blob: 141b36d864b9f6082bb72b257edf14cc3dc2ab50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
// Dart test program testing assert statements.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class C {
static bool check(x, y) => x < y;
static bool staticTrue() => true;
final int x;
const C(this.x);
C.c01(this.x, y) : assert(x < y);
C.c02(x, y) : x = x, assert(x < y);
C.c03(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x;
C.c05(this.x, y) : assert(x < y), super();
C.c06(x, y) : x = x, assert(x < y), super();
C.c07(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x, super();
C.c08(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x, assert(y > x), super();
C.c09(this.x, y) : assert(x < y, "$x < $y");
C.c10(this.x, y) : assert(x < y,);
C.c11(this.x, y) : assert(x < y, "$x < $y",);
const C.cc01(this.x, y) : assert(x < y);
const C.cc02(x, y) : x = x, assert(x < y);
const C.cc03(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x;
const C.cc05(this.x, y) : assert(x < y), super();
const C.cc06(x, y) : x = x, assert(x < y), super();
const C.cc07(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x, super();
const C.cc08(x, y) : assert(x < y), x = x, assert(y > x), super();
const C.cc09(this.x, y) : assert(x < y, "$x < $y");
const C.cc10(this.x, y) : assert(x < y,);
const C.cc11(this.x, y) : assert(x < y, "$x < $y",);
C.nc01(this.x, y) : assert(check(x, y));
C.nc02(x, y) : x = x, assert(check(x, y));
C.nc03(x, y) : assert(check(x, y)), x = x;
C.nc05(this.x, y) : assert(check(x, y)), super();
C.nc06(x, y) : x = x, assert(check(x, y)), super();
C.nc07(x, y) : assert(check(x, y)), x = x, super();
C.nc08(x, y) : assert(check(x, y)), x = x, assert(y > x), super();
C.nc09(this.x, y) : assert(check(x, y), "$x < $y");
C.nc10(this.x, y) : assert(check(x, y),);
C.nc11(this.x, y) : assert(check(x, y), "$x < $y",);
C.fc01(this.x, y) : assert((() => x < y)());
C.fc02(x, y) : x = x, assert((() => x < y)());
C.fc03(x, y) : assert((() => x < y)()), x = x;
C.fc05(this.x, y) : assert((() => x < y)()), super();
C.fc06(x, y) : x = x, assert((() => x < y)()), super();
C.fc07(x, y) : assert((() => x < y)()), x = x, super();
C.fc08(x, y) : assert((() => x < y)()),x = x, assert(y > x), super();
C.fc09(this.x, y) : assert((() => x < y)(), "$x < $y");
C.fc10(this.x, y) : assert((() => x < y)(),);
C.fc11(this.x, y) : assert((() => x < y)(), "$x < $y",);
main() {
// Test all constructors with both succeeding and failing asserts.
test(1, 2);
test(2, 1);
const c1 = const C(1);
// Asserts do not affect canonization.
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc01(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc02(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc03(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc05(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc06(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc07(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc08(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc09(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc10(1, 2));
Expect.identical(c1, const C.cc11(1, 2));
void test(int x, int y) {
bool assertionsEnabled = false;
assert(assertionsEnabled = true);
bool Function(C Function()) doTest = (assertionsEnabled && x >= y)
? (f) { Expect.throwsAssertionError(f); }
: (f) { Expect.equals(x, f().x); };
doTest(() => new C.c01(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c02(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c03(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c05(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c06(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c07(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c08(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c09(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c10(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.c11(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc01(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc02(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc03(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc05(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc06(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc07(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc08(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc09(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc10(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.cc11(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc01(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc02(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc03(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc05(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc06(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc07(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc08(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc09(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc10(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.nc11(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc01(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc02(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc03(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc05(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc06(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc07(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc08(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc09(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc10(x, y));
doTest(() => new C.fc11(x, y));