if (successor == 0) continue; // Omitted object.
let count = --predecessorCount[successor];
let predecessorIndex = firstPredecessor[successor] + count;
predecessors[predecessorIndex] = i;
predecessorName[predecessorIndex] = successorName[successorIndex];
this.firstPredecessor_ = firstPredecessor;
this.predecessors_ = predecessors;
this.predecessorName_ = predecessorName;
Graph.prototype.rewriteEdgesForOwners = function() {
console.log("Rewriting edges for owners...");
// Rewrite some edges to make the graph more hierarchical.
// If there is an edge A.owner -> B,
// - remove all edges to A, and
// - add edge B.<unnamed> -> A.
const N = this.N_;
const E = this.E_;
const firstSuccessor = this.firstSuccessor_;
const successors = this.successors_;
const successorName = this.successorName_;
const firstPredecessor = this.firstPredecessor_;
const predecessors = this.predecessors_;
const predecessorName = this.predecessorName_;
const owners = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const owneeCount = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
// Identify owner.
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
let cls = this.class_[i];
let ownerEdgeName;
if (cls == "Class") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "library_";
} else if (cls == "PatchClass") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "patched_class_";
} else if (cls == "Function") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "owner_";
} else if (cls == "Field") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "owner_";
} else if (cls == "Code") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "owner_";
} else if (cls == "ICData") { // Dart VM
ownerEdgeName = "owner_";
} else if (cls == "Method") { // Primordial Soup
ownerEdgeName = "mixin";
} else if (cls.startsWith("InstanceMixin`")) { // Primordial Soup
ownerEdgeName = "_enclosingMixin";
} else if (cls.startsWith("ClassMixin`")) { // Primordial Soup
ownerEdgeName = "_instanceMixin";
} else {
let firstSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i];
let lastSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let edge = this.strings_[this.successorName_[successorIndex]];
if (edge == ownerEdgeName) {
let owner = successors[successorIndex];
owners[i] = owner;
// Remove successors if the target has an owner.
// Allocate space for extra successors added to owners.
const newSuccessors = new Uint32Array(E);
const newSuccessorName = new Uint32Array(E);
let newSuccessorIndex = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
let firstSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i];
let lastSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[i + 1];
firstSuccessor[i] = newSuccessorIndex;
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = successors[successorIndex];
let name = successorName[successorIndex];
if (owners[successor] != 0) {
// Drop successor.
} else {
newSuccessors[newSuccessorIndex] = successor;
newSuccessorName[newSuccessorIndex] = name;
newSuccessorIndex += owneeCount[i];
firstSuccessor[N + 1] = newSuccessorIndex;
// Remove predecessors if the target has an owner.
// Add the owner as a predecessor.
// Add extra successors for owner.
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
let owner = owners[i];
if (owner == 0) {
let firstPredecessorIndex = firstPredecessor[i];
let lastPredecessorIndex = firstPredecessor[i + 1];
for (let predecessorIndex = firstPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex < lastPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex++) {
predecessors[predecessorIndex] = 0;
predecessors[firstPredecessorIndex] = owner;
let nextSuccessorIndex = firstSuccessor[owner + 1] - owneeCount[owner];
newSuccessors[nextSuccessorIndex] = i;
this.successors_ = newSuccessors;
this.successorName_ = newSuccessorName;
// Thomas Lengauer and Robert Endre Tarjan. 1979. A fast algorithm for finding
// dominators in a flowgraph. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 1, 1 (January
// 1979), 121-141. DOI:
Graph.prototype.computePreorder = function(root) {
console.log("Computing preorder...");
// Lengauer and Tarjan Step 1.
const N = this.N_;
const firstSuccessor = this.firstSuccessor_;
const successors = this.successors_;
const semi = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const vertex = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const ancestor = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const parent = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const label = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
let preorderNumber = 0;
let stackNodes = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
let stackEdges = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
let stackTop = 0;
// Push root.
vertex[preorderNumber] = root;
semi[root] = preorderNumber;
label[root] = root;
ancestor[root] = 0;
stackNodes[stackTop] = root;
stackEdges[stackTop] = firstSuccessor[root];
while (stackTop >= 0) {
let v = stackNodes[stackTop];
let e = stackEdges[stackTop];
if (e < firstSuccessor[v + 1]) {
// Visit next successor.
let w = successors[e];
stackEdges[stackTop] = e;
if (w == 0) {
// Omitted object.
} else if (semi[w] != 0) {
// Already visited.
