blob: 9ee4eb6f8019a199486c696632f45ebf1b957d2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// Tests that type checks (is) are allowed.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
main() {
const c = C();
const l = [1];
const s = "a";
Expect.equals(1, const T.length(s, 42).value);
Expect.equals(42, const T.length(l, 42).value);
Expect.equals(1, const T.length2(s, 42).value);
Expect.equals(42, const T.length2(l, 42).value);
Expect.equals(3, const T.sum(1, 2).value);
Expect.equals(3.7, const T.sum(1.5, 2.2).value);
Expect.equals("abc", const T.sum("a", "bc").value);
Expect.equals("a", const T.sum("a", 2).value);
class T {
final Object value;
const T.length(dynamic l, int defaultValue)
: value = l is String ? l.length : defaultValue;
const T.length2(dynamic l, int defaultValue)
: value = l is! String ? defaultValue : l.length;
const T.sum(dynamic o1, dynamic o2)
: value = ((o1 is num) & (o2 is num)) | ((o1 is String) & (o2 is String))
? o1 + o2
: o1;
class C {
const C();
dynamic operator +(dynamic other) => throw "Never";
bool operator <(dynamic other) => throw "Never";