blob: f6a78935ed108ee1030b6004986b494f0cd334bc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
library test.declarations_model;
var libraryVariable;
get libraryGetter => null;
set librarySetter(x) => x;
libraryMethod() => null;
var _libraryVariable;
get _libraryGetter => null;
set _librarySetter(x) => x;
_libraryMethod() => null;
typedef bool Predicate(dynamic);
abstract class Interface<I> {
operator /(x) => null;
var interfaceInstanceVariable;
get interfaceInstanceGetter;
set interfaceInstanceSetter(x);
var _interfaceInstanceVariable;
get _interfaceInstanceGetter;
set _interfaceInstanceSetter(x);
static var interfaceStaticVariable;
static get interfaceStaticGetter => null;
static set interfaceStaticSetter(x) => x;
static interfaceStaticMethod() => null;
static var _interfaceStaticVariable;
static get _interfaceStaticGetter => null;
static set _interfaceStaticSetter(x) => x;
static _interfaceStaticMethod() => null;
class Mixin<M> {
operator *(x) => null;
var mixinInstanceVariable;
get mixinInstanceGetter => null;
set mixinInstanceSetter(x) => x;
mixinInstanceMethod() => null;
var _mixinInstanceVariable;
get _mixinInstanceGetter => null;
set _mixinInstanceSetter(x) => x;
_mixinInstanceMethod() => null;
static var mixinStaticVariable;
static get mixinStaticGetter => null;
static set mixinStaticSetter(x) => x;
static mixinStaticMethod() => null;
static var _mixinStaticVariable;
static get _mixinStaticGetter => null;
static set _mixinStaticSetter(x) => x;
static _mixinStaticMethod() => null;
class Superclass<S> {
operator -(x) => null;
var inheritedInstanceVariable;
get inheritedInstanceGetter => null;
set inheritedInstanceSetter(x) => x;
inheritedInstanceMethod() => null;
var _inheritedInstanceVariable;
get _inheritedInstanceGetter => null;
set _inheritedInstanceSetter(x) => x;
_inheritedInstanceMethod() => null;
static var inheritedStaticVariable;
static get inheritedStaticGetter => null;
static set inheritedStaticSetter(x) => x;
static inheritedStaticMethod() => null;
static var _inheritedStaticVariable;
static get _inheritedStaticGetter => null;
static set _inheritedStaticSetter(x) => x;
static _inheritedStaticMethod() => null;
: this.inheritedGenerativeConstructor(x * 2);
factory Superclass.inheritedNormalFactory(y) =>
new Superclass.inheritedRedirectingConstructor(y * 3);
factory Superclass.inheritedRedirectingFactory(z) =
: this._inheritedGenerativeConstructor(x * 2);
factory Superclass._inheritedNormalFactory(y) =>
new Superclass._inheritedRedirectingConstructor(y * 3);
factory Superclass._inheritedRedirectingFactory(z) =
abstract class Class<C> extends Superclass<C>
with Mixin<C>
implements Interface<C> {
operator +(x) => null;
var instanceVariable;
get instanceGetter => null;
set instanceSetter(x) => x;
instanceMethod() => null;
var _instanceVariable;
get _instanceGetter => null;
set _instanceSetter(x) => x;
_instanceMethod() => null;
static var staticVariable;
static get staticGetter => null;
static set staticSetter(x) => x;
static staticMethod() => null;
static var _staticVariable;
static get _staticGetter => null;
static set _staticSetter(x) => x;
static _staticMethod() => null;
: super.inheritedGenerativeConstructor(0);
Class.redirectingConstructor(x) : this.generativeConstructor(x * 2);
factory Class.normalFactory(y) => new ConcreteClass(y * 3);
factory Class.redirectingFactory(z) = Class<C>.normalFactory;
: super._inheritedGenerativeConstructor(0);
Class._redirectingConstructor(x) : this._generativeConstructor(x * 2);
factory Class._normalFactory(y) => new ConcreteClass(y * 3);
factory Class._redirectingFactory(z) = Class<C>._normalFactory;
// This is just here as a target of Class's factories to appease the analyzer.
class ConcreteClass<CC> extends Class<CC> {
abstractMethod() {}
operator /(x) => null;
var interfaceInstanceVariable;
get interfaceInstanceGetter => null;
set interfaceInstanceSetter(x) => null;
interfaceInstanceMethod() => null;
var _interfaceInstanceVariable;
get _interfaceInstanceGetter => null;
set _interfaceInstanceSetter(x) => null;
_interfaceInstanceMethod() => null;
ConcreteClass(x) : super.generativeConstructor(x);
class _PrivateClass {}