} else {
parent[w] = v;
vertex[preorderNumber] = w;
semi[w] = preorderNumber;
label[w] = w;
ancestor[w] = 0;
// Push successor.
stackNodes[stackTop] = w;
stackEdges[stackTop] = firstSuccessor[w];
} else {
// No more successors: pop.
this.Nconnected_ = preorderNumber;
if (this.Nconnected_ != N) {
console.log("Graph is not fully connected: " + this.Nconnected_ +
" nodes are reachable, but graph has " + this.N_ + " nodes");
this.semi_ = semi;
this.vertex_ = vertex;
this.ancestor_ = ancestor;
this.parent_ = parent;
this.label_ = label;
Graph.prototype.computeDominators = function() {
console.log("Computing dominator tree...");
const N = this.N_;
const Nconnected = this.Nconnected_;
const firstPredecessor = this.firstPredecessor_;
const predecessors = this.predecessors_;
const vertex = this.vertex_;
const semi = this.semi_;
const bucket = new Array(N + 1);
const parent = this.parent_;
const dom = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
for (let i = Nconnected; i > 1; i--) {
let w = vertex[i];
// Lengauer and Tarjan Step 2.
let firstPredecessorIndex = firstPredecessor[w];
let lastPredecessorIndex = firstPredecessor[w + 1];
for (let predecessorIndex = firstPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex < lastPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex++) {
let v = predecessors[predecessorIndex];
if (semi[v] == 0) {
// The predecessor was not reachable from the root: ignore
// this edge.
let u = this.forestEval(v);
if (semi[u] < semi[w]) {
semi[w] = semi[u]
let z = vertex[semi[w]];
let b = bucket[z];
if (b == null) {
b = new Array();
bucket[z] = b;
this.forestLink(parent[w], w);
// Lengauer and Tarjan Step 3.
z = parent[w];
b = bucket[z];
bucket[z] = null;
if (b != null) {
for (let j = 0; j < b.length; j++) {
let v = b[j];
let u = this.forestEval(v);
dom[v] = semi[u] < semi[v] ? u : parent[w];
this.ancestor_ = null;
this.label_ = null;
this.parent_ = null;
this.bucket_ = null;
// Lengauer and Tarjan Step 4.
for (let i = 2; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
let w = vertex[i];
if (dom[w] != vertex[semi[w]]) {
dom[w] = dom[dom[w]];
dom[vertex[1]] = 0;
this.semi_ = null;
this.dom_ = dom;
Graph.prototype.forestCompress = function(v) {
const ancestor = this.ancestor_;
if (ancestor[ancestor[v]] != 0) {
const semi = this.semi_;
const label = this.label_;
if (semi[label[ancestor[v]]] < semi[label[v]]) {
label[v] = label[ancestor[v]];
ancestor[v] = ancestor[ancestor[v]];
Graph.prototype.forestEval = function(v) {
if (this.ancestor_[v] == 0) {
return v;
} else {
return this.label_[v];
Graph.prototype.forestLink = function(v, w) {
this.ancestor_[w] = v;
Graph.prototype.computeRetainedSizes = function() {
console.log("Computing retained sizes...");
const N = this.N_;
const Nconnected = this.Nconnected_;
const vertex = this.vertex_;
const dom = this.dom_;
const shallowSize = this.shallowSize_;
const retainedSize = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
let shallowSum = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
let w = vertex[i];
let shallow = shallowSize[w];
retainedSize[w] = shallow;
shallowSum += shallow;
for (let i = Nconnected; i > 1; i--) {
let w = vertex[i];
retainedSize[dom[w]] += retainedSize[w];
if (retainedSize[vertex[1]] != shallowSum) {
console.log("Retained size mismatch: root retains " + retainedSize[vertex[1]] +
" but shallow sizes sum to " + shallowSum);
this.retainedSize_ = retainedSize;
Graph.prototype.linkDominatorChildren = function() {
console.log("Linking dominator tree children...");
const N = this.N_;
const Nconnected = this.Nconnected_;
const vertex = this.vertex_;
const dom = this.dom_;
const head = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
const next = new Uint32Array(N + 1);
for (let i = 2; i <= Nconnected; i++) {
let child = vertex[i];
let parent = dom[child];
next[child] = head[parent];
head[parent] = child;
this.domHead_ = head;
this.domNext_ = next;
// Merge the given lists according to the given key in ascending order.
