blob: e9fbfcfba55ec2189178646b60c7c44ebf911f72 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
import 'dart:convert' as json;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/size_estimator.dart';
import 'debug_size_estimator.dart';
const String expressionsKey = 'expressions';
const String statementsKey = 'statements';
const String originalKey = 'original';
const String expectedKey = 'expected';
const String minifiedKey = 'minified';
DebugSizeEstimator debugSizeEstimator(Node node) {
DebugSizeEstimator debugSizeEstimator = DebugSizeEstimator();
// Always verify the actual results from the [SizeEstimator].
// This is the actual test, though DebugSizeEstimator is pretty trivial.
int actualEstimate = estimateSize(node);
Expect.equals(actualEstimate, debugSizeEstimator.charCount);
return debugSizeEstimator;
abstract class TestSuite {
String get key;
Node parse(String testCase);
String generateExpected(Node node) {
return debugSizeEstimator(node).resultString;
String generateMinified(Node node) {
return prettyPrint(node,
enableMinification: true,
preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput: true);
Map<String, String> goldenTestCase(goldenTestCaseJson) {
String original = goldenTestCaseJson[originalKey];
Node node = parse(original);
return {
originalKey: original,
expectedKey: generateExpected(node),
minifiedKey: generateMinified(node),
List<Map<String, String>> regenerateGoldens(currentGoldensJson) {
List<Map<String, String>> newGoldens = [];
for (var testCaseJson in currentGoldensJson) {
return newGoldens;
void verifyGoldens(goldensJson) {
for (var goldenTestCase in goldensJson) {
test(goldenTestCase[originalKey], goldenTestCase[expectedKey]);
void test(String original, String expected) {
var debugResults = debugSizeEstimator(parse(original));
Expect.equals(expected, debugResults.resultString);
Expect.equals(expected.length, debugResults.charCount);
class ExpressionTestSuite extends TestSuite {
String get key => expressionsKey;
Node parse(String expression) => js(expression);
class StatementTestSuite extends TestSuite {
String get key => statementsKey;
Node parse(String statement) => js.statement(statement);
List<TestSuite> testSuites = [
void generateGoldens(currentGoldens,
Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> newGoldens, List<TestSuite> suites) {
for (var suite in suites) {
newGoldens[suite.key] = suite.regenerateGoldens(currentGoldens[suite.key]);
void testGoldens(currentGoldens, List<TestSuite> suites) {
for (var suite in suites) {
void main(List<String> args) {
var goldenFile = 'pkg/compiler/test/js/size_estimator_expectations.json';
bool generate = args.contains('-g');
var currentGoldens = json.jsonDecode(File(goldenFile).readAsStringSync());
if (generate) {
Map<String, List<Map<String, String>>> newGoldens = {};
generateGoldens(currentGoldens, newGoldens, testSuites);
json.JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(newGoldens));
} else {
testGoldens(currentGoldens, testSuites);