blob: 60b1719dc9b8fb4bf4065b694dd262e0256fd76d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This script provides a quick way, via the command line, to extract one of the
// resources encoded in the file lib/src/front_end/resources/resources.g.dart.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/utilities.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
main(List<String> args) {
var argResults = argParser.parse(args);
if (argResults['help'] as bool) {
fail(null, showUsage: true);
if ( {
fail('Unexpected extra arguments', showUsage: true);
bool list = argResults['list'] as bool;
String? path = argResults['path'] as String?;
String? resource = argResults['resource'] as String?;
if (list && resource != null) {
fail('Only one of --resource and --list may be provided');
} else if (!list && resource == null) {
fail('Either --resource or --list must be provided');
var file = locateResourcesFile(path);
var parseResult =
parseString(content: file.readAsStringSync(), path: file.path);
final variableNameRegExp = RegExp(r'^_(.*)_base64$');
for (var declaration in parseResult.unit.declarations) {
if (declaration is TopLevelVariableDeclaration) {
for (var variable in declaration.variables.variables) {
if (variable.initializer == null) continue;
var match = variableNameRegExp.matchAsPrefix(;
if (match == null) continue;
var shortName =;
if (list) {
} else if (resource == shortName) {
if (list) {
} else {
fail('Resource $resource not found in ${file.path}');
final argParser = ArgParser()
abbr: 'r', valueHelp: 'RESOURCE', help: 'Extract resource RESOURCE')
negatable: false, abbr: 'l', help: 'List which resources are present')
abbr: 'p',
valueHelp: 'PATH',
'Search for resources.g.dart inside PATH rather than current working '
..addFlag('help', negatable: false, abbr: 'h');
Uint8List decodeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclaration variable) {
var initializer = variable.initializer as StringLiteral;
var stringValue = initializer.stringValue!;
return base64.decode(stringValue.replaceAll('\n', '').trim());
void fail(String? message, {bool showUsage = false}) {
if (message != null) {
if (showUsage) {
usage: dart pkg/nnbd_migration/tool/codegen/extract_resource.dart -r <resource>
Reads the file `resources.g.dart` from the appropriate directory, extracts the
embedded resource named `<resource>`, and prints it to standard out.
/// Tries to guess the location of `resources.g.dart` using optional [pathHint]
/// as a starting point.
File locateResourcesFile(String? pathHint) {
pathHint ??= '.';
final pathParts =
var currentPath = path.normalize(pathHint);
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; i <= pathParts.length; i++) {
var pathToTry = path.normalize(path.join(
currentPath, path.joinAll(pathParts.sublist(pathParts.length - i))));
var file = File(pathToTry);
var type = file.statSync().type;
if (type == FileSystemEntityType.notFound && i == 0) {
fail('No such file or directory: $pathToTry');
if (type == {
type = File(file.resolveSymbolicLinksSync()).statSync().type;
if (type == FileSystemEntityType.file) {
return file;
if (currentPath == '.') {
currentPath = Directory.current.path;
var nextPath = path.dirname(currentPath);
if (nextPath == currentPath) {
fail('Could not find file `resources.g.dart` starting at $pathHint');
currentPath = nextPath;