// Returns the head of the merged list.
function mergeSorted(head1, head2, next, key) {
let head = head1;
let beforeInsert = 0;
let afterInsert = head1;
let startInsert = head2;
while (startInsert != 0) {
while ((afterInsert != 0) &&
(key[afterInsert] <= key[startInsert])) {
beforeInsert = afterInsert;
afterInsert = next[beforeInsert];
let endInsert = startInsert;
let peek = next[endInsert];
while ((peek != 0) && (key[peek] < key[afterInsert])) {
endInsert = peek;
peek = next[endInsert];
if (beforeInsert == 0) {
head = startInsert;
} else {
next[beforeInsert] = startInsert;
next[endInsert] = afterInsert;
startInsert = peek;
beforeInsert = endInsert;
return head;
Graph.prototype.sortDominatorChildren = function() {
console.log("Sorting dominator tree children...");
const N = this.N_;
const Nconnected = this.Nconnected_;
const cids = this.class_;
const head = this.domHead_;
const next = this.domNext_;
function sort(head) {
if (head == 0) return 0;
if (next[head] == 0) return head;
// Find the middle of the list.
let head1 = head;
let slow = head;
let fast = head;
while (next[fast] != 0 && next[next[fast]] != 0) {
slow = next[slow];
fast = next[next[fast]];
// Split the list in half.
let head2 = next[slow];
next[slow] = 0;
// Recursively sort the sublists and merge.
let newHead1 = sort(head1);
let newHead2 = sort(head2);
return mergeSorted(newHead1, newHead2, next, cids);
// Sort all list of dominator tree children by cid.
for (let parent = 1; parent <= N; parent++) {
head[parent] = sort(head[parent]);
Graph.prototype.mergeDominatorSiblings = function(root) {
console.log("Merging dominator tree siblings...");
const N = this.N_;
const cids = this.class_;
const head = new Uint32Array(this.domHead_);
const next = new Uint32Array(this.domNext_);
const workStack = new Uint32Array(N);
let workStackTop = 0;
function mergeChildrenAndSort(parent1, end) {
if (next[parent1] == end) return;
// Find the middle of the list.
let slow = parent1;
let fast = parent1;
while (next[fast] != end && next[next[fast]] != end) {
slow = next[slow];
fast = next[next[fast]];
let parent2 = next[slow];
// Recursively sort the sublists.
mergeChildrenAndSort(parent1, parent2);
mergeChildrenAndSort(parent2, end);
// Merge sorted sublists.
head[parent1] = mergeSorted(head[parent1], head[parent2], next, cids);
// Children moved to parent1.
head[parent2] = 0;
// Push root.
workStack[workStackTop++] = root;
while (workStackTop > 0) {
let parent = workStack[--workStackTop];
let child = head[parent];
while (child != 0) {
// Push child.
workStack[workStackTop++] = child;
// Find next sibling with a different cid.
let after = child;
while (after != 0 && cids[after] == cids[child]) {
after = next[after];
// From all the siblings between child and after, take their children,
// merge them and given to child.
mergeChildrenAndSort(child, after);
child = after;
this.mergedDomHead_ = head;
this.mergedDomNext_ = next;
Graph.prototype.getTotalSize = function() {
return this.shallowSizeSum_;
Graph.prototype.getRoot = function() {
return this.vertex_[1];
Graph.prototype.getAll = function() {
let nodes = new Array();
for (let v = 1; v <= this.N_; v++) {
return nodes;
function removeDuplicates(array) {
let set = new Set(array);
let result = new Array();
for (let element of set) {
return result
Graph.prototype.successorsOfDo = function(v, action) {
let cls = this.class_[v];
let firstSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v];
let lastSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = this.successors_[successorIndex];
let edgeName = this.strings_[this.successorName_[successorIndex]];
action(successor, cls + "::" + edgeName);
Graph.prototype.predecessorsOfDo = function(v, action) {
let firstPredecessorIndex = this.firstPredecessor_[v];
let lastPredecessorIndex = this.firstPredecessor_[v + 1];
for (let predecessorIndex = firstPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex < lastPredecessorIndex;
predecessorIndex++) {
let predecessor = this.predecessors_[predecessorIndex];
let cls = this.class_[predecessor];
let edgeName = this.strings_[this.predecessorName_[predecessorIndex]];
action(predecessor, cls + "::" + edgeName);
Graph.prototype.parentOf = function(v) {
return this.dom_[v];
Graph.prototype.dominatorChildrenOfDo = function(v, action) {
for (let w = this.domHead_[v]; w != 0; w = this.domNext_[w]) {
Graph.prototype.nameOf = function(v) {
return this.strings_[this.name_[v]];
Graph.prototype.classOf = function(v) {
return this.class_[v];
Graph.prototype.shallowSizeOf = function(v) {
return this.shallowSize_[v];
Graph.prototype.retainedSizeOf = function(v) {
return this.retainedSize_[v];
Graph.prototype.setFrom = function(v) {
return [v];
Graph.prototype.shallowSizeOfSet = function(nodes) {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
sum += this.shallowSize_[nodes[i]];
return sum;
Graph.prototype.retainedSizeOfSet = function(nodes) {
const N = this.N_;
const E = this.E_;
const mark = this.mark_;
