blob: 4db863b45db51932a4a7a3a12c53513f63fbbf9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/token.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/ast/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_collection.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/find_node.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../util/feature_sets.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AstCloneComparator extends AstComparator {
final bool expectTokensCopied;
bool isEqualNodes(AstNode? first, AstNode? second) {
if (first != null && identical(first, second)) {
fail('Failed to copy node: $first (${first.offset})');
return super.isEqualNodes(first, second);
bool isEqualTokens(Token? first, Token? second) {
if (expectTokensCopied && first != null && identical(first, second)) {
fail('Failed to copy token: ${first.lexeme} (${first.offset})');
var firstComment = first?.precedingComments;
if (firstComment != null) {
if (firstComment.parent != first) {
'Failed to link the comment "$firstComment" with the token "$first".');
return super.isEqualTokens(first, second);
class BooleanArrayTest {
void test_get_negative() {
try {
BooleanArray.get(0, -1);
fail("Expected ");
} on RangeError {
// Expected
void test_get_tooBig() {
try {
BooleanArray.get(0, 31);
fail("Expected ");
} on RangeError {
// Expected
void test_get_valid() {
expect(BooleanArray.get(0, 0), false);
expect(BooleanArray.get(1, 0), true);
expect(BooleanArray.get(0, 30), false);
expect(BooleanArray.get(1 << 30, 30), true);
void test_set_negative() {
try {
BooleanArray.set(0, -1, true);
fail("Expected ");
} on RangeError {
// Expected
void test_set_tooBig() {
try {
BooleanArray.set(0, 32, true);
fail("Expected ");
} on RangeError {
// Expected
void test_set_valueChanging() {
expect(BooleanArray.set(0, 0, true), 1);
expect(BooleanArray.set(1, 0, false), 0);
expect(BooleanArray.set(0, 30, true), 1 << 30);
expect(BooleanArray.set(1 << 30, 30, false), 0);
void test_set_valuePreserving() {
expect(BooleanArray.set(0, 0, false), 0);
expect(BooleanArray.set(1, 0, true), 1);
expect(BooleanArray.set(0, 30, false), 0);
expect(BooleanArray.set(1 << 30, 30, true), 1 << 30);
class LineInfoTest {
void test_creation() {
expect(LineInfo(<int>[0]), isNotNull);
void test_creation_empty() {
expect(() {
}, throwsArgumentError);
void test_fromContent_n() {
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent('a\nbb\nccc');
expect(lineInfo.lineStarts, <int>[0, 2, 5]);
void test_fromContent_r() {
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent('a\rbb\rccc');
expect(lineInfo.lineStarts, <int>[0, 2, 5]);
void test_fromContent_rn() {
var lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent('a\r\nbb\r\nccc');
expect(lineInfo.lineStarts, <int>[0, 3, 7]);
void test_getLocation_firstLine() {
LineInfo info = LineInfo(<int>[0, 12, 34]);
var location = info.getLocation(4);
expect(location.lineNumber, 1);
expect(location.columnNumber, 5);
void test_getLocation_lastLine() {
LineInfo info = LineInfo(<int>[0, 12, 34]);
var location = info.getLocation(36);
expect(location.lineNumber, 3);
expect(location.columnNumber, 3);
void test_getLocation_middleLine() {
LineInfo info = LineInfo(<int>[0, 12, 34]);
var location = info.getLocation(12);
expect(location.lineNumber, 2);
expect(location.columnNumber, 1);
void test_getOffsetOfLine() {
LineInfo info = LineInfo(<int>[0, 12, 34]);
expect(0, info.getOffsetOfLine(0));
expect(12, info.getOffsetOfLine(1));
expect(34, info.getOffsetOfLine(2));
void test_getOffsetOfLineAfter() {
LineInfo info = LineInfo(<int>[0, 12, 34]);
expect(info.getOffsetOfLineAfter(0), 12);
expect(info.getOffsetOfLineAfter(11), 12);
expect(info.getOffsetOfLineAfter(12), 34);
expect(info.getOffsetOfLineAfter(33), 34);
class NodeReplacerTest {
void test_adjacentStrings() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
'aaa' 'bbb';
var adjacentStrings = findNode.adjacentStrings('aaa');
destination: adjacentStrings,
child: adjacentStrings.strings[0],
replacement: adjacentStrings.strings[1],
void test_annotation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {}
destination: findNode.annotation('prefix.A'),
source: findNode.annotation('prefix.B'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.arguments!,
(node) => node.constructorName!,
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
