blob: a995ab4ba2144b300dc30552fcc59967499a97a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
class S<T> {}
class M<U> {}
class A<X> extends S<int> with M<double> {}
class B<U, V> extends S with M<U, V> { }
// ^
// [cfe] The type 'M<U, V>' can't be mixed in.
// ^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Expected 1 type arguments.
class C<A, B> extends S<A, int> with M { }
// ^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Expected 1 type arguments.
class F<X> = S<X> with M<X>;
class G = S<int> with M<double, double>;
// ^
// [cfe] The type 'M<double, double>' can't be mixed in.
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Expected 1 type arguments.
main() {
var a;
a = new A();
a = new A<int>();
a = new A<String, String>();
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Expected 1 type arguments.
a = new F<int>();
a = new F<int, String>();
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Expected 1 type arguments.