const stack = this.stack_;
for (let i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
mark[i] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let v = nodes[i];
mark[v] = 1;
let scan = 0;
let top = 0;
stack[top++] = 1;
while (scan < top) {
let v = stack[scan++];
let firstSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v];
let lastSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = this.successors_[successorIndex];
if (mark[successor] == 0) {
mark[successor] = 1;
stack[top++] = successor;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let v = nodes[i];
mark[v] = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let v = nodes[i];
if (mark[v] == 0) {
mark[v] = 1;
stack[top++] = v;
let sum = 0;
while (scan < top) {
let v = stack[scan++];
sum += this.shallowSize_[v];
let firstSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v];
let lastSuccessorIndex = this.firstSuccessor_[v + 1];
for (let successorIndex = firstSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex < lastSuccessorIndex;
successorIndex++) {
let successor = this.successors_[successorIndex];
if (mark[successor] == 0) {
mark[successor] = 1;
stack[top++] = successor;
return sum;
Graph.prototype.toggleMerge = function() {
return new MergedGraph(this);
function MergedGraph(graph) {
this.graph_ = graph;
MergedGraph.prototype.nameOf = function(v) {
const cids = this.graph_.class_;
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
let count = 0;
let sibling = v;
while (sibling != 0 && cids[sibling] == cids[v]) {
sibling = next[sibling];
return count.toString() + " instances of " + this.graph_.class_[v];
MergedGraph.prototype.classOf = function(v) {
return this.graph_.class_[v];
MergedGraph.prototype.shallowSizeOf = function(v) {
const cids = this.graph_.class_;
const shallowSize = this.graph_.shallowSize_;
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
let size = 0;
let sibling = v;
while (sibling != 0 && cids[sibling] == cids[v]) {
size += shallowSize[sibling];
sibling = next[sibling];
return size;
MergedGraph.prototype.retainedSizeOf = function(v) {
const cids = this.graph_.class_;
const retainedSize = this.graph_.retainedSize_;
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
let size = 0;
let sibling = v;
while (sibling != 0 && cids[sibling] == cids[v]) {
size += retainedSize[sibling];
sibling = next[sibling];
return size;
MergedGraph.prototype.setFrom = function(v) {
const cids = this.graph_.class_;
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
let set = new Array();
let sibling = v;
while (sibling != 0 && cids[sibling] == cids[v]) {
sibling = next[sibling];
return set;
MergedGraph.prototype.parentOf = function(v) {
// N.B.: Not dom_[v], which might not be the representative element of the
// merged group.
const N = this.graph_.N_;
const head = this.graph_.mergedDomHead_;
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
for (let parent = 1; parent <= N; parent++) {
for (let child = head[parent]; child != 0; child = next[child]) {
if (child == v) {
return parent;
return 0;
MergedGraph.prototype.dominatorChildrenOfDo = function(v, action) {
const next = this.graph_.mergedDomNext_;
const cids = this.graph_.class_;
let prev = 0;
let child = this.graph_.mergedDomHead_[v];
// Walk the list of children and look for the representative objects, i.e.
// the first sibling of each cid.
while (child != 0) {
if (prev == 0 || cids[prev] != cids[child]) {
prev = child;
child = next[child];
MergedGraph.prototype.getTotalSize = function() {
return this.graph_.shallowSizeSum_;
MergedGraph.prototype.toggleMerge = function() {
return this.graph_;
function Stream(bytes) {
this.bytes_ = new Uint8Array(bytes);
this.position_ = 0;
Stream.prototype.byte = function() {
const position = this.position_;
const bytes = this.bytes_;
if ((position >= 0) && (position < bytes.length)) {
const result = bytes[position];
this.position_ = position + 1;
return result;
throw "Attempt to read past end of stream";
Stream.prototype.uleb128 = function() {
let result = 0;
let shift = 0;
for (;;) {
const part = this.byte();
result |= (part & 0x7F) << shift;
if ((part & 0x80) == 0) {
shift += 7;
return result;
Stream.prototype.sleb128 = function() {
let result = 0;
let shift = 0;
for (;;) {
const part = this.byte();
result |= (part & 0x7F) << shift;
shift += 7;
if ((part & 0x80) == 0) {
if ((part & 0x40) != 0) {
result |= (-1 << shift);
return result;
Stream.prototype.float64 = function() {
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
const bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
bytes[i] = this.byte();
return new Float64Array(buffer)[0];
Stream.prototype.utf8 = function() {
const length = this.uleb128();
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// This is incorrect outside of ASCII, but good enough for our purpose
// since we're mostly interested in identifiers.
result += String.fromCharCode(this.byte());
// Can we force flattening of the rope string?