void test_argumentList() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
g(0, 1);
var argumentList = findNode.argumentList('(0, 1)');
destination: argumentList,
child: argumentList.arguments[0],
replacement: argumentList.arguments[1],
void test_asExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
0 as int;
1 as int;
destination: findNode.as_('0 as'),
source: findNode.as_('1 as'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
(node) => node.type,
void test_assertStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
assert(true, 'first');
assert(true, 'second');
destination: findNode.assertStatement('first'),
source: findNode.assertStatement('second'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.condition,
(node) => node.message!,
void test_assignmentExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
a = 0;
b = 1;
destination: findNode.assignment('a ='),
source: findNode.assignment('b ='),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.leftHandSide,
(node) => node.rightHandSide,
void test_awaitExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() async {
await 0;
await 1;
destination: findNode.awaitExpression('0'),
source: findNode.awaitExpression('1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_binaryExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
0 + 1;
1 + 2;
destination: findNode.binary('0 + 1'),
source: findNode.binary('1 + 2'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.leftOperand,
(node) => node.rightOperand,
void test_block() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
var block = findNode.block('{');
destination: block,
child: block.statements[0],
replacement: block.statements[1],
void test_blockFunctionBody() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
void g() {
destination: findNode.blockFunctionBody('fff'),
source: findNode.blockFunctionBody('ggg'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.block,
(node) => node.block,
void test_breakStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
while (true) {
break first;
break second;
destination: findNode.breakStatement('first'),
source: findNode.breakStatement('second'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.label!,
void test_cascadeExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {;;
var cascadeExpression = findNode.cascade('0');
destination: cascadeExpression,
child: cascadeExpression.cascadeSections[0],
replacement: cascadeExpression.cascadeSections[1],
destination: findNode.cascade('0'),
source: findNode.cascade('1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
void test_catchClause() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
try {} on E catch (e, st) {}
try {} on E2 catch (e2, st2) {}
destination: findNode.catchClause('(e,'),
source: findNode.catchClause('(e2,'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.exceptionType!,
(node) => node.exceptionParameter!,
(node) => node.stackTraceParameter!,
(node) => node.body,
void test_classDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
/// Comment A.
class A<T> extends A0 with M implements I {
void foo() {}
void bar() {}
/// Comment B.
class B<U> extends B0 with N implements J {}
var A = findNode.classDeclaration('A<T>');
destination: A,
child: A.members[0],
replacement: A.members[1],
destination: findNode.classDeclaration('A<T>'),
source: findNode.classDeclaration('B<U>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.documentationComment!,
(node) => node.extendsClause!,
(node) => node.implementsClause!,
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.withClause!,
void test_classTypeAlias() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
/// Comment A.
class A<T> = A0 with M implements I;
/// Comment B.
class B<U> = B0 with N implements J;
destination: findNode.classTypeAlias('A<T>'),
source: findNode.classTypeAlias('B<U>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.documentationComment!,
(node) => node.superclass,
(node) => node.implementsClause!,
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.withClause,
void test_comment() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
/// Has [foo] and [bar].
void f() {}
var comment = findNode.comment('Has');
destination: comment,
child: comment.references[0],
replacement: comment.references[1],
void test_commentReference() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
/// Has [foo] and [bar].
