blob: 5d85ebb706c5f9030aa49ebe7ecc29ef6ea8b8b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
// Test that the type and subtyping relationships between static interop,
// non-static interop, and Native classes are well-formed.
library type_test;
import 'dart:_interceptors' show JavaScriptObject;
import 'package:expect/minitest.dart';
import 'package:js/js.dart';
import '../native_testing.dart';
import '../native_testing.dart' as native_testing;
NativeClass makeNativeClass() native;
class NativeClass extends JavaScriptObject {
factory NativeClass() => makeNativeClass();
class StaticNativeClass {
external StaticNativeClass();
class JSClass {
external JSClass();
class StaticJSClass {
external StaticJSClass();
class AnonymousClass {
external factory();
class GenericStaticJSClass<T> {}
NativeClass returnNativeClass() => throw '';
StaticNativeClass returnStaticNativeClass() => throw '';
JSClass returnJSClass() => throw '';
StaticJSClass returnStaticJSClass() => throw '';
AnonymousClass returnAnonymousClass() => throw '';
GenericStaticJSClass<int> returnGenericStaticJSClassInt() => throw '';
void main() {
native_testing.JS('', r'''
function NativeClass() {}
self.NativeClass = NativeClass;
self.makeNativeClass = function(){return new NativeClass()};
function JSClass() {}
self.JSClass = JSClass;
var nativeClass = NativeClass();
var staticNativeClass = StaticNativeClass();
var jsClass = JSClass();
var staticJsClass = StaticJSClass();
var anonymousClass = AnonymousClass();
// Native objects can be interop'd with static interop classes.
expect(nativeClass is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(confuse(nativeClass) is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(() => nativeClass as StaticNativeClass, returnsNormally);
expect(staticNativeClass is NativeClass, true);
expect(confuse(staticNativeClass) is NativeClass, true);
expect(() => staticNativeClass as NativeClass, returnsNormally);
// Likewise, non-native JS objects can be interop'd with static interop
// classes as well.
expect(jsClass is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(confuse(jsClass) is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(() => jsClass as StaticJSClass, returnsNormally);
expect(staticJsClass is JSClass, true);
expect(confuse(staticJsClass) is JSClass, true);
expect(() => staticJsClass as JSClass, returnsNormally);
expect(anonymousClass is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(confuse(anonymousClass) is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(() => anonymousClass as StaticJSClass, returnsNormally);
expect(staticJsClass is AnonymousClass, true);
expect(confuse(staticJsClass) is AnonymousClass, true);
expect(() => staticJsClass as AnonymousClass, returnsNormally);
// With erasure, all static interop classes become the same type, so you can
// cast either interop or native objects to them regardless of the underlying
// class.
expect(staticNativeClass is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(confuse(staticNativeClass) is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(() => staticNativeClass as StaticJSClass, returnsNormally);
expect(staticJsClass is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(confuse(staticJsClass) is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(() => staticJsClass as StaticNativeClass, returnsNormally);
expect(nativeClass is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(confuse(nativeClass) is StaticJSClass, true);
expect(() => nativeClass as StaticJSClass, returnsNormally);
expect(jsClass is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(confuse(jsClass) is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(() => jsClass as StaticNativeClass, returnsNormally);
expect(anonymousClass is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(confuse(anonymousClass) is StaticNativeClass, true);
expect(() => anonymousClass as StaticNativeClass, returnsNormally);
// You cannot, however, always cast from a static interop type to an interop
// type or a native type. That will depend on whether the object is an interop
// object or a native object.
expect(staticNativeClass is JSClass, false);
expect(confuse(staticNativeClass) is JSClass, false);
expect(() => staticNativeClass as JSClass, throws);
expect(staticNativeClass is AnonymousClass, false);
expect(confuse(staticNativeClass) is AnonymousClass, false);
expect(() => staticNativeClass as AnonymousClass, throws);
expect(staticJsClass is NativeClass, false);
expect(confuse(staticJsClass) is NativeClass, false);
expect(() => staticJsClass as NativeClass, throws);
// Subtyping rules.
// Note that erasure ignores all static class type parameters so this
// comparison becomes
// `JavaScriptObject Function() is JavaScriptObject Function()`. This behavior
// is similar to non-static interop classes.
returnGenericStaticJSClassInt is GenericStaticJSClass<String> Function(),
confuse(returnGenericStaticJSClassInt) is GenericStaticJSClass<String>
() => returnGenericStaticJSClassInt as GenericStaticJSClass<String>
// static interop class A <: static interop class A
expect(returnStaticNativeClass is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
confuse(returnStaticNativeClass) is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
expect(returnStaticJSClass is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnStaticJSClass) is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
// static interop class A <: static interop class B
expect(returnStaticNativeClass is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnStaticNativeClass) is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(returnStaticJSClass is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnStaticJSClass) is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
// static interop class !<: native class
expect(returnStaticNativeClass is NativeClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticNativeClass) is NativeClass Function(), false);
expect(returnStaticJSClass is NativeClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticJSClass) is NativeClass Function(), false);
// static interop class !<: package:js class
expect(returnStaticNativeClass is JSClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticNativeClass) is JSClass Function(), false);
expect(returnStaticJSClass is JSClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticJSClass) is JSClass Function(), false);
// static interop class !<: anonymous class
expect(returnStaticNativeClass is AnonymousClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticNativeClass) is AnonymousClass Function(), false);
expect(returnStaticJSClass is AnonymousClass Function(), false);
expect(confuse(returnStaticJSClass) is AnonymousClass Function(), false);
// native class <: static interop class
expect(returnNativeClass is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnNativeClass) is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(returnNativeClass is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnNativeClass) is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
// package:js class <: static interop class
// TODO(46456): The runtime check using `confuse` does not fail, whereas the
// compile-time check does on dart2js.
// expect(returnJSClass is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnJSClass) is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
// TODO(46456): The runtime check using `confuse` does not fail, whereas the
// compile-time check does on dart2js.
// expect(returnJSClass is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnJSClass) is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
// anonymous class <: static interop class
// TODO(46456): The runtime check using `confuse` does not fail, whereas the
// compile-time check does on dart2js.
// expect(returnAnonymousClass is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnAnonymousClass) is StaticJSClass Function(), true);
// TODO(46456): The runtime check using `confuse` does not fail, whereas the
// compile-time check does on dart2js.
// expect(returnAnonymousClass is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);
expect(confuse(returnAnonymousClass) is StaticNativeClass Function(), true);