return result.toString();
Stream.prototype.latin1 = function() {
const length = this.uleb128();
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += String.fromCharCode(this.byte());
// Can we force flattening of the rope string?
return result.toString();
Stream.prototype.utf16 = function() {
const length = this.uleb128();
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const lo = this.byte();
const hi = this.byte();
result += String.fromCharCode((hi << 8) | lo);
// Can we force flattening of the rope string?
return result.toString();
function hash(string) {
// Jenkin's one_at_a_time.
let h = string.length;
for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
h += string.charCodeAt(i);
h += h << 10;
h ^= h >> 6;
h += h << 3;
h ^= h >> 11;
h += h << 15;
return h;
function color(string) {
let hue = hash(string) % 360;
return "hsl(" + hue + ",60%,60%)";
function prettySize(size) {
if (size < 1024) return size + "B";
size /= 1024;
if (size < 1024) return size.toFixed(1) + "KiB";
size /= 1024;
if (size < 1024) return size.toFixed(1) + "MiB";
size /= 1024;
return size.toFixed(1) + "GiB";
function prettyPercent(fraction) {
return (fraction * 100).toFixed(1);
function createTreemapTile(graph, v, width, height, depth) {
let div = document.createElement("div");
div.className = "treemapTile";["background-color"] = color(graph.classOf(v));
div.ondblclick = function(event) {
if (depth == 0) {
let dom = graph.parentOf(v);
if (dom == 0) {
// Already at root.
} else {
showDominatorTree(graph, dom); // Zoom out.
} else {
showDominatorTree(graph, v); // Zoom in.
div.oncontextmenu = function(event) {
let left = 0;
let top = 0;
const kPadding = 5;
const kBorder = 1;
left += kPadding - kBorder;
top += kPadding - kBorder;
width -= 2 * kPadding;
height -= 2 * kPadding;
div.title =
graph.nameOf(v) +
" \nclass: " + graph.classOf(v) +
" \nretained: " + graph.retainedSizeOf(v) +
" \nshallow: " + graph.shallowSizeOf(v);
if (width < 10 || height < 10) {
// Too small: don't render label or children.
return div;
let label = graph.nameOf(v) + " [" + prettySize(graph.retainedSizeOf(v)) + "]";
const kLabelHeight = 9;
top += kLabelHeight;
height -= kLabelHeight;
if (depth > 2) {
// Too deep: don't render children.
return div;
if (width < 4 || height < 4) {
// Too small: don't render children.
return div;
let children = new Array();
graph.dominatorChildrenOfDo(v, function(c) {
// Size 0 children seem to confuse the layout algorithm (accumulating
// rounding errors?).
if (graph.retainedSizeOf(c) > 0) {
children.sort(function (a, b) {
return graph.retainedSizeOf(b) - graph.retainedSizeOf(a);
const scale = width * height / graph.retainedSizeOf(v);
// Bruls M., Huizing K., van Wijk J.J. (2000) Squarified Treemaps. In: de
// Leeuw W.C., van Liere R. (eds) Data Visualization 2000. Eurographics.
// Springer, Vienna.
for (let rowStart = 0; // Index of first child in the next row.
rowStart < children.length;) {
// Prefer wider rectangles, the better to fit text labels.
const GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.61803398875;
let verticalSplit = (width / height) > GOLDEN_RATIO;
let space;
if (verticalSplit) {
space = height;
} else {
space = width;
let rowMin = graph.retainedSizeOf(children[rowStart]) * scale;
let rowMax = rowMin;
let rowSum = 0;
let lastRatio = 0;
let rowEnd; // One after index of last child in the next row.
for (rowEnd = rowStart; rowEnd < children.length; rowEnd++) {
let size = graph.retainedSizeOf(children[rowEnd]) * scale;
if (size < rowMin) rowMin = size;
if (size > rowMax) rowMax = size;
rowSum += size;
let ratio = Math.max((space * space * rowMax) / (rowSum * rowSum),
(rowSum * rowSum) / (space * space * rowMin));
if ((lastRatio != 0) && (ratio > lastRatio)) {
// Adding the next child makes the aspect ratios worse: remove it and
// add the row.
