blob: f5bf11ee255ec08f7ff935c06bce5ade898e59c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Test that instance members are disallowed from static interop classes.
library member_test;
import 'package:js/js.dart';
class StaticJSClass {
external StaticJSClass();
external StaticJSClass.namedConstructor();
external factory StaticJSClass.externalFactory();
factory StaticJSClass.redirectingFactory() = StaticJSClass;
factory StaticJSClass.factory() => StaticJSClass();
static String staticField = 'staticField';
static String get staticGetSet => staticField;
static set staticGetSet(String val) => staticField = val;
static String staticMethod() => 'staticMethod';
external static String externalStaticField;
external static String get externalStaticGetSet;
external static set externalStaticGetSet(String val);
external static String externalStaticMethod();
external int get getter;
// ^
// [web] JS interop class 'StaticJSClass' with `@staticInterop` annotation cannot declare instance members.
external set setter(_);
// ^
// [web] JS interop class 'StaticJSClass' with `@staticInterop` annotation cannot declare instance members.
external int method();
// ^
// [web] JS interop class 'StaticJSClass' with `@staticInterop` annotation cannot declare instance members.
external int field;
// ^
// [web] JS interop class 'StaticJSClass' with `@staticInterop` annotation cannot declare instance members.
extension StaticJSClassExtension on StaticJSClass {
external String externalField;
external String get externalGetSet;
external set externalGetSet(String val);
external String externalMethod();
String get getSet => this.externalGetSet;
set getSet(String val) => this.externalGetSet = val;
String method() => 'method';