void f() {}
destination: findNode.commentReference('foo'),
source: findNode.commentReference('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_compilationUnit() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
class A {}
class B {}
var unit = findNode.unit;
destination: unit,
child: unit.directives[0],
replacement: unit.directives[1],
destination: unit,
child: unit.declarations[0],
replacement: unit.declarations[1],
void test_conditionalExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
true ? 0 : 1;
false ? 2 : 3;
destination: findNode.conditionalExpression('true'),
source: findNode.conditionalExpression('false'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.condition,
(node) => node.thenExpression,
(node) => node.elseExpression,
void test_constructorDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
A.named(int a) : b = 0, c = 1;
class B {
B.named(int b);
destination: findNode.constructor('A.named'),
source: findNode.constructor('B.named'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.body,
(node) =>!,
(node) => node.parameters,
(node) => node.returnType,
void test_constructorDeclaration_redirectedConstructor() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
factory A() = R;
class B {
factory B() = R;
destination: findNode.constructor('factory A'),
source: findNode.constructor('factory B'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.redirectedConstructor!,
void test_constructorFieldInitializer() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
A() : a = 0, b = 1;
destination: findNode.constructorFieldInitializer('a ='),
source: findNode.constructorFieldInitializer('b ='),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.fieldName,
(node) => node.expression,
void test_constructorName() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.constructorName(''),
source: findNode.constructorName(''),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.type,
(node) =>!,
void test_continueStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
while (true) {
continue first;
continue second;
destination: findNode.continueStatement('first'),
source: findNode.continueStatement('second'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.label!,
void test_declaredIdentifier() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
for (int i in []) {}
for (double j in []) {}
destination: findNode.declaredIdentifier('i in'),
source: findNode.declaredIdentifier('j in'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.identifier,
(node) => node.type!,
void test_defaultFormalParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f({int a = 0, double b = 1}) {}
destination: findNode.defaultParameter('a ='),
source: findNode.defaultParameter('b ='),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.parameter,
(node) => node.defaultValue!,
void test_doStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f({int a = 0, double b = 1}) {}
destination: findNode.defaultParameter('a ='),
source: findNode.defaultParameter('b ='),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.parameter,
(node) => node.defaultValue!,
void test_enumConstantDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
enum E {
destination: findNode.enumConstantDeclaration('aaa'),
source: findNode.enumConstantDeclaration('bbb'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
void test_enumDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
enum E1<T> with M1 implements I1 {one, two}
enum E2<U> with M2 implements I2 {one, two}
destination: findNode.enumDeclaration('enum E1'),
source: findNode.enumDeclaration('enum E2'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.withClause!,
(node) => node.implementsClause!,
void test_enumDeclaration_constants() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
enum E1 {one}
enum E2 {two}
destination: findNode.enumDeclaration('enum E1'),
child: findNode.enumConstantDeclaration('one'),
replacement: findNode.enumConstantDeclaration('two'),
void test_enumDeclaration_members() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
enum E1 {one; void foo() {}}
enum E2 {two; void bar() {}}
destination: findNode.enumDeclaration('enum E1'),
child: findNode.methodDeclaration('foo'),
replacement: findNode.methodDeclaration('bar'),
void test_exportDirective() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
export 'a.dart' hide A show B;
export 'b.dart';
var export_a = findNode.export('a.dart');
destination: export_a,
child: export_a.combinators[0],
replacement: export_a.combinators[1],
destination: findNode.export('a.dart'),
source: findNode.export('b.dart'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.uri,
void test_expressionFunctionBody() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() => 0;
void g() => 1;
destination: findNode.expressionFunctionBody('0'),
source: findNode.expressionFunctionBody('1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_expressionStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.expressionStatement('0'),
source: findNode.expressionStatement('1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_extendsClause() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A extends A0 {}