rowSum -= size;
lastRatio = ratio;
let rowLeft = left;
let rowTop = top;
let rowSpace = rowSum / space;
for (let i = rowStart; i < rowEnd; i++) {
let child = children[i];
let size = graph.retainedSizeOf(child) * scale;
let childWidth;
let childHeight;
if (verticalSplit) {
childWidth = rowSpace;
childHeight = size / childWidth;
} else {
childHeight = rowSpace;
childWidth = size / childHeight;
let childDiv = createTreemapTile(graph, child, childWidth, childHeight, depth + 1); = rowLeft + "px"; = rowTop + "px";
// Oversize the final div by kBorder to make the borders overlap. = (childWidth + kBorder) + "px"; = (childHeight + kBorder) + "px";
if (verticalSplit)
rowTop += childHeight;
rowLeft += childWidth;
if (verticalSplit) {
left += rowSpace;
width -= rowSpace;
} else {
top += rowSpace;
height -= rowSpace;
rowStart = rowEnd;
return div;
function showDominatorTree(graph, v) {
let title = document.createElement("span");
title.textContent = "Dominator Tree";
title.title =
"Click title to merge/unmerge by class.\n" +
"Double click a box to zoom in.\n" +
"Double click the outermost box to zoom out.\n" +
"Right click a box to view successor and predecessor tables.";
title.className = "nameCell actionCell";
title.onclick = function(event) { showDominatorTree(graph.toggleMerge(), v); };
let filler = document.createElement("span");["flex-grow"] = 1;
let totalSize = document.createElement("span");
totalSize.className = "sizeCell";
totalSize.textContent = graph ? "" + graph.getTotalSize() : "0";
let totalPercent = document.createElement("span");
totalPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
totalPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(1.0);
let header = document.createElement("div");
header.className = "headerRow";["border-bottom"] = "solid 1px";
let content = document.createElement("div");["flex-basis"] = 0;["flex-grow"] = 1;
let column = document.createElement("div");["width"] = "100%";["height"] = "100%";["border"] = "solid 2px";["display"] = "flex";["flex-direction"] = "column";
// Add the content div to the document first so the browser will calculate
// the available width and height.
let w = content.offsetWidth;
let h = content.offsetHeight;
let topTile = createTreemapTile(graph, v, w, h, 0); = w; = h; = "none";
function Group(edge, cls) { = "";
this.edge = edge;
this.cls = cls;
this.shallowSize = 0;
this.retainedSize = 0;
this.nodes = new Array();
Group.prototype.add = function(v, edge, cls) {
if (this.edge != edge) {
this.edge = "<multiple>";
if (this.cls != cls) {
this.cls = "<multiple>"
function asGroupsByClass(labeledNodes) {
let map = new Map();
let groups = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < labeledNodes.length; i++) {
let v = labeledNodes[i].node;
let edge = labeledNodes[i].name;
let cls = graph.classOf(v);
let group = map.get(cls);
if (group === undefined) {
group = new Group(edge, cls);
map.set(cls, group);
group.add(v, edge, cls);
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
let group = groups[i];
group.shallowSize = graph.shallowSizeOfSet(group.nodes);
group.retainedSize = graph.retainedSizeOfSet(group.nodes); = group.nodes.length + " instances of " + group.cls;
return groups;
function LabeledNode(node, name) {
this.node = node; = name;
LabeledNode.prototype.addName = function(name) {
if ( != name) { = "<multiple>";
function Table(title, labeledNodes, byEdges) {
const self = this;
this.title = title;
this.labeledNodes = labeledNodes;
this.groupsByEdge = byEdges;
this.groupsByClass = asGroupsByClass(labeledNodes);
this.grouping = 0;
this.nom = document.createElement("span");
this.nom.onclick = function() {
self.grouping = (self.grouping + 1) % 3;
this.nom.className = "nameCell actionCell"
this.nom.textContent = title;
this.nom.title = "Toggle grouping by object, class or edge";
let edge = document.createElement("span");
edge.onclick = function() { self.sortByEdge(); };
edge.className = "edgeCell actionCell";
edge.textContent = "Edge";
edge.title = "Sort by edge";
let cls = document.createElement("span");
cls.onclick = function() { self.sortByClass(); };
cls.className = "classCell actionCell";
cls.textContent = "Class";
cls.title = "Sort by class";
let shallowSize = document.createElement("span");
shallowSize.onclick = function() { self.sortByShallowSize(); };
shallowSize.className = "sizeCell actionCell";
shallowSize.textContent = "Size";
shallowSize.title = "Sort by shallow size";
let shallowPercent = document.createElement("span");
shallowPercent.className = "sizePercentCell"
let retainedSize = document.createElement("span");
retainedSize.onclick = function() { self.sortByRetainedSize(); };
retainedSize.className = "sizeCell actionCell";
retainedSize.textContent = "Retained Size";
retainedSize.title = "Sort by retained size";
let retainedPercent = document.createElement("span");
retainedPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
let header = document.createElement("div");
header.className = "headerRow";["border-bottom"] = "solid 1px";
this.listDiv = document.createElement("div");["overflow-y"] = "scroll";["flex-basis"] = "0px";["flex-grow"] = 1;
this.div = document.createElement("div");["border"] = "solid 2px";["display"] = "flex";["flex-direction"] = "column";["background-color"] = "#DDDDDD";
Table.prototype.sortByEdge = function() {
this.labeledNodes.sort(function (a, b) {
this.groupsByEdge.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.edge.localeCompare(b.edge);
this.groupsByClass.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.edge.localeCompare(b.edge);
Table.prototype.sortByClass = function() {
this.labeledNodes.sort(function (a, b) {
return graph.classOf(a.node).localeCompare(graph.classOf(b.node));
this.groupsByEdge.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.cls.localeCompare(b.cls);
this.groupsByClass.sort(function (a, b) {
return a.cls.localeCompare(b.cls);
Table.prototype.sortByShallowSize = function() {
this.labeledNodes.sort(function (a, b) {
return graph.shallowSizeOf(b.node) - graph.shallowSizeOf(a.node);
this.groupsByEdge.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.shallowSize - a.shallowSize;
this.groupsByClass.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.shallowSize - a.shallowSize;
Table.prototype.sortByRetainedSize = function() {
this.labeledNodes.sort(function (a, b) {
return graph.retainedSizeOf(b.node) - graph.retainedSizeOf(a.node);
this.groupsByEdge.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.retainedSize - a.retainedSize;
this.groupsByClass.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.retainedSize - a.retainedSize;
Table.prototype.refreshRows = function() {
while (this.listDiv.firstChild) {
// To prevent rendering lag.
