blob: defba7d45cf6c2c952ad057b0c5ce3049e9d50fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:dds/dap.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'mocks.dart';
main() {
group('dart test adapter', () {
test('includes vmAdditionalArgs before run test:test', () async {
final adapter = MockDartTestDebugAdapter();
final responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final request = MockRequest();
final args = DartLaunchRequestArguments(
program: 'foo.dart',
vmAdditionalArgs: ['vm_arg'],
noDebug: true,
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(request, null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(request, args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.executable, equals(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
containsAllInOrder(['vm_arg', 'run', 'test:test', 'foo.dart']),
test('includes toolArgs after run test:test', () async {
final adapter = MockDartTestDebugAdapter();
final responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final request = MockRequest();
final args = DartLaunchRequestArguments(
program: 'foo.dart',
toolArgs: ['tool_arg'],
noDebug: true,
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(request, null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(request, args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.executable, equals(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
containsAllInOrder(['run', 'test:test', 'tool_arg', 'foo.dart']),
test('includes env', () async {
final adapter = MockDartTestDebugAdapter();
final responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final request = MockRequest();
final args = DartLaunchRequestArguments(
program: 'foo.dart',
env: {
'ENV1': 'VAL1',
'ENV2': 'VAL2',
noDebug: true,
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(request, null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(request, args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.executable, equals(Platform.resolvedExecutable));
expect(adapter.env!['ENV1'], 'VAL1');
expect(adapter.env!['ENV2'], 'VAL2');
group('includes customTool', () {
test('with no args replaced', () async {
final adapter = MockDartTestDebugAdapter();
final responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final request = MockRequest();
final args = DartLaunchRequestArguments(
program: 'foo.dart',
customTool: '/custom/dart',
noDebug: true,
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(request, null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(request, args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.executable, equals('/custom/dart'));
// args should be in-tact
expect(adapter.processArgs, containsAllInOrder(['run', 'test:test']));
test('with all args replaced', () async {
final adapter = MockDartTestDebugAdapter();
final responseCompleter = Completer<void>();
final request = MockRequest();
final args = DartLaunchRequestArguments(
program: 'foo.dart',
customTool: '/custom/dart',
customToolReplacesArgs: 9999, // replaces all built-in args
noDebug: true,
toolArgs: ['tool_args'], // should still be in args
await adapter.configurationDoneRequest(request, null, () {});
await adapter.launchRequest(request, args, responseCompleter.complete);
await responseCompleter.future;
expect(adapter.executable, equals('/custom/dart'));
// normal built-in args are replaced by customToolReplacesArgs, but
// user-provided toolArgs are not.
isNot(containsAllInOrder(['run', 'test:test'])),
expect(adapter.processArgs, contains('tool_args'));