| include: package:lints/recommended.yaml |
| |
| analyzer: |
| language: |
| strict-casts: true |
| exclude: |
| - test/mock_packages/** |
| errors: |
| # Increase the severity of the unused_import hint. |
| unused_import: warning |
| |
| # Lints from the recommended set that conflict w/ analyzer style or will |
| # require some work to reach compliance. |
| # See: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/48785 |
| camel_case_types: ignore |
| constant_identifier_names: ignore |
| file_names: ignore |
| implementation_imports: ignore |
| non_constant_identifier_names: ignore |
| overridden_fields: ignore |
| prefer_void_to_null: ignore |
| provide_deprecation_message: ignore |
| |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - depend_on_referenced_packages |
| - unnecessary_parenthesis |
| - use_super_parameters |