blob: b768f69063183787043f83e8e92505c94a83ad4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'expression.dart';
import '../environment.dart';
final Expression T = new LogicExpression.and([]);
final Expression F = new LogicExpression.or([]);
// Token to combine left and right value of a comparison expression in a
// variable expression.
final String _comparisonToken = "__";
/// Transforms an [expression] to disjunctive normal form, which is a
/// standardization where all clauses are separated by `||` (or/disjunction).
/// All clauses must be conjunction (joined by &&) and have negation on
/// literals.
/// It computes the disjunctive normal form by computing a truth table with all
/// terms (truth assignment of variables) that make the [expression] become true
/// and then minimizes the terms.
/// The procedure is exponential so [expression] should not be too big.
Expression toDisjunctiveNormalForm(Expression expression) {
var normalizedExpression = expression.normalize();
var variableExpression =
var minTerms = _satisfiableMinTerms(variableExpression);
if (minTerms == null) {
return T;
} else if (minTerms.isEmpty) {
return F;
var disjunctiveNormalForm = new LogicExpression.or(minTerms);
disjunctiveNormalForm = _minimizeByComplementation(disjunctiveNormalForm);
return _recoverComparisonExpressions(disjunctiveNormalForm);
/// Complementation is a process that tries to combine the min terms above as
/// much as possible. In each iteration, two minsets can be combined if they
/// differ by only one assignment. Ex:
/// $a && $b can be combined with !$a && $b since they only differ by $a and
/// !$a. This is easier to see if we represent terms as bits. Let the following
/// min terms be defined:
/// m(1): $a && !$b && !$c && !$d -> 1000
/// m(2): $a && !$b && !$c && $d -> 1001
/// m(3): $a && !$b && $c && !$d -> 1010
/// m(4): $a && !$b && $c && $d -> 1011
/// In the first iteration, m(1) can be combined with m(2) and m(3), m(2) can be
/// combined with m(4) and m(3) can be combined with m(4). We now have:
/// m(1,2): 100-
/// m(1,3): 10-0
/// m(2,4): 10-1
/// m(3,4): 101-
/// Let - be a third bit value, which also counts toward difference. Therefore,
/// m(1,2) cannot be combined with m(1,3), but m(1,2) can be combined with
/// m(3,4). We therefore get:
/// m(1,2,3,4): 10--
/// m(1,3,2,4): 10--
/// At this point, we have two similar minsets, which we also call implicants,
/// that only differ from the way they were added together. These cannot be
/// added together further, so we are left with only one (does not matter which
/// we pick):
/// m(1,2,3,4): 10--
/// The minimal disjunctive form is, for this example, $a && !$b.
/// It is often not the case we only have one implicant left, we may have
/// several.
/// m(4,12)
/// m(8,9,10,11)
/// m(8,10,12,14)
/// m(10,11,14,15)
/// From here, we can find the minimum form by simply computing a set cover. We
/// can prune the search space a bit though. In the above example, 4 and 15 is
/// only covered by a single implicant. This means, that those are primary, and
/// has to be included in the cover. We then just need to pick the best
/// solution.
/// More about this algorithm here:
LogicExpression _minimizeByComplementation(LogicExpression expression) {
var clauses = expression.operands
.map((e) => e is LogicExpression ? e.operands : [e])
// All min terms should be sorted by amount of 1's
clauses.sort((a, b) {
var onesInA = a.where((e) => !_isNegatedExpression(e)).length;
var onesInB = b.where((e) => !_isNegatedExpression(e)).length;
return onesInA - onesInB;
var combinedMinSets = _combineMinSets( => [new LogicExpression.and(e)]).toList(), []);
List<List<LogicExpression>> minCover = _findMinCover(combinedMinSets, []);
var finalOperands = => _reduceMinSet(minSet)).toList();
return new LogicExpression.or(finalOperands).normalize();
/// Computes all assignments of literals that make the [expression] evaluate to
/// true.
List<Expression>? _satisfiableMinTerms(Expression expression) {
var variables = _getVariables(expression);
bool hasNotSatisfiableAssignment = false;
List<Expression> satisfiableTerms = <Expression>[];
var environment = new TruthTableEnvironment(variables);
for (int i = 0; i < 1 << variables.length; i++) {
if (expression.evaluate(environment)) {
var operands = <Expression>[];
for (int j = 0; j < variables.length; j++) {
if ((i >> j) % 2 == 0) {
} else {
satisfiableTerms.add(new LogicExpression.and(operands));
} else {
hasNotSatisfiableAssignment = true;
if (!hasNotSatisfiableAssignment) {
return null;
return satisfiableTerms;
/// The [TruthTableEnvironment] simulates an entry in a truth table where the
/// [variables] are assigned a value bases on the [configuration]. This
/// environment can then be used to evaluate the corresponding expression from
/// which the [variables] was found.
