blob: 47b58d14cb96a4b98aaa5537b2f7e68b6cb11634 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test parsing around ambiguities in grammar for explicit type instantiation.
// If an expression is followed by a `<`
// which is then followed by potential type arguments and a `>`,
// it is parsed as type arguments if the next token is one of
// `)`, `}`, `]`, `:`, `;`, `,`, `(`, `.`, `==` or `!=`.
// Otherwise it's (attempted) parsed as a `<` infix operator.
// This decision is made no matter whether what otherwise follows
// is valid for that choice.
typedef X<_> = Class;
typedef Z<_, __> = Class;
const Object? v = null;
const dynamic d = null;
class Class {
static Class get instance => Class();
Class get value => this;
Class call([_]) => this;
int f1<X>([_]) => 0;
int f2<X, Y>([_]) => 0;
int f3<X, Y, Z>([_]) => 0;
// Type of the instantiation of the functions above.
typedef F = int Function([Object? _]);
void expect1<T extends Object?>(T? a) {}
void expect2(Object? a, Object? b) {}
void expect3(Object? a, Object? b, Object? c) {}
void expect4(Object? a, Object? b, Object? c, Object? d) {}
// Anything goes!
// We only care about parsing here, if it parses,
// all objects support all the operations.
extension <T extends Object?> on T {
T get self => this;
dynamic get any => null;
Object? operator *(_) => null;
Object? operator -(_) => null;
Object? operator <(_) => null;
Object? operator >(_) => null;
Object? operator >>(_) => null;
Object? operator >>>(_) => null;
Object? operator [](_) => null;
Object? call<R, S>([_]) => null;
bool get asBool => true;
int get prop => 0;
set prop(int _) {}
void main() {
Object? as = "gotcha!"; // Built-in identifier declared as variable.
// Validly parsed as type instantiation.
// Continuation tokens are: `(`, `.`, `==` and `!=`.
expect1<Class>(Z<X, X>(2));
expect1<Class>(Z<X, X>.named(2));
expect1<Function>(Z<X, X>.named); // constructor tear-off
expect1<bool>(Z<X, X> == Class);
expect1<bool>(Z<X, X> != Class);
// Stop tokens are `)`, `,`, `}`, `]`, `:` and `;`.
expect1<Type>(Z<X, X>);
expect1<Type>(Z<X, X>,);
expect1<Set<Type>>({Z<X, X>});
expect1<List<Type>>([Z<X, X>]);
expect1<Type>(v.asBool ? Z<X, X> : int);
expect1<Map<Type, int>>({Z<X, X>: 1});
Type _ = Z<X, X>;
// Validly parsed as generic function instantiation.
expect1<int>(f2<X, X>(1));
expect1<F>(f2<X, X>.self);
expect1<int>(f2<X, X>.self());
expect1<bool>(f2<X, X> == null);
expect1<bool>(f2<X, X> != null);
expect1<F>(f2<X, X>);
expect1<F>(f2<X, X>,);
expect1<Set<F>>({f2<X, X>});
expect1<List<F>>([f2<X, X>]);
expect1<F>(v.asBool ? f2<X, X> : ([_]) => 2);
expect1<Map<F, int>>({f2<X, X> : 2});
F _ = f2<X, X>;
// Also works if ending in `>>` or `>>>`
expect1<Class>(Z<X, Z<X, X>>(2));
expect1<Class>(Z<X, Z<X, X>>.named(2));
expect1<Function>(Z<X, Z<X, X>>.named); // constructor tear-off
expect1<bool>(Z<X, Z<X, X>> == Class);
expect1<bool>(Z<X, Z<X, X>> != Class);
// Stop tokens are `)`, `,`, `}`, `]`, `:` and `;`.
expect1<Type>(Z<X, Z<X, X>>);
expect1<Type>(Z<X, Z<X, X>>,);
expect1<Set<Type>>({Z<X, Z<X, X>>});
expect1<List<Type>>([Z<X, Z<X, X>>]);
expect1<Type>(v.asBool ? Z<X, Z<X, X>> : int);
expect1<Map<Type, int>>({Z<X, Z<X, X>> : 1});
Type _ = Z<X, Z<X, X>>;
// Validly parsed as generic function instantiation.
expect1<int>(f2<X, Z<X, X>>(1));
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, X>>.self);
expect1<int>(f2<X, Z<X, X>>.self());
expect1<bool>(f2<X, Z<X, X>> == null);
expect1<bool>(f2<X, Z<X, X>> != null);
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, X>>);
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, X>>,);
expect1<Set<F>>({f2<X, Z<X, X>>});
expect1<List<F>>([f2<X, Z<X, X>>]);
expect1<F>(v.asBool ? f2<X, Z<X, X>> : ([_]) => 2);
expect1<Map<F, int>>({f2<X, Z<X, X>> : 2});
F _ = f2<X, Z<X, X>>;
expect1<Class>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>(2));
expect1<Class>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>.named(2));
expect1<Function>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>.named); // constructor tear-off
expect1<bool>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> == Class);
expect1<bool>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> != Class);
// Stop tokens are `)`, `,`, `}`, `]`, `:` and `;`.
