blob: 6f23f6e961e7c9d9e0bba2f7814b55455b372bc4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library vm.metadata.inferred_type;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/src/printer.dart';
/// Metadata for annotating nodes with an inferred type information.
class InferredType {
final Reference? _concreteClassReference;
final Constant? _constantValue;
final int _flags;
static const int flagNullable = 1 << 0;
static const int flagInt = 1 << 1;
// For invocations: whether to use the unchecked entry-point.
static const int flagSkipCheck = 1 << 2;
static const int flagConstant = 1 << 3;
static const int flagReceiverNotInt = 1 << 4;
// Entire list may be null if no type arguments were inferred.
// Will always be null if `concreteClass` is null.
// Each component may be null if that particular type argument was not
// inferred.
// Otherwise, a non-null type argument indicates that that particular type
// argument (in the runtime type) is always exactly a particular `DartType`.
final List<DartType?>? exactTypeArguments;
Class? concreteClass, bool nullable, bool isInt, Constant? constantValue,
{List<DartType?>? exactTypeArguments,
bool skipCheck: false,
bool receiverNotInt: false})
: this._byReference(
(nullable ? flagNullable : 0) |
(isInt ? flagInt : 0) |
(skipCheck ? flagSkipCheck : 0) |
(constantValue != null ? flagConstant : 0) |
(receiverNotInt ? flagReceiverNotInt : 0),
InferredType._byReference(this._concreteClassReference, this._constantValue,
this._flags, this.exactTypeArguments) {
assert(exactTypeArguments == null || _concreteClassReference != null);
assert(_constantValue == null || _concreteClassReference != null);
Class? get concreteClass => _concreteClassReference?.asClass;
Constant? get constantValue => _constantValue;
bool get nullable => (_flags & flagNullable) != 0;
bool get isInt => (_flags & flagInt) != 0;
bool get skipCheck => (_flags & flagSkipCheck) != 0;
bool get receiverNotInt => (_flags & flagReceiverNotInt) != 0;
int get flags => _flags;
String toString() {
final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
if (concreteClass != null) {
} else if (isInt) {
} else {
if (nullable) {
if (exactTypeArguments != null) {
(t) => t != null ? "${t.toText(astTextStrategyForTesting)}" : "?")
.join(", "));
if (skipCheck) {
buf.write(' (skip check)');
if (_constantValue != null) {
' (value: ${_constantValue!.toText(astTextStrategyForTesting)})');
if (receiverNotInt) {
buf.write(' (receiver not int)');
return buf.toString();
/// Repository for [InferredType].
class InferredTypeMetadataRepository extends MetadataRepository<InferredType> {
static const String repositoryTag = 'vm.inferred-type.metadata';
String get tag => repositoryTag;
final Map<TreeNode, InferredType> mapping = <TreeNode, InferredType>{};
void writeToBinary(InferredType metadata, Node node, BinarySink sink) {
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Implement serialization of type arguments when can use
// them for optimizations.
sink.writeNullAllowedCanonicalNameReference(metadata.concreteClass != null
? getCanonicalNameOfClass(metadata.concreteClass!)
: null);
if (metadata.constantValue != null) {
InferredType readFromBinary(Node node, BinarySource source) {
// TODO(sjindel/tfa): Implement serialization of type arguments when can use
// them for optimizations.
final concreteClassReference =
final flags = source.readByte();
final constantValue = (flags & InferredType.flagConstant) != 0
? source.readConstantReference()
: null;
return new InferredType._byReference(
concreteClassReference, constantValue, flags, null);