class TruthTableEnvironment extends Environment {
final List<Expression> variables;
int configuration = -1;
void setConfiguration(int configuration) {
this.configuration = configuration;
String lookUp(String name) {
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < variables.length; i++) {
if (variables[i] is VariableExpression &&
variables[i].toString() == "\$$name") {
index = i;
assert(index > -1);
var isTrue = (configuration >> index) % 2 == 1;
return isTrue ? "true" : "false";
void validate(String name, String value, List<String> errors) {}
/// Combines [minSets] recursively as long as possible. Prime implicants (those
/// that cannot be reduced further) are kept track of in [primeImplicants]. When
/// finished the function returns all combined min sets.
List<List<LogicExpression>> _combineMinSets(List<List<LogicExpression>> minSets,
List<List<LogicExpression>> primeImplicants) {
List<List<LogicExpression>> combined = <List<LogicExpression>>[];
var addedInThisIteration = new Set<List<LogicExpression>>();
for (var i = 0; i < minSets.length; i++) {
var minSet = minSets[i];
var combinedMinSet = false;
for (var j = i + 1; j < minSets.length; j++) {
var otherMinSet = minSets[j];
if (_canCombine(minSet, otherMinSet)) {
combined.add(minSet.toList(growable: true)..addAll(otherMinSet));
combinedMinSet = true;
if (!combinedMinSet && !addedInThisIteration.contains(minSet)) {
if (combined.isNotEmpty) {
// it is possible to add minsets that are identical:
// ex: min(1,3), min(1,2) min(2,4) min(3,4) could combine to:
// min(1,3,2,4) and min(1,2,3,4) which are identical.
// It is better to reduce such now than to deal with them in an exponential
// search.
return _combineMinSets(_uniqueMinSets(combined), primeImplicants);
return primeImplicants;
/// Two min sets can be combined if they only differ by one. We reduce min sets
/// and find their difference based on variables.
bool _canCombine(List<LogicExpression> a, List<LogicExpression> b) {
return _difference(_reduceMinSet(a).operands, _reduceMinSet(b).operands)
.length ==
/// This function finds the fixed variables for a collection of implicants in
/// the [minSet]. Unlike the numbering scheme above, ie 10-1 etc. we look
/// directly at variables and count positive and negative occurrences. If we
/// find an implicant with less variables than others, we add the variable to
/// both the positive and negative set, which is effectively setting the value
/// - to that variable.
LogicExpression _reduceMinSet(List<LogicExpression> minSet) {
var variables = <Expression>[];
var positive = <Expression>[];
var negative = <Expression>[];
for (var implicant in minSet) {
for (var expression in implicant.operands) {
assert(expression is! LogicExpression);
var variable = expression;
if (_isNegatedExpression(expression)) {
_addIfNotPresent(expression, negative);
variable = _getVariables(expression)[0];
} else {
_addIfNotPresent(expression, positive);
_addIfNotPresent(variable, variables);
for (var implicant in minSet) {
for (var variable in variables) {
bool isFree = implicant.operands.where((literal) {
if (_isNegatedExpression(literal)) {
return negate(literal).compareTo(variable) == 0;
} else {
return literal.compareTo(variable) == 0;
if (isFree) {
_addIfNotPresent(variable, positive);
_addIfNotPresent(negate(variable), negative);
for (var neg in negative.toList()) {
var pos = _findFirst(negate(neg), positive);
if (pos != null) {
return new LogicExpression.and(positive..addAll(negative));
/// [_findMinCover] finds the minimum cover of [primaryImplicants]. Finding a
/// minimum set cover is NP-hard, and we are not trying to be really cleaver
/// here. The implicants that cover only a single truth assignment can be
/// directly added to [cover].
