blob: 05df3457ac02739130183b18809111dc99336da2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VMOptions=--optimization_counter_threshold=10
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
int initCalls = 0;
int init() {
return 123;
class Base {
late final int fieldWithInit;
class A extends Base {
late final int fieldWithInit = init();
int get superFieldWithInit => super.fieldWithInit;
class B {
late final int fieldWithNoInit;
main() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
Base a = A();
Expect.equals(0, initCalls);
Expect.equals(123, a.fieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
Expect.equals(123, a.fieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
// Setting Base.fieldWithInit once is ok but causes no calls to init().
a.fieldWithInit = 456;
Expect.equals(456, (a as A).superFieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(123, a.fieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
// Setting Base.fieldWithInit twice throws an error.
Expect.throws<Error>(() => {a.fieldWithInit = 789});
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
Expect.equals(123, a.fieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
initCalls = 0;
Base a2 = A();
Expect.equals(0, initCalls);
// Setting Base.fieldWithInit once is ok but causes no calls to init().
a2.fieldWithInit = 456;
Expect.equals(456, (a as A).superFieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(0, initCalls);
// Setting Base.fieldWithInit twice throws an error.
Expect.throws<Error>(() => {a2.fieldWithInit = 789});
Expect.equals(0, initCalls);
Expect.equals(123, a2.fieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(456, (a as A).superFieldWithInit);
Expect.equals(1, initCalls);
B b = B();
Expect.throws<Error>(() => b.fieldWithNoInit);
b.fieldWithNoInit = 123;
Expect.equals(123, b.fieldWithNoInit);
Expect.throws<Error>(() => {b.fieldWithNoInit = 456});
Expect.equals(123, b.fieldWithNoInit);
initCalls = 0;