class B extends B0 {}
destination: findNode.extendsClause('A0'),
source: findNode.extendsClause('B0'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.superclass,
void test_fieldDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
int bar = 0;
class B extends B0 {}
destination: findNode.fieldDeclaration('foo'),
source: findNode.fieldDeclaration('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.fields,
void test_fieldFormalParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
int<T>(int a),
int<U>(int b),
var foo = findNode.fieldFormalParameter('foo');
destination: findNode.fieldFormalParameter('foo'),
source: findNode.fieldFormalParameter('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.identifier,
(node) => node.parameters!,
(node) => node.type!,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
void test_forEachPartsWithDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
for (int a in []) {}
for (int b in []) {}
destination: findNode.forEachPartsWithDeclaration('a in'),
source: findNode.forEachPartsWithDeclaration('b in'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.loopVariable,
(node) => node.iterable,
void test_forEachPartsWithIdentifier() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
for (a in []) {}
for (b in []) {}
destination: findNode.forEachPartsWithIdentifier('a in'),
source: findNode.forEachPartsWithIdentifier('b in'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.identifier,
(node) => node.iterable,
void test_forEachStatement_withIdentifier() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f(int a) {
for (a in []) {}
for (b in []) {}
destination: findNode.forStatement('a in'),
source: findNode.forStatement('b in'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.body,
(node) => node.forLoopParts,
void test_formalParameterList() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f(int a, int b) {}
destination: findNode.formalParameterList('int a'),
child: findNode.simpleFormalParameter('int a'),
replacement: findNode.simpleFormalParameter('int b'),
void test_forPartsWithDeclarations() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++, i += 2) {}
for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {}
var for_i = findNode.forPartsWithDeclarations('i = 0');
destination: for_i,
child: for_i.updaters[0],
replacement: for_i.updaters[1],
destination: for_i,
source: findNode.forPartsWithDeclarations('j = 0'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.variables,
(node) => node.condition!,
void test_forPartsWithExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, i += 2) {}
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {}
var for_i = findNode.forPartsWithExpression('i = 0');
destination: for_i,
child: for_i.updaters[0],
replacement: for_i.updaters[1],
destination: for_i,
source: findNode.forPartsWithExpression('j = 0'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.initialization!,
(node) => node.condition!,
void test_functionDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
int f() => 0;
double g() => 0;
destination: findNode.functionDeclaration('f()'),
source: findNode.functionDeclaration('g()'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.functionExpression,
(node) =>,
(node) => node.returnType!,
void test_functionDeclarationStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
void g() {}
void h() {}
destination: findNode.functionDeclarationStatement('g()'),
source: findNode.functionDeclarationStatement('h()'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.functionDeclaration,
void test_functionExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f<T>(int a) {
void g<U>(double b) {
destination: findNode.functionExpression('<T>'),
source: findNode.functionExpression('<U>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.body,
(node) => node.parameters!,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
void test_functionExpressionInvocation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('<int>'),
source: findNode.functionExpressionInvocation('<double>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.function,
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
(node) => node.argumentList,
void test_functionTypeAlias() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
typedef int F<T>(int a);
typedef double G<U>(double b);
findNode.functionTypeAlias('int F'),
destination: findNode.functionTypeAlias('int F'),
source: findNode.functionTypeAlias('double G'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.parameters,
(node) => node.returnType!,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
void test_functionTypedFormalParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f(
int a<T>(int a1),
double b<U>(double b2),
) {}
var a = findNode.functionTypedFormalParameter('a<T>');
destination: findNode.functionTypedFormalParameter('a<T>'),
source: findNode.functionTypedFormalParameter('b<U>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.returnType!,
(node) => node.identifier,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.parameters,