const MAX_TABLE_ROWS = 500;
if (this.grouping == 0) {
let labeledNodes = this.labeledNodes;
this.nom.textContent = this.title + " (" + labeledNodes.length + " objects)";
for (let i = 0; i < labeledNodes.length; i++) {
if (i > MAX_TABLE_ROWS) {
this.listDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode((labeledNodes.length - i) + " more objects"));
} else if (this.grouping == 1) {
let groups = this.groupsByClass;
this.nom.textContent = this.title + " (" + groups.length + " classes)";
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
if (i > MAX_TABLE_ROWS) {
// Prevent rendering lag.
this.listDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode((groups.length - i) + " more classes"));
} else {
let groups = this.groupsByEdge;
this.nom.textContent = this.title + " (" + groups.length + " edges)";
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
if (i > MAX_TABLE_ROWS) {
// Prevent rendering lag.
this.listDiv.appendChild(document.createTextNode((groups.length - i) + " more edges"));
function createObjectRow(labeledNode) {
const v = labeledNode.node;
let nom = document.createElement("span");
nom.onclick = function() { showTables([v]); }
nom.className = "nameCell actionCell";
nom.textContent = graph.nameOf(v);
nom.title = "Select this object";
let edge = document.createElement("span");
edge.className = "edgeCell";
edge.textContent =;
let cls = document.createElement("span");
cls.className = "classCell";
cls.textContent = graph.classOf(v);
let shallowSize = document.createElement("span");
shallowSize.className = "sizeCell";
shallowSize.textContent = graph.shallowSizeOf(v);
let shallowPercent = document.createElement("span");
shallowPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
shallowPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(graph.shallowSizeOf(v) / graph.getTotalSize());
function onClickRetained(event) {
// For the root, default to the merged view for the sake of web browser layout performance.
showDominatorTree(v == 1 ? graph.toggleMerge() : graph, v);
let retainedSize = document.createElement("span");
retainedSize.onclick = onClickRetained;
retainedSize.className = "sizeCell actionCell";
retainedSize.textContent = graph.retainedSizeOf(v);
retainedSize.title = "Show dominator tree";
let retainedPercent = document.createElement("span");
retainedPercent.onclick = onClickRetained;
retainedPercent.className = "sizePercentCell actionCell";
retainedPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(graph.retainedSizeOf(v) / graph.getTotalSize());
retainedPercent.title = "Show dominator tree";
let row = document.createElement("div");["display"] = "flex";["flex-direction"] = "row";["border-bottom"] = "solid 1px";
return row;
function createGroupRow(g) {
let nom = document.createElement("span");
nom.onclick = function() { showTables(g.nodes); }
nom.className = "nameCell actionCell";
nom.textContent =;
nom.title = "Select these objects";
let cls = document.createElement("span");
cls.className = "classCell";
cls.textContent = g.cls;
let edge = document.createElement("span");
edge.className = "edgeCell";
edge.textContent = g.edge;
let shallowSize = document.createElement("span");
shallowSize.className = "sizeCell";
shallowSize.textContent = g.shallowSize;
let shallowPercent = document.createElement("span");
shallowPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
shallowPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(g.shallowSize / graph.getTotalSize());
let retainedSize = document.createElement("span");
retainedSize.className = "sizeCell";
retainedSize.textContent = g.retainedSize;
let retainedPercent = document.createElement("span");
retainedPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
retainedPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(g.retainedSize / graph.getTotalSize());
let row = document.createElement("div");["display"] = "flex";["flex-direction"] = "row";["border-bottom"] = "solid 1px";
return row;
function mapValuesToArray(map) {
let array = new Array();
for (let element of map.values()) {
return array;
function showTables(nodes) {
let labeledNodes = new Array();
let successors = new Map();
let successorEdges = new Map();
