blob: bae35d6d1ab689bf0ac0d69f0e9a67f366ea41c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../vm/dart/snapshot_test_helper.dart';
int crashCounter = 0;
final Map<String, String> environmentForTests = (() {
final env = Map<String, String>.from(Platform.environment);
final testMatrix =
env.addAll(testMatrix['sanitizer_options'].cast<String, String>());
return env;
void forwardStream(Stream<List<int>> input, IOSink output) {
// Print the information line-by-line.
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((String line) {
class PotentialCrash {
final String test;
final int pid;
final List<String> binaries;
PotentialCrash(this.test,, this.binaries);
Future<bool> run(
String executable, List<String> args, List<PotentialCrash> crashes) async {
print('Running "$executable ${args.join(' ')}"');
final Process process =
await Process.start(executable, args, environment: environmentForTests);
forwardStream(process.stdout, stdout);
forwardStream(process.stderr, stderr);
final int exitCode = await process.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
// Ignore normal exceptions and compile-time errors for the purpose of
// crashdump reporting.
if (exitCode != 255 && exitCode != 254) {
final crashNr = crashCounter++;
print('=> Running "$executable ${args.join(' ')}" failed with $exitCode');
print('=> Possible crash $crashNr (pid: ${})');
crashes.add(PotentialCrash('crash-$crashNr',, [executable]));
io.exitCode = 255; // Make this shard fail.
return false;
return true;
abstract class TestRunner {
Future runTest(List<PotentialCrash> crashes);
class JitTestRunner extends TestRunner {
final String buildDir;
final List<String> arguments;
JitTestRunner(this.buildDir, this.arguments);
Future runTest(List<PotentialCrash> crashes) async {
await run('$buildDir/dart', arguments, crashes);
class AotTestRunner extends TestRunner {
final String buildDir;
final List<String> arguments;
final List<String> aotArguments;
AotTestRunner(this.buildDir, this.arguments, this.aotArguments);
Future runTest(List<PotentialCrash> crashes) async {
await withTempDir((String dir) async {
final elfFile = path.join(dir, 'app.elf');
if (await run(
['--snapshot-kind=app-aot-elf', '--elf=$elfFile', ...arguments],
crashes)) {
await run('$buildDir/dart_precompiled_runtime',
[...aotArguments, elfFile], crashes);
// Produces a name that tools/ supports.
String getArchiveName(String binary) {
final parts = binary.split(Platform.pathSeparator);
late String mode;
late String arch;
final buildDir = parts[1];
for (final prefix in ['Release', 'Debug', 'Product']) {
if (buildDir.startsWith(prefix)) {
mode = prefix.toLowerCase();
arch = buildDir.substring(prefix.length);
final name = parts.skip(2).join('__');
return 'binary.${mode}_${arch}_${name}';
void writeUnexpectedCrashesFile(List<PotentialCrash> crashes) {
// The format of this file is:
// test-name,pid,binary-file1,binary-file2,...
const unexpectedCrashesFile = 'unexpected-crashes';
final buffer = StringBuffer();
final Set<String> archivedBinaries = {};
for (final crash in crashes) {
for (final binary in crash.binaries) {
final archivedName = getArchiveName(binary);
if (!archivedBinaries.contains(archivedName)) {
const int tsanShards = 200;
final configurations = <TestRunner>[
JitTestRunner('out/DebugX64', [
JitTestRunner('out/ReleaseX64', [
for (int i = 0; i < tsanShards; ++i)
JitTestRunner('out/ReleaseTSANX64', [
AotTestRunner('out/ReleaseX64', [
], [
AotTestRunner('out/DebugX64', [
], [
main(List<String> arguments) async {
final parser = ArgParser()
..addOption('shards', help: 'number of shards used', defaultsTo: '1')
..addOption('shard', help: 'shard id', defaultsTo: '1')
help: 'unused parameter to make sharding infra work', defaultsTo: '')
help: 'whether to copy binaries for coredumps', defaultsTo: false);
final options = parser.parse(arguments);
final shards = int.parse(options['shards']);
final shard = int.parse(options['shard']) - 1;
final copyCoredumps = options['copy-coredumps'] as bool;
// Tasks will eventually be killed if they do not have any output for some
// time. So we'll explicitly print something every 4 minutes.
final sw = Stopwatch()..start();
final timer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(minutes: 4), (_) {
print('[${sw.elapsed}] ... still working ...');
try {
final thisShardsConfigurations = [];
for (int i = 0; i < configurations.length; i++) {
if ((i % shards) == shard) {
final crashes = <PotentialCrash>[];
for (final config in thisShardsConfigurations) {
await config.runTest(crashes);
if (!crashes.isEmpty && copyCoredumps) {
} finally {