blob: 02f6d92fd5362c53086d9aeb9e5cd121e294d1d3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart' show DartFormatter;
import 'ast_model.dart';
/// Generates a visitor library into [sb] based on [astModel] and [strategy].
/// If [format] is `false`, the generated output will _not_ be formatted using
/// the Dart formatter. Use this during development to support incomplete
/// generation.
String generateVisitor(AstModel astModel, VisitorStrategy strategy,
{bool format: true}) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
strategy.generateHeader(astModel, sb);
void addVisitNode(AstClass astClass) {
switch (astClass.kind) {
case AstClassKind.root:
case AstClassKind.inner:
if (astClass.hasVisitMethod) {
strategy.generateDefaultVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
for (AstClass subclass in astClass.subclasses) {
case AstClassKind.public:
case AstClassKind.named:
case AstClassKind.declarative:
if (astClass.hasVisitMethod) {
strategy.generateVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
case AstClassKind.implementation:
case AstClassKind.interface:
case AstClassKind.utilityAsStructure:
case AstClassKind.utilityAsValue:
void addVisitReference(AstClass astClass) {
switch (astClass.kind) {
case AstClassKind.root:
case AstClassKind.inner:
if (astClass.hasVisitReferenceMethod) {
strategy.generateDefaultVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
for (AstClass subclass in astClass.subclasses) {
case AstClassKind.public:
case AstClassKind.named:
case AstClassKind.declarative:
if (astClass.hasVisitReferenceMethod) {
strategy.generateVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
case AstClassKind.implementation:
case AstClassKind.interface:
case AstClassKind.utilityAsStructure:
case AstClassKind.utilityAsValue:
strategy.generateFooter(astModel, sb);
String result = sb.toString();
if (format) {
result = new DartFormatter().format(result);
return result;
/// Strategy for generating a visitor in its own library based on an [AstModel].
abstract class VisitorStrategy {
const VisitorStrategy();
/// Preamble comment used in the generated file.
String get preamble => '''
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Run '$generatorCommand' to update.
/// The command used to generate the visitor.
/// This is inserted in the [preamble] along with a comment that the file
/// is generated.
String get generatorCommand;
/// Comment used as doc comment for the generated visitor class.
String get visitorComment => '';
/// Generates the header of the visitor library, including preamble, imports
/// and visitor class declaration start.
void generateHeader(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb);
/// Generates a `defaultX` visitor method for [astClass].
void generateDefaultVisit(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb);
/// Generates a `visitX` visitor method for [astClass].
void generateVisit(AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb);
/// Generates a `defaultXReference` visitor method for [astClass].
void generateDefaultVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb);
/// Generates a `visitXReference` visitor method for [astClass].
void generateVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb);
/// Generates the footer of the visitor library, including the visitor class
/// declaration end.
void generateFooter(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb);
/// Base strategy for creating a [Visitor] implementation.
abstract class Visitor0Strategy extends VisitorStrategy {
const Visitor0Strategy();
/// The name of the generated visitor class.
String get visitorName;
/// The type parameters of the generated visitor class.
String get visitorTypeParameters => '';
/// The return type for the visitor methods.
/// The generated visitor will implement `Visitor<$returnType>`.
String get returnType;
void generateHeader(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb) {
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
class $visitorName$visitorTypeParameters implements Visitor<$returnType> {''');
void generateFooter(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb) {
void generateDefaultVisit(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} default${}(
${} node) {''');
handleDefaultVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `defaultX` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleDefaultVisit(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateVisit(AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} visit${}(
${} node) {''');
handleVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `visitX` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleVisit(AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateDefaultVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} default${}Reference(
${} node) {''');
handleDefaultVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `defaultXReference` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleDefaultVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} visit${}Reference(
${} node) {''');
handleVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `visitXReference` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
/// Strategy for creating an empty `Visitor<void>` implementation.
abstract class VoidVisitor0Strategy extends Visitor0Strategy {
const VoidVisitor0Strategy();
String get visitorName => 'VoidVisitor';
String get returnType => 'void';
/// Base strategy for creating a [Visitor1] implementation.
abstract class Visitor1Strategy extends VisitorStrategy {
const Visitor1Strategy();
/// The name of the generated visitor class.
String get visitorName;
/// The type parameters of the generated visitor class.
String get visitorTypeParameters => '';
/// The type of the argument of the visitor methods.
/// The generated visitor will implement
/// `Visitor1<$returnType, $argumentType>`.
String get argumentType;
/// The name of the argument parameter name.
String get argumentName => 'arg';
/// The return type for the visitor methods.
/// The generated visitor will implement
/// `Visitor1<$returnType, $argumentType>`.
String get returnType;
void generateHeader(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb) {
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
class $visitorName$visitorTypeParameters
implements Visitor1<$returnType, $argumentType> {''');
void generateFooter(AstModel astModel, StringBuffer sb) {
void generateDefaultVisit(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} default${}(
${} node, $argumentType $argumentName) {''');
handleDefaultVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `defaultX` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleDefaultVisit(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateVisit(AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} visit${}(
${} node, $argumentType $argumentName) {''');
handleVisit(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `visitX` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleVisit(AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateDefaultVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} default${}Reference(
${} node, $argumentType $argumentName) {''');
handleDefaultVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `defaultXReference` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleDefaultVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
void generateVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {
${returnType} visit${}Reference(
${} node, $argumentType $argumentName) {''');
handleVisitReference(astModel, astClass, sb);
/// Generates the body of a `visitXReference` visitor method of [astClass].
void handleVisitReference(
AstModel astModel, AstClass astClass, StringBuffer sb) {}
/// Strategy for creating an empty `Visitor1<void,Null>` implementation.
abstract class VoidVisitor1Strategy extends Visitor1Strategy {
const VoidVisitor1Strategy();
String get visitorName => 'VoidVisitor';
String get returnType => 'void';
String get argumentType => 'Null';
String get argumentName => '_';