blob: 38833b971d84b78593e82e7d14e93fa52f1ed515 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:nnbd_migration/instrumentation.dart';
String _computeElementName(Element? element) {
List<String> parts = [];
while (element != null && element is! CompilationUnitElement) {
var name =;
if (name == null || name.isEmpty) {
} else {
element = element.enclosingElement;
if (parts.isEmpty) {
assert(false, 'Could not compute a name for $element');
return '<unknown>';
return parts.reversed.join('.');
/// Data structure tracking information about which type in the user's source
/// code is referenced by a given nullability node.
abstract class NullabilityNodeTarget {
/// Creates a [NullabilityNodeTarget] referring to a particular element.
factory NullabilityNodeTarget.element(Element element) =
/// Creates a [NullabilityNodeTarget] with a simple text description.
factory NullabilityNodeTarget.text(String name) = _NullabilityNodeTarget_Text;
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing the bound of a type
/// parameter.
factory NullabilityNodeTarget.typeParameterBound(
TypeParameterElement element) = _NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeParameterBound;
/// The source code location associated with this target, if known. Otherwise
/// `null`.
CodeReference? get codeReference => null;
/// Gets a short description of this nullability node target suitable for
/// displaying to the user, not including a code reference.
String get description;
/// Same as [description], but if there is a [codeReference], it is included
/// after the description in parentheses.
String get displayName {
if (codeReference == null) return description;
return '$description (${codeReference!.shortName})';
NullabilityNodeTarget get supertype => _NullabilityNodeTarget_Supertype(this);
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing a named function
/// parameter of this target.
NullabilityNodeTarget namedParameter(String name) =>
_NullabilityNodeTarget_NamedParameter(this, name);
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing a positional function
/// parameter of this target.
NullabilityNodeTarget positionalParameter(int index) =>
_NullabilityNodeTarget_PositionalParameter(this, index);
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing a function return type
/// of this target.
NullabilityNodeTarget returnType() => _NullabilityNodeTarget_ReturnType(this);
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing a type argument of this
/// target.
NullabilityNodeTarget typeArgument(int index) =>
_NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeArgument(this, index);
/// Creates a new [NullabilityNodeTarget] representing the bound of a formal
/// function type parameter of this target.
NullabilityNodeTarget typeFormalBound(String typeFormalName) =>
_NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeFormalBound(this, typeFormalName);
/// Creates a [NullabilityNodeTarget] referring to a particular point in the
/// source code.
NullabilityNodeTarget withCodeRef(AstNode astNode) =>
_NullabilityNodeTarget_CodeRef(this, astNode);
/// Nullability node target representing a reference to a specific location in
/// source code.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_CodeRef extends NullabilityNodeTarget {
final NullabilityNodeTarget inner;
final CodeReference codeReference;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_CodeRef(this.inner, AstNode astNode)
: codeReference = CodeReference.fromAstNode(astNode),
String get description => inner.description;
/// Nullability node target representing the type of an element.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_Element extends NullabilityNodeTarget {
final String name;
final CodeReference codeReference;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_Element(Element element)
: name = _computeElementName(element),
codeReference = CodeReference.fromElement(element),
String get description => name;
/// Nullability node target representing the type of a named function parameter.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_NamedParameter
extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
final String name;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_NamedParameter(NullabilityNodeTarget inner,
: super(inner);
String get description => 'parameter $name of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target representing a type that forms part of a larger type
/// (e.g. the `int` part of `List<int>`).
abstract class _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part extends NullabilityNodeTarget {
final NullabilityNodeTarget inner;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_Part(this.inner) : super._();
CodeReference? get codeReference => inner.codeReference;
/// Nullability node target representing the type of a positional function
/// parameter.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_PositionalParameter
extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
final int index;
NullabilityNodeTarget inner, this.index)
: super(inner);
String get description => 'parameter $index of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target representing a function's return type.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_ReturnType extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
_NullabilityNodeTarget_ReturnType(NullabilityNodeTarget inner) : super(inner);
String get description => 'return type of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target representing one of a class's supertypes.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_Supertype extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
_NullabilityNodeTarget_Supertype(NullabilityNodeTarget inner) : super(inner);
String get description => 'supertype of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target for which we only know a string description.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_Text extends NullabilityNodeTarget {
final String name;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_Text( : super._();
String get description => name;
/// Nullability node target representing a type argument of an interface type or
/// or typedef.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeArgument extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
final int index;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeArgument(NullabilityNodeTarget inner, this.index)
: super(inner);
String get description => 'type argument $index of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target representing a bound of a function type's formal
/// type parameter.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeFormalBound
extends _NullabilityNodeTarget_Part {
final String typeFormalName;
NullabilityNodeTarget inner, this.typeFormalName)
: super(inner);
String get description =>
'bound of type formal $typeFormalName of ${inner.description}';
/// Nullability node target representing a type parameter bound.
class _NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeParameterBound extends NullabilityNodeTarget {
final String name;
_NullabilityNodeTarget_TypeParameterBound(TypeParameterElement element)
: name = _computeElementName(element),
String get description => 'bound of $name';