void test_hideCombinator() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
import '' hide A, B;
var node = findNode.hideCombinator('hide');
destination: node,
child: node.hiddenNames[0],
replacement: node.hiddenNames[1],
void test_ifStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
if (true) {
} else {
if (false) {
} else {
destination: findNode.ifStatement('true'),
source: findNode.ifStatement('false'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.condition,
(node) => node.thenStatement,
(node) => node.elseStatement!,
void test_implementsClause() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A implements I, J {}
var node = findNode.implementsClause('implements');
destination: node,
child: node.interfaces[0],
replacement: node.interfaces[1],
void test_importDirective() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
import 'a.dart' hide A show B;
import 'b.dart';
var import_a = findNode.import('a.dart');
destination: import_a,
child: import_a.combinators[0],
replacement: import_a.combinators[1],
destination: findNode.import('a.dart'),
source: findNode.import('b.dart'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.uri,
void test_indexExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.index('[0]'),
source: findNode.index('[1]'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>!,
(node) => node.index,
void test_instanceCreationExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
new A(0);
new B(1);
destination: findNode.instanceCreation('A('),
source: findNode.instanceCreation('B('),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.constructorName,
(node) => node.argumentList,
void test_interpolationExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
'$foo $bar';
destination: findNode.interpolationExpression('foo'),
source: findNode.interpolationExpression('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_isExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
0 is int;
1 is double;
destination: findNode.isExpression('0 is'),
source: findNode.isExpression('1 is'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
(node) => node.type,
void test_label() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
foo: while (true) {}
bar: while (true) {}
destination: findNode.label('foo:'),
source: findNode.label('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.label,
void test_labeledStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
foo: bar: 0;
baz: 1;
var foo = findNode.labeledStatement('foo');
destination: foo,
child: foo.labels[0],
replacement: foo.labels[1],
destination: foo,
source: findNode.labeledStatement('baz'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.statement,
void test_libraryDirective() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
library foo;
var node = findNode.libraryDirective;
destination: node,
source: node,
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
void test_libraryIdentifier() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
var node = findNode.libraryIdentifier('foo');
destination: node,
child: node.components[0],
replacement: node.components[1],
void test_listLiteral() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
<int>[0, 1];
var node = findNode.listLiteral('[0');
destination: node,
child: node.elements[0],
replacement: node.elements[1],
destination: findNode.listLiteral('<int>'),
source: findNode.listLiteral('<double>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
void test_mapLiteralEntry() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
<int, int>{0: 1, 2: 3};
destination: findNode.mapLiteralEntry('0: 1'),
source: findNode.mapLiteralEntry('2: 3'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.key,
(node) => node.value,
void test_methodDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
int foo<T>(int a) {}
double bar<U>(double b) {}
var foo = findNode.methodDeclaration('foo');
destination: foo,
source: findNode.methodDeclaration('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.returnType!,
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.parameters!,
(node) => node.body,
void test_methodInvocation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {<int>(0);<double>(1);
destination: findNode.methodInvocation('foo'),
source: findNode.methodInvocation('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>!,
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
(node) => node.argumentList,
void test_namedExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
g(foo: 0, bar: 1);
destination: findNode.namedExpression('foo'),
source: findNode.namedExpression('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.expression,
void test_nativeClause() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A native 'foo' {}
class B native 'bar' {}
destination: findNode.nativeClause('foo'),
source: findNode.nativeClause('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>!,
void test_nativeFunctionBody() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() native 'foo';
void g() native 'bar';
destination: findNode.nativeFunctionBody('foo'),
source: findNode.nativeFunctionBody('bar'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.stringLiteral!,
