blob: abbed83d372929e127e00e339dec34990b5b896c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as jsAst;
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' show js;
testExpression(String expression, [String expect = ""]) {
jsAst.Node node = js(expression);
String jsText = jsAst.prettyPrint(node, allowVariableMinification: false);
if (expect == "") {
Expect.stringEquals(expression, jsText);
} else {
Expect.stringEquals(expect, jsText);
/// Tests an arrow expression with implicit returns allowed and disallowed.
/// Only checks the immediate, outermost arrow function.
testArrowFunction(String arrowExpression,
[String implicitReturnExpect = "", String noImplicitReturnExpect = ""]) {
jsAst.ArrowFunction fun = js(arrowExpression);
jsAst.ArrowFunction implicitReturnFun = jsAst.ArrowFunction(
fun.params, fun.body,
asyncModifier: fun.asyncModifier, implicitReturnAllowed: true);
jsAst.ArrowFunction noImplicitReturnFun = jsAst.ArrowFunction(
fun.params, fun.body,
asyncModifier: fun.asyncModifier, implicitReturnAllowed: false);
String implicitReturnText =
jsAst.prettyPrint(implicitReturnFun, allowVariableMinification: false);
String noImplicitReturnText =
jsAst.prettyPrint(noImplicitReturnFun, allowVariableMinification: false);
String comparison =
implicitReturnExpect == "" ? arrowExpression : implicitReturnExpect;
Expect.stringEquals(comparison, implicitReturnText);
if (noImplicitReturnExpect == "") {
Expect.stringEquals(comparison, noImplicitReturnText);
} else {
Expect.stringEquals(noImplicitReturnExpect, noImplicitReturnText);
testError(String expression, [String expect = ""]) {
bool doCheck(exception) {
final exceptionText = '$exception';
'Missing "$expect" in "$exceptionText"');
return true;
Expect.throws(() => js(expression), doCheck);
void main() {
// Asterisk indicates deviations from real JS.
// Simple var test.
testExpression('var a = ""');
// Parse and print will normalize whitespace.
testExpression(' var a = "" ', 'var a = ""');
// Operator precedence.
testExpression('x = a + b * c');
testExpression('x = a * b + c');
testExpression('x = a + b * c + d');
testExpression('x = a * b + c * d');
'remaining = (remaining / 88) | 0', 'remaining = remaining / 88 | 0');
// Binary operators have left associativity.
testExpression('x = a + b + c');
// We can cope with relational operators and non-relational.
testExpression('a + b == c + d');
// The prettyprinter will insert braces where needed.
testExpression('a + (b == c) + d');
// We can handle () for calls.
testExpression('foo(bar, baz)');
// Chained calls without parentheses.
// Chained calls with and without new.
testExpression('new foo(bar)(baz)');
testExpression('constructor = new Function(str)()');
// The prettyprinter understands chained calls without extra parentheses.
testExpression('(foo(bar))(baz)', 'foo(bar)(baz)');
// Chains of dotting and calls.
// String literal.
testExpression('var x = "fisk"');
// String literal with \n.
testExpression(r'var x = "\n"');
// String literal with escaped quote.
testExpression(r'''var x = "\""''', r"""var x = '"'""");
// *No clever escapes.
testError(r'var x = "\x42"', 'Hex escapes not supported');
// Operator new.
testExpression('new Foo()');
// New with dotted access.
testExpression('new Frobinator.frobinate()');
testExpression('new Frobinator().frobinate()');
// The prettyprinter strips some superfluous parentheses.
'(new Frobinator()).frobinate()', 'new Frobinator().frobinate()');
// *We want a bracket on 'new'.
testError('new Foo', 'Parentheses are required');
testError('(new Foo)', 'Parentheses are required');
// Bogus operators.
testError('a +++ b', 'Unknown operator');
// This isn't perl. There are rules.
testError('a <=> b', 'Unknown operator');
// Typeof.
testExpression('typeof foo == "number"');
// Strange relation.
testExpression('a < b < c');
// Chained var.
testExpression('var x = 0, y = 1.2, z = 42');
// Empty object literal.
testExpression('foo({}, {})');
// *Can't handle non-empty object literals
testExpression('foo({meaning: 42})');
// Literals.
testExpression('x(false, true, null)');
// *We should really throw here.
testExpression('var false = 42');
testExpression('var new = 42');
// Bad keyword.
testError('var typeof = 42', "Expected ALPHA");
// Malformed decimal/hex.