let successorEdgeGroups = new Array();
let predecessors = new Map();
let predecessorEdges = new Map();
let predecessorEdgeGroups = new Array();
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
let n = nodes[i];
labeledNodes.push(new LabeledNode(n, "-"));
graph.successorsOfDo(n, function (child, edgeName) {
let e = successors.get(child);
if (e) {
} else {
successors.set(child, new LabeledNode(child, edgeName));
let cls = graph.classOf(child);
let g = successorEdges.get(edgeName);
if (!g) {
g = new Group(edgeName, cls);
successorEdges.set(edgeName, g);
g.add(child, edgeName, cls);
graph.predecessorsOfDo(n, function (parent, edgeName) {
let e = predecessors.get(parent);
if (e) {
} else {
predecessors.set(parent, new LabeledNode(parent, edgeName));
let cls = graph.classOf(parent);
let g = predecessorEdges.get(edgeName);
if (!g) {
g = new Group(edgeName, cls);
predecessorEdges.set(edgeName, g);
g.add(parent, edgeName, cls);
// Computing retained sizes here O((C + E) * N) where
// N is the number of objects
// C is the number of classes
// E is the number of edges
successors = mapValuesToArray(successors);
for (let i = 0; i < successorEdgeGroups.length; i++) {
let group = successorEdgeGroups[i];
group.nodes = removeDuplicates(group.nodes);
group.shallowSize = graph.shallowSizeOfSet(group.nodes);
group.retainedSize = graph.retainedSizeOfSet(group.nodes); = group.nodes.length + " targets of " + group.edge;
predecessors = mapValuesToArray(predecessors);
for (let i = 0; i < predecessorEdgeGroups.length; i++) {
let group = predecessorEdgeGroups[i];
group.nodes = removeDuplicates(group.nodes);
group.shallowSize = graph.shallowSizeOfSet(group.nodes);
group.retainedSize = graph.retainedSizeOfSet(group.nodes); = group.nodes.length + " sources of " + group.edge;
let rewrite = document.createElement("input");
rewrite.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
let rewriteLabel = document.createElement("span");
rewriteLabel.textContent = "Owners ";
let input = document.createElement("input");
input.setAttribute("type", "file");
input.setAttribute("multiple", false);
input.onchange = function(event) {
let file =[0];
document.title =;
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file, 'UTF-8');
reader.onload = function(event) {
let data = JSON.parse(;
let g = new Graph();
data = null; // Release memory
graph = g;
reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function(event) {
let data =;
let g = new Graph();
data = null; // Release memory
graph = g;
let selectRoot = document.createElement("button");
selectRoot.textContent = "Select Root";
selectRoot.onclick = function(event) {
let selectAll = document.createElement("button");
selectAll.textContent = "Select All";
selectAll.onclick = function(event) {
let filler = document.createElement("span");["flex-grow"] = 1;
let totalSize = document.createElement("span");
totalSize.className = "sizeCell";
totalSize.textContent = graph ? "" + graph.getTotalSize() : "0";
let totalPercent = document.createElement("span");
totalPercent.className = "sizePercentCell";
totalPercent.textContent = prettyPercent(1.0);
let topBar = document.createElement("div");
topBar.className = "headerRow";["border"] = "solid 2px";["align-items"] = "center";
if (graph) {
let selectionTable = new Table("Selection", labeledNodes, []).div;["flex-basis"] = "0px";["flex-grow"] = 1;
let successorsTable = new Table("Successors", successors, successorEdgeGroups).div;["flex-basis"] = "0px";["flex-grow"] = 1;
let predecessorsTable = new Table("Predecessors", predecessors, predecessorEdgeGroups).div;["flex-basis"] = "0px";["flex-grow"] = 1;
let help1 = document.createElement("p");
help1.textContent =
"Create a snapshot profile by passing --write_v8_snapshot_profile_to=example.json to gen_snapshot."
let help2 = document.createElement("p");
help2.textContent =
"In Flutter, run flutter build aot --release --extra-gen-snapshot-options=--write-v8-snapshot-profile-to=example.json";
let column = document.createElement("div");["height"] = "100%";["display"] = "flex";["flex-direction"] = "column";
if (graph) {
} else {
function setBody(div) {
let body = document.body;
while (body.firstChild) {
let graph = null;