void test_parenthesizedExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.parenthesized('0'),
source: findNode.parenthesized('1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_partDirective() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
part 'a.dart';
part 'b.dart';
var part_a = findNode.part('a.dart');
destination: findNode.part('a.dart'),
source: findNode.part('b.dart'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.uri,
void test_partOfDirective() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
part of 'a.dart';
var partOf_a = findNode.partOf('a.dart');
destination: findNode.partOf('a.dart'),
source: findNode.partOf('a.dart'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.uri!,
void test_postfixExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.postfix('a++'),
source: findNode.postfix('b++'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.operand,
void test_prefixedIdentifier() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {;;
destination: findNode.prefixed(''),
source: findNode.prefixed(''),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.prefix,
(node) => node.identifier,
void test_prefixExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.prefix('++a'),
source: findNode.prefix('++b'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.operand,
void test_propertyAccess() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
destination: findNode.propertyAccess('(a)'),
source: findNode.propertyAccess('(b)'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>!,
(node) => node.propertyName,
void test_redirectingConstructorInvocation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
A.named(); : this.named(0); : this.named(1);
destination: findNode.redirectingConstructorInvocation('(0)'),
source: findNode.redirectingConstructorInvocation('(1)'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.constructorName!,
(node) => node.argumentList,
void test_returnStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
return 0;
return 1;
destination: findNode.returnStatement('0;'),
source: findNode.returnStatement('1;'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression!,
void test_setOrMapLiteral() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
<int, int>{0: 1, 2: 3};
<double, double>{};
var node = findNode.setOrMapLiteral('<int');
destination: node,
child: node.elements[0],
replacement: node.elements[1],
destination: findNode.setOrMapLiteral('<int'),
source: findNode.setOrMapLiteral('<double'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
void test_showCombinator() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
import '' show A, B;
var node = findNode.showCombinator('show');
destination: node,
child: node.shownNames[0],
replacement: node.shownNames[1],
void test_simpleFormalParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f(
int a,
int b
) {}
var a = findNode.simpleFormalParameter('int a');
destination: a,
source: findNode.simpleFormalParameter('int b'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.type!,
(node) => node.identifier!,
void test_stringInterpolation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
'my $foo other $bar';
var node = findNode.stringInterpolation('foo');
destination: node,
child: node.elements[0],
replacement: node.elements[1],
void test_superConstructorInvocation() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A { : super.first(0); : super.second(0);
destination: findNode.superConstructorInvocation('first'),
source: findNode.superConstructorInvocation('second'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.constructorName!,
(node) => node.argumentList,
void test_superFormalParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
A(num a);
class B extends A {
B.sub1(int super.a1);
B.sub2(double super.a2);
destination: findNode.superFormalParameter('a1'),
source: findNode.superFormalParameter('a2'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.type!,
(node) => node.identifier,
void test_superFormalParameter_functionTyped() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A {
A(int foo<T>(int a));
class B extends A {
B.sub1(double super.bar1<T1>(int a1),);
B.sub2(double super.bar2<T2>(int a2),);
destination: findNode.superFormalParameter('bar1'),
source: findNode.superFormalParameter('bar2'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.type!,
(node) => node.identifier,
(node) => node.typeParameters!,
(node) => node.parameters!,
void test_switchCase() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
switch (x) {
foo: bar:
case 0: 0; 1;
case 1: break;
findNode.switchCase('case 0'),
destination: findNode.switchCase('case 0'),
source: findNode.switchCase('case 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_switchDefault() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
switch (x) {
foo: bar:
default: 0; 1;
findNode.switchDefault('default: 0'),
void test_switchStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
switch (0) {
case 0: break;
case 1: break;
switch (1) {}
destination: findNode.switchStatement('(0)'),
child: findNode.switchCase('case 0'),