List<List<LogicExpression>> _findMinCover(
List<List<LogicExpression>> primaryImplicants,
List<List<LogicExpression>> cover) {
var minCover = primaryImplicants.toList()..addAll(cover);
if (cover.isEmpty) {
var allImplicants = primaryImplicants.toList();
for (var implicant in allImplicants) {
for (var exp in implicant) {
bool found = false;
for (var otherImplicant in allImplicants) {
if (implicant != otherImplicant &&
_findFirst(exp, otherImplicant) != null) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (_isCover(cover, primaryImplicants)) {
return cover;
for (var implicant in primaryImplicants) {
var newCover = cover.toList()..add(implicant);
if (!_isCover(newCover, primaryImplicants)) {
var newPrimaryList =
primaryImplicants.where((i) => i != implicant).toList();
newCover = _findMinCover(newPrimaryList, newCover);
if (newCover.length < minCover.length) {
minCover = newCover;
return minCover;
/// Checks if [cover] is a set cover of [implicants] by searching through all
/// expressions in each implicant, to see if the cover has the same expression.
bool _isCover(List<List<Expression>> cover, List<List<Expression>> implicants) {
for (var implicant in implicants) {
for (var exp in implicant) {
if (cover.where((i) => _findFirst(exp, i) != null).isEmpty) {
return false;
return true;
// Computes the difference between two sets of expressions in disjunctive normal
// form. if the difference is a negation, the difference is only counted once.
List<Expression> _difference(List<Expression> As, List<Expression> Bs) {
var difference = <Expression>[]
..addAll(As.where((a) => _findFirst(a, Bs) == null))
..addAll(Bs.where((b) => _findFirst(b, As) == null));
for (var expression in difference.toList()) {
if (_isNegatedExpression(expression)) {
if (_findFirst(negate(expression), difference) != null) {
return difference;
/// Finds the first occurrence of [expressionToFind] in [expressions] or
/// returns null.
Expression? _findFirst<Expression>(
expressionToFind, List<Expression> expressions) {
return expressions.cast<Expression?>().firstWhere(
(otherExpression) => expressionToFind.compareTo(otherExpression) == 0,
orElse: () => null);
/// Adds [expressionToAdd] to [expressions] if is not present.
void _addIfNotPresent(
Expression expressionToAdd, List<Expression> expressions) {
if (_findFirst(expressionToAdd, expressions) == null) {
/// Computes all unique min sets, thereby disregarding the order for which they
/// were combined.
List<List<LogicExpression>> _uniqueMinSets(
List<List<LogicExpression>> minSets) {
var uniqueMinSets = <List<LogicExpression>>[];
for (int i = 0; i < minSets.length; i++) {
bool foundEqual = false;
for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
if (_areMinSetsEqual(minSets[i], minSets[j])) {
foundEqual = true;
if (!foundEqual) {
return uniqueMinSets;
/// Measures if two min sets are equal by checking that [minSet1] c [minSet2]
/// and minSet1.length == minSet2.length.
bool _areMinSetsEqual(
List<LogicExpression> minSet1, List<LogicExpression> minSet2) {
int found = 0;
for (var expression in minSet1) {
if (_findFirst(expression, minSet2) != null) {
found += 1;
return found == minSet2.length;
bool _isNegatedExpression(Expression expression) {
return expression is VariableExpression && expression.negate ||
expression is ComparisonExpression && expression.negate;
/// Gets all variables occurring in the [expression].
List<Expression> _getVariables(Expression expression) {
if (expression is LogicExpression) {
var variables = <Expression>[];
(e) => _getVariables(e).forEach((v) => _addIfNotPresent(v, variables)));
return variables;
if (expression is VariableExpression) {
return [new VariableExpression(expression.variable)];
if (expression is ComparisonExpression) {
throw new Exception("Cannot use ComparisonExpression for variables");
return [];
Expression negate(Expression expression, {bool positive: false}) {
if (expression is LogicExpression && expression.isOr) {
return new LogicExpression.and(expression.operands
.map((e) => negate(e, positive: !positive))
if (expression is LogicExpression && expression.isAnd) {
return new LogicExpression.or(expression.operands
.map((e) => negate(e, positive: !positive))
if (expression is ComparisonExpression) {
return new ComparisonExpression(
expression.left, expression.right, !expression.negate);
if (expression is VariableExpression) {
return new VariableExpression(expression.variable,
negate: !expression.negate);
return expression;
// Convert ComparisonExpressions to VariableExpression to make sure looking
// we can se individual variables truthiness in the [TruthTableEnvironment].
Expression _comparisonExpressionsToVariableExpressions(Expression expression) {
if (expression is LogicExpression) {
return new LogicExpression(
.map((exp) => _comparisonExpressionsToVariableExpressions(exp))
if (expression is ComparisonExpression) {
return new VariableExpression(
new Variable( + _comparisonToken + expression.right),
negate: expression.negate);
return expression;
Expression _recoverComparisonExpressions(Expression expression) {
if (expression is LogicExpression) {
return new LogicExpression(
.map((exp) => _recoverComparisonExpressions(exp))
if (expression is VariableExpression && {
int tokenIndex =;
return new ComparisonExpression(
new Variable(, tokenIndex)),
.substring(tokenIndex + _comparisonToken.length),
return expression;