blob: d0f2873c5e0d71973b8d30594e5232f77c5b77db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file generates the extension methods public API and the extension
// methods patch file for all integers, double, and float.
// The PointerPointer and PointerStruct extension are written by hand since
// those are not repetitive.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
// Configuration.
const configuration = [
Config("Int8", "int", "Int8List", 1),
Config("Int16", "int", "Int16List", 2),
Config("Int32", "int", "Int32List", 4),
Config("Int64", "int", "Int64List", 8),
Config("Uint8", "int", "Uint8List", 1),
Config("Uint16", "int", "Uint16List", 2),
Config("Uint32", "int", "Uint32List", 4),
Config("Uint64", "int", "Uint64List", 8),
Config("Float", "double", "Float32List", 4),
Config("Double", "double", "Float64List", 8),
Config("Bool", "bool", kDoNotEmit, 1, since: Version(2, 15)),
const arrayVersion = Version(2, 13);
// Generator.
main(List<String> arguments) {
final args = argParser().parse(arguments);
Uri path = Uri.parse(args['path']);
generate(path, "ffi.g.dart", generatePublicExtension);
generate(path, "ffi_patch.g.dart", generatePatchExtension);
void generate(Uri path, String fileName,
Function(StringBuffer, Config, String) generator) {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
configuration.forEach((Config c) => generator(buffer, c, "Pointer"));
configuration.forEach((Config c) => generator(buffer, c, "Array"));
final fullPath = path.resolve(fileName).path;
final fmtResult = Process.runSync(dartPath().path, ["format", fullPath]);
if (fmtResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception(
"Formatting failed:\n${fmtResult.stdout}\n${fmtResult.stderr}\n");
print("Generated $fullPath.");
void generateHeader(StringBuffer buffer) {
const header = """
// The following code is generated, do not edit by hand.
// Code generated by `runtime/tools/ffi/sdk_lib_ffi_generator.dart`.
void generatePublicExtension(
StringBuffer buffer, Config config, String container) {
final nativeType = config.nativeType;
final dartType = config.dartType;
final typedListType = config.typedListType;
final elementSize = config.elementSize;
final bits = sizeOfBits(elementSize);
String property;
if (_isInt(nativeType)) {
if (_isSigned(nativeType)) {
property = "$bits-bit two's complement integer";
} else {
property = "$bits-bit unsigned integer";
} else if (nativeType == "Float") {
property = "float";
} else if (nativeType == "Double") {
property = "double";
} else if (nativeType == "Bool") {
property = "bool";
} else {
throw "Unexpected type: $nativeType";
const platformIntPtr = """
/// On 32-bit platforms this is a 32-bit integer, and on 64-bit platforms
/// this is a 64-bit integer.
final platform = nativeType == "IntPtr" ? platformIntPtr : "";
final intSignedTruncate = """
/// A Dart integer is truncated to $bits bits (as if by `.toSigned($bits)`) before
/// being stored, and the $bits-bit value is sign-extended when it is loaded.
const intPtrTruncate = """
/// On 32-bit platforms a Dart integer is truncated to 32 bits (as if by
/// `.toSigned(32)`) before being stored, and the 32-bit value is
/// sign-extended when it is loaded.
final intUnsignedTruncate = """
/// A Dart integer is truncated to $bits bits (as if by `.toUnsigned($bits)`) before
/// being stored, and the $bits-bit value is zero-extended when it is loaded.
const floatTruncate = """
/// A Dart double loses precision before being stored, and the float value is
/// converted to a double when it is loaded.
String truncate = "";
if (nativeType == "IntPtr") {
truncate = intPtrTruncate;
} else if (_isInt(nativeType) && elementSize != 8) {
truncate = _isSigned(nativeType) ? intSignedTruncate : intUnsignedTruncate;
} else if (nativeType == "Float") {
truncate = floatTruncate;
final sizeTimes =
elementSize != 1 ? '${bracketOr(sizeOf(elementSize))} * ' : '';
final alignmentDefault = """
/// The [address] must be ${sizeOf(elementSize)}-byte aligned.
const alignmentIntptr = """
/// On 32-bit platforms the [address] must be 4-byte aligned, and on 64-bit
/// platforms the [address] must be 8-byte aligned.