expect1<Type>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>);
expect1<Type>(Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>,);
expect1<Set<Type>>({Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>});
expect1<List<Type>>([Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>]);
expect1<Type>(v.asBool ? Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> : int);
expect1<Map<Type, int>>({Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>: 1});
Type _ = Z<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>;
// Validly parsed as generic function instantiation.
expect1<int>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>(1));
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>.self);
expect1<int>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>.self());
expect1<bool>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> == null);
expect1<bool>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> != null);
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>);
expect1<F>(f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>,);
expect1<Set<F>>({f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>});
expect1<List<F>>([f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>]);
expect1<F>(v.asBool ? f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> : ([_]) => 2);
expect1<Map<F, int>>({f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>> : 2});
F _ = f2<X, Z<X, Z<X, X>>>;
// Parsed as instantiation, can't access statics on instantiated type literal.
expect1<Class>(Z<X, X>.instance);
// ^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Cannot access static member on an instantiated generic class.
// [analyzer] unspecified
// Not valid <typeList> inside `<..>`, so always parsed as operators.
// The expect2 function requires two arguments, so it would be a type
// error to parse as type arguments.
expect2(Z < X, 2 > (2));
expect2(Z < 2, X > (2));
expect2(Z < X, 2 > (2));
expect2(Z < X, v! > (2));
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, 2 >> (2));
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, 2 >>> (2));
// `as` is a built-in identifier, so it cannot be a *type*,
// preventing the lookahead from `<` from matching <typeList>,
// and therefore it's parsed as an operator.
expect2(Z < X, as > (2));
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, as >> (2));
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, as >>> (2));
// Validly parsed as operators due to disambiguation.
expect2(Z < X, X > X);
expect2(Z < X, X > 2);
expect2(Z < X, X > .2); // That `.` is part of the number literal, not a `.` token.
expect2(Z < X, X > -2);
expect2(Z < X, X > as);
expect2(Z < X, X > [1]);
expect2(Z < X, X > ![1].asBool);
expect2(Z < X, X > ++[1].prop);
expect2(Z < X, X > <int>[1]);
// Some would be valid as instantiation too, as proven by parenthefication.
expect1((Z<X, X>) - 2);
expect1((Z<X, X>)[1]);
expect1((Z<X, X>)![1].asBool); // ignore: unnecessary_non_null_assertion
// ^
// [cfe] Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'Type' which excludes null.
// Works if the type argument would end in `>>` or `>>>` too.
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> X);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> 2);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> .2);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> -2);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> as);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> [1]);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> ![1].asBool);
expect3(Z < X, Z < X, X >> ++[1].prop);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> X);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> 2);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> .2);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> -2);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> as);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> [1]);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> ![1].asBool);
expect4(Z < X, Z < X, Z < X, X >>> ++[1].prop);
// No valid parsing either way.
// Content of type arguments not valid types.
// Cannot parse as operators since grammar doesn't allow chaining.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// ^
// [cfe] Expected an identifier, but got ';'.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
X<2>.instance; // Not type argument.
// ^
// [cfe] Expected an identifier, but got '.'.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// ^
// [cfe] Expected an identifier, but got '.'.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// This would be invalid even if `X` had an `any` member. See next.
X<X>.any; // Invalid, Class does not have any static `any` member.
// ^^^
// [cfe] Member not found: 'any'.
// [analyzer] unspecified
X<X>.instance; // Does have static `instance` member, can't access this way.
// ^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] Cannot access static member on an instantiated generic class.
// [analyzer] unspecified
// Parse error.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// Doesn't parse as operators, would be valid if type arguments.
// The following `-` forces operators, but those can't parse like this.
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// Parsed as operators on function instantiation too (parsing doesn't know.)
f1<X> - 1;
// ^
// [cfe] A comparison expression can't be an operand of another comparison expression.
// Parsed as a generic invocation. Valid because of the `call` extension
// method on `Object?`.
expect1(v < X, X > (2));
// Parsed as a generic invocation. Valid because this is an *invocation*
// rather than an *instantiation*. We don't allow instantiation on `dynamic`,
// but we do allow calling.
expect1(d < X, X > (2));
// Valid only if parenthesized.
expect1((Z < X, X >) * 2);
// Valid only if parenthesized.
expect1((Z < X, X >) < 4);
// Since `v` has type `Object?`, this is an extension invocation of the
// implicit `call` tear off.
/**/ v<int, String>;