testError('var x = 1.1.1', "Unparseable number");
testError('var x = 0xabcdefga', "Unparseable number");
testError('var x = 0xabcdef\$a', "Unparseable number");
testError('var x = 0x ', "Unparseable number");
// Good hex constants.
testExpression('var x = 0xff');
testExpression('var x = 0xff + 0xff');
testExpression('var x = 0xaF + 0x0123456789abcdefA');
// All sorts of keywords are allowed as property names in ES5.
testExpression(' = 0');
testExpression('x.delete = 0');
testExpression('x.for = 0');
testExpression('x.instanceof = 0');
testExpression(' = 0');
testExpression('x.void = 0');
testExpression('x.continue = 0');
// More unary.
testExpression('x = !x');
testExpression('!x == false');
testExpression('var foo = void 0');
testExpression('delete foo');
testExpression('x in y');
testExpression('x instanceof y');
testExpression('a * b in c * d');
testExpression('a * b instanceof c * d');
testError('x typeof y', 'Unparsed junk');
testExpression('x &= ~mask');
// Await is parsed as an unary prefix operator.
testExpression('var foo = await 0');
testExpression('await x++');
testExpression('void (await (x++))', 'void await x++');
testExpression('void (await x)++');
testExpression('++(await x)++');
// Adjacent tokens.
// Prefix ++ etc.
// Postfix ++ etc.
// Both!
// *We can't handle stacked unary operators (apart from !).
testError("x++ ++");
testError("++ typeof x");
testExpression(r"var $supportsProtoName = !!{}.__proto__");
// ++ used as a binary operator.
testError("x++ ++ 42");
// Shift operators.
testExpression("x << 5");
testExpression("x << y + 1");
testExpression("x <<= y + 1");
// Array initializers.
testExpression('x = ["foo", "bar", x[4]]');
testError("[42 42]");
testExpression('beebop([1, 2, 3])');
// Array literals with holes in them.
testExpression("[1,, 2]");
testExpression("[1,]", "[1]");
testExpression("[1,,]", "[1,,]");
testExpression("[, 42]");
// Ternary operator.
testExpression("x = a ? b : c");
testExpression("y = a == null ? b : a");
testExpression("y = a == null ? b + c : a + c");
testExpression("foo = a ? b : c ? d : e");
testExpression("foo = a ? b ? c : d : e");
testExpression("foo = (a = v) ? b = w : c = x ? d = y : e = z");
testExpression("foo = (a = v) ? b = w ? c = x : d = y : e = z");
// Stacked assignment.
testExpression("a = b = c");
testExpression("var a = b = c");
// Arrow functions.
testArrowFunction("(x) => x", "x => x");
"(x) => {\n return x;\n}", "x => x", "x => {\n return x;\n}");
testArrowFunction("(x, y) => {\n return x + y;\n}", "(x, y) => x + y",
"(x, y) => {\n return x + y;\n}");
testArrowFunction("() => 42");
testArrowFunction('() => ({foo: "bar"})');
testArrowFunction("() => {}", """
() => {
// Arrow function invocation.
testExpression("(() => 1)()");
testExpression("((x) => x)(y)", "(x => x)(y)");
testExpression("(() => {x = 1;})()", """
(() => {
x = 1;
// Arrow functions with operators.
testExpression("a = (b) => c", "a = b => c");
testExpression("a = ((b) => b)(c)", "a = (b => b)(c)");
testExpression("(x) => (y) => z + y", "x => y => z + y");
testExpression("!((x) => (y) => x + y)", "!(x => y => x + y)");
testExpression("(x) => !((y) => x + y)", "x => !(y => x + y)");
testExpression("(x) => (y) => !(x + y)", "x => y => !(x + y)");
testExpression("((x) => (y) => x + y) && z", "(x => y => x + y) && z");
testExpression("(x) => (((y) => x + y) && z)", "x => (y => x + y) && z");
testExpression("(x) => (y) => ((x + y) && z)", "x => y => x + y && z");
testExpression("z && ((x) => (y) => x + y)", "z && (x => y => x + y)");
testExpression("(x) => (z && ((y) => x + y))", "x => z && (y => x + y)");
testExpression("(x) => (y) => (z && x + y)", "x => y => z && x + y");
testExpression("(x) => (y) => ((z && x) + y)", "x => y => (z && x) + y");
// Methods.
testExpression("{ foo() {}, bar() {}, }", """
foo() {
bar() {