replacement: findNode.switchCase('case 1'),
destination: findNode.switchStatement('(0)'),
source: findNode.switchStatement('(1)'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_throwExpression() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
throw 0;
throw 1;
destination: findNode.throw_('throw 0'),
source: findNode.throw_('throw 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
void test_topLevelVariableDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
var a = 0;
var b = 1;
findNode.topLevelVariableDeclaration('a = 0'),
destination: findNode.topLevelVariableDeclaration('a = 0'),
source: findNode.topLevelVariableDeclaration('b = 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.variables,
void test_tryStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
try { // 0
} on E1 {
} on E2 {
} finally {
try { // 1
} finally {
destination: findNode.tryStatement('// 0'),
child: findNode.catchClause('E1'),
replacement: findNode.catchClause('E2'),
destination: findNode.tryStatement('// 0'),
source: findNode.tryStatement('// 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.body,
(node) => node.finallyBlock!,
void test_typeArgumentList() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
g<int, double>();
destination: findNode.typeArgumentList('<int'),
child: findNode.namedType('int'),
replacement: findNode.namedType('double'),
void test_typeName() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f(List<int> a, Set<double> b) {}
destination: findNode.namedType('List<int>'),
source: findNode.namedType('Set<double>'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.typeArguments!,
void test_typeParameter() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A<T extends int, U extends double> {}
destination: findNode.typeParameter('T extends'),
source: findNode.typeParameter('U extends'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.bound!,
void test_typeParameterList() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A<T, U> {}
var node = findNode.typeParameterList('<T, U>');
destination: node,
child: node.typeParameters[0],
replacement: node.typeParameters[1],
void test_variableDeclaration() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
var a = 0;
var b = 1;
destination: findNode.variableDeclaration('a = 0'),
source: findNode.variableDeclaration('b = 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) =>,
(node) => node.initializer!,
void test_variableDeclarationList() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
int a = 0, b = 1;
double c = 2;
destination: findNode.variableDeclarationList('int a'),
child: findNode.variableDeclaration('a = 0'),
replacement: findNode.variableDeclaration('b = 1'),
destination: findNode.variableDeclarationList('int a'),
source: findNode.variableDeclarationList('double c'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.type!,
void test_variableDeclarationStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
int a = 0;
double b = 1;
destination: findNode.variableDeclarationStatement('int a'),
source: findNode.variableDeclarationStatement('double b'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.variables,
void test_whileStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() {
while (true) {
while (false) {
destination: findNode.whileStatement('(true)'),
source: findNode.whileStatement('(false)'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.condition,
(node) => node.body,
void test_withClause() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
class A with M, N {}
var node = findNode.withClause('with');
destination: node,
child: node.mixinTypes[0],
replacement: node.mixinTypes[1],
void test_yieldStatement() {
var findNode = _parseStringToFindNode(r'''
void f() sync* {
yield 0;
yield 1;
destination: findNode.yieldStatement('yield 0;'),
source: findNode.yieldStatement('yield 1'),
childAccessors: [
(node) => node.expression,
/// Asserts that the first annotation can be replaced with the second.
/// Expects that [node] has at least 2 annotations.
void _assertAnnotatedNode(AnnotatedNode node) {
destination: node,
child: node.metadata[0],
replacement: node.metadata[1],
/// Asserts that the first annotation can be replaced with the second.
/// Expects that [node] has at least 2 annotations.
void _assertFormalParameterMetadata(FormalParameter node) {
destination: node,
child: node.metadata[0],
replacement: node.metadata[1],
/// Asserts that a [child] node, with parent that is [destination], can
/// by replaced with the [replacement], and then its parent is [destination].
void _assertReplaceInList({
required AstNode destination,
required AstNode child,
required AstNode replacement,
}) {
expect(child.parent, destination);
NodeReplacer.replace(child, replacement);
expect(replacement.parent, destination);
/// Asserts for each child returned by a function from [childAccessors]
/// for [destination] that its parent is actually [destination], and then
/// replaces it with a node returned this function for [source]. At the end,
/// checks that the function, invoked for [destination] now returns the
/// replacement node, and its parent is now [destination].
