blob: bc800dcd77414e79b94862e116ce767a2aa7b215 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Given an expression E having type `Null`, the reason that `if (x != E)`
// doesn't promote x's type to non-nullable is because evaluation of the
// expression may change the value of `x`. (Consider, for example, if E is the
// expression `(x = null)`). This test demonstrates the problem with `(x =
// null)` and checks a few other cases.
void assignNullRhs(int? x) {
if (x != (x = null)) {
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] Property 'isEven' cannot be accessed on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
void assignNullLhs(int? x) {
// In theory it would be sound to promote x in this case, because the
// assignment happens before the RHS is evaluated, but we prefer not to
// promote in order to be consistent with the `assignNullRhs` case.
if ((x = null) != x) {
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] Property 'isEven' cannot be accessed on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
void unrelatedVarRhs(int? x, Null n) {
if (x != n) {
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] Property 'isEven' cannot be accessed on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
void unrelatedVarLhs(int? x, Null n) {
if (n != x) {
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] Property 'isEven' cannot be accessed on 'int?' because it is potentially null.
main() {
unrelatedVarLhs(0, null);
unrelatedVarRhs(0, null);