String alignment = "";
if (nativeType == "IntPtr") {
alignment = alignmentIntptr;
} else if (elementSize != 1) {
alignment = alignmentDefault;
final asTypedList = typedListType == kDoNotEmit
? ""
: """
/// Creates a typed list view backed by memory in the address space.
/// The returned view will allow access to the memory range from [address]
/// to `address + ${sizeTimes}length`.
/// The user has to ensure the memory range is accessible while using the
/// returned list.
$alignment external $typedListType asTypedList(int length);
if (container == "Pointer") {
final since = config.since?.sinceAnnotation ?? '';
/// Extension on [Pointer] specialized for the type argument [$nativeType].
$since extension ${nativeType}Pointer on Pointer<$nativeType> {
/// The $property at [address].
$platform$truncate$alignment external $dartType get value;
external void set value($dartType value);
/// The $property at `address + ${sizeTimes}index`.
$platform$truncate$alignment external $dartType operator [](int index);
/// The $property at `address + ${sizeTimes}index`.
$platform$truncate$alignment external void operator []=(int index, $dartType value);
} else {
final since =
Version.latest(config.since, arrayVersion)?.sinceAnnotation ?? '';
/// Bounds checking indexing methods on [Array]s of [$nativeType].
$since extension ${nativeType}Array on Array<$nativeType> {
external $dartType operator [](int index);
external void operator []=(int index, $dartType value);
void generatePatchExtension(
StringBuffer buffer, Config config, String container) {
final nativeType = config.nativeType;
final dartType = config.dartType;
final typedListType = config.typedListType;
final elementSize = config.elementSize;
final sizeTimes =
elementSize != 1 ? '${sizeOfIntPtrSize(elementSize)} * ' : '';
final asTypedList = typedListType == kDoNotEmit
? ""
: """
$typedListType asTypedList(int length) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(this, "Pointer<$nativeType>");
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(length, "length");
_checkExternalTypedDataLength(length, $elementSize);
_checkPointerAlignment(address, $elementSize);
return _asExternalTypedData$nativeType(this, length);
if (container == "Pointer") {
extension ${nativeType}Pointer on Pointer<$nativeType> {
$dartType get value => _load$nativeType(this, 0);
set value($dartType value) => _store$nativeType(this, 0, value);
$dartType operator [](int index) => _load$nativeType(this, ${sizeTimes}index);
operator []=(int index, $dartType value) => _store$nativeType(this, ${sizeTimes}index, value);
} else {
extension ${nativeType}Array on Array<$nativeType> {
$dartType operator [](int index) {
return _load$nativeType(_typedDataBase, ${sizeTimes}index);
operator []=(int index, $dartType value) {
return _store$nativeType(_typedDataBase, ${sizeTimes}index, value);
void generateFooter(StringBuffer buffer) {
final footer = """
// End of generated code.
// Helper functions.
bool _isInt(String type) => type.startsWith("Int") || type.startsWith("Uint");
bool _isSigned(String type) => type.startsWith("Int");
String sizeOf(int size) => "$size";
String sizeOfBits(int size) => "${size * 8}";
String sizeOfIntPtrSize(int size) => "$size";
String bracketOr(String input) {
if (input.contains("or")) {
return "($input)";
return input;
final Uri _containingFolder = File.fromUri(Platform.script).parent.uri;
ArgParser argParser() {
final parser = ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: false);
abbr: 'p',
help: 'Path to generate the files at.',
defaultsTo: _containingFolder.toString());
parser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h', help: 'Display usage information.',
callback: (help) {
if (help) print(parser.usage);
return parser;
Uri dartPath() {
return Platform.script.resolve("../../../tools/sdks/dart-sdk/bin/dart");
class Config {
final String nativeType;
final String dartType;
final String typedListType;
final int elementSize;
final Version? since;
const Config(
this.nativeType, this.dartType, this.typedListType, this.elementSize,
{Version? since})
: since = since;
const String kDoNotEmit = "donotemit";
class Version {
final int major;
final int minor;
const Version(this.major, this.minor);
String toString() => '$major.$minor';
static Version? latest(Version? a, Version? b) {
if (a == null) return b;
if (b == null) return a;
if (a.major > b.major) return a;
if (b.major > a.major) return b;
if (a.minor > b.minor) return a;
return b;
String get sinceAnnotation => "@Since('$this')";