void _assertReplacementForChildren<T extends AstNode>({
required T destination,
required T source,
required List<AstNode Function(T node)> childAccessors,
}) {
for (var childAccessor in childAccessors) {
var child = childAccessor(destination);
expect(child.parent, destination);
var replacement = childAccessor(source);
NodeReplacer.replace(child, replacement);
expect(childAccessor(destination), replacement);
expect(replacement.parent, destination);
void _assertSwitchMember(SwitchMember node) {
destination: node,
child: node.labels[0],
replacement: node.labels[1],
destination: node,
child: node.statements[0],
replacement: node.statements[1],
FindNode _parseStringToFindNode(String content) {
var parseResult = parseString(
content: content,
featureSet: FeatureSets.latestWithExperiments,
return FindNode(parseResult.content, parseResult.unit);
class SourceRangeTest {
void test_access() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(10, 1);
expect(r.offset, 10);
expect(r.length, 1);
expect(r.end, 10 + 1);
// to check
void test_contains() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
expect(r.contains(5), isTrue);
expect(r.contains(10), isTrue);
expect(r.contains(15), isTrue);
expect(r.contains(0), isFalse);
expect(r.contains(16), isFalse);
void test_containsExclusive() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
expect(r.containsExclusive(5), isFalse);
expect(r.containsExclusive(10), isTrue);
expect(r.containsExclusive(14), isTrue);
expect(r.containsExclusive(0), isFalse);
expect(r.containsExclusive(15), isFalse);
void test_coveredBy() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
// ends before
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(20, 10)), isFalse);
// starts after
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(0, 3)), isFalse);
// only intersects
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(0, 10)), isFalse);
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(10, 10)), isFalse);
// covered
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(0, 20)), isTrue);
expect(r.coveredBy(SourceRange(5, 10)), isTrue);
void test_covers() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
// ends before
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(0, 3)), isFalse);
// starts after
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(20, 3)), isFalse);
// only intersects
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(0, 10)), isFalse);
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(10, 10)), isFalse);
// covers
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(5, 10)), isTrue);
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(6, 9)), isTrue);
expect(r.covers(SourceRange(6, 8)), isTrue);
void test_endsIn() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
// ends before
expect(r.endsIn(SourceRange(20, 10)), isFalse);
// starts after
expect(r.endsIn(SourceRange(0, 3)), isFalse);
// ends
expect(r.endsIn(SourceRange(10, 20)), isTrue);
expect(r.endsIn(SourceRange(0, 20)), isTrue);
void test_equals() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(10, 1);
// ignore: unrelated_type_equality_checks
expect(r == this, isFalse);
expect(r == SourceRange(20, 2), isFalse);
expect(r == SourceRange(10, 1), isTrue);
expect(r == r, isTrue);
void test_getExpanded() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 3);
expect(r.getExpanded(0), r);
expect(r.getExpanded(2), SourceRange(3, 7));
expect(r.getExpanded(-1), SourceRange(6, 1));
void test_getMoveEnd() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 3);
expect(r.getMoveEnd(0), r);
expect(r.getMoveEnd(3), SourceRange(5, 6));
expect(r.getMoveEnd(-1), SourceRange(5, 2));
void test_getTranslated() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 3);
expect(r.getTranslated(0), r);
expect(r.getTranslated(2), SourceRange(7, 3));
expect(r.getTranslated(-1), SourceRange(4, 3));
void test_getUnion() {
SourceRange(10, 10).getUnion(SourceRange(15, 10)), SourceRange(10, 15));
SourceRange(15, 10).getUnion(SourceRange(10, 10)), SourceRange(10, 15));
// "other" is covered/covers
SourceRange(10, 10).getUnion(SourceRange(15, 2)), SourceRange(10, 10));
SourceRange(15, 2).getUnion(SourceRange(10, 10)), SourceRange(10, 10));
void test_intersects() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 3);
// null
expect(r.intersects(null), isFalse);
// ends before
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(0, 5)), isFalse);
// begins after
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(8, 5)), isFalse);
// begins on same offset
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(5, 1)), isTrue);
// begins inside, ends inside
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(6, 1)), isTrue);
// begins inside, ends after
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(6, 10)), isTrue);
// begins before, ends after
expect(r.intersects(SourceRange(0, 10)), isTrue);
void test_startsIn() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(5, 10);
// ends before
expect(r.startsIn(SourceRange(20, 10)), isFalse);
// starts after
expect(r.startsIn(SourceRange(0, 3)), isFalse);
// starts
expect(r.startsIn(SourceRange(5, 1)), isTrue);
expect(r.startsIn(SourceRange(0, 20)), isTrue);
void test_toString() {
SourceRange r = SourceRange(10, 1);
expect(r.toString(), "[offset=10, length=1]");